************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

today is the type of day i wish i had a girlfriend, i'm home alone with nothing on tv and trying to get it popping...might knock on my neighbors door to see if they need company lmao

also sent out the same text message to all my girls in the phone "hope you are okay during this crazy storm! if you need any company don't hesitate"

no dambs given.


NT is pulling for you, Dolt.

And while things are bad now, just imagine if the power goes out. My cell phone will only last me 3-4 hours.
so correct me if im wrong
we had a tsunami in hawaii
Earthquakes in Canada
and now this?
something not right has something like this happened before
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A suggestion: please tell us your location when you guys drop info in here, like if your power went out, I'm sure a lot of us would want to know where you guys are.
So far so good with the power. I'll have to charge my phone soon just in case. The winds have been heavy for a minute now. The intensity of the rain is slowly starting to pick up.
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they need to let these weather reporters go home. whats the point reporting from the coast and almost being blown off. cmon now.:smh:
Well con edison called my dad since he's the superintendent of the building and notify him that our building power will be shut off but it hasnt happen yet. Hopefully it doesnt, im playing 2k
heard the same thing but the power is still strong and running
were lucky so far we didn't lose power if we make it till 10 today we have a good chance of not losing it at all?
I'm in the queens village section of queens and I still have my power...still not rainin that much but it's od windy out there
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