************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

This hurricane is crazy. I spent 4 years in FL for college and unless it was a category 3 or 4 no one worried or even evacuated. But this category 1 has everyone here scared and is causing a bunch of damage. Atlantic City is already underwater and it didn't even hit land yet.
Still nothing crazy happening over here in wash heights. Just some strong wind gusts every once in a while
Winds are intense right now. Holy crap. Felt my bed rocking a bit.
I can make that bed rock without no hurricane papi
Where in the us is there always crazy weather like what u nyers are experiencing? Kinda sick of sunny year round weather
Anyone ever wonder why networks make newscasters stand out in the storm while reporting about it?  I was just watching some coverage about Sandy and the thought just popped into my head.
I'm in Yonkers, NY and the winds have drastically increased. Every few minutes or so all I hear are sirens. Be safe everyone!
Lights keep flickering too :\
Northeast, DC
Power still on.
Wind is starting to pick up
Wondering if I have enough time to play a game of 2K12.
Yes or no, should I do my HW? I have a paper to turn in tomorrow. I am NOT going to class for sure. I can just tell them I had no power. Professor should understand. I have an A in the class so that is in my favor.

DC you got a girl?
I'm by 127th in Harlem (was supposed to move tomm too), pretty windy, rain isn't heavy yet. Tree out front looks like its ready to snap though.
nothing TOO crazy yet

I'm btwn 123rd & 124th and it's nothing crazy at all, just some heavy rain and pretty windy. Nothing too different from a rainstorm, at this point.
my wife made some pollo guisado w/ white rice ( chicken stew ) and my daughter made a red velvet cake :smokin

chillin ..
Fairfax County, VA

Rain/wind strength has increased. Although light was flickering for a little bit, power is still on. Hopefully it stays this way and I get power through the night.
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