************Hurricane Sandy Thread************ vol. BE SAFE!!!

No work! Still getting paid! 
, guess I'll be catching up on a good book. Clean out my hard drive, work on organizing my movie library.

****Anyone else get the Evacuation text? My cousins have beach front property, they're boarding up the houses now.****
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hopefully there are no power outages.
Charging up everything now, just copped some flashlights, ice and two coolers this morning and took $2500 out the bank so I can have cash on hand in case something goes awry.
Charging up everything now, just copped some flashlights, ice and two coolers this morning and took $2500 out the bank so I can have cash on hand in case something goes awry.

I considered takin out a rack or so jus in case we need to hit the road or some shh. But for now both vehicles have gas. Have an ac convertor. Have extra cell batteries n extended charge power bank. Lots of water n non perishable foods... We good for like a week...

Hope I don't burn through toooo much of my tree stash tho, I can't fathom potentially 48hrs plus w/o power... :x
Biggest storm to ever hit the east coast.... Cat 1 cane. Giant noreqstern. Full moon... It's the perfect conditions to cripple power n roadways
you guys are ODin 

its not gonna be that bad....r-right?:frown:

thousands of lives will be lost.
trillions of dollars in damages.
major buildings will be destroyed.
may take a week or more to get power and running water to some areas.

Not srs.
Or am I?
Went to the store and stocked up on supplies. MTA is shut down and schools are closed so I have a day off. Hopefully its not too bad, hard to tell tho b/c the news acts so dramatic every time we have a storm and its never as bad as they claim it will be.
I just filled up the truck. I'm prepared. I wouldn't recommend filling up the fridge. If the power goes out than all of that food is spoiled. Nonperishable food is what you want.
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