I don't blame the white man for all he's done to rise to power in the world. Its human nature

all i'm going to say is there's lots of things they did that didn't HAVE to be done to create a successful living environment and prosperous new country, but that they did out of greed and the desire to run everything.
there's a difference between wanting to be successful and being power hungry and feeling entitled.
so i'd have to disagree w/ you.

We are in agreement.
No such thing. The game is far from over. 

Empires rise and fall. Civilizations come and go.

Empires and Civilizations never had the land mass we have, 300 million plus people, nuclear weapons, and the technology today (future technology as well).

Face it, America isn't going anywhere.
Empires and Civilizations never had the land mass we have, 300 million plus people, nuclear weapons, and the technology today (future technology as well).
Face it, America isn't going anywhere.
Nothing is forever my friend.  It will change one day.  Have you taken a history class?  But the same "mistakes" or decisions will be made by another group of people. 
all i'm going to say is there's lots of things they did that didn't HAVE to be done to create a successful living environment and prosperous new country, but that they did out of greed and the desire to run everything.
there's a difference between wanting to be successful and being power hungry and feeling entitled.
so i'd have to disagree w/ you.
that's my opinion. and i'm not coming back in here to argue it because when it comes to stuff like this NTers just annoy me and kill my vibe when a lot
of you don't know half about the subjects you debate on.
bye bye now.
I think you missed the point of the thread.

This is about the greed and desire.  Look throughout history man.  If they didn't do somebody else would.  So thats why in order to be on top where they are currently. They HAD to. 
NT sucks thanks to you, OP. Meth if you want to ban me go ahead I've got awesome white person stuff to do. Peace losers.
I am merely going off of what OP is implying in regards to the "white man". Surely as the white population continues to become outnumbered, we will see a change. But as of now for the sake of this post, the typical crutch used by many is that its all because of the white man
Yea i feel what you are saying.... and many times ppl use that as a reason to not even try at all. But that still doesnt excuse, change the facts... And i think thats the biggest hurdle, etc... whites etc.. ppl cant meet eye to eye on. Whites are like it isnt that bad its worse other places, such and such of your race made it so.... since a few made it all can make it and it doesnt exist isnt true etc... then you have minorities, who so called get accepted, or fall for the illusion of acceptance, and say well i made it etc... all can to, and if you cant dont, then you just didnt try hard enough, or you simply didnt try at all, and using the way things are as a excuse or a crutch.

To be devil advocate and be brutally honest, our society is setup for some ppl to simply not make it suceed, and fail regardless of their efforts and attempts to do otherwise. ppl seem to consciously/subconsciously overlook this, and also place ppl in many cases under the youre using the race card, you didnt try etc... you just wanna sit back and blame the "white man" and make no effort what so ever.

There is a reason certain laws, rules, society norms are the way they are, and basically target certain minorities, there is a reason why blacks since being in the usa % wise pretty much have stayed at the same place... I guess ppl subsconciously dont think about these things or think its some 300 odd years coincidence. Its a reason why certain mandates etc... are how they are. And why despite certain minor tweaks/changes etc... as far as the grand scheme/big picture of things, things pretty much have remained the same.

This system, this machine called america is designed in a certain way, to where a certain large race demographic has more opportunities, more access to wealth knowledge etc... and left small cracks etc... for a few minorities to slip thru. But i just hate when ppl overlook this and say because a few slipped thru the cracks... (which btw is designed to be this way) that the vast majority of the ones that didnt dont even try or even care. And then have the nerve to think it was because it was ultimately all themselves as to the reason they were one of the few that fell thru the cracks. and totally dismiss the fact that this system was designed well before they were even in existence for a few selected to fall thru the cracks.

Like yea there are gonna be some minority entrepeneurs...etc. but i being one of them also know while i damn sure worked hard to get to where i am, do realize that this system is designed to only allow a certain amount of use to so call make it. and it was a culmination of my hardwork, right place/right time etc... that let me be one of those few that was allowed.

Its kinda like picking players in a pick up game of bball. if a team has 4 white players, and they only can pick one other person and they choose a minority, and you were picked... does that mean that the other minorities suck, or arent any good etc... or didnt try etc... no, its just that the rules and the game was designed to only have 5 players on the court at one time, and if the team captain is white and want majority white players on his team... then....

So my point is regardless of how well the other minrties can play, etc... end of the day if the game by design dictates 5 players, the team captain is a certain race (white and he only wants 1 or maybe 2 minority players on his 5 man team) no matter how good (hard) the other minorities try/are they simply arent going to make the final cut, be on the team. That doesnt mean those that didnt make it suck, cant play, didnt try. 
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lol how are you going to say you don't blame people for doing horrific inhumane things to one another 
then say "i wont say it was right"

like saying hey u hear about that guy that raped those girls? rape is terrible but did u see that girl's ******* and booty? he saw somethin, and he went after it. it shows initiative! we're all driven by our natural animal urges like our drive for food and sex, so hey, i dont blame him! in fact i'd do the same because the means justified the ends and going on dates is expensive. this way i save money and time wasted on texting 

You can't be this stupid.


Wait, so ITT, blacks are blaming the white man for their lack of success??

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it's now ok to respect that dudes raped, killed, and stole just to gain land and power.
No respect here
How else to you get land and power? Buy it? Trade it? Ask for it? No.  The only way is the ski mask way
it's now ok to respect that dudes raped, killed, and stole just to gain land and power.
No respect here
i dont think he meant it as a he respected it moreso of he overstands, and acknowledge why they did what they did. I mean its alot of things ppl do and i understand the reasoning and the dichotomy of why they did what they did, that doesnt necessarily mean im rocking with them or giving them a cosign.I think thats what they were trying to relay. that its human nature to practice preservation, and try to rule,govern seek power etc... but doesnt respect the way inwhich they accomplished this.

Like i can respect a man that is trying to provide sustain himself and his family, but not respect the ways in which he does it ala if he is robbing ppl etc to do so. that i think is op point.
OP, you're contradicting yourself. You don't agree with all the decisions/actions the white man has done, however you can't blame them? What kind of mind set is this? You clarified understanding, well edit the post thoroughly. You're giving a bad impression.
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