I don't blame the white man for all he's done to rise to power in the world. Its human nature

any other race would've done the same thing if they were given the opportunity 
Thats up for debate, and at this point a hard thing to prove. to many things from a fiscal, and emotional aspect as well as many other aspects would be factored in. I think lets say a minority like spanish speaking cultures and blacks might due to the treatment they have endured to this point. But if none of these events past and present ever occured, and looking back to older civilizations etc... it doesnt look as if they would.

i cant honestly say that the native americans would have done to whites what whites did to them, because as history shows, they were in the position of the upperhand in terms as when whites first landed in america, and history doesnt display or show anything that suggest they were headed that direction. i mean i could go on and on, but the subject has to many variables and too many events that has happened over the course of time to kinda form an opinion on who would have done what to whom.
Disgusting :smh: it's now ok to respect that dudes raped, killed, and stole just to gain land and power.

No respect here
any other race would've done the same thing if they were given the opportunity 

Every other race did have the opportunity.

eh...check out Guns, Germs and Steel. Very interesting read/watch.

Just because they would've (and have) done the same doesn't make it acceptable.
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all i'm going to say is there's lots of things they did that didn't HAVE to be done to create a successful living environment and prosperous new country, but that they did out of greed and the desire to run everything.
there's a difference between wanting to be successful and being power hungry and feeling entitled.
so i'd have to disagree w/ you.
that's my opinion. and i'm not coming back in here to argue it because when it comes to stuff like this NTers just annoy me and kill my vibe when a lot
of you don't know half about the subjects you debate on.
bye bye now.
partially true... they kinda did, in a certain period of time and one cant even argue this now in terms of original english countries... that the only commodoties those whites had were things of distruction ala weapons, drugs (alcohol etc) diseases. So essentially they used what resources they had. And all of those things pretty much for most part are used for evil. When you look at how things were at a certain period of time and even now in terms of natural resources, knowledge, etc... life commodities, most of the valued quinnesentials of sustaining life the coutries in which whites were of a majority didnt have many if any of these things, and they had little to offer to trade/barter for these things.

So im guessing and simply just that my opinion, we have no crops/no natural resources, things essential for life. these other ppl do, they wanna trade, we have nothing to offer, but we do have drugs diseases, and guns, why trade it when we can use these thigs to take what they have and still keep what we have...seeing as they wouldnt trade for what we have because they have no use for them. Not to mention alot of the social norms and things we so call are standards and codes of ethics etc... didnt exist. And the moral compass etc was different as it is to now.

Then yu have to factor in nce they got that power, just as most ppl who were once oppressed, and had know power or came from nothing to something, will do just about any and everything to never go back to that state they once were in. And thus thats what they did/are doing.
Agreed, it's human nature. White people weren't the first to do so. They won't be the last.


Typical race thread on NT. White people get thrown all into the same stereotype/category and %75 of people cosign. Its all good though, eventually most of you will realize not everyone is out to get you. In all reality, I'm not living any better than most of y'all. I voted for Obama too so yeah there goes that.
Europeans were the original slaves, the neglected branch of the human family.

Surrounded on all sides by people of melanin, they struck back at the world with a savage fear fueled vengeance.

Are the atrocities that they have committed human nature? Some would say so, others would say that there is an upper and lower level to the human consciousness. Those bloody stains on the timeline of human existence, marking the ultimate manifestation of mankind's lower self.

Others with a deeper understanding might say that life is about transcending humanity in the pursuit of divinity and Europeans lacked this understanding and science.

I see where OP is coming from but his perspective is bit skewed.
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Just remember, black people sold your ancestors into slavery in the first place
this is somewhat true, but ppl tend to overlook and not even factor in all the circumstances surrounding the events. One that was more of servitude and nowhere in the same realm as slavery was in terms of blacks in america. two africans didnt create and build a civilization, and society on the premise of having a certain group of ppl always in power based on race/religion, cultural beliefs, and to forever oppress any and all others, who dont fall into their category. Africans and as far as i know of no other large empire created a society, rules, laws, social norms, moralities, religious beliefs, pretty much every aspect of life, solely to oppress, mistreat, demonize, ostricize, entire races that are outside of their own. And even do the same to their own, if they arent inline with a certain selected group of their race.
Empires and Civilizations never had the land mass we have, 300 million plus people, nuclear weapons, and the technology today (future technology as well).
Face it, America isn't going anywhere.
I do hope you are trolling... right?

Dat hubris

Look up the USSR: more land, +290M people, nukes out the ***, basically one step behind the US in so many ways. And yet they disappeared overnight.
You know what upsets me though is that other races look as dark skin as inferior or like we are all violent people i hate that
Typical race thread on NT. White people get thrown all into the same stereotype/category and %75 of people cosign. Its all good though, eventually most of you will realize not everyone is out to get you. In all reality, I'm not living any better than most of y'all. I voted for Obama too so yeah there goes that.
true but we dont use this logic in any other aspect of life... a man cant rob a bank and say oh well what i did shouldnt count cause hel i aint the first bank robber, how bout a rapist, or any violation, ills in life, are we really saying oh we should overlook things ills done because of who did what first? Ok so lets say someone god forbid kills one of your family members, and they are let free and no justice is serve simply on the premise of they arent the first person to ever commit a murder, or if someone in your family has comitted a murder and they said oh well one of your family members did it so you should be cool accept that i did it. and just simply get over it. Im pretty sure youll be like oh well its cool i understand and go on about your day.
Europeans were the original slaves, the neglected branch of the human family.
Surrounded on all sides by people of melanin, they struck back at the world with a savage fear fueled vengeance.
Are the atrocities that they have committed human nature? Some would say so, others would say that there is an upper and lower level to the human consciousness. Those bloody stains on the timeline of human existence, marking the ultimate manifestation of mankind's lower self.
Others with a deeper understanding might say that life is about transcending humanity in the pursuit of divinity and Europeans lacked this this understanding and science.
I see where OP is coming from but his perspective is bit skewed.
The knowledge is hidden in plain sight.
true but we dont use this logic in any other aspect of life... a man cant rob a bank and say oh well what i did shouldnt count cause hel i aint the first bank robber, how bout a rapist, or any violation, ills in life, are we really saying oh we should overlook things ills done because of who did what first? Ok so lets say someone god forbid kills one of your family members, and they are let free and no justice is serve simply on the premise of they arent the first person to ever commit a murder, or if someone in your family has comitted a murder and they said oh well one of your family members did it so you should be cool accept that i did it. and just simply get over it. Im pretty sure youll be like oh well its cool i understand and go on about your day.

Would it be OK for my Grandchildren to hate his Grandchildren?
Typical race thread on NT. White people get thrown all into the same stereotype/category and %75 of people cosign. Its all good though, eventually most of you will realize not everyone is out to get you. In all reality, I'm not living any better than most of y'all. I voted for Obama too so yeah there goes that.
If you can't understand that just by being white you have an advantage in life then you don't understand this thread.

Nobody say you were guaranteed success but you have "natural" advantage at this point in history. Voting for Obama has nothing to do with this 

No sure how you came to the conclusion that white people are getting thrown in the same boat.  Alot of good points are being discussed in here and if that makes you uncomfortable then....welp
I do hope you are trolling... right?

Dat hubris

Look up the USSR: more land, +290M people, nukes out the ***, basically one step behind the US in so many ways. And yet they disappeared overnight.

They disappeared? Go read what you're recommending - What happened to the USSR? They lost a little bit of land and turned into Russia. Russia is still one of the most powerful countries in the world. They still have all of their weapons and nukes from the USSR. All they really did was change their economic system because communism wasn't working.

They didn't disappear, they reformed.
Would it be OK for my Grandchildren to hate his Grandchildren?
if that family being the one that did the killing somehow had an advatage or a better more comfortable way of living because of it, and yours because of that event suffered directly and indirectly for it.

Its like if i sold dope, and helped out an entire community because of it, simply putting me jail effects all those present and future who benefited from me selling dope. To the girl who i payed college for, who would eventually have got a good career, that translated to them making/paving an easy road for her children, to the grandmother/parents i took care of that was sick, that i know longer could care for fiscally, and as such the grandson had to drop out of school to help the family thus not able to finish school go to college etc... so on and so forth... see one single act can ultimately effect not just that one person but all ppl surrounding them present and future.

This happens in other facist of life, such as girls who had no real man as a father figure, or a father act all, often times and in most cases it just doesnt affect just her, but her kids, her kids kids, then they get married etc.. have kids then effects other families, which in eventually multitudes into affecting a community, then a nation at large.
Europeans were the original slaves, the neglected branch of the human family.
Surrounded on all sides by people of melanin, they struck back at the world with a savage fear fueled vengeance.
Are the atrocities that they have committed human nature? Some would say so, others would say that there is an upper and lower level to the human consciousness. Those bloody stains on the timeline of human existence, marking the ultimate manifestation of mankind's lower self.
Others with a deeper understanding might say that life is about transcending humanity in the pursuit of divinity and Europeans lacked this understanding and science.
I see where OP is coming from but his perspective is bit skewed.
this is practiced today in everyday life in a more smaller close to home scale... a man who is abused mentally etc... hurt from work emotionally/physically take it out on his wife, she inturns take it out on their child, the child goes to school, does the same to another student and he takes it home and take it out on his own family (own ppl)... hurt ppl hurt ppl. its always been that way. And usually when a person who is abused by their own etc... they usually dont fight back take it out on the abuser if its their own family, rather they take it out in a negative way on others outside their family they deem envious, jealous of, see different, or see something inside/outside that person group of ppl that they are being abused for ala reflection of their own self hatred....
I agree OP, I think part of it is human nature/instinct. Problem is...as humans, we share the capacity for concious thought, the capability to reason. To understand right from wrong. These people were not altoghether controlled, nor their actions dictated by human nature. These people knew what they were doing and so should be blamed. By writing these actions off as simply human nature you're taking the blame out of their hands and ultimately giving them a pass.
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