I don't blame the white man for all he's done to rise to power in the world. Its human nature

I understand what you're saying OP, although I disagree.

The argument you made though does make me wonder how we are able to live the lives we do today we all the corruptness and evilness in the world.
Jan Vesley is "white" and the Wizards are about to fall to 0-9.....I don't see the advantage.
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I agree OP, I think part of it is human nature/instinct. Problem is...as humans, we share the capacity for conscious thought, the capability to reason. To understand right from wrong. These people were not altogether controlled, nor their actions dictated by human nature. These people knew what they were doing and so should be blamed. By writing these actions off as simply human nature you're taking the blame out of their hands and ultimately giving them a pass.
true but i honestly believe that so called right and wrong isnt in terms of what is and isnt, a universal thing across the board. i was looking at a special of newborn babies, and their reactions to certain things that related to what we deemed as good behavior, things that western civilization say is right and wrong. and some based on different races etc many factors saw things and reacted to them different, their where some instances where they showed a white baby images of certain races and they gave negative reactions to some, and some more then others, i mean i wish i could tell you the study, i know part of it was on a 60 minutes special. I think a lot of it is based on product of environment, genetics, society/social norms etc... as well as a myriad of other reasons. And im not sure what all those factors where at that period of time. I cant apply those factors in THIS day and age to a different day and age in a different way of life
I am not a Muslim, but this thread reminds me of this...
[h1] [/h1]
[h1]Yakub[/h1][h2]The story[/h2]
Yakub is said[sup][citation needed][/sup]  to have been born in what would become Mecca  (founded in 2000 B.C.) at a time when 30% of original black people were "dissatisfied". He was a member of the Meccan branch of the Tribe of Shabazz. At the age of six, he discovered the law of attraction and repulsion by playing withmagnets  made of steel.[sup][1][/sup]  This insight led to a dastardly plan to create new people. He "saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man."[sup][1][/sup]  By the age of 18 he had exhausted all knowledge in the universities of Mecca. He then discovered that the "original black man" contained both a "black germ" and a "brown germ". With 59,999 followers he went to the island of Patmos, where he established adespotic  regime and set about breeding out the black traits, killed all darker babies and created a brown race after 200 years. After 600 years of this deliberate eugenics the white race was created.[sup][2][/sup]

According to The Autobiography of Malcolm X, all the races other than the black race were byproducts of Yakub's work, however, the "black race" included all Asian peoples, considered to be shared ancestors of the Moors. "Whites" were defined as Europeans. The latter category includes such black Jews as Beta Israel.

According to NOI doctrine, Yakub's progeny were destined to rule for 6,000 years before the original black peoples of the world regained dominance, a process that had begun in 1914.[sup][3][/sup][sup][4][/sup][sup][5][/sup]

The Autobiography  further notes that, in Malcolm X's travels in the Middle East, many Muslims reacted with shock upon hearing about the doctrine of Yakub, which, while present in NOI theology, does not appear in mainstream Islam.[sup][page needed][/sup]

You do know that Whites statistically receive more than double than Blacks on Welfare?
Yes.  And for some reason I don't think Bill does or he chooses to pretend not to know as well.

in the context of that rant by him "people want things" was him saying "poor/minorities want hand outs" when in reality people are just trying to play on an equal playing field. 
Strong post, i actually feel the same way. They played the game and won to an extent. On the other hand, i don't blame the white man for my problems either. We all have the ability to achieve greatness, some just decide to use the same generic excuse for mediocrity.
There you have it!
I've been busting my *** for six years now! From security, $9.50/hr, to installing and servicing medical accessibility now. Only now I finally have a job that is paying around $43K this year and around $50K next year. If i get the promised raise.

OP: I'm a single white guy that came from a broken home without any privileges. I struggle every day to get ahead and can never seem to get out of the hole. Then again I do have a nasty shoe collection! However I have given up a lot of **** to have that...Eating out, drinking, partying, or anything that costs money, etc... Really my questions is why do you think white men have anything easier then you today?
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There you have it!

OP: I'm a single white guy that came from a broken home without any privileges. I struggle every day to get ahead and can never seem to get out of the hole. Then again I do have a nasty shoe collection! However I have given up a lot of **** to have that...Eating out, drinking, partying, etc... Really my questions is why do you think white men have anything easier then you today?
somebody else....maybe my man Shoelyesses S. Rant can educate you my brother.  
all i'm going to say is there's lots of things they did that didn't HAVE to be done to create a successful living environment and prosperous new country, but that they did out of greed and the desire to run everything.
there's a difference between wanting to be successful and being power hungry and feeling entitled.
so i'd have to disagree w/ you.
that's my opinion. and i'm not coming back in here to argue it because when it comes to stuff like this NTers just annoy me and kill my vibe when a lot
of you don't know half about the subjects you debate on.
bye bye now.
somebody else....maybe my man Shoelyesses S. Rant can educate you my brother.  
I wasn't trying to come off as "ranting" or anything like that. Just trying to understand your point of view. I'm very open minded and respectful of everyone here and their opinons.
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OneSickRetro you really don't see how you being born a white male in 2012 would give you an advantage in life?  I'm just don't see how you would need this explained especially if you read my original post to start the thread
powerballin really needs to see a psychiatrist before he commits a hate crime or shoots up the post office!
OneSickRetro you really don't see how you being born a white male in 2012 would give you an advantage in life?  I'm just don't see how you would need this explained especially if you read my original post to start the thread
I'm just saying in terms of my life as a whole things have been pretty freaking hard up until now and they are still a struggle. I think in 2012 we all share in "the struggle".
There you have it!
I've been busting my *** for six years now! From security, $9.50/hr, to installing and servicing medical accessibility now. Only now I finally have a job that is paying around $43K this year and around $50K next year. If i get the promised raise.

OP: I'm a single white guy that came from a broken home without any privileges. I struggle every day to get ahead and can never seem to get out of the hole. Then again I do have a nasty shoe collection! However I have given up a lot of **** to have that...Eating out, drinking, partying, or anything that costs money, etc... Really my questions is why do you think white men have anything easier then you today?
Thing is you no offense and of lot of whites see having an advantage/opportunity and not being advantages of it, is the same as being disadvantaged because at the end both are essentially are in the same place. Thats like being in a race and you get a head start, or your starting line is a few meters ahead of the next man, and you and the next man dont come in first, and then you say oh me having a head start/ me having a starting line a few meters doesnt matter, because just like the next man i didnt come in first place either. And choose to overlook that you had an advantage and if the next man had that advantage could he ended up being in first place winning the race/ or at the very least ended the race ahead of you or was placed the same time as you did.

The fact that you are white you historically past/present and as far as things are now have an advantage. as far as broken home etc... that wasnt because an entire country society and race of ppl designed a system,economy and society to place you in that position, it was because of individuals before you, in your immediate family direct decisions and choices that placed you in the position you were in.

Thats like saying someone jumping infront of a shootout is the same as someone caught unexpectedly in a crossfire, one person direct actions and personal choices placed them in harms way, the other was based on circumstance and chance beyond their control. To say both deaths are the same because the end result is both died... is a misconstrued and distorted view of looking at things.  
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Gotcha! What "advantages" do you think white people have right now? I live in South, Fl and it seems everyone is struggling and there are blacks. whites, hispanics, etc all in the same positions of class/work from waiter to CEO around here. Just saying.
I'm just saying in terms of my life as a whole things have been pretty freaking hard up until now and they are still a struggle. I think in 2012 we all share in "the struggle".
So what this isn't about you. This is about your demographic.  You are a white male.  If you life is hard now imagine your "hard" life plus being stopped by the police, being passed on jobs, provoked by people and having to remain calm. being accused of things you didn't or never would do, etc. 
So what this isn't about you. This is about your demographic.  You are a white male.  If you life is hard now imagine your "hard" life plus being stopped by the police, being passed on jobs, provoked by people and having to remain calm. being accused of things you didn't or never would do, etc. 
I get stopped by the police a lot more then most. I get at least two tickets a year for doing nothing. It seems you have a lot of hate for those that are doing better then you in life etc... I was recently called a "***** cracker" for no reason. Did i let it bother me. Not at all. Laughed in the dudes face and walked away. those things you speak of happen to all of us.
I get stopped by the police a lot more then most. I get at least two tickets a year for doing nothing. It seems you have a lot of hate for those that are doing better then you in life etc... I was recently called a "***** cracker" for no reason. Did i let it bother me. Not at all. Laughed in the dudes face and walked away. those things you speak of happen to all of us.
You just don't get it my friend.  Hope others have the energy to educate you because I dont.

Go read the thread Meth posted in about Drug enforcement laws it should still be on the 1st page.

Its funny you think I have "hate" built but i'm a black man that started a thread explaining how I understand whites involvement in slavery, stealing land, and other horrific acts. 

Its weird you refuse to realize that no matter how hard your life is there is a black guy JUST like you and his life is even harder because of something simple as his skin color.  
I think EVERYONE is on the hard side no matter what skin color they are in this economy. I mean its 2012 and we have a second term BLACK President of the United States of America....Man we off tha!!!!

I will also agree with you that racism lives on however it's not to any one race anymore...
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