I don't blame the white man for all he's done to rise to power in the world. Its human nature

Gotcha! What "advantages" do you think white people have right now? I live in South, Fl and it seems everyone is struggling and there are blacks. whites, hispanics, etc all in the same positions of class/work from waiter to CEO around here. Just saying.
see your missing or maybe ignoring or who knows. you having an advantage and not being aware of it, not using it, or losing it isnt the same as being disadvantaged. Nor does it change the fact you had/have a disadvantage. Am i saying all white ppl have it easy and a cakewalk no... But if life is like the window of opportunity, you cant say its the same for you if the you are in the neighborhood, on the property, infront of the window, and the window is held up for you, if you cant figure out how to get into the window, or because of your individual actions aka gaining weight etc doing things on your on decisions that makes it where u cant fit into said window of opportunity, isnt the same as a person who isnt told where said neighborhood is with the house that has the window of opportunity, and even if you find it arent told what house it is or have to find it, and then once you find it, its locked, and then when you somehow unlock it, its someone on the other side trying there damnest to prevent you from coming in the window of opportunity. And they succeed in preventing that person from doing so.

The two individuals journey and reason why they couldnt get to the other side arent quite the same and to say they are is kinda jaded, and insensitive,amongst other things
I think EVERYONE is on the hard side no matter what skin color they are in this economy. I mean its 2012 and we have a second term BLACK President of the United States of America....Man we off tha!!!!

I will also agree with you that racism lives on however it's to any one race anymore...
  Ahhh yes the Black President card.  Obama being in office has evened all playing fields!  

Please stop man.  
  Ahhh yes the Black President card.  Obama being in office has evened all playing fields!  

Please stop man.  
Never said it evened out anything. Just that racism now-a-days can be directed to anyone not just black people.
OneSickRetro you really don't see how you being born a white male in 2012 would give you an advantage in life?  I'm just don't see how you would need this explained especially if you read my original post to start the thread

My problem with this is rather than making the assumption that being born a white male automatically gives every single one an advantage, you have to look at socioeconomic and other factors. Does a white male born to a single mother below the poverty line in an area with substandard schools have an advantage over a minority whose parents are upper class and live in the suburbs with blue-ribbon schools? I know that's extreme and yes, that minority will most likely still face obstacles but it's a little unfair to say that all whites have an advantage.

You two put people, white & minority with similar cicumstances and no doubt the white person has many advantages, it's just not fair to assume skin color makes life easy simply because of "white privilege" (which has become the buzz word term on NT over the past year).

There were a ton of atrocities that were committed by white people due to greed, human nature, heartlessness, racism, whatever it may be to get us where we are today and there are a lot still occurring. I don't disagree with the overall thoughts but I don't think you can lump all people of any group together without some injustice. It's nothing like racism for example but not everyone has this silver spoon at birth nor is their life paved in gold.
My problem with this is rather than making the assumption that being born a white male automatically gives every single one an advantage, you have to look at socioeconomic and other factors. Does a white male born to a single mother below the poverty line in an area with substandard schools have an advantage over a minority whose parents are upper class and live in the suburbs with blue-ribbon schools? I know that's extreme and yes, that minority will most likely still face obstacles but it's a little unfair to say that all whites have an advantage.
Everything you said makes sense.  White privilege is comparing a person of color with the same background to white person with the same background.  THATS THE DEFINITION

Me or anybody of any intelligence would ever say being white automatically makes your life gravy. 

Not sure why that concept is so hard to grasp or understand without being taken out of context
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My problem with this is rather than making the assumption that being born a white male automatically gives every single one an advantage, you have to look at socioeconomic and other factors. Does a white male born to a single mother below the poverty line in an area with substandard schools have an advantage over a minority whose parents are upper class and live in the suburbs with blue-ribbon schools? I know that's extreme and yes, that minority will most likely still face obstacles but it's a little unfair to say that all whites have an advantage.
You two put people, white & minority with similar cicumstances and no doubt the white person has many advantages, it's just not fair to assume skin color makes life easy simply because of "white privilege" (which has become the buzz word term on NT over the past year).
There were a ton of atrocities that were committed by white people due to greed, human nature, heartlessness, racism, whatever it may be to get us where we are today and there are a lot still occurring. I don't disagree with the overall thoughts but I don't think you can lump all people of any group together without some injustice. It's nothing like racism for example but not everyone has this silver spoon at birth nor is their life paved in gold.
My problem with this is rather than making the assumption that being born a white male automatically gives every single one an advantage, you have to look at socioeconomic and other factors. Does a white male born to a single mother below the poverty line in an area with substandard schools have an advantage over a minority whose parents are upper class and live in the suburbs with blue-ribbon schools?

There isnt an assumption... again just because you for all intense purposes dont see the advantage, dont use it or lose it doesnt negate the fact you ever had it... Second in terms of your hypothetical situation... lets use a white male, being in a trouble situation is based on his/or his direct family parents individual decisions/actions/and choices that placed him in that position. Therefore he under his own freewill gave up and decided not to use his advantages. thus is now at a disadvantage, This isnt the same as a society, a culture, a nation that was built constructed, and created to place you at a disadvantage.

Again alot of you are saying bad choices etc.. poor decisions which results in a bad position is one in the same as being placed against your will in a bad position.

Thats like saying a person who blows a opportunity to go to college is the same as a person who isnt afforded the opportunity to go to college simply because the end results is neither guys went to college.

Like i said before being in compromising position because of your actions etc... isnt the same as being placed in a compromising position.

You two put people, white & minority with similar cicumstances and no doubt the white person has many advantages, it's just not fair to assume skin color makes life easy simply because of "white privilege"

The underlined portion pretty much sums it up... i for one never said it makes life easy.... regardless of money race etc... life has trials/tribulations hardships and heartaches for ppl and that has absolutely nothing to do with race. But those aforementioned universal struggles that all individuals have whites dont recieve those because of the color of their skin/nor because of a society/a system/a nation/ a structure and way of life created these struggles specifically for them. they just have them solely on its a part of life. and that is the thing many/hell ill even say most whites dont acknowledge, overlook, dont care, or simply refuse to acknowledge.
Did not read the rest of the post but man slavery was the smartest idea ever followed very closely by allowing the light skin blacks in the house and making the dark skinned black people stay outside (divide and conquer). I am black BTW but this is just simple logic, cruel as hell but very logical.
It's an equal arguement on either side honestly....

Yes, white privilege is the ultimate result of countless years in violence, mockery, and degredation of minority races which is equated to some TRULY EVIL behavior and action ALL AROUND THE WORLD, in this case the US. 

But, to OPs defense, if you were to switch roles, in which the current minority had to choose to mock, degrade, and violently harrass the white man in order to establish power before what would INEVITABLY would be a surge by the white man at some point to establish power themselves, WOULDNT THEY DO THE SAME? It's a pretty solid hypothetical.....

Yet, as a minority, I can't say that I "can't blame the white men" because there surely are things that their privilege continues to evoke that are underlying parts of society today and it can't be dismissed.

But, eh I'm all about the love, them white yambs aint never done me wrong. 
honestly you dont understand, we are currently a type 0 civilization (the lowest form of mass communities) how can you reference survival of the fittest and competition but not acknowledge that we are all one species? whatever "accomplishments" you think white people (or even people) have made are weak

think of everything that isn't known and compare it to everything we know

you off 5, white people/people dont control anything, they're/we're still working with what we have
It's an equal arguement on either side honestly....

Yes, white privilege is the ultimate result of countless years in violence, mockery, and degredation of minority races which is equated to some TRULY EVIL behavior and action ALL AROUND THE WORLD, in this case the US. 

But, to OPs defense, if you were to switch roles, in which the current minority had to choose to mock, degrade, and violently harrass the white man in order to establish power before what would INEVITABLY would be a surge by the white man at some point to establish power themselves, WOULDNT THEY DO THE SAME? It's a pretty solid hypothetical.....

Yet, as a minority, I can't say that I "can't blame the white men" because there surely are things that their privilege continues to evoke that are underlying parts of society today and it can't be dismissed.

But, eh I'm all about the love, them white yambs aint never done me wrong. 
i wouldnt say its a solid hypothetical, moreso as it is a unsound justification, for doing wrong. its in the same sense when ppl say oh i only stole etc...sold drugs because of etc...(various scenarios/situation). Yet as we all know that doesnt fly at all...lol. That would be like iuno a mexican where to say oh well judge, as you know how america is etc... so forth and so on,and because of this i had to sell dope in order to survive/provide for my family,and then followed that with if you were in my shoes (judge being white) and was mexican etc you would probably do the same.

I dont see how one is dismissed and the scenario/proposed notion you stated should be even entertained.
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