I Guess Birdman's Son Doesn't Have Cookies?

We gonna forget about all this **** **** by the end of the year but any dollar he made is still gonna be there.

Idk why people still worry so much about image in 2016.

"Image" sells albums, shows and endorsements which is important if he is going to continue to rap.

Ask Meek Mill what happens when the fan base or potential rap fan base starts seeing you as a joke.

I would still buy a meek album but I think it's commercial stuff sucks.

Y'all can have that early Cash Money (and No Limit for that matter) sound. That **** was the end of the Golden Era. 97% straight basura.
You white tho. That's the only thing that matters regarding this frivolous statement.
In your feels or are you butthurt? 

hes right tho...and you from Minnesota so like really you are out of your loop. 
white people have an opinion too my man. thats mad ignorant to tell dude he cant contribute his opinion because hes white. if the shoe was on the other foot then we'd have the pitch forks out calling him the KKK.
lets just enjoy the convo instead of bringing out the race stuff.
bruh to say No Limit and Cash Money era wasnt the truth is just straight crazy talk. so honestly his background does play a role in it. i mean i hate the white part had to come up, but that plays a part in the conversation. 

but i digress back to the topic. 
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[QUOTE name="Chopper" url="[URL]http://niketalk.com/t/647837/i-guess-birdmans-son-doesnt-have-cookies/480#post_25682530[/URL]"]

Y'all can have that early Cash Money (and No Limit for that matter) sound. That **** was the end of the Golden Era. 97% straight basura.

You white tho. That's the only thing that matters regarding this frivolous statement.

In your feels or are you butthurt? 

hes right tho...and you from Minnesota so like really you are out of your loop. 

white people have an opinion too my man. thats mad ignorant to tell dude he cant contribute his opinion because hes white. if the shoe was on the other foot then we'd have the pitch forks out calling him the KKK.

lets just enjoy the convo instead of bringing out the race stuff.

bruh to say No Limit and Cash Money era wasnt the truth is just straight crazy talk. so honestly his background does play a role in it. i mean i hate the white part had to come up, but like that plays a part in the conversation. 

It doesn't. White people buy the heck out of black music.
There used to be a stereotype that white people purchased music while blacks people just bootlegged it.

His skin color doesn't count as background. Him being from Minn could tho. The fact that he knows and listens to the music allows him to have an opinion.

I'm pretty sure some black people share his views also whether it's crazy or not.
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We gonna forget about all this **** **** by the end of the year but any dollar he made is still gonna be there.

Idk why people still worry so much about image in 2016.

"Image" sells albums, shows and endorsements which is important if he is going to continue to rap.

Ask Meek Mill what happens when the fan base or potential rap fan base starts seeing you as a joke.

We talking about Birdman right?

The guy who kissed Wayne on the lips?

Folks memory's aint even long enough nowadays for something minor like this to really hurt.
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It doesn't. White people buy the heck out of black music.
There used to be a stereotype that white people purchased music while blacks people just bootlegged it.

His skin color doesn't count as background. Him being from Minn could tho. The fact that he knows and listens to the music allows him to have an opinion.

I'm pretty sure some black people share his views also whether it's crazy or not.
you got it bruh. 
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It's a publicity stunt... And where do you see him turning the L into a W?  If he makes a few thousand?  He took the loss because he is now looked at as a joke by his own hands.  I am guessing you don't understand that though.  His rap career and overall career is going to take a hit.  

Yea... brilliant.

Word! Someone in here mentioned that the "goons" were actually his artists. Instead of him using that opportunity to promote his crew and his album, it turned into a big joke. So he might be making a lil change off those shirts, but that fails in comparison to potential album sales, and shows that he could have gotten from a real interview. He missed an opportunity to reach millions of people in over 50 markets on a nationally syndicated radio show, not to mention the millions of viewers worldwide who watch the interviews online.

That fake tough guy stunt cost a lot more in the long run.
Word! Someone in here mentioned that the "goons" were actually his artists. Instead of him using that opportunity to promote his crew and his album, it turned into a big joke. So he might be making a lil change off those shirts, but that fails in comparison to potential album sales, and shows that he could have gotten from a real interview. He missed an opportunity to reach millions of people in over 50 markets on a nationally syndicated radio show, not to mention the millions of viewers worldwide who watch the interviews online.

That fake tough guy stunt cost a lot more in the long run.
Yall really believe stuff like this???
OH MY GAWWWWWWWWWDDDD!! Please Tell Us That Birdman Got HACKED . . . Or Something . . . Cause Look What They’re Saying That He Posted And Deleted From His INSTAGRAM!!

I mean if both parties walked away from this:

A few memes is nothing...
I'm from NOLA and I always thought there is just no coming back from this pic. Kissing another man in the mouth ( even with that BS gangster excuse ) is never acceptable. Dude was always suspect to me. Now people finally starting to realize Baby and Bishop Eddie Long are the same people. 
I think its okay to kiss your son... but after a certain age nah bruh lmao
You wrong b, I got mad love for you but you need to switch from nikes to reeboks ha
When ppl say early Cash Money/No Limit, I think 95-96, and NYC was def not rocking to that. Kast and DF was a diff story.

late 90's- early 2000's a few heads were up on it but mostly youngins.

CM/NL had some airplay and club spins cause broads loved shaking to it and we loved watching them, some rappers realized they could expand their market as well, but NYC wasn't too receptive to this wave, especially older heads.

And I don't think too many heads outside of NO was rocking with the 2nd and 3rd tier NL cats who were dropping every week.
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