I just got kicked out of my house

Originally Posted by Jays585

Crank is the funniest dude no d ride.

What he said wasn't that funny though. I mean dude's really funny but I this is a blatant d ride. Gotta call em like I see em!
if you're only making 150 a week you need to stop getting high on your own supply.

and don't move out. apologize to your parents and get a real job since it'll probably pay more.
What state do u live in ? Get ya grind on and Get ya weight up stop splurging stay at a family member or friends crib and do your #'s and get a crib if thats what u really want.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

If you were my teenaged son living in my house, eatin' my food, watchin' my damn TV, fartin' on my couch, usin' all my damn hot water, and wastin' my electricity postin' on a shoe forum seekin' advice from a bunch of people who don't give a #%#! about you and have never spent a dime outta their pocket to put clothes on your ungrateful back all after YO dumb %%* got caught sellin' weed...

...I'd beat the f**k outta you so bad Precious would feel sorry for you - then I would take your $150 and drop your dumb %%* off at the homeless shelter.

And what kinda N' slangin' green and only gotta $150 to show for it?
They didn't lock this thread after that? OP shoulda told us his pops an NTer. He gon catch some mean stonefaces for this one.
I see you're throwing yourself a pity party that you eventually want your family to attend.

Stop being an idiot, apologize and go back home.
Originally Posted by Mac4167

im sorry but you need to take your #%%#%*+ home. you have almost no money and what apartment do you think your gonna be able to keep making what you do. $300 every two weeks, thats nothing. And your talking about living in a shelter? take it from someone who spent time there, you do NOT want to be there for any extended time i.e; more than 1 night. take your !#$ home, apologize to your parents and accept whatever punishment they give you like a MAN. 

We all need to give this kid a break, but yeah OP just go back and make it easier on yourself.

And Mac, how long were you in a shelter? Were you kicked out too at one point?
if he's not going to swallow his proud he's gonna be swallowing something else
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

I got plenty teenaged lil cousins and OP reminds me of my lil cuz Muff (short for ''Muffin Man'' cuz he was a premature baby and after he was delivered he had this little medical hat on that made him look like a muffin) - Muff's pop died when he was like 2, so outta all my family he was the only one to grow up without a father...

...back in like '06 he was 14/15 talkin' bout he a Blood and he got jumped in and run witta set.

Me and my other cousins (that are all my age) beat the hell out that lil N' right in his hood in broad daylight on some, ''You a gangsta huh? Call you crew and tell 'em you need help and come spray us up''...

...needless to say, nobody came to his assistance. To make matters worse for him, his older sister (who's in the Army now) was screamin' like, ''Y'all ain't doin' it right - jab him in the neck and THEN hit his chest''
That was the final day of his lil ''gangsta career''...

Fast forward to 2010, and my lil N' bout to graduate HS and go to college on football and glee club (
) scholarships - he won't even say the word ''Blood'' around us...

...a good 'ol fashioned %*# whoopin'll make a N' get right quickly - OP needs one of those %*# whoopins.
Thats love right there
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

If you were my teenaged son living in my house, eatin' my food, watchin' my damn TV, fartin' on my couch, usin' all my damn hot water, and wastin' my electricity postin' on a shoe forum seekin' advice from a bunch of people who don't give a #%#! about you and have never spent a dime outta their pocket to put clothes on your ungrateful back all after YO dumb %%* got caught sellin' weed...

...I'd beat the f**k outta you so bad Precious would feel sorry for you - then I would take your $150 and drop your dumb %%* off at the homeless shelter.

And what kinda N' slangin' green and only gotta $150 to show for it?
Listen OP, most of us who are replying you with these responses have been there done that at one time...being teens, angry at out parents, and hate being told what to do, but trust me, this is not the way to go. Your only 17 dude. Dont do this to yourself or your family. Nobody else in this world is going to care and love you like they will.

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

I got plenty teenaged lil cousins and OP reminds me of my lil cuz Muff (short for ''Muffin Man'' cuz he was a premature baby and after he was delivered he had this little medical hat on that made him look like a muffin) - Muff's pop died when he was like 2, so outta all my family he was the only one to grow up without a father...

...back in like '06 he was 14/15 talkin' bout he a Blood and he got jumped in and run witta set.

Me and my other cousins (that are all my age) beat the hell out that lil N' right in his hood in broad daylight on some, ''You a gangsta huh? Call you crew and tell 'em you need help and come spray us up''...

...needless to say, nobody came to his assistance. To make matters worse for him, his older sister (who's in the Army now) was screamin' like, ''Y'all ain't doin' it right - jab him in the neck and THEN hit his chest''
That was the final day of his lil ''gangsta career''...

Fast forward to 2010, and my lil N' bout to graduate HS and go to college on football and glee club (
) scholarships - he won't even say the word ''Blood'' around us...

...a good 'ol fashioned %*# whoopin'll make a N' get right quickly - OP needs one of those %*# whoopins.

yo real talk i needed one of these.
i never tried bangin, slangin, or nothin
just that i got the biggest gosh darn attitude and temper. its probs cuz i never got that whoopin i deserved
to late now im 21
So you plan on livin in a beat down apartment and working minimum wage jobs to cover the dirt cheap rent for the rest of your life?


Get it together,
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