I never knew that......

I like that Japan vid.

In addition to those google hacks,
Use a dash "-" to exclude certain terms from appearing in the results, example "chicken recipes -fried"

Use ~ to search in a specific site example, "mma ~niketalk"

Search "atari breakout" in google image

For whatever use:
Ctrl + T new tab
Ctrl + W delete current tab
Ctrl + Shift + T restore deleted tab
Page up/down switch tabs
Ctrl + Shift + Esc task manager
Windows logo button + M minimize all open apps

Hope this helps, might save you from your boss or your wife
Before D. Clark, Guy Lombardo and his band The Royal Canadians hosted their own New Year's Eve show on radio and television for 48 straight years.

as of 1998 longest personal name to appear o na birth certificate was or is rhoshandiatellyshiarunneveshenk koyaanisquatisiuth williams born on september 12, 1984 amended october 5 to a longer name
After all that ****, just Williams at the end 
Laundromats are the ****. Quarter up on the screen for sf2 all day
You must be an OG like me. I haven't seen a SFII in so long in a laundromat. Miss the days when an arcade would be in liquor stores, restaurants, laundromats. & even arcades hahaha!
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In the 1984 Canadian Elections 1 of the 16 registered political parties was the Rhinoceros Party. And as a registered party you were given free time, prime time telecast to sway the Canadian voters. After this TV spot, they weren't allowed back on TV. Rhino party disbanded in '93

Some of but not all the policies they wished to enact if they had won:

-Instituting English, French and illiteracy as Canada's three official languages

-Rather than awarding money as prizes in the lottery, the winners would be appointed to the Canadian Senate

-The Rhinoceros Party pledged to eliminate small businesses, and replace them with very small businesses, having less than one employee.

-Eliminating unemployment by abolishing Statistics Canada, thereby eliminating the bureaucrats that measure unemployment.

-Banning guns and butter, since both kill

-Adopting the British system of driving on the left; this was to be gradually phased in over five years with large trucks and tractors first, then buses, eventually including small cars, and bicycles and wheelchairs last.

-Changing Canada's currency to bubble gum, so it could be inflated or deflated at will.

-Declaring war on Belgium because a Belgian cartoon character, Tintin, killed a rhinoceros in one of the cartoons

Read More.

a scratch from a rose thorn could kill you from getting infected ... stay safe out there :nerd:
Tried to pop it, without a needle it's kinda difficult, and I don't got needles lying around in my crib that I know of :lol:
If u bite both your pinky nails and press them together, you'll get this euphoric/orgasmic sensation.
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