I never knew that......

P Present Why did you 💯 this post?
P Present Why did you 💯 this post?

Because its the truth.

Lots of folks have no idea.

The 💯 emoji is used in digital communication to express or emphasize achievement, support, approval, and motivation.

It also generally means “absolutely” or “keep it 100” (keep it real).

These are the things we aren't taught in school...for a reason.

The Nazi's got a lot of their ways from us.
Reppin a post like that with a 💯 isn’t subtle at all.
I actually wasn't referring to the nazi convention post, take a look at the viacom versus nick canon thread. Basically people posting freely how they don't like jewish people and making generalizations. Members saying how much they don't like white people is allowed and now expanded.
I didn’t know about the rallies in NY for that, there’s a difference between people’s use of the limited amount of NT emojis we have at our disposal to express something… anything, and people being anti-Semitic, but it seems like you’re referring to that anti-Semitic behavior as it pertains toward posts in another thread anyway.
Use your head. One of the possible meanings of that emoji is literally SUPPORT or APPROVAL.

Hey your free to examine things however you want, I just noticed that lately a lot of NT'ers are DEMANDING explanations, or deeper dives into convos as if this isn't a message board.
We got "jump to conclusions" emojis on NT now...never mind what was actually said or posted.

You see an emoji and jump to a conclusion.

Its more fun this way...everyone knows that!

Throws up a 💯 symbol for a Nazi post. Doesn’t understand how doing so could potentially raise eyebrows.
As the person who made the post, I took it as a "Yep...it's true"

Not as any sort of endorsement
You don’t have to explain yourself, fam. You don’t give any reason for someone to believe you endorse it.
You don’t have to explain yourself, fam. You don’t give any reason for someone to believe you endorse it.

Was talking about P Present 's :emoji_100:

I've seen him post a lot, and I feel confident in saying that a Nazi rally isn't something that he would cosign or praise
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