I realized life was no joke when...

-When I was a kid coming from soccer practice with my dad, and we were following a minibus that was carrying two of my teammates and best friends, that was a few cars in front of us. A crazy driver came out of a side street and T-Bone the bus. Lucia is all mountains and hills; the bus goes down the side of a hill, flips over god knows how many times. My homies die on the spot. Ten years old and saw the last moments of my two of best friends' lives.

-When I was stopped and frisked in Flatbush Brooklyn by three cops, in the cut, hardly anyone around, and I notice one had pistol drawn. He keeps pointing it at me barking out instructions. The entire energy of the situation made me think I was about to be executed. Might or been irrational but then again, maybe it was not. Real talk, like I heard people in the distance and I was debating to either shut up and hope for the best, yell for help, or yell out "Tell my mom I love her" because we were beefing at the time.

-The moment my aunt told me, my dad, dead. I sat silently in the car for like two mins; then I started coughing like crazy. I was in such shock I stopped breathing. I cried so much that night tears stop coming out after a while

Damn man.
When I almost died of severe alcohol poisoning back in October. I passed out in the middle of a party that night, cause I had been drinking for 3 days straight. If that random guy hadn't given me CPR when I went into cardiac arrest and made me vomit all the fluids, I wouldn't be here today.

A month later when my dad had a lung infection and it turned out to be pneumonia. We feared the worst, but he only spent 3½ weeks in the hospital. I hated visiting him cause it hurt me to see someone I love and care so much about in pain.
I've gone years not speaking to my pops.

I wasn't raised by him, didn't see him growing up so I don't really love him.

He is alive and well but I have no feelings towards him at all... no hate , yet no love... I rather keep my distance and live my life the way I been living it...

I seen grown men cry cause their girl left... the only way I'd cry if a girl left if she left with the kids... maybe

I been jumped by bloods twice , once in manhattan , once in San diego... (I'm not a crip) ..... long story

My homie was in OIF 1...killed too many people on the .50 cal, he was prosecuted for war crimes by the usmj, he been in jail since I got out over 12 years ago... wtf

Mom's beat cancer going on 2 years.... I didn't tell anyone while she was undergoing treatment. She looks fine as if she never went through it , but I think she's hurting herself by overworking herself.... she says it keeps her going , but I concur... I just want to see her happy and stress free..
damb man some sad stories in here makes me realize i never had it too rough.

When i was a kid like 12-13 i realized life was real when i had to get a job and help pay for the bills. Raised by a single irresponsible mom. Had lights and water turned off and came home one day to an eviction notice. Knew i had to do something. I remember having to go to the grocery store with like $800 in cash as a kid to get our power turned back on.
- walking from a friend house late at night who lived across the tracks. I always kept my basketball with me. The ball rolled into somebody yard. Before I got to the nearest major intersection, three squad cars rolled on me. Said they got a complaint of someone trying to break and enter. I was 11.

- on my 18th bday the cops pulled me over and search my car...said I fit the description of a known drug dealer.

- in college in Cali...cops blocked us in with their cars while me and 3 other Teammates was walking from 711. Said we fit the description of some cats trying to break and enter in a apartment 10 mins away. We all had on royal blue track suits. Smh

- Lost 2/3 women that raised me and true childhood close friend all in the span of 3 years.

- living with a dope head uncle and him kicking in doors, stealing and breaking all the radio antennas around the house.

- witness my dad carried off by the people to do his 6 year bid.

- first time on my own and overspending and major bills coming up the following week.

- first time paying taxes on a house.

- birth of my daughter

- daycare bill

- having a child with no family close.
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Got robbed last year. 5 dudes jumped me. They broke my foot. Got my s7 edge took.

The same cats on the same street tried to rob my homegirl but she aint have ****. One dude asked her "why are you out here at this time, dont you know there are criminals out here" lol

No more going out for me unless its with the homies. I sip my brew in the comfort of my own home.
Yea dawg, i was 29 last year. Laid up in bed with a cast for 2 weeks. When i got back to work i had to take my vacation pay to pay medical bills and not even go on vacation.

Edit: Even worse, I got outta bed and put pressure on my broken foot, fell hard as **** and fractured my hip. Another 20 days at home. 2017 was all bad.
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-seeing my pops on video on the news dragging/dumping a body. SMH

-seeing my wife being told she's losing the baby...most helpless thing

-the apartment I grew up in up in flames. Was really hard to get past no longer able to lay my head there...stayed with my girl for a couple weeks, realized this was real (had to toss my gear, leathers smelled like pure smoke, most kicks water damaged) made sure moms and sibs got situated, manned up and got a place

-spending 3 nights in Brooklyn House with 40+ co-d's in too small cells not knowing how this gonna play...after a year of dates 20weeks c.s.
Got into a fist fight with my brother when we were out in DC. Went out friday night, got arrested saturday morning and slept in jail all weekend long. The drunk tank was full so we had to actually go to jail and see the judge on monday. Judge threw out the case but there were dudes in there with outstanding warrants that were sent back to jail. Moms and sister didnt know we were all weekend. Horrible feeling and my brother doesnt remember any of it. Dude was turnt and got us kicked out the club.

No more fighting for me unless absolutely necessary.
No more going out for me unless its with the homies. I sip my brew in the comfort of my own home.

Man this is how i feel.

I dont care to go anywhere. Trouble always seems to find me, or maybe i find it.

I was leaving a club once, we had two whips. Me and two homies are going with one whip. One is walking a lil bit ahead of me the other beside me. This group of asian cats like 6deep are behind us. Im not really taking them in just walking but i noticed my boy beside me isnt there after a while.

I look back and they surrounding him. So im like **** i gotta get this dude (he was from OT and went to school with one of my other boys, he was kinda soft but a cool guy). Anyways i go and im like whats the problem, im tryna diffuse it mainly cuz im dirty, i got work on me and we on a major downtown street, cops everywhere. They turn their attention to me now, the shorty they with is begging me to go. I know one of them is probably strapped or has a knife but im more worried about getting in a brawl (losing 6 v 1) and then cops coming and catching a possesion charge. So i grab dude like **** this lets go. They follow us for a minute tryna egg me on. If i wasnt dirty i woulda swung.

Another time im with my boy (again dirty), and this broad tells this guy shes with to give us a ride, literrally less than 10min away. We approaching a light and it turns red, this ******* runs it... While the emergency task force is sitting at the other light. So they flip on the lights, im like yo you didnt see them bro? Im thinking ok its light a lil ticket and we be on our way. Cop asks him for his license and registration the man says he doesnt have it. So me and my boy start to panic like wtf is this **** stolen your **** isnt legit wtf. Mind you the emergency task has the k9 in the back. Man this ******* worked for transit and apparently they have crazy pull, he called his supervisor and he talked to the cop and he let us go. Probably helped that he was a white guy too.
2 moments for me, first being when my pops died unexpectedly while away at college. Second was when I fudged my taxes a lil bit and got a letter from the IRS about 8 months later asking for money to correct my error.

Most recent was getting evacuated in the middle of the night from those Napa fires last October. **** was wayy too close for comfort
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I was 8 years old.
My whole family and my nieces and nephews were over, we were watching the Christian movie, “Left Behind”, that my sister&law recommended us all to watch.
During watching the film, it was around 8/9pm, when we had someone knocking on our door and ringing our doorbell when we weren’t expecting anyone. I forget who went to open the door but a man told us that he just finished stomping a shirt that was lit on fire right on our wooden front porch.
We thanked him and was scared, my whole was confused but we knew who was responsible because in our neighborhood at that time, we were the only Asian living there and everyone around the block knew that.

My dad has always been short tempered but this time, he really snapped and took his rifle and his ammo box out. He was loading the rifle and packing more ammos on the side, meanwhile, my oldest sister was calling 911 and telling them that someone attempted to burn our house down. I can remember all this clearly as she was fed up and yelled through the phone that, “we have kids here!”

Eventually we calmed down, the cops never came, and the people who we felt were responsible, well their house burned to the ground later in the year.
Wow, some of the stories in here :wow:. Mine are nothing compared to others, but I'll play.

Two of my best friends and I decided to drive around and throw eggs at oncoming traffic the week before our senior year of high school :smh:. Terrible idea; we had initially began by sneaking into a movie, but got kicked out. There was a Walmart right next to the theater, so we decided to get one of those big *** cartons of eggs and chuck them at cars as my friend drove. We were driving down a major intersection in my town, and spotted one of those old muscle cars waiting to make a right hand turn out of this apartment complex, so we hit it with a few eggs and kept driving. We were laughing, and everything was cool until we looked in the rearview mirror and saw dude following us.

All I can remember was how loud his engine was, and my friend drove a Dodge Neon at the time so obviously we weren't escaping. My friend freaks out and dips into my other buddy's neighborhood. We drive around, and finally end up parking and we think we're good, until we hear that loud engine roaring at the entrance of the neighborhood. They both got out and ran, but I froze up and decided to hide in the backseat of the car. Bad idea. Dude rolls up almost instantaneously and demands me to get out of the car. It had rained earlier that day, and my dumbass decided to wear flip flops, so I get out and give a weak attempt at running. It was no use. Dude tells me to stop running because he has a gun. He catches up and barks at me, asking why I'm throwing eggs at his car. I lie and say it wasn't me. It feels like this goes on for eternity, but I think someone ended up turning on their patio light behind me, so the dude runs off and speeds into the night. We get back to the car and realize that he rifled through my friend's glove compartment and got his insurance card with his address on it. By this point we were shook, but all I could keep saying was my parents couldn't know about this :lol:. Fast forward, I was legit scared to leave the house for the next few days. :rofl:

All this may seem insignificant, and not a big deal, but this had happened two years prior, literally five minutes or so away from where we lived and we still decided to egg :sick:. They never ended up catching the guy that did it either. Granted, we egged on the same road that ol' boy egged on, just at the opposite end. Never again. That was the first time I ever felt like I was about to lose my life.
**** , almost forgot I almost died of alcohol poisoning in the marines too..... drank about 15 or so long island ice teas... last thing I remember was leaving the club... woke up 2 days later strapped up in the VA hospital...
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