I Saw the Most Terrible Thing Yesterday... (Pics)

%+***## die er'day

police blasted two pits here last week.
Guy already had a pit and took in one that was abused.
A week later the pit that got abused turned on the owner (guy that took him in) because the owner was in a heated (yelling loud) argument on the phone.
Pitbull that was abused attacked.
Cops show up and shoot mother #%%*#!% both pits all though only one was involved

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

You can't even put the blame on the dogs. Dummy owner couldn't even control her dogs and she walks em. Seriously dog owners like this idiot should be put in jail for endangering the public.
agreed.  I mean its hard to tell from the pic if they had one on or not, but a woman that sized should not be taking a pitbull let alone 2 of them outside without a pinch or choke type collar on.  Its just too much dog to handle.

I don't understand how people get dogs they cant handle. If I was the lady, I would have choked one of the dogs till it let go. My cousin saved his huskys life by doing that because a pit attacked it.
It's not the pit bulls owner's fault tho. No matter what, you should always have your dog on a leash. I have a black yorkie poo, if we're in public then he's on his leash. People need to stop being so reckless.
if a pit or any other big dog was attacking my dog id choke and kick the hell out of the dog, i wouldn't care if it attacked me

i love my dog too much
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

It's not the pit bulls owner's fault tho. No matter what, you should always have your dog on a leash. I have a black yorkie poo, if we're in public then he's on his leash. People need to stop being so reckless.

U right. I felt so bad for her cuz she was screaming like she was getting killed and sat there and watched something she loved so much get slaughtered. When the cops and animal control came she begged for them to take her pit bulls away, there was nothing they could do because her dogs were on a leash and hers weren't. That lady couldn't hold back them two Pits once the lil dog ran up on em. It was over, they were dragging her at one point. They ripped that dog to shreds at the end. We also got a notice from the property that you have to register vicious animals like pits and apparently ol girl didn't do that so now she has to remove them from the property.
little dog ran up on the pits? can't expect them to not rage in that case. I'd never mess with pits because I just hear how volatile they are. I know they can be nice dogs but you just never know.
^ That's the problem with these little dogs, they think they can do whatever they want and they don't listen. My dog ran up on my neighbors pit one time, the pit barked at it and my dog barked back. That was the last time I let him outside without his leash.
As the owner of 4 dogs (1 being a pit bull if it matters) the owner of the little dog is at fault her dog should have been on a leash end of story
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

It's not the pit bulls owner's fault tho. No matter what, you should always have your dog on a leash. I have a black yorkie poo, if we're in public then he's on his leash. People need to stop being so reckless.

how is it not her fault? If u have dogs that are going to violently kill another dog that gets near it why wouldnt u put a muzzle on that dog? Not only that but she wasent strong enough to control the dogs after they went crazy...it was no less then 80% her fault
You have to blame the owners for their negligence. Pitbulls are notorious to jump on the aggressive. Poodles can be anti social so I wouldn't be surprised if the poodle started barking causing the commotion for the pitbulls to jump into.

I always tell my buddies this: Before you buy anything whether it's a car, product, animal, etc. LEARN A LOT ABOUT IT. It makes things easier on you & everybody around you.
^ Nah brah. Had the little dog been on a leash, this would've never happened. Therefore it's the others owners fault.
Both sides are guilty to a fault....BUT why the @**% would a LADY walk 2 big #@+ pits in public if she doesn't know the dogs tendencies and temperament. That's like playing Russian Roulette, especially when you consider the fact that she's walking not 1 BUT 2 PITT BULLS.

+%#*#*+ terrible
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Both sides are guilty to a fault....BUT why the @**% would a LADY walk 2 big #@+ pits in public if she doesn't know the dogs tendencies and temperament. That's like playing Russian Roulette, especially when you consider the fact that she's walking not 1 BUT 2 PITT BULLS.

+%#*#*+ terrible
At the sametime why would someone walk their dog without a leash? We like to think we are in control of our animals at all times but in a microsecond they can easily get distracted and take off or do something you don't want them doing.
I might be one of the only ones but I do not have any sympathy for the poodle or the owner of the poodle.  Ok maybe a little for the owner but those kind of dogs should have never been bred and domesticated in the first place.  They're useless animals.  Anyone who buys one loses my respect if they even had it in the first place.

idk how to post gifs
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Both sides are guilty to a fault....BUT why the @**% would a LADY walk 2 big #@+ pits in public if she doesn't know the dogs tendencies and temperament. That's like playing Russian Roulette, especially when you consider the fact that she's walking not 1 BUT 2 PITT BULLS.

+%#*#*+ terrible
everything that needs to be said
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

^ Nah brah. Had the little dog been on a leash, this would've never happened. Therefore it's the others owners fault.
wat kind of logic is that? True if the dog was on a leash it maybe wouldnt have happened depending on how close the dogs got (we know the owner couldnt stop them if they started running) but we no 100% this wouldnt have happened had those dogs had a muzzle......how can u possibly put no blame on the owner of the pit? There are stray dogs running around everywhere, if your dog cant handle that, then it has to have a muzzle 
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

^ Nah brah. Had the little dog been on a leash, this would've never happened. Therefore it's the others owners fault.
wat kind of logic is that? True if the dog was on a leash it maybe wouldnt have happened depending on how close the dogs got (we know the owner couldnt stop them if they started running) but we no 100% this wouldnt have happened had those dogs had a muzzle......how can u possibly put no blame on the owner of the pit? There are stray dogs running around everywhere, if your dog cant handle that, then it has to have a muzzle 

The little dog ran up on the two pits. The pit owner is walking her dogs on a leash and some other dog just runs up on them, what the $!#$ did you want them to do? I'm sorry, but the lady and her pits were minding their own business. And mybe the pit owner couldnt have controlled the dogs, but had the little dog been on a leash, its owner could EASILY control it and pick it up if need be. You just dont let a dog roam. If a guy runs up on you and your boys at a bar talking reckless, are you just gonna let that slide?
Man come on. Police officer should be fired .

If I was there I would had grabbed a tire iron out the trunk of a car and beat that little pitbull over the head. Police officer should had pepper sprayed the pitbulls and pistolwhipped him.
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