I think I'm done with Facebook.

only reason i check FB is to peep what celebrities/companies are announcing on their fan pages. i often find myself reading +@@! about people I DO NOT CARE about at all. so thank to this thread, i just hid all of my friends from my news feed and blocked everyone from seeing photos/posts im tagged in.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Why do people always feel the need to make an announcement that they are done with FB?

Reading statuses like, "I will be done with FB once it goes public." As if it already isn't too late.

Just delete your account, well disable it. Nobody will miss you.
I tried to get back into it, but truth be told I don't care what everyone is doing at all times of the day. Haven't deactivated but I rarely sign in.
Too many stalkers on there for me these days...I still lurk occasionally but I ain't on it like that anymore. 
I deactivated mine last semester because of some things and never got around to reactivating it. I got used to being without it, it's not too bad.
Nah, whats funny is hearing people on NT call Facebook lame, yet they got 400+ friends and update there status every 30mins. You just mad cuz that shorty aint giving you any play
I'm on mine 24/7, it has even gotten in the way of my HW at times.

Im getting rid of mine soon but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't make another down the line, but next time the only people I'll have on it are people I actually talk to instead of bunch of old classmates that never says nothing.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Nah, whats funny is hearing people on NT call Facebook lame, yet they got 400+ friends and update there status every 30mins. You just mad cuz that shorty aint giving you any play

Are those two people the same person though? Who do you know called FB lame but is doing what you explained?
What I hate is the fact you can't comment on ANYTHING without it being on the newsfeed and the slight difficulty it makes in deleting it.

You have to wait for the system to get the fact that you posted something. Then when you click to delete it, sometimes it won't delete it. Then you have to wait for it to get deleted. Refresh the page sometimes and find it wasn't deleted. Delete it again... then hopefully it wont show up in the feed...

I've pretty much blocked all my pics and taken most of my info off the site anyways. I don't even put stuff I like any more. Its strictly name and super minimal details. I just message people if I want to talk to them.
Man, my chick is straight up addicted to that junk. FB is nice for connecting with friends from away out or for an immediate social circle that communicate frequently, but I heard/seen some of my girls' "friends" statuses, and it's just lame crap with people posting how they feel or sports stuff or pics of their 5th cat named Whiskers playing fetch with spoons. So dumb. It doesn't really serve a purpose. I personally think it's for peeps that love attention. They give it so they can get it back. I ain't like that, but I do like to have discussions so that's why NT works for me--as long as it ain't some child-talk. Anyway, I never had a FB acct because I can't stand lame mofos giving lame mofo statuses. I even said I was going to get one as a NY's resolution 27 days ago, but I value my privacy, and more importantly, my sanity more. And I think it would create more problems because then I gotta add the lady as a friend and update relationship status, and she's a jealous girl so then there's more issues. No effin thanks.

Lastly, it's so much more corporate now. Add us and we'll enter you in a contest for a free giveaway or we'll give you 10% off your order. Heck, I do have a FB acct just so I can get some freakin customer service since that proves more effective, but it's really not me and just some sort of alias just to meet some sort of a requirement with something I don't want (but feel forced to have) in order to get a better deal with various companies. Now that FB is more business and Twitter getting ridiculous, too, it's time for another avenue to connect with people online. But tweets and FB ain't it .... Way too much online social CLUTTER.
I deactivated mine a week or 2 ago, I'm goin 2 rehab, and my mom got a laptop a month ago n has been hating on my lyric quotables haha so I'm done. kinda waqnna check it out but I already kno its tha same ol #$*.
Originally Posted by JordansRMyCrack

Man, my chick is straight up addicted to that junk. FB is nice for connecting with friends from away out or for an immediate social circle that communicate frequently, but I heard/seen some of my girls' "friends" statuses, and it's just lame crap with people posting how they feel or sports stuff or pics of their 5th cat named Whiskers playing fetch with spoons. So dumb. It doesn't really serve a purpose. I personally think it's for peeps that love attention. They give it so they can get it back. I ain't like that, but I do like to have discussions so that's why NT works for me--as long as it ain't some child-talk. Anyway, I never had a FB acct because I can't stand lame mofos giving lame mofo statuses. I even said I was going to get one as a NY's resolution 27 days ago, but I value my privacy, and more importantly, my sanity more. And I think it would create more problems because then I gotta add the lady as a friend and update relationship status, and she's a jealous girl so then there's more issues. No effin thanks.

Lastly, it's so much more corporate now. Add us and we'll enter you in a contest for a free giveaway or we'll give you 10% off your order. Heck, I do have a FB acct just so I can get some freakin customer service since that proves more effective, but it's really not me and just some sort of alias just to meet some sort of a requirement with something I don't want (but feel forced to have) in order to get a better deal with various companies. Now that FB is more business and Twitter getting ridiculous, too, it's time for another avenue to connect with people online. But tweets and FB ain't it .... Way too much online social CLUTTER.

I'm at that stage where I really enjoy using it still. I like it 10x more than twitter honestly.
People really need to stop using that site as much as they do.

Everyone is a closet narcissist. Unable to function socially, yet thriving on FB with status updates of their every move.

I had my revelation... showed people my enlightened ways.. some listened, some didnt, but I feel so liberated since I stopped using it.

I locked my account down 100% so you can't view a damn thing except the actual info page, and all the info is locked. All you can do is message me.
Since not everyone I know has my number, it does have it's function.
If someone messages me, I receive an e-mail. No other need to go on
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