I want to move to nyc. Advice?

Apr 4, 2007
Have already made up my mind..after this school year ill be moving out there..Any advice for a young buck from south Florida trying to make it in nyc?
You have a job lined up? The city is VERY expensive. What exactly is your plan?
You have a job lined up? The city is VERY expensive. What exactly is your plan?

I have no job lined up, but I have restaurant/bar experience..I plan on taking a year off school to just work, after I can get in state tuition to finish my bachelors in hospitality.
I have no job lined up, but I have restaurant/bar experience..I plan on taking a year off school to just work, after I can get in state tuition to finish my bachelors in hospitality.

IMO, it would be in your best interest to have a job in order before you move. You don't want the added stress of job hunting while trying to sort out your life in a new city. Knowing what you'll be doing for work is a huge weight off the shoulders. If I could give you any advice, it would be to take about 5-7 days to go to the city and explore the various boroughs (for places to live or to meet potential roomates or landlords) and also go to job interviews. You want to be as prepared as possible heading into a very new situation. Take some time to really think of your plan of action. Don't jump into things blindly. If you do, you'll be back in Florida in a few months.
Be prepared.  Be very prepared.

Where do you plan on living?....What borough?

What's the job that you have lined up?

Are you open to having roommates?

Do you have a girlfriend?
yerp. twice in the last 8 months, ill also be back up in November for my 21st. I have two friends who have an apartment in Brooklyn, they both moved to nyc from florida about two years ago.

I asked because I have a friend who moved to NY from San Diego. He had a job but the commute was crazy and the city was too fast paced for him. He moved back in like 2 months :lol:
If you want, I can give you a connect to my cousin, Rene.
He'll pay you, all you have to do is hawk some Jamaican energy drinks around the city.
If you need a room, you could stay in my abuela's apartment since I finally moved out and bought a fancy stove.
Mr. Calderon :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
IMO, it would be in your best interest to have a job in order before you move. You don't want the added stress of job hunting while trying to sort out your life in a new city. Knowing what you'll be doing for work is a huge weight off the shoulders. If I could give you any advice, it would be to take about 5-7 days to go to the city and explore the various boroughs (for places to live or to meet potential roomates or landlords) and also go to job interviews. You want to be as prepared as possible heading into a very new situation. Take some time to really think of your plan of action. Don't jump into things blindly. If you do, you'll be back in Florida in a few months.

The way I see it...Im only 20..Im at the end of the "doing wtf you want, with minor consequences" road, worst thing that happens if I move out there..it doesnt work and im back in fla..worst things that happens if i don't do it, I'm 35 wishing i did.

Be prepared.  Be very prepared.

Where do you plan on living?....What borough?

What's the job that you have lined up?

Are you open to having roommates?

Do you have a girlfriend?

Brooklyn...have some friends who already live there, no job lined up but ill be looking for restaurant/bar/hotel work.....No gf but im still seeing my ex :nerd::smh:
Dude have some grander plans coming to NYC and doing restaurant/bar/hotel work... is this real life I would consider finishing up school in Florida and then making the transition for when you get a better job lined up before coming here. Life will suck if you not making at least 60k solo.
Dude have some grander plans coming to NYC and doing restaurant/bar/hotel work... is this real life I would consider finishing up school in Florida and then making the transition for when you get a better job lined up before coming here. Life will suck if you not making at least 60k solo.

What are your reasons for leaving Florida? Why don't you finish up your degree THEN move? That way, you can bartend - while looking for another job that's more suited towards your major. I don't see the big deal of waiting another 2 years or so to move. NYC ain't going anywhere.
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Doesn't sound like a good idea dude, what sense does it make taking off a year of school to move out of state and work? Finish up your degree and then go from there..It's not easy out there kiddo, especially with no degree
What are your reasons for leaving Florida? Why don't you finish up your degree THEN move? That way, you can bartend - while looking for another job that's more suited towards your major. I don't see the big deal of waiting another 2 years or so to move. NYC ain't going anywhere.

Have you ever been to a place that make you feel full? at peace? where you need to be? thats what the city does for me...south fla is cool and all, just to slow for me brosephmcjoseph I feel like im dying out here g.
nyc is only worth living in if you're rich and have a bigass penthouse across the street from central park. and then its probably the best place on earth. 

i'm cool with having to ride buses n trains everywhere like a peasant. 
What are your reasons for leaving Florida? Why don't you finish up your degree THEN move? That way, you can bartend - while looking for another job that's more suited towards your major. I don't see the big deal of waiting another 2 years or so to move. NYC ain't going anywhere.
This. Also, if you transfer there's a chance that some of your credits won't be accepted by whatever school you get accepted to. It makes no sense to move here, work and go to school at the same time. You're adding too much to your plate. I understand that you're young and you don't want to live life without any regrets, but your plan isn't very well thought out. The city will still be the same place as it is when you're done with your degree.

On a random note, coming here and needing a roommate to make rent says that you can't afford to live here. Roommates just reeks of being in college where you had to live with someone to get by. As an adult, having a roommate should be your last option and you shouldn't be relying on others to help you make it from month to month. That's just me though. I need my privacy and space.
I asked because I have a friend who moved to NY from San Diego. He had a job but the commute was crazy and the city was too fast paced for him. He moved back in like 2 months
Everyone isn't built to live here.
i'm cool with having to ride buses n trains everywhere like a peasant.
People who make six and seven figures ride the trains. Its the most effective form of commuting in the city.
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nyc is only worth living in if you're rich and have a bigass penthouse across the street from central park. and then its probably the best place on earth. 
i'm cool with having to ride buses n trains everywhere like a peasant. 

Agreed went a couple weeks ago and will probably never go back (after the Jay concert)
Finish you degree.

Get a good job in NYC, which has plenty of avenues for hospitality careers.

Get a nice place in the a good outer borough neighborhood.

Enjoy Life.

I would really advise finishing up that degree first, it will make everything so much easier for you.

Its really the difference between the out of towners that end up on a successful career path, living comfortably in the city and those that get chewed up, end up in perpetual check to check living or moving back home.
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