Ideas for Valentine's Day Ggfts for your girl

Originally Posted by jordan723

This V-Day I decided to go all out and this is why...

1. My girl has been there for me for almost 7 years and I knew that she was the one on the 5th year but what really made me realized how special she is was when my mom passed away and I saw how she took care of me and made me happy!


I decided to take her to NYC (we are from SF) and we have never been to NYC and I am pretty much going all out.

1. On Fri the 13th I have set up a day in which we will be super busy. Carriage ride, really nice restaurant, little shopping and pampering and eventually a super nice dinner at about 9pm. I want to kill some time before heading to the Empire State Building and I am going to propose to her at the top of the ESB when it is 12am. I felt like if I waited to the 14th she would expect it more versus doing it super late night/early morning.

2. then on the 14th i have everything planned for the morning and afternoon and then I am going to surprise her with her dream. She is the biggest Little Mermaid Fan since it was the first movie she saw when she was a little girl so I bought some Little Mermaid Broadway tickets which cost over $300 since I got the first row on the second level of the auditorium which is a perfect view.

3. I'm going to go all out this V-day because my girl deserves and I am super excited that I am going to propose to her and I know she has been waiting years for me to do it.

4. the only thing that makes me sad is I wish I could of told my mom what I was going to do and ask for my mom's blessing even though my mom told me she wanted me to marry my girl 2 days before she passed away.

5. Just a side note if you are ever going to propose to your girl make sure you ask her parents for their blessing. My girl is Filipina and I am Salvadoran so for the last 7 years I learned a lot about their culture and I respect and love her mom and family a lot. I talked to her mom and asked her if it was okay for me to propose to her daughter and if I had her blessing and we had a long chat about it. Man her mom was so happy for us and REALLY happy that I talked to her first. She knows my plans and is excited for her daughter!

I hope everyone has a wonderful V-Day!

Oh yeah that one idea that someone mentioned about the 11 roses and 1 fake 1 is a super genius idea and I'm sorry I might have to use it!


This dude is gonna be BUSY! Congrats to you bro. Not many girls stick around for that long.
Last Valentine's Day I took it back...Remember when you used to make shoe box Valentine's Day card holders in school? Well I did that, but I used like30 sealed cards and wrote her name on each one with a different endearing message. I decorated the box with construction paper, and had a tissue paper lining.She loved it. It only cost me around 15 bucks. So if you want to be creative, there's an idea.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Here's another idea for you true love birds.

Buy your girl 11 red roses, and 1 fake 1. In a letter (or with your own words) tell her that your love for her will end when ALL the roses die. Obviously 1 will never die. She'll go nuts.

im sorry bro but that's corny. as is the M&M thing. just giving you a girls point of view.

When it rains, it pours.

All the guys here LOVE that idea. And all the girls here think it's corny. I think I gotta take a girl's POV on this one.

C'mon now! Help me out ladies
Originally Posted by Crumbs

so girls never get tired of bags huh? well i def. get tired of buying them...
Thats a shame, I never get tired of buying them for myself

Anywhoo. Ideas. Take your girl shopping. When she points out stuff and says I like - get her that

I am so unromantic, I know. Although one time I did get rose petals on the bed, fancy desserts and old Blue Eyes on the stereo - I enjoyed that.
Originally Posted by dro 44

Last Valentine's Day I took it back...Remember when you used to make shoe box Valentine's Day card holders in school? Well I did that, but I used like 30 sealed cards and wrote her name on each one with a different endearing message. I decorated the box with construction paper, and had a tissue paper lining. She loved it. It only cost me around 15 bucks. So if you want to be creative, there's an idea.
I guess I went to some terrible grammar schools

Can you explain how to make this? Sounds good.

Originally Posted by Crumbs

so girls never get tired of bags huh? well i def. get tired of buying them...


Same !@% I say. How many damn bags can you girls have?
Originally Posted by West2East

Ideal gifts for me are trying or exploring new things. Don't even have to buy me anything. Just make memories!

jordan723- that NYC idea is soooo adorable

how much did you blow on this? plane tickets, ring, bway tickets, hotel and all that other stuff you're doing
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Here's another idea for you true love birds.

Buy your girl 11 red roses, and 1 fake 1. In a letter (or with your own words) tell her that your love for her will end when ALL the roses die. Obviously 1 will never die. She'll go nuts.

im sorry bro but that's corny. as is the M&M thing. just giving you a girls point of view.

When it rains, it pours.

All the guys here LOVE that idea. And all the girls here think it's corny. I think I gotta take a girl's POV on this one.

C'mon now! Help me out ladies
i wrote a whole paragraph a couple pages back
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Crumbs

so girls never get tired of bags huh? well i def. get tired of buying them...
Thats a shame, I never get tired of buying them for myself

Anywhoo. Ideas. Take your girl shopping. When she points out stuff and says I like - get her that

I am so unromantic, I know. Although one time I did get rose petals on the bed, fancy desserts and old Blue Eyes on the stereo - I enjoyed that.

ive offered this twice previously....they say "thats unromantic" or "i want to be suprised" im will be a suprise the day i takeyou shopping
....but yea...bags have become some blah tome....bday,xmas,valentines day and repeat....gotta switch it up
Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by JoRDaN201

Here's another idea for you true love birds.

Buy your girl 11 red roses, and 1 fake 1. In a letter (or with your own words) tell her that your love for her will end when ALL the roses die. Obviously 1 will never die. She'll go nuts.

im sorry bro but that's corny. as is the M&M thing. just giving you a girls point of view.

When it rains, it pours.

All the guys here LOVE that idea. And all the girls here think it's corny. I think I gotta take a girl's POV on this one.

C'mon now! Help me out ladies
Damn guess I won't do that idea
.........It was apretty lame idea couldn't think of anything better?

Originally Posted by Crumbs

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Crumbs

so girls never get tired of bags huh? well i def. get tired of buying them...
Thats a shame, I never get tired of buying them for myself

Anywhoo. Ideas. Take your girl shopping. When she points out stuff and says I like - get her that

I am so unromantic, I know. Although one time I did get rose petals on the bed, fancy desserts and old Blue Eyes on the stereo - I enjoyed that.

ive offered this twice previously....they say "thats unromantic" or "i want to be suprised" im will be a suprise the day i take you shopping
....but yea...bags have become some blah to me....bday,xmas,valentines day and repeat....gotta switch it up
No no, you dont buy it while you are with her. I mean just go to the mall for whatever. It shows that you're actually paying attention toher when she yammers on about crap she likes.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by Crumbs

so girls never get tired of bags huh? well i def. get tired of buying them...
Thats a shame, I never get tired of buying them for myself

Anywhoo. Ideas. Take your girl shopping. When she points out stuff and says I like - get her that

I am so unromantic, I know. Although one time I did get rose petals on the bed, fancy desserts and old Blue Eyes on the stereo - I enjoyed that.
I was thinking of taking her shopping, but she's one of those girls that don't wanna spend my money. So it becomes a lot harder.

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

that's really cute.... you don't really even need to buy much more... maybe a bouquet of her favorite flowers.... not just a bouquet of roses....let her know you're really paying attention...with women (or shall i say, mature women) it's the thought that counts.. so just make her day romantic by spending time with her (if you can)... take her to a nice restaurant that serves her favorite food, or if you live in NYC take a stupid horse and carriage ride around central park... maybe even rent a hotel room
not at some tacky howard johnson type steez
but at an expensive fancy hotel... buy a nice bottle of champagne or white wine and enjoy your night.... or you could even cook for her....

whatever you do, just make sure you put thought into it =]

and don't forget the card!!!!!!
*Studies paragraph religiously*

Ok. So far I took this from your paragraph:

  1. DO NOT forget the card
  2. It's the thought that counts
  3. Buy her her favorite flowers
  4. No B-Grade hotels
  5. Get a cook book and learn how to cook
If the thought counts, how come my rose thing is corny?
I've already seen it in myspace bulletins and those spam comments that everyone sends
. Oh and I happen to think the M&M idea is cute, but you coulddo waaaaaaaaaay more for $60.

Just take her somewhere she's never been but she might really enjoy or get her something new to try out. Key is new things!
Checks are a PITA to cash - cold hard money all the way

Or get her something she normally doesn't do for herself. I never pamper myself - never been to a spa, never do mani/pedis so I wouldn't mind acertificate to one. Or fancy restaurants. I hate paying money for food, so i never go to the places I'd like to try cuz its a rip off
Here's the thing. I can't really try anything new with her. She used to work in the City and she knows every damn place there.

I've only been to the City for Yankee games. And I live 5 minutes from the Lincoln Tunnel.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I'm spending a few bills to go down to her school and send my lady to this full service day spa right off campus for about 8 hours worth of top notch treatment. Pampering mines FTW

Good look, I did that last year.
Trust me. There are lots of places she's never been or things she's never done. It's just your job to pay attention. There is no way your 20something year old has lived life completely and explored everything.
Originally Posted by jordan723

This V-Day I decided to go all out and this is why...

1. My girl has been there for me for almost 7 years and I knew that she was the one on the 5th year but what really made me realized how special she is was when my mom passed away and I saw how she took care of me and made me happy!


I decided to take her to NYC (we are from SF) and we have never been to NYC and I am pretty much going all out.

1. On Fri the 13th I have set up a day in which we will be super busy. Carriage ride, really nice restaurant, little shopping and pampering and eventually a super nice dinner at about 9pm. I want to kill some time before heading to the Empire State Building and I am going to propose to her at the top of the ESB when it is 12am. I felt like if I waited to the 14th she would expect it more versus doing it super late night/early morning.

2. then on the 14th i have everything planned for the morning and afternoon and then I am going to surprise her with her dream. She is the biggest Little Mermaid Fan since it was the first movie she saw when she was a little girl so I bought some Little Mermaid Broadway tickets which cost over $300 since I got the first row on the second level of the auditorium which is a perfect view.

3. I'm going to go all out this V-day because my girl deserves and I am super excited that I am going to propose to her and I know she has been waiting years for me to do it.

4. the only thing that makes me sad is I wish I could of told my mom what I was going to do and ask for my mom's blessing even though my mom told me she wanted me to marry my girl 2 days before she passed away.

5. Just a side note if you are ever going to propose to your girl make sure you ask her parents for their blessing. My girl is Filipina and I am Salvadoran so for the last 7 years I learned a lot about their culture and I respect and love her mom and family a lot. I talked to her mom and asked her if it was okay for me to propose to her daughter and if I had her blessing and we had a long chat about it. Man her mom was so happy for us and REALLY happy that I talked to her first. She knows my plans and is excited for her daughter!

I hope everyone has a wonderful V-Day!

Oh yeah that one idea that someone mentioned about the 11 roses and 1 fake 1 is a super genius idea and I'm sorry I might have to use it!


Good luck man, hope everything goes as planned.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by West2East

Ideal gifts for me are trying or exploring new things. Don't even have to buy me anything. Just make memories!

jordan723- that NYC idea is soooo adorable

how much did you blow on this? plane tickets, ring, bway tickets, hotel and all that other stuff you're doing

Plane Tickets-$800
BWay Tickets-$300
Restaurants that I reserved but have an idea how much it cost- $600-800
Shopping for my girl-$1k

This is a plan I had been thinking about for the last two semesters at school. I would be in class just writing down ideas, surprises, where to go, and thewhole nine!

Thanks to scholarships, grants, loans, and hard work all this will be possible! Right now I am just excited and I can't wait to go to NYC!
Originally Posted by West2East

Trust me. There are lots of places she's never been or things she's never done. It's just your job to pay attention. There is no way your 20 something year old has lived life completely and explored everything.

You're right.

I just wanna do little cute things that she'll remember forever. So that's where I need help.
all three of us are telling you to pay attention and it's the thought that counts. don't think of some generic corny thing.... do something that YOURgirlfriend likes. like how dude is taking his girl to nyc and she loves little mermaid so he's taking her to the bway show? think along those lines.
Originally Posted by jordan723

Plane Tickets-$800
BWay Tickets-$300
Restaurants that I reserved but have an idea how much it cost- $600-800
Shopping for my girl-$1k

This is a plan I had been thinking about for the last two semesters at school. I would be in class just writing down ideas, surprises, where to go, and the whole nine!

Thanks to scholarships, grants, loans, and hard work all this will be possible! Right now I am just excited and I can't wait to go to NYC!


Bro, that's insane! In a good way. I really hope everything works out on your trip, on that day, and in the future with her.
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