Ideas for Valentine's Day Ggfts for your girl

Originally Posted by jordan723

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by West2East

Ideal gifts for me are trying or exploring new things. Don't even have to buy me anything. Just make memories!

jordan723- that NYC idea is soooo adorable

how much did you blow on this? plane tickets, ring, bway tickets, hotel and all that other stuff you're doing

Plane Tickets-$800
BWay Tickets-$300
Restaurants that I reserved but have an idea how much it cost- $600-800
Shopping for my girl-$1k

This is a plan I had been thinking about for the last two semesters at school. I would be in class just writing down ideas, surprises, where to go, and the whole nine!

Thanks to scholarships, grants, loans, and hard work all this will be possible! Right now I am just excited and I can't wait to go to NYC!
You win for best Valentine's day gift.

Not only that, proposing on this day is like the most romantic thing you can do.
My girl said she doesnt celebrate Valentines Day. I was kinda shocked, still not 100% sure she isnt trying to test me. its supposed to be our first onetogether haha and im feelin kinda like the female cuz im a little disappointed she doesnt wanna celebrate it. Oh well im broke anyways cant really afford agift, maybe ill just make her some cupcakes or somethin cheap.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

My girl said she doesnt celebrate Valentines Day. I was kinda shocked, still not 100% sure she isnt trying to test me. its supposed to be our first one together haha and im feelin kinda like the female cuz im a little disappointed she doesnt wanna celebrate it. Oh well im broke anyways cant really afford a gift, maybe ill just make her some cupcakes or somethin cheap.
It's a trap bro.

If you don't do anything for her that day, it's a wrap.
that's really cute.... you don't really even need to buy much more... maybe a bouquet of her favoriteflowers.... not just a bouquet of roses....let her know you're really paying attention...with women (or shall i say, mature women) it's the thought that counts.. so just make her day romantic by spending time with her(if you can)... take her to a nice restaurant that serves her favorite food, or if you live in NYC take a stupid horse and carriage ride around central park... maybe even rent a hotel room
not at some tacky howard johnson type steez
but at an expensive fancy hotel... buy a nice bottle of champagne or white wine and enjoy your night.... or you could even cook for her....

whatever you do, just make sure you put thought into it =]

and don't forget the card!!!!!!

That is all that matters fellas. THAT IS IT.

Seriously, reading through this thread, it is very clear that a lot of you show your appreciation for your respective significant others, and justify your lovefor them, by simply "compensating" them with material things. Furthermore, it seems to me like the Nawth and West2West are the only two females thatseem to really understand the significance of this oxymoronic day.

Forget what society has formulated this day to be--simply remember that this day is to remind your girl/guy that you appreciate/love them. If you have to spend a significant amount of money to do this, then you're doing it wrong.Additionally, if your significant other is expecting something on this delusive day oflove, and gets mad when you don't offer anything, you may want to have a chit-chat with said partner about the meaning of your relationship.

West2West provided the best advice imo. It's about the memories. You don't have to spend a robust amount of money and offer gifts of resplendent natureto achieve these. The best memories are forged from the simplest of ideas.

And one last thing y'all need to realize, Valentines day is a the biggest cliche on the calender. You may have the impression that you have the game onlock but in reality, your best efforts-- if they require you to buy this, and fancy dinner here, and horseback that-- will create memories that over time, willreveal themselves to be banal at the very least.

So instead of going all out on February 14th to tell your significant other just how much you appreciate them, in accordance with the actions of every otherguy/gal on this very same day, simply...

1) Tell them you love and care about them. (maybe get them a card)...
2) Spend the day with them and enjoy whatever you do together...
3) Pick a very random day on your calender and circle it...say July 17th...(that seems like a very random day)...
4) And on this very random day (which is July 17th in my example), do something really special--something along the lines of what you would reg. do onValentines day...

Don't show how much you love/care/appreciate/adore your significant other on a day specified by society--do it everyday.

Personally, I prefer to do this on a day when she is especially not feeling great about her self-- physically and emotionally. You know, the day when her hairjust aint right, and she got a lil crust in her eyes, and she just having one of those sh$%*# days--that's when you go all out on her...that's when youshow her you love her.

I remember one day I was sick - woke up to breakfast, flowers and my favorite drink from Caribou. It's that kind of crap that matters, not a heart shapedbox of chocolates that he's going to end up eating half of anyways.

When we say its the thought that counts - it means you tried to make it personal, even if you have no money.
Originally Posted by djaward

A dozen Chocolate covered strawberries. Delivered too. And a LOUIS bag.
same thing I was going to do. Im getting the chocolate covered strawberries from edible arrangements. Then taking her out to the city to let herpick the louis bag she wants then dinner that night.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Pampering mines FTW
only if you know she would do the same for you if the roles were reversed
I'm the one reversing the roles. She's earned it P

I feel u on that my dude. I was gon do that too but my ol lady said she wanted some butter Timbs and a coat (Though she got 3 already
) So That's like $250+ easy, so I'll just get her that stuff and Ima cookher a dinner. Something u'd get at an exspensive restaurant but she'll get more than a sampler plate.
I swear I dropped $60+ for dinner one timeand was both hungry afterwards
Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

She's a Hip-Hop Head just like me, so all she wanted was to go see Talib Kweli in B-More on the 13th... And then spend the whole day together on the 14th.

i think that's pretty much all I would ask for...simple and sweet...time together.
YES! You need to have a girlfriend seminar
Originally Posted by PR SUPERMAN 247

jordan723 just curious, but are you sure the ESB is open at midnight for where you want to propose?

Yeah I called to make sure. They are open until 2am and the last elevator goes up at 1:15am. I bought express tickets so that I do not have to wait in lineand they advised me to go at 11:30 pm.
tough times right now... flowers and sex will do!

Also, loving your girl shouldnt be based on one day.... I treat her like everyday is valentines day
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by jordan723

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by West2East

Ideal gifts for me are trying or exploring new things. Don't even have to buy me anything. Just make memories!

jordan723- that NYC idea is soooo adorable

how much did you blow on this? plane tickets, ring, bway tickets, hotel and all that other stuff you're doing

Plane Tickets-$800
BWay Tickets-$300
Restaurants that I reserved but have an idea how much it cost- $600-800
Shopping for my girl-$1k

This is a plan I had been thinking about for the last two semesters at school. I would be in class just writing down ideas, surprises, where to go, and the whole nine!

Thanks to scholarships, grants, loans, and hard work all this will be possible! Right now I am just excited and I can't wait to go to NYC!
You win for best Valentine's day gift.

Not only that, proposing on this day is like the most romantic thing you can do.
Bueno amigo, tu esta fumado el crack!!!!
Ok. I retract my statement about being anti -jewelry. The hubs came home with a pair of diamond studs and black diamond halos to go around them
Love thatman.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Ok. I retract my statement about being anti -jewelry. The hubs came home with a pair of diamond studs and black diamond halos to go around them
Love that man.

I hope you know just what you have to do now--to show your appreciation...

Spoiler [+]

Oh, no it's more than that. Thats run of the mill foreplay.

Apparently I may had said something about... something.... backdoor... I don't remember making that claim, in the event that he had ever bought me diamondearrings and.. yeah.

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Oh, no it's more than that. Thats run of the mill foreplay.

Apparently I may had said something about... something.... backdoor... I don't remember making that claim, in the event that he had ever bought me diamond earrings and.. yeah.


good for him
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Oh, no it's more than that. Thats run of the mill foreplay.

Apparently I may had said something about... something.... backdoor... I don't remember making that claim, in the event that he had ever bought me diamond earrings and.. yeah.


...tell your boo I said he's DOING IT, lol...

You, however, seem to be in quite the delicate situation...

I mean the thought of...

Spoiler [+]

has to be a bit unnerving...

I can only imagine what you must to going through...


not really. It's just not as much fun for me as it is for him, which is why i have the "special occasions" clause on that particular act. Sonow birthdays, anniversaries and purchases of expensive jewelry
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