If McCain wins... these people win. This is extremely disturbing.

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by 718stylez

There are knuckleheads voting for Obama just because he's black. It's a two way street.
wrong. black people have always leaned strongly towards the democratic party. The republican party of the last 60 years has been horrible to blacks.
comparing Luis Farrakhan to white supremists is laughable.

Yeah because the DEMOCRATIC PARTY didnt start the KKK, right?

The Republican Party was sooooo bad that Martin Luther King, Jr. that he just wanted to be a Republican to fit in, huh?

And I wont even respond to the Farrakhan comebacks, his hate for other races that arent black speaks for itself.

Really, Fede? You're educated enough to know how theevolution of American parties has played out in history. Comparing today's Democrats to the Antebellum Civil War Democrats is a joke, you know that.
Originally Posted by jessie48484848

honestly most mccain supporters that i know of are not lik this. this looks like these videos were shot in cousin %%@$@!# country. im from a predominately republican state but the city i live in probabley has almost 95 percent of the democrats that live in this state in it and while im not sure about in the country but in my city must people do not think or act this way. these people in these videos ae abosolutly ridiculous. people are making it out to seem like these are like ALLLL mccain supporters. notice how most of the people spouting racism appear to be old hicks. those probably make up a tiny tiny portion of mccains votes. so to say all mccain supporters believe what these ******ed people are saying then thats ridiculous.
Good post.
lol it's not even about voting for mccain.. its now NOT voting for obama. you could have a piece of bread running for president and these idiots would votefor it. i wish obama wins so these idiots can murk themselves
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Not surprised at all. There's been racism, there is racism, and there's always gonna be racism.
Not in all parts of the U.S.
sad and scary. especially the young kids.

is the suggestion that people are voting for obama only because he is black, whether true or not, somehow a justification for all the lies and slurs beingspewed out by these people? I dont see how a candidate getting the black vote becomes a comparable defense for people teaching their children to call Barracka monkey or to call him a Muslim, a terrorist, a socialist, a communist or any of the numerous and hateful lies in the vid. I dont see how or why they shouldor would equate to each other or be used as an excuse for this type of hate in an election.
Originally Posted by HangTight

Honestly all this is getting ridiculous, even if Obama was Muslim what is the big deal? Everyone needs to educate themselves on what Islam is about before they make judgments. And please stop listening to the media about what Islam is about, go ask a MUSLIM FIRST.


I can't believe in this day and age people still are so closed minded and ignorant! I'm not a Muslim but I do know that Islam is the biggest religionin this world. There's white, chinese, and black Muslims. Just because of the action of some EXTREME Islamic sects, people tend to look down on thereligion as a whole which is complete bologna!

That's just like looking down on all Christians because of the actions of Nazi's, KKK members, and the Skinheads. They consider themselves Christiansbut yet they use to hang and burn different races and religions, threaten to decapitate blacks, and bomb black churches. Sound familiar?
Sorry McBushies, but it's NOT 50/50. I know you really want to make it look like that, but it's just not the case. There is more racism fromignorant McBush voters than black Obama voters who vote for him because he's black. And not only is there more racism, but it's way more powerful

In the 200+ year history of the U.S., four presidents have been assassinated and there have been many more attempted assassinations - not a single one carriedout by a black man because of race. Obama is the first serious black candidate running for President and there have already been several assassination plotsagainst him that were racially motivated.

The hate for Obama in some parts of the south flat out exceeds any hate for McBush in places where black people are the majority.
all you are jumping on the fact that people aren't voting for him because hes black... how about the bigger majority of people who aren't voting forhim is because they are extremely prejudice and think hes a muslim. i love it how people jump on racism when IMO religious intolerance is just as big of theproblem
Damn that was like a pep rally before a football game between two bitter rivals. That was serious.
If you're voting for McCain thats great.
But you really dont need to say racial slurs about Obama.
Why say immature things when you dont even know who Obama really is.
at those old people yelling
I think this all falls on McCain and Palin for not speaking out against this type of crap in their rallies. If Palin heard that, why doesn't she say excuseme, I will not tolerate that type of racist remarks here and guess what the audience would have respected her and educated Americans such as myself would havesaw her in a different light. The campaign would have swung in her favor if she had said that. Instead she clearly ignored the remark.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I think this all falls on McCain and Palin for not speaking out against this type of crap in their rallies. If Palin heard that, why doesn't she say excuse me, I will not tolerate that type of racist remarks here and guess what the audience would have respected her and educated Americans such as myself would have saw her in a different light. The campaign would have swung in her favor if she had said that. Instead she clearly ignored the remark.
It's way too late for that now....you can see how bad it has gotten a few weeks ago when McCain kinda lost control of the crowd at a rally. You could really see the look of fear all over his face....like Dr. Frankenstein realizing what kind of monster he had created.
I'm so tired of this circus, all I can say is.... %+!# the democrats and %+!#the republicans. can't wait til this %%+@ is over and done with next week.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

And if Obama wins, this guy wins.

He's just the same as a "white surpremist".
Hey Fede I'm white, how about this sit down and see if you can think of something intelligent and that actually makes sense.

Oh no wait, you can't and haven't said one intelligent thing in any of these election topics, at least TBone knows what he is talking about,
you on the other hand don't at all.
and IF obama wins ignorant black ppl like these "win"

and black people say they aren't voting for him because hes black(i know EVERY black person in the us isn't voting for him just because hes black)

also i'm not a racist.. so don't quote me and call me one..
Funny thing is the majority of people have no idea what they are voting for and why.

And what exactly makes someone American? I hear them saying I want to be an American. What the hell are they talking about?
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

and IF obama wins ignorant black ppl like these "win"


and black people say they aren't voting for him because hes black(i know EVERY black person in the us isn't voting for him just because hes black)

also i'm not a racist.. so don't quote me and call me one..

Yeah, you are a racist.
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