If McCain wins... these people win. This is extremely disturbing.

Peoples true colors will show when Obama is elected. It's a shame that people are still in the dark ages not accept the reality of what is actually
happening in this world. We had an individual that stole the first election to the white house, started a war so people can vote for him in his
second term so they can think that he is a patriot. Bush in no different from any other dictator communist in the rest of the world. He is a war
criminal, he profited big time from this so called war and murdered thousands of innocent lives. Change does need to happen whether it's a black man
or woman, we need something different. Bush should of been impeached a long time ago. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Obama wins next week, its a wrap. Celebrating like its New Years.
If he loses, ill be the 1st person to throw a trashcan through a window of a pizzaria in Howard Beach,Queens or Bensonhurst,BK word to Do the Right Thing
Originally Posted by ntngman

Peoples true colors will show when Obama is elected. It's a shame that people are still in the dark ages not accept the reality of what is actually
happening in this world. We had an individual that stole the first election to the white house, started a war so people can vote for him in his
second term so they can think that he is a patriot. Bush in no different from any other dictator communist in the rest of the world. He is a war
criminal, he profited big time from this so called war and murdered thousands of innocent lives. Change does need to happen whether it's a black man
or woman, we need something different. Bush should of been impeached a long time ago. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Change?! Sending more troops to Afghanistan is not a change in policy. I'll credit Obama on change when we end this war completely becausethe War on "Terror" is outright dumb
Originally Posted by WillAPeer

"barack hussein" what the hell are these people on? Husseins long gone
i love ignorance
People who say there aren't radicals in both camps, explain this...
[h1]Effigy of Palin Hanging by Noose is Halloween Fun, Owner Says[/h1] [h2]The owner of a home that has a mannequin dressed like the Republican vice presidential candidate and hanging by a rope says it's just a "scary" Halloween decoration. [/h2]

Monday, October 27, 2008

A mannequin dressed as Sarah Palin hangs from a noose as part of a Halloween display in West Hollywood, Calif. (MyFOXla.com)

Ghosts, goblins, gargoyles . . . and Sarah Palin hanging by a noose?

That's the latest imagery of the Republican vice presidential candidate and her running mate John McCain on display at a West Hollywood home that has been decorated for Halloween.

The outdoor decor features a mannequin dressed as Palin, wearing a red business suit, eyeglasses and brunette beehive wig, hanging by a noose off the chimney. Right above her, a devilish John McCain emerges from the chimney with paper flames surrounding him.

Some neighbors say it's just wrong to depict a vice presidential candidate that way.

Chad Michael Morisette, who lives in the house, told CBS 2 News that the effigy would be out of bounds at any other time of year, but it's within the spirit of Halloween.

"It should be seen as art, and as within the month of October. It's Halloween, it's time to be scary, it's time to be spooky," Morisette said.

Several locals and tour buses have swung by the house to snap photos of the scene, and some gawkers say it is humorous. Morisette acknowledged to FOX 11 news that had he depicted Barack Obama in the same scene, it would not have gone over as well, because the history of a hanged black man in America is a lot more intense than a hanged white woman.

FOX 11 reported that the scene may also have been a response to a false rumor that recently circulated in the area that drag queens were to be banned from dressing up as Palin for the annual West Hollywood Halloween carnival costume party on Santa Monica Boulevard. The drag race and pageant were held Sunday evening, and no costume was forbidden.

With Election Day fast approaching, Palin effigies aren't the only sign of over-the-top political bitterness.

CBS 2 News also reported that another homeowner in the Los Angeles area had his Obama yard sign vandalized with a racial slur.

"I think the word says more about the person who wrote it than anything," homeowner John McNamara told CBS 2 News.

The FBI and Los Angles Police Department are reportedly investigating the incident.


Now if this was Obama, it would be all over the news...
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by nnarum

There are knuckleheads voting for Obama just because he's black. It's a two way street.
it's not a damn two way street... there has never been a legitimate black candidate in the 200-year history of this country. yet a black person voting for Obama is somehow the same as white people calling him a monkey. i don't know what two way streets look like in your neighborhood.

Excellent Point

I would like to add. I have been voted in 3 presidential elections. I have voted for a white candidate 66.6% of the time. And in order to justify the ignorancedisplayed by many McCain supporters they best argument I get is your black and your supporting Obama because he is black.

The correct premise is I am voting for Obama because of his platform. I am excited because for the first time in my life a legitimateblack candidate is being considered. A candidate that I can relate to.
Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by nnarum

There are knuckleheads voting for Obama just because he's black. It's a two way street.
it's not a damn two way street... there has never been a legitimate black candidate in the 200-year history of this country. yet a black person voting for Obama is somehow the same as white people calling him a monkey. i don't know what two way streets look like in your neighborhood.

Excellent Point

I would like to add. I have been voted in 3 presidential elections. I have voted for a white candidate 66.6% of the time. And in order to justify the ignorance displayed by many McCain supporters they best argument I get is your black and your supporting Obama because he is black.

The correct premise is I am voting for Obama because of his platform. I am excited because for the first time in my life a legitimate black candidate is being considered. A candidate that I can relate to.
If you've read my previous posts, you'd realize that he twisted my comments. Or just has selective reading. Even if you're notresponding to his response to my original statement, I'm just clarifying where I stand. I do not support Obama because of the amount of spending he wantsto impose on a crippled economy.
i heard a good point today Black people were going with a white person before obama HILARY CLINTON! So its not so much a black thing as a democratic thing
Originally Posted by carlosdapaperboy

Not surprised at all. There's been racism, there is racism, and there's always gonna be racism.
co-sign. this is just the rawest form that the public is being exposed to. there's people at home cursing their tv's calling "O"a n***er and so forth. let's not sit here and believe that they think he's a "communist". they're just racist. that speaks for themajority of them at least. and what's worse is they have their children marching with them like they have any idea what it's about. all their learningis to become close-minded individuals.
Also I said there are knuckleheads voting for him just because he's black. Not meaning everyone who supports Obama that is black is voting for him for thatsole reason. Which means, by god, there are white people voting for Obama just because he's black too! This is a historic election. Trust me, I'veheard it from a few people I've spoken to the last few months. People love to twist comments and run with them.

And the fact that I have to clarify myself is pretty sad.
Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by nnarum

There are knuckleheads voting for Obama just because he's black. It's a two way street.
it's not a damn two way street... there has never been a legitimate black candidate in the 200-year history of this country. yet a black person voting for Obama is somehow the same as white people calling him a monkey. i don't know what two way streets look like in your neighborhood.

Excellent Point

I would like to add. I have been voted in 3 presidential elections. I have voted for a white candidate 66.6% of the time. And in order to justify the ignorance displayed by many McCain supporters they best argument I get is your black and your supporting Obama because he is black.

The correct premise is I am voting for Obama because of his platform. I am excited because for the first time in my life a legitimate black candidate is being considered. A candidate that I can relate to.
If you've read my previous posts, you'd realize that he twisted my comments. Or just has selective reading. Even if you're not responding to his response to my original statement, I'm just clarifying where I stand. I do not support Obama because of the amount of spending he wants to impose on a crippled economy.

Homey that is a direct quote and a response...how is he twisting your comment?
Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by nnarum

Originally Posted by CParkFresh

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by nnarum

There are knuckleheads voting for Obama just because he's black. It's a two way street.
it's not a damn two way street... there has never been a legitimate black candidate in the 200-year history of this country. yet a black person voting for Obama is somehow the same as white people calling him a monkey. i don't know what two way streets look like in your neighborhood.

Excellent Point

I would like to add. I have been voted in 3 presidential elections. I have voted for a white candidate 66.6% of the time. And in order to justify the ignorance displayed by many McCain supporters they best argument I get is your black and your supporting Obama because he is black.

The correct premise is I am voting for Obama because of his platform. I am excited because for the first time in my life a legitimate black candidate is being considered. A candidate that I can relate to.
If you've read my previous posts, you'd realize that he twisted my comments. Or just has selective reading. Even if you're not responding to his response to my original statement, I'm just clarifying where I stand. I do not support Obama because of the amount of spending he wants to impose on a crippled economy.

Homey that is a direct quote and a response...how is he twisting your comment?

Originally Posted by nnarum

Also I said there are knuckleheads voting for him just because he's black. Not meaning everyone who supports Obama that is black is voting for him for that sole reason. Which means, by god, there are white people voting for Obama just because he's black too! This is a historic election. Trust me, I've heard it from a few people I've spoken to the last few months. People love to twist comments and run with them.

And the fact that I have to clarify myself is pretty sad.
nnarum...you're out of the loop aren't you? It has already happened several times.

Obama effigy found hanging from campustree
[h2]School leaders, students express outrage at 'overt racial act'[/h2]NEWBERG, Ore. - Students and school leaders at a small Christian universityexpressed outrage Wednesday at the discovery of a life-size cardboard effigy of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama hanging from a tree on campus.
Here's the bottom line:

Obama/Biden rallies = positivity and support for their candidates and their views. Are there some knuckleheads? Without a doubt. But overall, we can safely saythe Democratic rallies are a hell of a lot more positive and focus on real issues and avoid, for the most part, the character assassination that takes place atRepub rallies.

McCain/Palin rallies = negativity with utter disgust for Obama and no voicing of why they're supporting the Repub ticket. Like yo, could they talk any moreabout the other guy? What happened to supporting your candidate because you like him and what he stands for, as opposed to sheer hate and fear of his opponent?

The people who take place in the activities shown in these videos are basically just little, butt hurt kids--they know they're down in the election and areon the verge of losing, so they resort to childish tactics like calling folks names. Nice. They are a discredit to their party, America and in general, thehuman race.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Here's the bottom line:

Obama/Biden rallies = positivity and support for their candidates and their views. Are there some knuckleheads? Without a doubt. But overall, we can safely say the Democratic rallies are a hell of a lot more positive and focus on real issues and avoid, for the most part, the character assassination that takes place at Repub rallies.

McCain/Palin rallies = negativity with utter disgust for Obama and no voicing of why they're supporting the Repub ticket. Like yo, could they talk any more about the other guy? What happened to supporting your candidate because you like him and what he stands for, as opposed to sheer hate and fear of his opponent?

The people who take place in the activities shown in these videos are basically just little, butt hurt kids--they know they're down in the election and are on the verge of losing, so they resort to childish tactics like calling folks names. Nice. They are a discredit to their party, America and in general, the human race.


For the most part, the Obama/Biden rallies bring people to unity and have nothing but positiveness. The media sees this and in return, portrays the Obama/Bidencampaign in a positive light

On the other hand, the Mccain/Palin rallies spew nothing but negativity and hatred all over the place. The media sees this and in return, portrays theircampaign in a negative light.

What goes around comes around. They've done it to themselves

Mccain and Co. spend more time talking about Obama than their own campaign. If they'd actually talk about themselves more often, then people would takethem more seriously than rather for a joke
Originally Posted by nnarum

There are knuckleheads voting for Obama just because he's black. It's a two way street.
w/e if obama was a republican then you would have a point....blacks have historically voted for Democrats
Originally Posted by deepinthajeep

I feel like someone would call me a "tar baby" or a "%$$*" @ a McCain/ Palin rally.

you mad?


Nah but really....I'm so glad I left Florida before this stuff hit the fan...and I'm sure it will get much muchworse
The 2nd clip in Henderson NV is where I live. I stay about two miles away from where that rally took place & have been running past it training for the LVMarathon. Not surprising @ all. There's McCain posters in about 6 people yards in my neighborhood and kinda had an impression that I lived in Republicanpartisan part of town. Does it bother me, HELL NO!!!!! The school my daughter goes too is about 2% black & the neighborhood I live in is very divers. Isthere a way to get results on a Preceint??? I'm curious to see how my voting site turns out!!!!!
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