If you could redo college, what would you major in?

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by So Nyuh Shi Dae

I would have double majored in Business and some language. Engineering really wasn't for me.

Is there a benefit to majoring in a language as compared to just taking courses in college and mastering it that way? Like does having a major in Spanish have a major difference compared to just taking a lot of Spanish classes in college?
I'm sure there are some benefits as having the degree would demonstrate to an employer that you have some knowledge of the language whereas just having taken classes may not. There are various tests for languages that demonstrate one's proficiency in a language. Personally, I just wish I would have double majored in a language out of interest, not necessarily because I thought it would be more beneficial.
Originally Posted by jayhawk17

graphic design...instead of marketing...marketing you can read about in a few books and have it covered...then you just need some real life experience. With design I'd be able to use all the computer programs I can't right now as good as I'd like so instead I'm stuck doing tutorials.

Advice if you are thinking about business degrees.... learn something technical/computer based. Basic concepts like marketing/management/accounting(to an extent)etc will generally be the same but you need to have skills to create given the tools we have.
yep, would have dropped marketing and got my degree in film+photography/english.
Originally Posted by tootthatthang

Originally Posted by mrkittles20

I'm 30 and will be finishing my nursing degree in May of this year. I've changed my major six times since I got out of high school, so to answer your question, I would have went into nursing right away.
The hours are amazing and you make really good money. There is a ton of stress and you're probably overworked 90% of the time, but its worth it.
I'm considering going back to school for this as well. Did you attend a Junior College, Trade school or university? How difficult are the courses
and the program acceptance? Sorry just curious

When I decided on Nursing, most of my prereq courses had lapsed, so I had to take them over again. I went to Penn State for a semester and accrued 23K in debt after one semester, so I went back home. I continued my prereq courses at one community college and then finished them up at another because it was so much cheaper. The only prereqs that were difficult for me was Microbiology and Anatomy & Physiology 1 (and 2).
The program acceptance SUCKS. I applied to no less than 7 different schools and kept getting denied because I hadn't taken all my prereq's at their school, or didn't have a high enough transfer GPA to compete with the other transfer students (I had a 3.42 gpa at the time). I eventually went out west to Seattle for a year and took the prereqs out there that were different than back here in Maryland. I didn't get into their program in the spring, so I came back and took some random photography class over the summer and applied everywhere again. Ironically enough, I got into every school I applied to after that one class.

The nursing classes themselves are the mos difficult classes I've ever taken. They test you on roughly 4-500 pages of new material per exam and don't have any extra credit or bonus points. You also have to pass overall with a 76 to keep moving and if you don't , you have to wait an entire school year to pick it back up. On top of that, you have to do clinical hours every week and write papers, do presentations, get tested out for skills, etc.. I definitely thought it'd be easier than it is. Every semester we lose between 4-8 people because they fail out.

Lemme know if you have any other questions.
wouldn't change my major. just wished i studied harder and got a better gpa so that the application process for grad school wouldnt suck as much.
im about to be 24 this year. still in college, on and off. SMH. ive switched majors 3 times. started with medical, wanted to be a radiologist, switched to computer graphics, then to English. If i could go back i would of stuck with radiology and be done with it. now its like 3 years too get on the waiting list for the xray program at the local JUCO by me.

i found a few other schools that offer programs with no waiting list, but theyre like 3 hours away
currently a comp sci major but i dont like programming at all so im thinking of something in finance.

any of u guys finance majors?

hows the job market?
Wish I had took a year off before college. Majored in finance and I don't even know why, hopefully I use it someday but right now immanpersonal trainer so I wish I did exercise science.
Srry wrong thread lol,

I've changed my major twice...I say that is one of the hardest things is to realize what you want to do.

I'm 21 and I'm still at a CC, I don't let it get to me cuz it takes time. but def try to make sure you know wat your major is so you don't waste your time...
Marine Biology or Veterinarian Science

If I could find a way to combine my Criminal Justice degree to work with animals that would be perfect. And by animals I don't mean the ones you find in prisons.
Originally Posted by odog24

currently a comp sci major but i dont like programming at all so im thinking of something in finance.

any of u guys finance majors?

hows the job market?

I'm about to graduate this spring in Studio Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design & Printmaking. If I were to redo it I'd do the same but I wish I could have taken more photography classes.
Im graduating with a double degree in Finance and Real Estate in May. If i were to go back i'd major to Bio and become a doctor.
Originally Posted by jayhawk17

graphic design...instead of marketing...marketing you can read about in a few books and have it covered...then you just need some real life experience. With design I'd be able to use all the computer programs I can't right now as good as I'd like so instead I'm stuck doing tutorials.

Advice if you are thinking about business degrees.... learn something technical/computer based. Basic concepts like marketing/management/accounting(to an extent)etc will generally be the same but you need to have skills to create given the tools we have.

 feel you man.

Digital Marketing major checking in. Though I don't regret picking this major, I do regret not taking more design

and graphic art classes earlier on in my collegiate career. I'm currently a junior, so from here on in, I'm making it a

point to expose myself to, and to become proficient at using some of the programs in the Adobe Creative Suite family. 
I got my degree in Management....

I would likely do either Marketing or Political Science
The same degree I graduated in (I switched degrees in my third year
). Could've gotten things done a year earlier.
Originally Posted by mrkittles20

When I decided on Nursing, most of my prereq courses had lapsed, so I had to take them over again. I went to Penn State for a semester and accrued 23K in debt after one semester, so I went back home. I continued my prereq courses at one community college and then finished them up at another because it was so much cheaper. The only prereqs that were difficult for me was Microbiology and Anatomy & Physiology 1 (and 2).
The program acceptance SUCKS. I applied to no less than 7 different schools and kept getting denied because I hadn't taken all my prereq's at their school, or didn't have a high enough transfer GPA to compete with the other transfer students (I had a 3.42 gpa at the time). I eventually went out west to Seattle for a year and took the prereqs out there that were different than back here in Maryland. I didn't get into their program in the spring, so I came back and took some random photography class over the summer and applied everywhere again. Ironically enough, I got into every school I applied to after that one class.

The nursing classes themselves are the mos difficult classes I've ever taken. They test you on roughly 4-500 pages of new material per exam and don't have any extra credit or bonus points. You also have to pass overall with a 76 to keep moving and if you don't , you have to wait an entire school year to pick it back up. On top of that, you have to do clinical hours every week and write papers, do presentations, get tested out for skills, etc.. I definitely thought it'd be easier than it is. Every semester we lose between 4-8 people because they fail out.

Lemme know if you have any other questions.

Thanks my man for the in depth response. I would be lying if I said you didn't steer me away from it though from fear of failure
school has always been one of my strong points. I'm just fearful of not being accepted into any of the programs and in San Jose the nursing
programs are flooded. Would you advise attending a trade school or is that an unlikely choice due to lack of credibility?
Originally Posted by Estevo

Originally Posted by jayhawk17

graphic design...instead of marketing...marketing you can read about in a few books and have it covered...then you just need some real life experience. With design I'd be able to use all the computer programs I can't right now as good as I'd like so instead I'm stuck doing tutorials.

Advice if you are thinking about business degrees.... learn something technical/computer based. Basic concepts like marketing/management/accounting(to an extent)etc will generally be the same but you need to have skills to create given the tools we have.

 feel you man.

Digital Marketing major checking in. Though I don't regret picking this major, I do regret not taking more design

and graphic art classes earlier on in my collegiate career. I'm currently a junior, so from here on in, I'm making it a

point to expose myself to, and to become proficient at using some of the programs in the Adobe Creative Suite family. 
What kind of field is graphic design? What jobs are open for this kind of major?
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I got my degree in Management....

I would likely do either Marketing or Political Science
I've wanted to do Marketing but heard the career field is really bad/dry?
I'm currently attending a junior college and have no idea what I want to do. The bad thing is I'm one class away from finishing the basics

I randomly thought about a Science degree when I was driving one day.....and I don't even find Science interesting
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