If you were an NBA superstar (top 6 player), would you take a minimum salary to play for Miami?

Originally Posted by Girl Thats Drob

Dumbest thread of all time. ##%$ the Heat B

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Na. I would want to beat them

Originally Posted by Mister916

No, I want to get paid.


But I understand if I was like LeBron, If I couldn't do it by myself in another city, I would go under someone's wing and just go to Miami so D-Wade can get me a ring.
No. It just won't work, at some point you have to understand that there is only 1 ball and that you need different types of players to build a successful team. A team of just superstars can't work, unless everybody but the top 2 takes on a role player style. When then you might as well get a solid role player than a superstar that gets very little touches.
Only way I am saying yes to this idiotic idea, is if I am an aging superstar that is getting close to the end of my career. And even then, Im signing with the Thunder.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Money is no issue. You have endorsements, investments out the +$%. The NBA paycheck is chump change to you.
Would you sacrifice millions to play with 3 great players and try to completely devour every other team in the league? Sign a 1 year, $2 Million dollar deal and give it a run?
I can honestly say that if I were in that position, I'd definitely give it a try. To be apart of such a historic team would be pretty dope IMO.
I'm probably gunna be the only one who would do that 
I think the people saying no completely overlooked that first line right there, especially the very first sentence
The Heat will not win a championship. Lebron is cursed

They will come very close but no cigar.

Miss Cleo told me this
In the end, you're still a superstar who teamed up with other superstars just so you could say you won a title. NBA titles don't pay the bills.
If i was in a situation like that;I would take pay cut to play with the bulls,OKC, or mavericks. I like how those temas vibe.
I expect to be compensated relative to how I perform in my field. Give me max or close to max money. Fans care about winning, it's a job to players
LOL...ya'll cholesterol must be through the roof with the amount of salt in this thread. But it's all good.

I was saying this before LeBron went to the Heat. I remember telling my brother about how he has millions of dollars, whats the differance between taking $15mil a year as oppose to $18mil and be able to play with another superstar. Dude already has crazy cash, endoresments and all that....yeah I would have done it.

Or you can go to the Thunder and wait for Durant and Westbrook to kill eachother and your entire team implodes.

Or go to Chicago and put up 61 wins and then get drubbed by the Heat in the playoffs.

Your choice.
i would tell chicago that i want to play PF for them.

wait for boozer to get amnestied and put that bulls #5 jersey on.
Man I think this all the time.

D12 & DWill should just wait and sign with miami ... Deals can be worked out

10 straight
nope id join Amare, Tyson, Melo in NY or Blake and CP3 in LA, or Kobe in LA, or D-Rose in Chi, or D-Will or Dwight
wherever they may be headed still have talent surrounding me and still making that near max deal of course
ill take a paycut from say 15mil to 10mil or something alongside those lines to add another superstar to the mix
This whole "superteam" trend is absolutely pathetic. Competitiveness is DEAD.
Some of ya'll seem like the type of dudes that when you pick squads during pick up ball...always try to pick the biggest/tallest players.

"I got first...let me get the 6'8 guy right there"
if i had a chance to play for the team i grew up rooting for, then AND ONLY then i might be willing to take less to go play for that team for a short period
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

i would tell chicago that i want to play PF for them.

wait for boozer to get amnestied and put that bulls #5 jersey on.


 @ having booz though
Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

nope id join Amare, Tyson, Melo in NY or Blake and CP3 in LA, or Kobe in LA, or D-Rose in Chi, or D-Will or Dwight
wherever they may be headed still have talent surrounding me and still making that near max deal of course
ill take a paycut from say 15mil to 10mil or something alongside those lines to add another superstar to the mix

See and this is the exact reason why I feel there is a lot of bias here. Just because it's the Heat.  Some of you may not be biased in your decision but a lot of you guys seem to be. This dude just said he'd do the same thing, just on another team. Same money (12 Million), same amount of superstars.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Nah I would want to be the number one guy. I know it's a terrible mindset to have but when I play, I go out there thinking I'm the best player on the court
No, there would be no challenge. Also, part of being a superstar is carrying your team. That opportunity doesn't reside in Miami. I would want to be known as the one that dealt them Ls repeatedly.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

nope id join Amare, Tyson, Melo in NY or Blake and CP3 in LA, or Kobe in LA, or D-Rose in Chi, or D-Will or Dwight
wherever they may be headed still have talent surrounding me and still making that near max deal of course
ill take a paycut from say 15mil to 10mil or something alongside those lines to add another superstar to the mix

See and this is the exact reason why I feel there is a lot of bias here. Just because it's the Heat.  Some of you may not be biased in your decision but a lot of you guys seem to be. This dude just said he'd do the same thing, just on another team. Same money (12 Million), same amount of superstars.

im not biased against the Heat but if im a top 6 player im not taking 2 mil/ a year to be a third or fourth option on the Heat 
i rather be a 1-2 option on another team with talent and make that 12 mil a year i dont know im selfish 

plus imagine the playoffs, the challenge, the excitement, the epic series 
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