Illiteracy in Louisiana ?... (don't even try to top this)

Originally Posted by biggatree

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

but its a hyphen...


unless you have some sort of mental disability or condition,

if your 34 and can't read you need to find a way of learning how to write and get the "Will Work For Food" sign up and just post up by thefreeway all day and sleep in the sewer.

A 34 adult who can't read (that has nothing wrong with them) gets no sympathy from me for being a lazy waste of life. There are kids who are mentallyretarded who know how to read or at the least can somewhat understand material from a book but a 34 year old adult can't read.

SMH that dumb broad should have read some dr. suess books or something.
Originally Posted by AiRodney23

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Danny Almonte 3

ok my man, just trying to save you some embarrassment when you raise your hand in class to speak
alright man, you stay with your socio-economic theories , while there are programs such as these, in new orleans, for example

clearly im ignorant, undeducated, and just speaking out of my @#$ when i say there are oppurtunities to learn if you want to learn
Did you read the article?

Of the 24 metro-area adult literacy providers in operation before Katrina, only seven are currently offering services. Two of these are English as Second Language (ESL) programs. Five are operating outside New Orleans.

Plus, this article is 3 years old. And how advertised was this program? Did people even know about it?

It's easy to say "everyone should be able to read in America". I agree with that, but realistically that isn't the case. The public school system in certain areas are complete garbage, to be frank. Sitting at home on your computer judging stuff you don't really know about doesn't help the problem, either.
Chances are son is a privileged child with an inaccurate sense of reality.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by AiRodney23

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Danny Almonte 3

ok my man, just trying to save you some embarrassment when you raise your hand in class to speak
alright man, you stay with your socio-economic theories , while there are programs such as these, in new orleans, for example

clearly im ignorant, undeducated, and just speaking out of my @#$ when i say there are oppurtunities to learn if you want to learn
Did you read the article?

Of the 24 metro-area adult literacy providers in operation before Katrina, only seven are currently offering services. Two of these are English as Second Language (ESL) programs. Five are operating outside New Orleans.

Plus, this article is 3 years old. And how advertised was this program? Did people even know about it?

It's easy to say "everyone should be able to read in America". I agree with that, but realistically that isn't the case. The public school system in certain areas are complete garbage, to be frank. Sitting at home on your computer judging stuff you don't really know about doesn't help the problem, either.
Chances are son is a privileged child with an inaccurate sense of reality.

Right, cause having the oppurtunity to learn how to read is a privilege now?
that "privilege" is available to every citizen of the US whether you want to believe it or not. Actually its the LAW in Louisiana forstudents to attend school until age 17. thats plenty of time to learn how to @#$%@$% read

it has nothing to do with being poor, my parents never had anything growing up yet worked their @#$ off to make something of themselves. me and my friends wentto some garbage @#$ schools until high school with a bunch of under achievers, so ive seen first hand how people fail just because they didnt give a @#$%
i know theres a lack of motivation to do well, but its not an i said ive also been all over the world in 3rd world countries that would make our hoods look like paradise. even then the poorest of the poor kids wouldgo to school. so from my own experience i know that being illiterate has everything to do with being lazy and and having no drive to further yourself in life,unless of course you have some type of disability.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by AiRodney23

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by Danny Almonte 3

ok my man, just trying to save you some embarrassment when you raise your hand in class to speak
alright man, you stay with your socio-economic theories , while there are programs such as these, in new orleans, for example

clearly im ignorant, undeducated, and just speaking out of my @#$ when i say there are oppurtunities to learn if you want to learn
Did you read the article?

Of the 24 metro-area adult literacy providers in operation before Katrina, only seven are currently offering services. Two of these are English as Second Language (ESL) programs. Five are operating outside New Orleans.

Plus, this article is 3 years old. And how advertised was this program? Did people even know about it?

It's easy to say "everyone should be able to read in America". I agree with that, but realistically that isn't the case. The public school system in certain areas are complete garbage, to be frank. Sitting at home on your computer judging stuff you don't really know about doesn't help the problem, either.
Chances are son is a privileged child with an inaccurate sense of reality.

Right, cause having the oppurtunity to learn how to read is a privilege now?
that "privilege" is available to every citizen of the US whether you want to believe it or not. Actually its the LAW in Louisiana for students to attend school until age 17. thats plenty of time to learn how to @#$%@$% read

it has nothing to do with being poor, my parents never had anything growing up yet worked their @#$ off to make something of themselves. me and my friends went to some garbage @#$ schools until high school with a bunch of under achievers, so ive seen first hand how people fail just because they didnt give a @#$%
i know theres a lack of motivation to do well, but its not an excuse. like i said ive also been all over the world in 3rd world countries that would make our hoods look like paradise. even then the poorest of the poor kids would go to school. so from my own experience i know that being illiterate has everything to do with being lazy and and having no drive to further yourself in life, unless of course you have some type of disability.

I wish more poor people in the US would realize this. And yes you can make it out the hood. Do you have extra obstacles? Sure. But it just makes gettingout that much sweeter. I mean immigrants in NYC almost always seem to send their kids to college from my experience. And if they can do it with a languagebarrier, damned well someone who doesn't have one should.
Ok. I find this extremely sad. Seriously. Its a shame when people don't receive any education. But I can't front, I busted out laughing when I readthis article.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I volunteer at a public school in New Orleans so pardon me if I have trouble finding humor in this.
There's no humor in illiteracy. However, there is too much blame placed on the wrong parties. A lack of parenting and personal responsibilityare wholly responsible.
smh @ people blaming their environment and other lame excuses for not being able to read

check cuba's literacy rates - actually most island nations have insanely high literacy rates and they're 3rd world countries.

there is no excuse for a person in the most free/dominant country in the world to to illiterate except mental disability
People are up in arms about a person living in the US not reading (a sentiment I agree with), but God forbid you suggest immigrants should learn English.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

People are up in arms about a person living in the US not reading (a sentiment I agree with), but God forbid you suggest immigrants should learn English.
Has nothing to do with the topic
Some of the storys I could tell you bout goin to jail in KY are about on the same level as this...awful just awful.
Originally Posted by JDocs

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by dustblaaze

A lot of you are blaming it on their environment, lack of parenting, the public school system, etc. But shouldn't the person come to a point in life where they just need to step up to the plate, swallow their pride, and figure out how to read. My dad came from a third world country where the slums make Louisiana look like Beverly Hills and was forced to drop out of school at a very early age so he could work to survive. He was illiterate but before immigrating here, he decided to learn how to read because he knew it was a necessity in life. There are no excuses to be made for a 34 year old woman in the US who has a lot more access to schools, libraries, and learning centers. At some point you have to stop blaming the environment and start looking at the person.
So he didn't learn til he saw it as a necessity. He had a push to learn which was coming here. These people are already here, and already working. Who knows maybe once their kids are grown, they will go out and learn, but right now their main focus is most likely working
There are jobs where you never have to read ANYTHING EVER? How do you even get a job if you can't read, don't you have to fill out an application or give in a resume or something? Isn't there a handbook or something you would need to read? Someone please fill me in on these jobs that do not require ANY reading.

You guys really don't realize how many people are illiterate do you? What do you think they do? I'm not sure what these jobs are, but they obviouslyhave found something
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Phil Le0tard0 wrote:

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Thats not even funny it's sad...

I worked for FEMA during Hurricane Katrina and some of the stuff I heard from the people I spoke with was UNREAL... From the stories they told me to them being illiterate...

One time I received a call from a hurricane victim that received a letter from FEMA... We did not have the ability to see the actual letters that the people received.... The lady I was speaking with stated she got a letter and she didn't know what it meant... I then asked her to read it to me so I could explain it to her... She said no I can't read it... I could hear people in the background talking so I told her to have someone she was with read it to me... She said it she had a few people there but none of them could read.... BTW she was 34 years old...

That is flat out SAD! It really hurts to see that AMERICAN children not learning to read... They aren't learning too much of nothing for real... The education level is so low down there... There is no excuses for that at all...


the south


how does someone have sympathy for illiterate people? you have to be a real dumb @#$ if you cant even read...

i've been to third world countries, where kids in villages without working water and electricity knew how to read their language. Being illiterate is a choice. if you have the drive to learn you can definitely do it.

I'm not tryna seem conceited but come on, reading is a basic human need...

EDIT: i really hate my SN being associated with this @#$%
my dumb @#$ lil wayne groupie brother
Maybe this woman should know how to read because of the readily available sources, but to say everyone who is illiterate is illiterate by choiceis ignorant, no?
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

People are up in arms about a person living in the US not reading (a sentiment I agree with), but God forbid you suggest immigrants should learn English.
Has nothing to do with the topic
They're DIRECT parallels.
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

People are up in arms about a person living in the US not reading (a sentiment I agree with), but God forbid you suggest immigrants should learn English.
Has nothing to do with the topic
They're DIRECT parallels.
No, they're not.

One thing is being illiterate and another thing is not knowing a foreign language.

Has nothing to do with this topic.
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