I'm 21 and never had a girlfriend.

A lot of late bloomers on here. :smh:
What in the world where you dudes doing in middle school and high school?
I was copping dome in the staircases and skipping class with a bird....
I dont get it.

I have no shame in the fact that I was a late bloomer

Didn't kiss my first chick till 17, ended up smashing like 2 weeks later

Was in single digits during college until senior year where I finally figured it out....Senior year and the 6 years since have been :smokin
Thanks for the replies, all of them. I didn't know there were quite a few like me as well on this forum. Figured everyone was pullin' dimes and what not. Those who are or have been in the same situation as me, how did you take it? Did you ever acknowledge it in your mind or just went with the flow of things?
you guys have to start keeping stuff like this to yourselves lol.
[h2]and rest assured: anyone who refers to the beautiful land that real people like to refer to as a vagina as "yambs" won't be able to assist you in any way.[/h2]
:lol:  Truer words have never been spoken WTF is a yamb ?

Last time I checked I never heard anybody say when they were born they came out of a yamb.

they need to have a preliminary NT101 into course before accepting new members... or a search function.
Thanks for the replies, all of them. I didn't know there were quite a few like me as well on this forum. Figured everyone was pullin' dimes and what not. Those who are or have been in the same situation as me, how did you take it? Did you ever acknowledge it in your mind or just went with the flow of things?

most people in the real word don't "pull" females in contrast to what some NT pleighbois would have you believing. You usually get gf's through friends, acquaintances, friends of friends that are within your social network (no fb), even at social gatherings like church; alcohol is involved 70-90% of the time, so thats a factor. So id advise you to just be more open, social and hang out with as many people as possible. The wider your circle of friends, the more chances you'll have. This ties in with my theory on why asians roll so deep but i'll end it here....
Just get it done. Your putting the P on a pedestal. Don't be insecure bout' it, just make it happen and once you got that first one under the belt... who knows?
I agree wit' these replies, but OP. Have you had sex? Maybe you ain't attractive. I dunno, i'm jus' sayin'...
OP, I'm in the same boat as you - no girlfriend, never smashed - except I'm 24, damn near 25. I just don't know what to do; I'm lost.
Thanks for the replies, all of them. I didn't know there were quite a few like me as well on this forum. Figured everyone was pullin' dimes and what not. Those who are or have been in the same situation as me, how did you take it? Did you ever acknowledge it in your mind or just went with the flow of things?

most people in the real word don't "pull" females in contrast to what some NT pleighbois would have you believing. You usually get gf's through friends, acquaintances, friends of friends that are within your social network (no fb), even at social gatherings like church; alcohol is involved 70-90% of the time, so thats a factor. So id advise you to just be more open, social and hang out with as many people as possible. The wider your circle of friends, the more chances you'll have. This ties in with my theory on why asians roll so deep but i'll end it here....

Insert rock clapping gif.

Honestly the best way to meet a gf will be through friends. Every girl that i have dated/hooked up with in the past year has been met through friends. This may sound awful but stay friends with the ugly/fat chicks. Girls will always introduce you to their other friends.
Nh, but you must be a chronic mastervader.
You have your penis going through 20 year sentence.
Balls got cobwebs and need to be dusted off.
I would honestly go crazy if I wasn't getting laid or some poon.
You gotta put your life in perspective.
You probably could be gay, try your luck with men. No joking, dudes that have no luck with the ladies, end up finding out they were fun boys. *****exuality might be your calling.
If you are not smashing or getting girls at 21 and while your young
Imagine when your older 30, 40, 50.
You are probably you going to lose your v-card to a skripper or a pro.
Might as well get it over with before it becomes a serious issue. You wil be paying for sex for the rest of life.
Word of advice, work out go to the gym and get in better shape, step your clothes/shoe game up (check dressing better and high end designer threads) and get your finances up....
You might look like hell rell and Sam cassell....but dudes really don't have to be pretty....I've seen fat and ugly dudes with dimes and bad chicks....what you don't have in looks, you make up with gear, style, cash, etc.
I pray to god you don't end up being a 30 40 year old virgin. Or a deviant.

how old are you? you sound like a pimple faced 13 year old from harlem.
I agree wit' these replies, but OP. Have you had sex? Maybe you ain't attractive. I dunno, i'm jus' sayin'...
Are you a manlet who is also unaesthetic?

I had to look up what manlet was :lol: but no. I'm 5'11", not tall, just average. I used to be somewhat chubby, but now, I wouldn't say i'm unaesthetic or aesthetic. I thought I was a regular dude, but I guess that's just not the case. Never had a girlfriend, never had sex, hell, never even got my first kiss. I didn't think I was the ugliest guy in the room; I guess you guys can tell me. Here's a recent pic from when I was in NY. Excuse the dumb facial expression, don't have very many photos of myself, I was the one usually behind the camera.

I had to look up what manlet was :lol: but no. I'm 5'11", not tall, just average. I used to be somewhat chubby, but now, I wouldn't say i'm unaesthetic or aesthetic. I thought I was a regular dude, but I guess that's just not the case. Never had a girlfriend, never had sex, hell, never even got my first kiss. I didn't think I was the ugliest guy in the room; I guess you guys can tell me. Here's a recent pic from when I was in NY. Excuse the dumb facial expression, don't have very many photos of myself, I was the one usually behind the camera.
no romo, but you should be able to go get some yambs...
Actuallynot having one girlfriend by 21 is a big problem. There are many lessons that are learned in young relationships that help one mature and get put to use once you're in a mature, older, relationship. You haven't learned ANYTHING. Everything that has to do with relationships you will learn on the fly with more mature girls that don't want to put with young relationship drama. You have a lot to learn, and hopefully you find a girl willing to go through all the problems and insecurities you're going to face without leaving you.
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obviously this is a troll thread
one cannot look like ^ and have problems chasing females
females chase you, dont they op.
I applaud OP...he is brave enough to ask for advice...I know some of these members on here is probably in the same situation yet they boost about doing "Thick Gurls" and driving M3s :smh:
-you can lose money chasing women but you can't lose women chasing money.
-invest in yourself. put the time in and it will be your time.
-women slow you down in the long run.

I'm in my middle 20's never had a serious relationship and I love being single. I got a "friend" and I get all the boyfriend priviledges without doing all the sucka ish men do in relationships. Don't want a girlfriend, don't need a girlfriend, not looking for a girlfriend. Feels real good.
Actuallynot having one girlfriend by 21 is a big problem. There are many lessons that are learned in young relationships that help one mature and get put to use once you're in a mature, older, relationship. You haven't learned ANYTHING. Everything that has to do with relationships you will learn on the fly with more mature girls that don't want to put with young relationship drama. You have a lot to learn, and hopefully you find a girl willing to go through all the problems and insecurities you're going to face without leaving you.
church...the thing is, you don't know how these woman are yet... you soon realize that they really are some cold blooded creatures ... :smh:
most people in the real word don't "pull" females in contrast to what some NT pleighbois would have you believing. You usually get gf's through friends, acquaintances, friends of friends that are within your social network (no fb), even at social gatherings like church; alcohol is involved 70-90% of the time, so thats a factor. So id advise you to just be more open, social and hang out with as many people as possible. The wider your circle of friends, the more chances you'll have. This ties in with my theory on why asians roll so deep but i'll end it here....

I've met most of my friend's friends, and a lot of the time, I'm just not interested; And when I do, I get friendzowned real fast. As well, I think a big problem is that I don't drink. I always get a lot of ridicule for it :\
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