I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

How come in these debates, I never see atheists being offended and refusing to address the other side?
It's always the religious people. Sillyputty goes through your argument thoroughly, and you refuse to address any of his points?
c'mon man.


Respond to that then.

The rules of the Old Testament never went away.  They still apply today. Jesus says it right there.
^ Exactly. Silly Putty can argue until his finger tips blister but its hard to take what he says serious. Its insult after insult follwed by cartoons for lulz. That only goes so far.
Sillyputty makes me feel like less of a human being tbh.
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

How come in these debates, I never see atheists being offended and refusing to address the other side?
It's always the religious people. Sillyputty goes through your argument thoroughly, and you refuse to address any of his points?
c'mon man.

If any of these dudes had any common sense they would just go to a christian apologist thread and copy and paste debates, ideas and pictures like he does

Most of yall are easily impressed 
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

How come in these debates, I never see atheists being offended and refusing to address the other side?
It's always the religious people. Sillyputty goes through your argument thoroughly, and you refuse to address any of his points?
c'mon man.

If any of these dudes had any common sense they would just go to a christian apologist thread and copy and paste debates, ideas and pictures like he does

Most of yall are easily impressed 
Responding to a question like a tool is not the same as giving a proper answer to a question. And cheer leading for a tool is not auspicious. Too smart for they own good. Too smart to be introduced to anything new. I mean how do you even learn anything new when you reject ANY idea that doesn't go along with what u think. Sound like oppressive dictators.
Cheerleaders is a good term.

I've gone back and forth with dudes before but after awhile it goes nowhere fast and is a waste. Not because the other side doesn't agree but due to petty shots and disses like we're rapping.
imagine an athiest vs. religion rap battle. would be epiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiic!!!

Or a athiest mixtape.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Cheerleaders is a good term.

I've gone back and forth with dudes before but after awhile it goes nowhere fast and is a waste. Not because the other side doesn't agree but due to petty shots and disses like we're rapping.
@ us with the "petty shots."

there y'all are calling us "tools" and "cheerleaders."

you can see the hypocrisy, right? right? right?

Here's a recap of the arguments between RKO and Sillyputty.

RKO says Old Testament is old law.  New Testament is new Law.   Implies that Old Testament is non-applicable today.
Sillyputty says Old Testament still applies today according to Jesus.  Posts Matthew 5:17-20 as proof.
RKO acknowledges and accepts Sillyputty's argument.
RKO admits he picks and chooses which rules to follow in the Bible.

Is this what you mean by "it goes nowhere fast and is a waste?" 

Your counting seems to be off, Hank.
When I said going nowhere fast, I'm talking about these all ending the same. Nothing proved, just arguing. I say being a good fill in the blank is a work in progress, its taken as picking and choosing rules.

To be honest, I think its fair you all have your opinion as do I. Doesn't bother me. Its when we stop debating and start arguing. Moody has a point. When your firing shots in these debates, no one wins and everyone loses. Minds harden and we're back at square one.
"I'm an athiest. I always try to catch people in a trap! Keep talking to me long enough, and I will turn your words against you!"
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

but you changed your mind and reversed your position.....

Good night and morning. Enjoy your thread man. Have a great productive day. Happy Holidays. I'm out!

Originally Posted by Hoy Its Lindsay

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

If I was a Christian there's no way I'd willingly enter these threads just so sillyputty could make an absolute fool of me.

I know most will act like this doesn't affect them at all but Christians, you don't find yourself questioning your religions credibility just a little bit?

Nope. sillyputty is just another one of those "WHAT I SAY IS ALWAYS RIGHT THE WORLD IS ABOUT ME ME ME AND MY BELIEFS AND
Can't even have a mature discussion with people like him hence why I stopped replying.

Dude needs to get over himself and his pathetic ego. It's sad to see people like him, honestly.

But back to what you said:

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrew 11:1

Prob. one of my favorite vers.
Any luck activating that Android that you stole? Which one of the commandments is that again?
Originally Posted by Wr

"I'm an athiest. I always try to catch people in a trap! Keep talking to me long enough, and I will turn your words against you!"
Well, in a debate (which is what RKO hopes to have here), we're supposed to find contradictions and logical fallacies in the other side's argument.

Is this not allowed now?
Is what he says not subject to scrutiny in a debate?

How can anyone say that no minds are changed when RKO admitted that he changed his mind and position?

Y'all criticize these religious threads for changing no ones' minds when they do.  When we point it out that they do, y'all shut it out and still falsely claim that no minds are changed from the arguments presented in these threads.

C'mon.  Y'all can't give us that much?
Originally Posted by Wr

"I'm an athiest. I always try to catch people in a trap! Keep talking to me long enough, and I will turn your words against you!"
"I'm religious. My holy book is riddled with contradictions and hypocrisy, but it's somehow still 100% accurate. Keep talking to me long enough, and I will undoubtedly contradict myself several times."
Originally Posted by Hoy Its Lindsay

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

If I was a Christian there's no way I'd willingly enter these threads just so sillyputty could make an absolute fool of me.

I know most will act like this doesn't affect them at all but Christians, you don't find yourself questioning your religions credibility just a little bit?

Nope. sillyputty is just another one of those "WHAT I SAY IS ALWAYS RIGHT THE WORLD IS ABOUT ME ME ME AND MY BELIEFS AND
Can't even have a mature discussion with people like him hence why I stopped replying.

Dude needs to get over himself and his pathetic ego. It's sad to see people like him, honestly.

But back to what you said:

hey hey now...play fair...I answered each and every question you posed and every single sentence. 

The least you could do is answer what I said instead of throwing a fit. 

Remember, I didn't force you to read anything.

Also, what constitutes a "mature discussion?" Only one that your viewpoint is upheld? It seems you have a problem with people disagreeing with you.

Not only did I answer you but I did so in GREAT detail. 

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrew 11:1

Prob. one of my favorite vers.



Funny thats your favorite verse...because I actually hate it.

It says that we should accept things that have no evidence or real reason for believing them only because we WANT to.

If thats the case then i'm the prince of zamunda and no one can tell me any different. 

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

How come in these debates, I never see atheists being offended and refusing to address the other side? 
 It's always the religious people. Sillyputty goes through your argument thoroughly, and you refuse to address any of his points? 
 c'mon man.

If any of these dudes had any common sense they would just go to a christian apologist thread and copy and paste debates, ideas and pictures like he does

Most of yall are easily impressed 
Responding to a question like a tool is not the same as giving a proper answer to a question. And cheer leading for a tool is not auspicious. Too smart for they own good. Too smart to be introduced to anything new. I mean how do you even learn anything new when you reject ANY idea that doesn't go along with what u think. Sound like oppressive dictators.
Heres the thing...i've presented my stance...

Have you presented yours?

I looked at arguments...and break it down line by line. 

You haven't done ANY of that.

Not accepting your stance isn't grounds for you to make it seem like i'm stubborn...maybe you should say something worth adopting.

Instead of telling me "you dont know everything!"...which I agree with, why don't you present something I WILL agree with.

If your point is to prove something, DO that...but don't refuse to grant something and then say others aren't accepting your stance. Its not my responsibility to accept what you're offering.

If I try to teach you calculus but I suck at it, then its on ME to make sure you understand it. I can't get mad at you because I didn't do my part in making a case for my argument. 

Don't think you can skate by rambling about how i'm a know-it-all and i'm stubborn...give me something to chew on then. Show me something new. Be the light. Show me the way.

Until then, if you DO present something and I find problems with it, I will make it known. 

Otherwise, keep it moving and stop whining. 

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Re-read this page. That mind has not changed. That mind has hardened. I guarantee this.
Out of respect for my personal inbox, i'll shy away from showing you the number of minds that have... 

...anyways, HankMoody, you're once again one of those that does NOTHING but complain about the debate instead of contributing to it. 

Its a message board. With a specific thread on a specific topic. 

You either like it or you don't. 

No one told you to be here. 

No one told you to even take a side.

But don't start complaining about something that supposedly doesn't matter to you. Why don't you take that to the S&T Miami v LA thread then? Since youre worried about opinions changing. Right? 

Of course minds are hardened. I'm taking their precious little dolls and putting them on the level of all the other childhood toys they thought they already outgrew. Its not my fault to care about their emotions or thoughts. I protect their right to believe whatever they want but I do NOT have to respect them and I do NOT have to cherish their same values. Thats not important to me. Whats important is substantiating your claims. If you can make an argument that is COMPLETELY immoral but you can show reasonable and incontrovertible evidence to support it, then I can do nothing but respect that...but don't come in here reciting lines from bronze age books thinking you're going to get over on people who actually have a standard for intellectual consistency. 

Originally Posted by Wr

"I'm an athiest. I always try to catch people in a trap! Keep talking to me long enough, and I will turn your words against you!"
First of all, its spelled A+Theist = 

A = lack of

Theism = Belief

Lack of belief = ATHEISM

Second of all. if you get trapped its not my fault. Make an argument that stands on its own and you won't have anything to worry about. 



Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

How come in these debates, I never see atheists being offended and refusing to address the other side?
It's always the religious people. Sillyputty goes through your argument thoroughly, and you refuse to address any of his points?
c'mon man.

If any of these dudes had any common sense they would just go to a christian apologist thread and copy and paste debates, ideas and pictures like he does

Most of yall are easily impressed 
Foolishness, even if someone did this Sillyputty would still rip their arguments to shreds. You're acting like arguments from a religious website would be anymore logically sound than the ones on NT.

Everybody knows Sillyputty gets his pictures from a website, I fail to see how it makes any of what he posts less true.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Wr

"I'm an athiest. I always try to catch people in a trap! Keep talking to me long enough, and I will turn your words against you!"
"I'm religious. My holy book is riddled with contradictions and hypocrisy, but it's somehow still 100% accurate. Keep talking to me long enough, and I will undoubtedly contradict myself several times."
Too bad you missed where I said i'm not a religious person. 
And to Sillyputty

I have made my stance. It's been the same stance I have every time a thread like this comes up. You dudes will only argue your points against modern day Christianity and other modern day institutions of the like. You guys are intelligent to realize, and I have seen you post about it before about the difference between what we perceive as modern day religions, and what they originally where. Yet knowing all this, yall will only attack modern day christianity as a belief system even though you guys know from the get go that the second it was turned into a belief system by those with an agenda, it became something else. What religion was intended to be and was and a "belief system" do not mix. period. That is why we have chaos today. But instead of acknowledge this, ya'll just use the fact that you know the difference as a fighting stick rather than a learning tool. You'd rather beat somebody over the head, and draw ppl in with your visuals and rhetoric then have an honest discussion. I believe atheism for some people is just a stepping stone to something else. Not the final destination. It's ok to start to think outside the box sometimes, but  you guys just found another belief system and think you're all high and mighty because of it. Ya'll are no better than colonist who destroy native religions to replace them with yet another religion.

Religion is a set a practices and rituals that tie one back to their culture through  exercising rites and reinforcing ideas. Don't matter if that idea is one god, many gods, no gods, you're god, spaghetti monster whatever. You dudes are smart enough to know that religion is a system and it works ( as far as sectioning people into groups or common sets) whether it is used for good, or bad. Just like a corporation can do good, or bad. At the end of the day, it's just a corporation. A body that performs actions. Matter of fact, churches, temples were the first corporations. You dudes are too smart to be stuck on the same ole argument. You believe that there is nothing beyond this realm. That's fine. What you believe is not the same as what other people know. You discredit Voltaire and the likes when you post their quotes. As if you are really respecting somebody with the way you speak to people on here. 

True measure if a man is how he treats someone he has nothing to gain from.
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