I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

AntonLaVey wrote:

QFT I think Dr Seuss is poetic in the way tkthafm finds the Koran poetic, but you don't see me turning it into unjust laws that keep women oppressed and promotes violence against other religious beliefs. People need to keep their damn fairy tails out of politics.
yo it kills me that atheists can be so active in religion. I never understand why one would care so much.That your just drawn like moth to a flame if someone says God your heart rate jumps up and you go with the same arguments over and over. Aside from this the lack of respect is crazy. You don't believe who cares. but then you go out of your way to compare religion to dr. seuss, santa clause, etc. The truth is you don't believe in Santa Clause you just want to be as disrespectful as possible and compare religion to things that are a joke. Again, why? Grow up.

Nah, you're right. Your religion and your worship to a wooden "T" and some long-haired stone age hippie doesn't impact me AT ALL.

You want respect? Respect my non-belief and keep it to yourself and the rest of your cult.

on another note:


calm down kid, I'm untouchable. I made fun of that weird kid in elementary school and told the grimiest jokes I could. Me, my cult, and our wooden T's love you all the same babypaw.
exit music. P.s. the long haired hippie's name is Jesus and his swag is unmatched.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Sillyputty you need to fall back son..
I understand your need to voice your opinion on religion in threads

So if you understand the need to express myself, quit complaining. 

that don't even start off being religious

*reads thread title*
Oh really?

along with the bolded texts and the pics on top of pics from atheism.com but calling a religion a cult....stopit5.

NYU's tips on avoiding a cult:

The only different between religion and a cult is its size and age

If its big and old, like christianity, its a cult.

Christianity was once considered a cult, as were all religions when they were new and small.

You've witnessed mormons evolve from a cult to a religion...same with scientology. We all have it on modern record. 

The WSJ answers this for you. When does a religion become a cult: http://online.wsj.com/art...4576160363526909654.html


Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Let's say I believe that the Quran, Bible, etc. WERE written by God,are the direct words of God, etc. Do you really think that over hundreds of years, no one changed anything in their texts to match their agendas at the time? So whether those passages in the Quran are true, translated properly, etc or not, it doesn't matter. I went to a private Catholic (although very liberal) high school, and even my religion professors taught us not to take the Bible at face value because of countless corrupt rulers changing passages to push their own agendas \or even by well-meaning people who wanted to address the issues that affected their society.

Anyways, I'm not religious, but I don't hate the idea of religion. I believe that even if the concept seems silly to me, at their cores, all religions are good and try to influence their followers in a positive way. However, I DETEST religious people who try to convert people of other faiths or use their faith to influence things that should be completely separate (politics, medicine, etc.). Religion should NOT be something that shapes modern society.
QFT I think Dr Seuss is poetic in the way tkthafm finds the Koran poetic, but you don't see me turning it into unjust laws that keep women oppressed and promotes violence against other religious beliefs. People need to keep their damn fairy tails out of politics.
yo it kills me that atheists can be so active in religion. I never understand why one would care so much.That your just drawn like moth to a flame if someone says God your heart rate jumps up and you go with the same arguments over and over. Aside from this the lack of respect is crazy. You don't believe who cares. but then you go out of your way to compare religion to dr. seuss, santa clause, etc. The truth is you don't believe in Santa Clause you just want to be as disrespectful as possible and compare religion to things that are a joke. Again, why? Grow up.
The fact that you cannot take criticism of your religion is proof that you're quite unsure of what you believe.. I think Sillyputty is slowly making people look in the mirror..

In other words ...
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

QFT I think Dr Seuss is poetic in the way tkthafm finds the Koran poetic, but you don't see me turning it into unjust laws that keep women oppressed and promotes violence against other religious beliefs. People need to keep their damn fairy tails out of politics.
yo it kills me that atheists can be so active in religion. I never understand why one would care so much.That your just drawn like moth to a flame if someone says God your heart rate jumps up and you go with the same arguments over and over. Aside from this the lack of respect is crazy. You don't believe who cares. but then you go out of your way to compare religion to dr. seuss, santa clause, etc. The truth is you don't believe in Santa Clause you just want to be as disrespectful as possible and compare religion to things that are a joke. Again, why? Grow up.
The fact that you cannot take criticism of your religion is proof that you're quite unsure of what you believe.. I think Sillyputty is slowly making people look in the mirror..

In other words ...
Reading Comprehension fail. God aint goin no where fam. 10 Years from now we'll still be on top, Yo i thought i told you that we won't stop.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

yo it kills me that atheists can be so active in religion. I never understand why one would care so much.That your just drawn like moth to a flame if someone says God your heart rate jumps up and you go with the same arguments over and over. Aside from this the lack of respect is crazy. You don't believe who cares. but then you go out of your way to compare religion to dr. seuss, santa clause, etc. The truth is you don't believe in Santa Clause you just want to be as disrespectful as possible and compare religion to things that are a joke. Again, why? Grow up.
The fact that you cannot take criticism of your religion is proof that you're quite unsure of what you believe.. I think Sillyputty is slowly making people look in the mirror..

In other words ...
Reading Comprehension fail. God aint goin no where fam. 10 Years from now we'll still be on top, Yo i thought i told you that we won't stop.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Seems like God doesn't like Christians too much. 

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

yo it kills me that atheists can be so active in religion. I never understand why one would care so much.That your just drawn like moth to a flame if someone says God your heart rate jumps up and you go with the same arguments over and over. Aside from this the lack of respect is crazy. You don't believe who cares. but then you go out of your way to compare religion to dr. seuss, santa clause, etc. The truth is you don't believe in Santa Clause you just want to be as disrespectful as possible and compare religion to things that are a joke. Again, why? Grow up.
The fact that you cannot take criticism of your religion is proof that you're quite unsure of what you believe.. I think Sillyputty is slowly making people look in the mirror..

In other words ...
Reading Comprehension fail. God aint goin no where fam. 10 Years from now we'll still be on top, Yo i thought i told you that we won't stop.

Where in your post did you provide evidence that Christianity was on the rise? Where does my comprehension come into play? I personally have no problem with your belief as long as your fellow christians keep it out of my every day life (not probable)

But in the mean time..
Overzealous overbearing religious people === Overzealous overbearing atheists/non-believers

People are in here arguing basically the same points. So once again, we have Soulja Boy telling
MC Supreme-Intelligence that he can't rap, while MC Supreme Intelligence is telling Soulja Boy
HE can't rap. They're both awful, so it doesn't matter.
Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

The fact that you cannot take criticism of your religion is proof that you're quite unsure of what you believe.. I think Sillyputty is slowly making people look in the mirror..

In other words ...
Reading Comprehension fail. God aint goin no where fam. 10 Years from now we'll still be on top, Yo i thought i told you that we won't stop.

Where in your post did you provide evidence that Christianity was on the rise? Where does my comprehension come into play? I personally have no problem with your belief as long as your fellow christians keep it out of my every day life (not probable)

But in the mean time..
where did i say or show i can't stand criticism of religion? all i was pointing out the lack of respect and the fact that god is on the mind of atheists like 24/7 is kinda weird.
Aside from religion stepping into politics I see no point in debating it really is stupid. Your not changing anyones opinion. Its the same regurgitated argument. prove God exists. prove God doesn't exist. Prove Sailormoon doesn't exist. I have faith.. Circle argument continues. And I didn't say it was on the rise I said it wasn't going anywhere. It's been here for years and it aint going anywhere but keep dreaming otherwise.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by foxdawg2000

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Reading Comprehension fail. God aint goin no where fam. 10 Years from now we'll still be on top, Yo i thought i told you that we won't stop.

Where in your post did you provide evidence that Christianity was on the rise? Where does my comprehension come into play? I personally have no problem with your belief as long as your fellow christians keep it out of my every day life (not probable)

But in the mean time..
where did i say or show i can't stand criticism of religion? all i was pointing out the lack of respect and the fact that god is on the mind of atheists like 24/7 is kinda weird.
I don't have to respect you, what you think, or how you act, as long as I don't infringe on your rights or prevent you from doing so.
I WILL however protect your right to say and believe whatever you want. 

And yes, your god is as meaningful to me as the color of my boxers. Offended? So what. You have that right. I also have the right to say what I want. 

Only you can pick what you choose to get offended at.

Aside from religion stepping into politics I see no point in debating it really is stupid. Your not changing anyones opinion.

Except its unconstitutional...yeah that minor caveat ...

Its the same regurgitated argument. prove God exists. prove God doesn't exist. Prove Sailormoon doesn't exist. I have faith.. Circle argument continues.

The burden of proof is on the person making the claim to support it with evidence.
If the evidence does not support the claim then the claim is not supported.

Faith is not evidence and does not support the claim. 

And I didn't say it was on the rise I said it wasn't going anywhere. It's been here for years and it aint going anywhere but keep dreaming otherwise.

Yeah, just look at how popular Zeus is in Italy and Odin is in Sweden!
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Overzealous overbearing religious people === Overzealous overbearing atheists/non-believers

People are in here arguing basically the same points. So once again, we have Soulja Boy telling
MC Supreme-Intelligence that he can't rap, while MC Supreme Intelligence is telling Soulja Boy
HE can't rap. They're both awful, so it doesn't matter.
Realest thing said in this whole thread
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Sillyputty you need to fall back son..

don't be so quick to take things so personally.  E-threats? nah that's not my style.  I've come to realize that these threads give you a purpose in life and if that's the case I support your right to express your views.  However I find that your quick to namecall and degrade other religious nt'ers who don't side with you.  With all this fervor for the atheist cause I think your talents make you overqualified to just limiting your reach to a messageboard.

You keep saying that you want religion to stay out of your government ...why are you telling us this?  You should be focusing your efforts directly at D.C.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Overzealous overbearing religious people === Overzealous overbearing atheists/non-believers

People are in here arguing basically the same points. So once again, we have Soulja Boy telling
MC Supreme-Intelligence that he can't rap, while MC Supreme Intelligence is telling Soulja Boy
HE can't rap. They're both awful, so it doesn't matter.

Love this quote.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Sillyputty you need to fall back son..

don't be so quick to take things so personally.  E-threats? nah that's not my style.  I've come to realize that these threads give you a purpose in life and if that's the case I support your right to express your views.  However I find that your quick to namecall and degrade other religious nt'ers who don't side with you.  With all this fervor for the atheist cause I think your talents make you overqualified to just limiting your reach to a messageboard.

You keep saying that you want religion to stay out of your government ...why are you telling us this?  You should be focusing your efforts directly at D.C.
Dude drops knowledge on just about every single topic that can come up. Imagine the damage he can do/already does outside of NT. 

I've learned a long time ago it's not worth trying to get in an argument with sillyputty, !!#! will waste hours and hours of your day
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by sillyputty


don't be so quick to take things so personally.  E-threats? nah that's not my style.  I've come to realize that these threads give you a purpose in life and if that's the case I support your right to express your views.  However I find that your quick to namecall and degrade other religious nt'ers who don't side with you.  With all this fervor for the atheist cause I think your talents make you overqualified to just limiting your reach to a messageboard.

You keep saying that you want religion to stay out of your government ...why are you telling us this?  You should be focusing your efforts directly at D.C.
Dude drops knowledge on just about every single topic that can come up. Imagine the damage he can do/already does outside of NT. 

I've learned a long time ago it's not worth trying to get in an argument with sillyputty, !!#! will waste hours and hours of your day
Each one, teach one. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty
Answer this for me Putty. Do you think anyone will ever put their personal beliefs aside when it comes to doing what you think is best for the country?

I mean honestly, you'll never be able to completely remove religion from the world or its governments. Unless you somehow elect all atheist and that will be impossible.

So what is your goal for the world government as far as religion is concerned?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sillyputty
Answer this for me Putty. Do you think anyone will ever put their personal beliefs aside when it comes to doing what you think is best for the country?

I mean honestly, you'll never be able to completely remove religion from the world or its governments. Unless you somehow elect all atheist and that will be impossible.

So what is your goal for the world government as far as religion is concerned?

In addition, what role will religion play during the mass amount of population control the world will need in 100 years?
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sillyputty
Answer this for me Putty. Do you think anyone will ever put their personal beliefs aside when it comes to doing what you think is best for the country?

I mean honestly, you'll never be able to completely remove religion from the world or its governments. Unless you somehow elect all atheist and that will be impossible.

So what is your goal for the world government as far as religion is concerned?

In addition, what role will religion play during the mass amount of population control the world will need in 100 years?

Is this a question for me or Putty?

Um if its for me, its very interesting that you brought up population control. I hear it every now and then, but we have enough resources if we all cared enough to share the wealth and work at it. Unfortunately enough of us don't care enough and it continues to be something discussed behind the scenes. Not

Not trying to be a conspiracy theorist but sometimes I wonder how many of the sicknesses and viruses are man made and why?

It mentions a large number of people dying in the bible.
It was meant for silly but i appreciate your insight.

Research says by 2050 earth's population will be 10 billion. I think the powers that be will be using biological warfare when it gets down to the nitty gritty.

It's popular belief among "conspiracy" theorists that some of these sicknesses are man made and population control is the most viable reasoning.
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