I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

Most Christians, unlike Muslims (and to a much lesser extent, Jews) don't even know what's in their "Bible" (aka: collection of books arbitrarily chosen by whatever council they choose to follow).
(Naik has memorized entire Qur'an/Bible (multiple versions) and Torah

It's become a "go to Church"/follow pagan holidays /(or simply "believe in God") and you go to heaven type of system more-so than any actual religion for the vast vast majority of followers. Debunking Christianity is too easy... the problem is atheists then extrapolate and assume that since Christianity is so flawed all religions must be like this and then attempt to do the same to Islam
lmao at that hankmoody argument pic. its true. all the theists do after an agno/atheist shells out questions,conflicting points or terms after an argument is to disappear into the sunset or bring up stuff that had nothing to do with the question. rude.

irony is theists could have the biggest boat of sarcasm parked in their egos but the theist ego will ALWAYS be much bigger. attaching yourself to a religion automatically does that because you put human beings on a pedestal.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Most Christians, unlike Muslims (and to a much lesser extent, Jews) don't even know what's in their "Bible" (aka: collection of books arbitrarily chosen by whatever council they choose to follow).

(Naik has memorized entire Qur'an/Bible (multiple versions) and Torah�

It's become a "go to Church"/follow pagan holidays /(or simply "believe in God") and you go to heaven type of system more-so than any actual religion for the vast vast majority of followers. Debunking Christianity is too easy... the problem is atheists then extrapolate and assume that since Christianity is so flawed all religions must be like this and then attempt to do the same to Islam

You again with the Islam is better than your religion nonsense. The reason why Christianity is made an example of is because it is the popular religion in American/Western society. From what I've read about Islam--misogyny, perpetuating hatred and slavery, same old fairy tales, it is no different from Christianity. Same God, different A-holes. Debunking Islam is equally easy, but as a Muslim you wouldn't think that would you. 

I love how all your arguments are attempts to separate yourself from other religions to make yourself less of a target in these threads. 
Isn't it funny, how a debate becomes less of a debate when one side clearly has the upper hand. That is all I've seen in this thread. Silly raises important questions, debunks several arguments with evidence and theists in their insecurity accuse him of "not playing fair".
I've been lurking this thread for a while and I'd like to say that I agree with Wr the most in this thread.
I agree with most of the opinions that sillyputty and Anton have towards religion, but I don't agree with some of their methods of addressing their opposition.
They do so in a way that makes them come off as inconsiderate people.
I'm not asking you to respect other people's beliefs but the least you guys could do, is to have a little bit of understanding of what those people's religions mean to them.
The same goes for religious people who do the same.
Once you guys set aside your egos and engage your fellow NTers in a meaningful discourse that doesn't consist of countless smileys, then maybe these religion threads would have more insightful posts.

These are just my criticisms of you guys, I still like you guys.
Lol at this muslim poster .Dude your religion is just S corrupt as Christianity is.As far as misinterpretation,and blatant lying to people and evil usages by it's followers.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Lol at this muslim poster .Dude your religion is just S corrupt as Christianity is.As far as misinterpretation,and blatant lying to people and evil usages by it's followers.

I'm not even a Christian, and I'm offended by everything dude posts about Christianity. Hypocrisy at its finest. The irony of him saying most Christians don't read the bible, is he'll be the first to defend how Islam has been "misinterpreted" by many Muslims for terrorism and other immoral acts (punishing rape victims, murder etc). I usually find myself defending Islam a lot when ignorant Christians try to make it out to be the "bad religion", it turns out it is just as annoying when a Muslim does it. Figures.
It's just funny that their own books prove Islam is the truth. There's already an overwhelming amount of evidence (read my posts) but the cookie on top is that if these folks read their OWN books they would see what a distorted "revelation" (as are all other revelations because the Qu'ran as i've shown was the only one PERFECTLY preserved word for word) they have. Again, I don't post to convince anybody I know full well it's not up to me to change whats in people's hearts.
Wait is preserved word for word then why can't it be translated correctly? Why is it that many Muslims allow terrorist to use it perversely without calling these dudes out and getting them executed or jailed if everybody has such a deep understanding and it is clearly written what is and what isn't right and fair? like c'mon son don't get me started.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Wr

"I'm an athiest. I always try to catch people in a trap! Keep talking to me long enough, and I will turn your words against you!"
"I'm religious. My holy book is riddled with contradictions and hypocrisy, but it's somehow still 100% accurate. Keep talking to me long enough, and I will undoubtedly contradict myself several times."
Too bad you missed where I said i'm not a religious person. 
And to Sillyputty

I have made my stance. It's been the same stance I have every time a thread like this comes up. You dudes will only argue your points against modern day Christianity and other modern day institutions of the like.
So christians today aren't held responsible for not holdng to the LITERAL "word" of god? 
If its the infallible word then why not follow it to a T.

But they don't because they're smarter than that. They just pick and choose...which leads us to the type of christians we have today.

You're telling me I should judge them based on what christians SHOULD be? ...well thats like me judging a murderer on what he was like when he came out of the womb. 
You guys are intelligent to realize, and I have seen you post about it before about the difference between what we perceive as modern day religions, and what they originally where.


They know if they lived according to the "literal" word of their god, they'd either be dead or in jail today. 

They're smart enough to know that too. 

Yet knowing all this, yall will only attack modern day christianity as a belief system even though you guys know from the get go that the second it was turned into a belief system by those with an agenda, it became something else.

because the talking snakes and resurrection were proof of only the christian interpretation of their beliefs...? 
What religion was intended to be and was and a "belief system" do not mix. period.

christianity is as much of a belief system as any other religion. stop protecting one over the other. 
That is why we have chaos today.

you sure its not humans with nothing better to do yelling at each other over how much bigger and badder their god is? 
But instead of acknowledge this, ya'll just use the fact that you know the difference as a fighting stick rather than a learning tool.

There are better ways to learn things than through christianity.
Unless you'd like us to go back to stoning adulterers.

You'd rather beat somebody over the head, and draw ppl in with your visuals and rhetoric then have an honest discussion.

because cartoons aren't relevant?
Its easier and more succint to convey the same idea through imagery than it is through empty words. 

It IS an honest discussion. If god told you to kill your kid, would you do it?

I believe atheism for some people is just a stepping stone to something else. Not the final destination.

Atheism isn't a thing. Its the LACK of belief. It as much of a hairstyle as BALD is. 
If you want to suggest something, go ahead, but back it up. Don't expect "well the turtle died for my sins" to work...since that makes NO sense. 

It's ok to start to think outside the box sometimes, but  you guys just found another belief system and think you're all high and mighty because of it. Ya'll are no better than colonist who destroy native religions to replace them with yet another religion.

I'm high and mighty for rejecting a religion that calls black people slaves the result of a curse? I'm bad because I want women to have rights? I'm bad because I eat shrimp? 

Religion is a set a practices and rituals that tie one back to their culture through  exercising rites and reinforcing ideas.


Tradition is a bad excuse to keep doing things for the sake of doing them. Jumping over a broom or drinking wine and crackers doesn't mean anything. The meaning you attach to it doesn't mean anything either. Its all stuff you want to make important, but really isn't. 
Don't matter if that idea is one god, many gods, no gods, you're god, spaghetti monster whatever. You dudes are smart enough to know that religion is a system and it works ( as far as sectioning people into groups or common sets) whether it is used for good, or bad.
Whats your point? 
Again, you're not stating anything. 

Religion is bad because of things like Euthyphro's Dilemma...

Just like a corporation can do good, or bad. At the end of the day, it's just a corporation.

meaning its still responsible for things it does and isn't free from criticism. 
A body that performs actions. Matter of fact, churches, temples were the first corporations.

Even if they were the first multinational corporations, does that make the product they were pushing more or less true? Cause believing that a god created a version of it self to be sacrificed to itself for the savior of things it created and controlled doesn't sit too well with me...

i wish you'd stop acting like it does to you too.

And your preference to defend christianity offends all the other religions which are EQUALLY as asinine. 

You dudes are too smart to be stuck on the same ole argument. You believe that there is nothing beyond this realm. That's fine.

I didn't say that there was nothing beyond this "realm"
I really don't know.

But its equally possible that we get stuck in an endless game of laser tag as well going to heaven.

You don't know either so just admit that your idea of "heaven" or the "afterlife" is just a GUESS of what you think will happen. Not an absolute. 

I just don't make any assertions nor do I hold anyone to them. I can't prove what i'm saying so I don't say it. Thats the difference. We've got people dying over stuff they really dont even know and yet they're acting like they've got all the answers.

What you believe is not the same as what other people know.

You discredit Voltaire and the likes when you post their quotes.

Who the hell are you?
His quotes were DIRECTLY relevant AND if you knew anything about Voltaire you'd know it was shocking appropriate for a non-believer like myself to use voltaire quotes. 

As if you are really respecting somebody with the way you speak to people on here.

 Its not my job to protect your feelings. You are the one that gets offended. 
Do you get offended when comedians make jokes about other people that aren't you? 

You are the one who is responsible for how you feel. 

To me, this conversation is a bunch of DC Comics fans arguing with Marvel Capcom fans while i'm outside laughing at the whole convention. 

True measure if a man is how he treats someone he has nothing to gain from.

Like I said, I have a problem with using Spiderman or Batman as a measuring stick for the rules and morality of an advancing and evolving society. 
The same with your "god" concept. 

The same with your "religion"

Prove its usefulness, or it does not stand. 

 even though you guys know from the get go that the second it was turned into a belief system by those with an agenda, it became something else.

you mean like the second organized religion was thought of in the first place?

Originally Posted by tkthafm

It's just funny that their own books prove Islam is the truth. 

You mean the same books that you used to make islam? By stealing the names and actions of central characters in the bible and thus the torah? 

There's already an overwhelming amount of evidence (read my posts)

You mean that because the 57th word of a sura is "god" that some how proves iron was made for us to use as tools? 

You mean that it calculates the ratio of land surface area to water based on some trumped up calculation?...and STILL gets it wrong? 

You mean when it allows you to beat your wife...when she doesn't do what you ask? But you have to promise to not "hit her hard" 

You mean following the prophet's example of marrying girls at 9 years old...yet when other people try to do it currently they're..."not reading the story right" 

You mean claiming that there is only one version of the quran...but didn't think i'd learn about the guy who burned all the OTHER copies of the quran in early islam... 

Is that your proof? 

That when muhammad died he literally ascended to heaven on his horse? 

Making connections like "Well there are 65 letters in this sura...and when you spell it backwards and multiple every 3rd letter..." that means God! so it must be true! 

I'm sorry...none of that is proof homie.
but the cookie on top is that if these folks read their OWN books they would see what a distorted "revelation"
So why aren't you out killing apostates? 
Let me guess...translation error...

(as are all other revelations because the Qu'ran as i've shown was the only one PERFECTLY preserved word for word) they have.

Except the quran was "revealed" over a period of 23 years....its like taking 23 years to write moby **** or something. 

Yeah, god spoke for 20 years...every second of it...then all of a sudden he had nothing left to say and went away and hasn't come back since. 

Then you also forget all the other copies that were burned from "competitors" How about the one Abu Bakr had? What about Uthman (who burned all the other ones)? 

The oldest one goes back to the 9th century but wasn't written down until the late 8th century so it there are a lot of changes to be made in 150-300 years that it took to get the original version...and Once powers are consolidated in a Caliph, all the other ones got destroyed. 

It wasn't even revealed in the same language and pronunciation. There are 7  different ways...and no one to this day knows what they are. Muhammed never said what it was. Then there are the 10 recitations that have to be reconciled.

Yet this dude wants to say his quran is perfect front to back...but still won't follow every rule in it. 

Again, I don't post to convince anybody I know full well it's not up to me to change whats in people's hearts.

The muslim calls the christians illogical. 



Look if you can show why the christian god doesn't make sense, I can use the same measuring stick and prove why islam doesn't make any sense. 
For those of you who say: Well the bible/quran can be good...ya'll only focus on the bad!

Here is an alternative if you HAVE to follow a book if you can't think yourself about how to treat others:

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Most Christians, unlike Muslims (and to a much lesser extent, Jews) don't even know what's in their "Bible" (aka: collection of books arbitrarily chosen by whatever council they choose to follow).

(Naik has memorized entire Qur'an/Bible (multiple versions) and Torah�

It's become a "go to Church"/follow pagan holidays /(or simply "believe in God") and you go to heaven type of system more-so than any actual religion for the vast vast majority of followers. Debunking Christianity is too easy... the problem is atheists then extrapolate and assume that since Christianity is so flawed all religions must be like this and then attempt to do the same to Islam
You're right, Islam IS the way.

I don't see how I could have been so confused.

Good thing it still tells us how to treat women!



[h1]Don't touch that cucumber! Islamic cleric bans women from touching 'penis-shaped' foods in case it arouses them[/h1]
By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 4:11 PM on 10th December 2011

An Islamic cleric living in Europe has said that women should not be close to bananas or cucumbers, in order to avoid any 'sexual thoughts'. 

The unnamed sheikh was quoted by el-Sawsana news saying that if women wish to eat these food items, a third party, preferably a male relative, should cut the items into small pieces and serve.

The cleric said that these fruits and vegetables 'resemble the male penis' and could arouse women or 'make them think of sex,' in a story reported on Egyptian news website Bikya Masr.


No touching: Women should avoid contact with cucumbers, says an Islamic cleric

He also added carrots and courgette to the list of forbidden foods for women.

The sheikh was asked how to 'control' women when they are out shopping for groceries and if holding these items at the market would be bad for them. 


The carrot should also join the forbidden list of foods for women to touch

The cleric answered saying this matter is between them and God.

Answering another question about what to do if women in the family like these foods, the sheikh advised the interviewer to take the food and cut it for them in a hidden place so they cannot see it.

The opinion has stirred a storm of anger among Muslims online, with hundreds mocking the cleric.

One reader said that these religious 'leaders' give Islam 'a bad name' and another saying he should quit his post immediately.

Another dismissed the sheikh as merely a publicity seeker.

No official responses from Islamic scholars have been made on the statements as yet.


As long as youn contine to attack religion for the actions of individual men, you're gonna be copying and pasting for the rest of your life bro...
Originally Posted by Wr

As long as youn contine to attack religion for the actions of individual men, you're gonna be copying and pasting for the rest of your life bro...

Dude is the master of it.A separate question for putty. What's your theory of how us humans came to be?
Originally Posted by Wr

As long as youn contine to attack religion for the actions of individual men, you're gonna be copying and pasting for the rest of your life bro...

How about you actually ADDRESS the actual points of my argument as opposed to just attacking me personally.
I mean all you're doing is complaining. 

As of yet, no one is shown me to have lied about anything I said or concluded something that was wrong. 
ahh yes, another religious debate on Niketalk, a shoe forum.

How appropriate.

I'mma go fire up a thread on Gingrich and Romney debate on a fantasy football forum, should be absolutely captivating.

When I get done travelling for the day we can go point for point. You really didnt say too much of anything in your response to me. You did reply to each sentence, but you really didnt say much. Snide remarks dont count as answers to me. Plus the fact that you think im personally attacking you sayss alot about you bruh. Esp over the web. This is not real life. We not here to say if sillyputy spoke the truth, the whole ... Truth is self evident. It dont need sillyputty as a mascot.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Tebow faces Brady next week, so i guess that will put everybody's arguments to rest

New England's defense is dead last, but they put up points. If they can give themselves a 3 TD leeway they will win. 

Unless Rob Gronkowski magically breaks his legs, and Brady magically fumbles at the goal line for a 100 yard defensive TD

God did Marion Barber dirty
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