I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Tim Tebow!!!!!! I believe!!!!

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sillyputty
Answer this for me Putty. Do you think anyone will ever put their personal beliefs aside when it comes to doing what you think is best for the country?

Is it too much to ask for? 
I mean what type of question is this? 

Look, we all have a utopian expectation for our politicians and representatives and get upset when they don't support the standards we set for them. Its just unfortunate that reality kicks in some times...

But seeking perfection in representation and action is NOT unreasonable...its the beating ourselves up over not reaching it, that is. 

I mean honestly, you'll never be able to completely remove religion from the world or its governments. Unless you somehow elect all atheist and that will be impossible.

I don't want to FORCE people to get rid of religion.
I'd rather them come to the realization that they're living in the past on their own.

Its the difference between learning something for yourself and someone beating you over the head with it.

Im not going to force you to do anything...i'm going to let my actions speak for themself. You can read my posts, reply, and get angry if you want...or you can ignore them, remain happy, and move on. Its all up to you. 

But in terms of "removing" religion, I still think there will always UNFORTUNATELY be those who cling to archaic and poorly researched beliefs. Why? 

Its easier for people to understand the world was created in 6 days than to explain the gradual formation of the things like the grand canyon. Its easier to explain that god does things for a reason than to explain the process of someone going into anaphylactic shock. If you give a kid the option of learning how to beat level 5 on mario or learn about how to actually MAKE a videogame machine...they'll choose to play mario. Difficult answers have tough paths to arriving at them...but it doesn't make them less worthwhile. 

I'm sure Romans never thought the reign of Jove would end. Just like the Zeus they imported as their own from the Greeks. 

What an asinine comment. I mean really. 

I really don't care if you believe that the world is flat and all black people are the result of a curse...just don't let that influence your politics.

I don't know what you're trying to accomplish. 

Do you want me to say NOTHING? 

I mean you seem to forget that Islam is the FASTEST growing religion in the world...if nothing else, you forget that you could very well be on the losing end of the stick. 

You speak from a position of privilege, but how far does that really go? 
So what is your goal for the world government as far as religion is concerned? 

Think about how LITTLE sleep you lose over hearing that sects of different hindu's are blowing each other up near the border of pakistan and india.
You know how inconsequential that is to your daily life?

You don't even think about it. As far as you are concerned, their religion and faiths are THAT foreign, ill-founded, and un-researched. 

They feel the EXACT same way about you. 

And you're conflagrating a bunch of things right now..."world government"...as a term is somewhat of a slippery slope into another topic
...but in terms of the USA I think all citizens have the capability of getting rid of it...

I always remember this think about the average person...now remember HALF of everyone is smarter/more capable than that....and HALF of everyone is less than that...

I'm just trying to move the average. 

I don't have all the answers...thats the only thing I REALLY know...but I refuse to be forced to accept literally stupid arguments that can be disproven by 5 year-olds.

Originally Posted by solegit08til

In addition, what role will religion play during the mass amount of population control the world will need in 100 years?

Look, you've gotta remember that 100 years ago, having these sorts of conversations in the Deep South might have you KILLED.
Straight up.

The internet has exploded the pace of information...good and bad...

honestly without the web i'd probably still be one of those teetering agnostics scared to even consider the chance that I could be wrong about everything. 

There are tons of preachers and pastors who stand in the pulpit as atheists but they can't quit...they're in too deep. They have no skills either (theology??? 
)  so its not like they'll get a decent job... (Daniel Dennett is leading research on these people btw)

Now I don't care. I know better and I'm glad I do. I'm glad i've been exposed to new sources of information and continually seek to compare different and competing sources. Its far easier to do so as well. 

Religion always will thrive in places where poverty and war is common and a lack of resources is prevalent. If you tell people that even though their life sucks right now that there is a place with a full feast waiting for them and all will be great, they'll work harder and continue to WISH for things to happen until they day they die. 

I mean look at the utterly disgusting actions of missionaries. Its one thing to want to provide healthcare or build infrastructure...but to say "hey do you want some bread?...Ah not so fast...Accept jesus first!"...Who the hell do these people think they are? Holding their well-being hostage? 

When it comes to controlling the population...well... thats a tough one... I mean our own progress is enabling more people to live AND to live longer. 

Human evolution has pretty much slowed down. Kids with congential birth defects live longer...we enable people with problems to fix what would have killed them as a result of medicine. People that arent physically dominating in their own environments aren't dominate anymore...now all you need is money and you can be ugly and short and fat and still reproduce...we've changed how we progress as a species.

Our own success is leading out our population growth...does this mean we should stop?

I think religion might be used to oppose the growth of "enemy" populations and "infidels" etc...but I dont think it'll be as important as the ideology of nations...

Think about it...if we discover the cure for malaria (I hear we're getting really close) then think about how many MORE people will be living. It will be a great day...or will it? 

It depends if you think people should fend for themselves OR if we as a species have the right to ensure the survival of our fellow human beings...I think thats the ultimate question. 

which leads me to conclude that...

But I think honestly religion will be replaced with nationalism/patriotism and jingoism.

Blind allegiance to ideology and "greater causes." Making enemies of people you've never met across the world and forcing you to hate them through targeted propaganda and social grooming. There is a reason why more patriotic people tend to be religious. Its all the same. You chant in unison to support the USA. The sight of a flag makes you cry. You all have songs you sing. There is always an enemy. There will be competition for limited resources and the powers that be that control existing resources will prevent competition from alternative fields (look how the lack of focus on renewable energy sectors)... 

If you want my prediction for the future without religion, look at my signature below. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by sillyputty


Got em

Not only that, the Bible says you shouldn't even be in Church if you are born to unwed mothers.

"One of illegitimate birth shall not enter the congregation of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 23:2

and if you sin in any way using your hand

"If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched." (Mark 9:43)

and if your wife ain't a virgin

"But if ... evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones..." (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)

and if a woman who is a mother ever commits adultery

Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works." (Revelation 2:22-23)

and if you see a female you are attracted to, just rape her and she's yours!! Excuse me while I go rape Cheryl Miller (don't judge me). By the way that's less than 15 bucks

"If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silvers, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)

could go on for days but the fact people put any kind of stock into things such a ridiculous, fairy tale book just saddens and amuses me.
So if Jesus was supposedly born in 5 B.C., I'd just like to know why no significant religious miracle has supposedly happened for almost 2017 years.

It did rain yesterday though. Hmm.
I know atheist don't put stock in it, but Old Testament then New Testament. New is the new law because the old was fulfilled.
sillyputty wrote:


Jingoism eh?

One of my favorite movies comes to mind, Children of Men.

Except in the movie, all human reproduction has stopped. Borders are closed and immigrants are held in camps.
A mythical being has become the mascot of the Winter holidays and has forced the majority of this hemisphere to spin billions of dollars in a bad economy
Yet I dont see atheists getting mad at Santa Claus or kids and grown ups who believe in him.

Whats the difference?

You say religion shaping a nation is the reason you became an atheist evangelist but what about the other beliefs that shaped the nation?  
Originally Posted by cartune

A mythical being has become the mascot of the Winter holidays and has forced the majority of this hemisphere to spin billions of dollars in a bad economy
Yet I dont see atheists getting mad at Santa Claus or kids and grown ups who believe in him.

Whats the difference?

You say religion shaping a nation is the reason you became an atheist evangelist but what about the other beliefs that shaped the nation?  
I'm not an evangelist.
I'm not out here knocking on doors and forcing poor people in central america to accept atheism in trade for bread and water. 

I post my opinion and keep it moving. You can like it or not. I'm not forcing anything on anyone. 

Commercialization is one thing...religion is another.

I don't see people saying Santa tells them not to allow gays to get married or that newborn babies are sinners. 

When santa starts to influence politics, i'll be right there opposing it.

Dont make these ill-thought out false dichotomies. 

Plus, no actual adult i've ever met actually believed in Santa Claus (not the actual St. Nicholas) ...and if they do, the burden of proof is on them to prove that Santa exists AND tells them to do certain things. 

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I know atheist don't put stock in it, but Old Testament then New Testament. New is the new law because the old was fulfilled.

I guess the 10 commandments you all want in court-houses doesn't matter either since thats in the old testament. 

Stop picking and choosing what you want to follow. Its either all true or its not. If its not ALL true then its not the infallible word of a god(s). 

Need proof that the old testament still matters? 

Why don't you read your own damn bible for once:


If this matters then the god of the old testament is STILL an egotistic maniac. 
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by sillyputty


Got em

Not only that, the Bible says you shouldn't even be in Church if you are born to unwed mothers.

"One of illegitimate birth shall not enter the congregation of the Lord." (Deuteronomy 23:2

and if you sin in any way using your hand

"If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched." (Mark 9:43)

and if your wife ain't a virgin

"But if ... evidences of virginity are not found for the young woman, then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones..." (Deuteronomy 22:20,21)

and if a woman who is a mother ever commits adultery

Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works." (Revelation 2:22-23)

and if you see a female you are attracted to, just rape her and she's yours!! Excuse me while I go rape Cheryl Miller (don't judge me). By the way that's less than 15 bucks

"If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silvers, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)

could go on for days but the fact people put any kind of stock into things such a ridiculous, fairy tale book just saddens and amuses me.

I'm sorry. But you people have NO knowledge of the Bible and neither does the person who created the cartoon.
You guys all quoted from the Old Testament. Those were rules that had to be followed before Jesus.

Jesus set new rules in the New Testament. He died for our sins. The only rules we follow

are the Ten Commandments and the things Jesus told us. The old rules do not belong to any of us anymore.

Also, the passage you quoted from Revelation is talking to the Church of Thyatira and it refers to false idols and religions. Also to the wicked who seduces.

Revelation is the most complex book that takes YEARS of studying to understand.

Please don't talk about things you know nothing about. How about you guys actually try to understand and read the Bible

rather than talking things you know nothing about.
Originally Posted by Hoy Its Lindsay

I'm sorry. But you people have NO knowledge of the Bible and neither does the person who created the cartoon.
You guys all quoted from the Old Testament. Those were rules that had to be followed before Jesus.

Jesus set new rules in the New Testament. The only rules we follow

are the Ten Commandments and the things Jesus told us. The old rules do not belong to any of us anymore.

Also, the passage you quoted from Revelation is talking to the Church of Thyatira and it refers to false idols and religions. Also to the wicked who seduces.

Revelation is the most complex book that takes YEARS of studying to understand.

Please don't talk about things you know nothing about. How about you guys actually try to understand and read the Bible

rather than talking things you know nothing about.

Have you ever read your New Testament?


And the 10 commandements are from the Old Testament kiddo. As well as the other 600+ edicts made in the text in the old testament.

and plus if we're supposed to follow the new testament, did god change his mind about doing things? 

He died for our sins. 


Plus if god made a new covenant, does that mean an omnipotent and all knowing god made a mistake and had to do it over again?

He made a new covenant knowing he would have to do it all again?

Lets get this straight...god made a human version of himself, made that version be abused, then sacrifice himself...to himself...to save things...it created...??? 


You mean to tell me that all of these deserve to go to hell? 


Apologists are HILARIOUS to me. No sort of consistency in thought at all. 

Since you're so hung up on the new testament are you happy with the idea that the NT created the concept of Hell? There isnt one in the OT.

And since you're so hung on on the NT you should ask the JEWS why they happen to disagree with you on the OT not being relevant...its all they follow. 

How do you also respond to this NT passage? 
He answered them, "And why do you break God's commandment because of your tradition?
For God said:
Honor your father and your mother; and,
The one who speaks evil of father or mother
must be put to death.

But you say, 'Whoever tells his father or mother, "Whatever benefit you might have received from me is a gift [committed to the temple]"— he does not have to honor his father.' In this way, you have revoked God's word because of your tradition. Hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you when he said:
These people honor Me with their lips,
but their heart is far from Me.
They worship Me in vain,
teaching as doctrines the commands of men. " ([3] Matthew 15:3-9)

But no! The god of the NT is all good! 

I mean this is the same guy that wrote Revelations... 

Here is the best thing about the NT christians overlook...

Paul is a fraud.

The majority of the writings in the New Testament are attributed to the Apostle Paul. This is a person who was an admitted murderer before having a “vision
That would actually require some of these dudes to put their egos aside. I dont see it happening. And before I end up in a pyramid box, I just would liketo say alot of u dudes who attack religion have some of the weakest arguments and logic. I dont even agree with modern religion because I study history, mystery, and most importantly, the mind that percieves these things. I honestly think you guys are smart enough to not waste your time and intellectual wit on fighting something created to be fallable in the first place, with rhetoric of other "untellectuals". Your minds are much better than this mess you fervently waist yalls juice combatting. If yoU believe in nothing, fine. Just know that there are people outside of you that have knowledge and experience you dont have or have yet to come into contact. Just try not to embarrass your future self too much with your wild rhetorts of your youth. You have yet to see it all and so much more to learn. But most importantly, you have to have an open door in order let something in. you duded sound like you got touched at church, or just have autistic personalities because of some traumatic experience.

All belief systems are false because they ask the believer to take somthing as fact that they dont have for sure knowledge of. That is why early spritual systems were based on gnosis, or knowledge. Obviosly what we deal with now with modern day religions, is not the same as its original intent. Wise up ye so called wise. Just because you know a little something doesnt mean you beat people over the head with your knowledge. We all learn things at different times in different ways. Real talk, those are the traits of abusive reationships.
Originally Posted by Wr

That would actually require some of these dudes to put their egos aside. I dont see it happening. And before I end up in a pyramid box, I just would liketo say alot of u dudes who attack religion have some of the weakest arguments and logic. I dont even agree with modern religion because I study history, mystery, and most importantly, the mind that percieves these things. I honestly think you guys are smart enough to not waste your time and intellectual wit on fighting something created to be fallable in the first place, with rhetoric of other "untellectuals". Your minds are much better than this mess you fervently waist yalls juice combatting. If yoU believe in nothing, fine. Just know that there are people outside of you that have knowledge and experience you dont have or have yet to come into contact. Just try not to embarrass your future self too much with your wild rhetorts of your youth. You have yet to see it all and so much more to learn. But most importantly, you have to have an open door in order let something in. you duded sound like you got touched at church, or just have autistic personalities because of some traumatic experience.

All belief systems are false because they ask the believer to take somthing as fact that they dont have for sure knowledge of. That is why early spritual systems were based on gnosis, or knowledge. Obviosly what we deal with now with modern day religions, is not the same as its original intent. Wise up ye so called wise. Just because you know a little something doesnt mean you beat people over the head with your knowledge. We all learn things at different times in different ways. Real talk, those are the traits of abusive relationships.
Originally Posted by Wr

That would actually require some of these dudes to put their egos aside. I dont see it happening. And before I end up in a pyramid box, I just would liketo say alot of u dudes who attack religion have some of the weakest arguments and logic. I dont even agree with modern religion because I study history, mystery, and most importantly, the mind that percieves these things. I honestly think you guys are smart enough to not waste your time and intellectual wit on fighting something created to be fallable in the first place, with rhetoric of other "untellectuals". Your minds are much better than this mess you fervently waist yalls juice combatting. If yoU believe in nothing, fine. Just know that there are people outside of you that have knowledge and experience you dont have or have yet to come into contact. Just try not to embarrass your future self too much with your wild rhetorts of your youth. You have yet to see it all and so much more to learn. But most importantly, you have to have an open door in order let something in. you duded sound like you got touched at church, or just have autistic personalities because of some traumatic experience.

All belief systems are false because they ask the believer to take somthing as fact that they dont have for sure knowledge of. That is why early spritual systems were based on gnosis, or knowledge. Obviosly what we deal with now with modern day religions, is not the same as its original intent. Wise up ye so called wise. Just because you know a little something doesnt mean you beat people over the head with your knowledge. We all learn things at different times in different ways. Real talk, those are the traits of abusive reationships.

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I know atheist don't put stock in it, but Old Testament then New Testament. New is the new law because the old was fulfilled.

I guess the 10 commandments you all want in court-houses doesn't matter either since thats in the old testament. 

Stop picking and choosing what you want to follow. Its either all true or its not. If its not ALL true then its not the infallible word of a god(s). 

Need proof that the old testament still matters? 

Why don't you read your own damn bible for once:


If this matters then the god of the old testament is STILL an egotistic maniac. 

Whose picking and choosing though? You pasted a piece of what I was talking about.

I never said the old testament didn't matter so stop the female games of reading/hearing what you want to. That's petty, putty.

The 10 commandments still matter along with everything that was written.

Me stating the New Testament was in effect wasn't drowning the old but that we have a new lease/chance to enter the Kingdom of God. He knows we're not perfect and can't reach that standard so he sent someone to shoulder that burden.
Originally Posted by Hoy Its Lindsay

Originally Posted by Wr

That would actually require some of these dudes to put their egos aside. I dont see it happening. And before I end up in a pyramid box, I just would liketo say alot of u dudes who attack religion have some of the weakest arguments and logic. I dont even agree with modern religion because I study history, mystery, and most importantly, the mind that percieves these things. I honestly think you guys are smart enough to not waste your time and intellectual wit on fighting something created to be fallable in the first place, with rhetoric of other "untellectuals". Your minds are much better than this mess you fervently waist yalls juice combatting. If yoU believe in nothing, fine. Just know that there are people outside of you that have knowledge and experience you dont have or have yet to come into contact. Just try not to embarrass your future self too much with your wild rhetorts of your youth. You have yet to see it all and so much more to learn. But most importantly, you have to have an open door in order let something in. you duded sound like you got touched at church, or just have autistic personalities because of some traumatic experience.

All belief systems are false because they ask the believer to take somthing as fact that they dont have for sure knowledge of. That is why early spritual systems were based on gnosis, or knowledge. Obviosly what we deal with now with modern day religions, is not the same as its original intent. Wise up ye so called wise. Just because you know a little something doesnt mean you beat people over the head with your knowledge. We all learn things at different times in different ways. Real talk, those are the traits of abusive relationships.

Ironic the christian would back this very quote up... 

Yeah, religion IS an abusive relationship:





But remember...God LOVES YOU! 

RKO2004 wrote:
Originally Posted by sillyputty

RKO2004 wrote:
I know atheist don't put stock in it, but Old Testament then New Testament. New is the new law because the old was fulfilled.
Stop picking and choosing what you want to follow. Its either all true or its not. If its not ALL true then its not the infallible word of a god(s). 

Need proof that the old testament still matters? 

Why don't you read your own damn bible for once:


If this matters then the god of the old testament is STILL an egotistic maniac. 

Whose picking and choosing though? You pasted a piece of what I was talking about.

I never said the old testament didn't matter so stop the female games of reading/hearing what you want to. That's petty, putty. 

The 10 commandments still matter along with everything that was written. 

Me stating the New Testament was in effect wasn't drowning the old but that we have a new lease/chance to enter the Kingdom of God. He knows we're not perfect and can't reach that standard so he sent someone to shoulder that burden.



This man has the memory of a goldfish. 

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by RKO2004

I know atheist don't put stock in it, but Old Testament then New Testament. New is the new law because the old was fulfilled.

I guess the 10 commandments you all want in court-houses doesn't matter either since thats in the old testament. 

Stop picking and choosing what you want to follow. Its either all true or its not. If its not ALL true then its not the infallible word of a god(s). 

Need proof that the old testament still matters? 

Why don't you read your own damn bible for once:


If this matters then the god of the old testament is STILL an egotistic maniac. 

Whose picking and choosing though? You pasted a piece of what I was talking about.

I never said the old testament didn't matter so stop the female games of reading/hearing what you want to. That's petty, putty.

The 10 commandments still matter along with everything that was written.

Me stating the New Testament was in effect wasn't drowning the old but that we have a new lease/chance to enter the Kingdom of God. He knows we're not perfect and can't reach that standard so he sent someone to shoulder that burden.
If he is omnipotent and knew you aren't perfect, why put the Old Testament in effect in the first place?
Also, are you choosing not to follow the Old Testament? And thus picking and choosing what parts of the Bible you want to follow?
Yo how do I have the memory of a Goldfish when all I said was that the old testament was fulfilled? When did I say it didn't matter? Even reading the big bold yellow you quoted, I'm still not seeing where I said that. But whatever.

Moving on.

If he is omnipotent and knew you aren't perfect, why put the Old Testament in effect in the first place?
Also, are you choosing not to follow the Old Testament? And thus picking and choosing what parts of the Bible you want to follow?
No offense, but you have google like I do. You can research that and buy yourself a bible as well along with other studying tools. I only know so much and I'm still learning myself.

I follow the obvious don't steal, kill and etc. If you mean every rule like not wearing multiple fabric, then I guess that is one I failed. I fail with stuff everyday. I'm just trying to get better day to day.

Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together
If I was a Christian there's no way I'd willingly enter these threads just so sillyputty could make an absolute fool of me.

I know most will act like this doesn't affect them at all but Christians, you don't find yourself questioning your religions credibility just a little bit?
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

If I was a Christian there's no way I'd willingly enter these threads just so sillyputty could make an absolute fool of me.

I know most will act like this doesn't affect them at all but Christians, you don't find yourself questioning your religions credibility just a little bit?

Nope. sillyputty is just another one of those "WHAT I SAY IS ALWAYS RIGHT THE WORLD IS ABOUT ME ME ME AND MY BELIEFS AND
Can't even have a mature discussion with people like him hence why I stopped replying.

Dude needs to get over himself and his pathetic ego. It's sad to see people like him, honestly.

But back to what you said:

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrew 11:1

Prob. one of my favorite vers.
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