I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

When is god going to come out with the service pack update?


Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

but nah sillyputty is dropping some knowledge, i look forward to his posts every time
In summary this is all I get from his rants...  

I think it's safe to say that the Kobe vs LeBron threads get more definitive answers than threads like these.
Irony much.
When it comes to religion, I think it should be personal and and a sacred practice without impeding on others. When that line gets crossed, then I will have a problem with the way you practice religion and faith. However, when you come to me and look at me as crazy for being Agnostic, or say oh I pity you...How will you live on not following in any Higher Being...You think there is no purpose to your life? Your life is worthless?

My purpose of being is probably more valid and substantial to this life herein now than your purpose based on the belief of some institutionalized and organized religion which you were conditioned to believe in and brainwashed to believe in. I have done extensive reflection and have come to believe in the essence of being as a human to live life just as it is. Why do you think this purpose needs to have some divine aspect or explanation to it? Do all species in this planet have that same purpose of being here on Earth to serve God or Gods and do they believe that there is an Afterlife? As I see it, my life is no more worth than the reason why the ant walking on the ground next to me exists. As the most evolved species, we have become so self-absorbed to think that this Earth was built for us to live in it and that there must be some divine reason we are here. How about the dinosaurs and others creatures who lived before us for BILLIONS of years? Does their purpose have any substantial valid reasoning to some aspect related to the divine? But, also as humans, we have become more advanced in thinking and evolved to the point we have rational thinking and emotional thinking. This is why we are biologically wired to have faith, to serve to answer our fears of the unknown and was originally a way to help us deal with functions in society. Some want to believe in a Higher Power to substantiate their existence. Some others need to look externally to depend on a Force that is greater than humans that can control the universe. That is why they always look to the mystique...That magic that is beyond our understanding to explain the unexplained. Why will I base my faith on a bunch of men with agendas preaching that God spoke to them and that they know the ultimate truth. How are they anymore specialized in knowing about this life more than me?

In a way, I think it takes away from the essence of being in touch completely with yourself. If only most of us looked from within for that awakening. This is my reply to whomever asks me that question whenever I tell them I am Agnostic. Yes, I do think I have a purpose...It is to conquer myself. That is the biggest battle we face each and everyday. I do not care to know how this world came to be. Doesn't matter. It is irrelevant. My purpose to live as best as I can to reach that freedom. That is a powerful struggle from within that no one or even a divine can help me with, and I only have myself to depend on. In the end, we all leave this world alone...and I will depend on no one but myself to attain the ultimate inner peace to reach self-fulfillment and freedom. That is my purpose. To find the answers, it is not out there in some divine power beyond the stars, it is right there within you.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Kramer wrot

 I don't get you all complaining "Nothing ever gets accomplished!" Does anyone's mind get changed in Kobe vs Lebron threads? You all are INCREDIBLY annoying when you do that. Let us talk or keep it moving. 

I answer every single question in here. 

So your willing to argue forever,this wont ever get old for you?

How long have you been an atheist?
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sillyputty

 I don't get you all complaining "Nothing ever gets accomplished!" Does anyone's mind get changed in Kobe vs Lebron threads?You all are INCREDIBLY annoying when you do that. Let us talk or keep it moving. 

I answer every single question in here. 

So your willing to argue forever,this wont ever get old for you?

How long have you been an atheist?

Does it matter if or when I stopped believing in that crap? 

Tell religious people to stop preventing the teaching of science in schools or trying to run the government into the ground... 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Kramer wrot


So your willing to argue forever,this wont ever get old for you?

, these guys man.

it doesnt get old asking him if it gets old?

it doesnt get old entering these posts that you know silly and anton are in to say 'why do you guys do this in these posts"? that doesnt get old?

the crying and whining about actual debate going down doesnt get old to you crybaby dudes?

Originally Posted by sillyputty




"you misinterpreted it" LMAO

and "you know less about the bible, christianity and church history than agnostics and athiests"

shots fired

assassin pro

stalker pro

slight of hand

I've enjoyed this thread, fantastic!
That said, I am not a believer in religion, but I am not too sure as to what is out there. Being an athlete, I've played on the big stage, in arenas filled with thousands of people. I've felt the energy directed toward my teams, then against my teams, then have always wondered what that was. If any of you have experienced this, it feels like a buzz, electric.

Any ideas, what is that???
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

I've enjoyed this thread, fantastic!
That said, I am not a believer in religion, but I am not too sure as to what is out there. Being an athlete, I've played on the big stage, in arenas filled with thousands of people. I've felt the energy directed toward my teams, then against my teams, then have always wondered what that was. If any of you have experienced this, it feels like a buzz, electric.

Any ideas, what is that???
Social experience.

Add in the fact that you want to perform so you're super concentrated on everything you do. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

I've enjoyed this thread, fantastic!
That said, I am not a believer in religion, but I am not too sure as to what is out there. Being an athlete, I've played on the big stage, in arenas filled with thousands of people. I've felt the energy directed toward my teams, then against my teams, then have always wondered what that was. If any of you have experienced this, it feels like a buzz, electric.

Any ideas, what is that???
Social experience.

Add in the fact that you want to perform so you're super concentrated on everything you do. 
I get the adrenaline part, I used to get that through simply competing and training on my own. But what I do not understand, is how that seems to intensify when groups get together. Now what I am not doing is suggesting a higher power's influence over this, but what I am wondering about is that connection we have with each other. Is it spiritual? How is that energy transferred? 

I understand the social experience part as well, but that buzz I've felt, anticipation of something happening. It is pretty powerful.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

I've enjoyed this thread, fantastic!
That said, I am not a believer in religion, but I am not too sure as to what is out there. Being an athlete, I've played on the big stage, in arenas filled with thousands of people. I've felt the energy directed toward my teams, then against my teams, then have always wondered what that was. If any of you have experienced this, it feels like a buzz, electric.

Any ideas, what is that???
Social experience.

Add in the fact that you want to perform so you're super concentrated on everything you do. 
I like what you mean to do, but you're just too skeptical sometimes. In terms of dealing with "energy," we really know so little about it. That kind of energy could be something other than adrenaline, think along the lines of the connected consciousness of those birds that fly in huge flocks that sway every which way without them flying into each other. Something similar could be happening.
I don't believe in religion as most see it, but I do believe that our lack of understanding things such as different types of energies could reveal something interesting, another facet of humans not commonly seen. Take, for instance, Chi energy. Many thought it to be martial arts mystical BS until we figured out that it can actually be measured as heat energy, and this heat energy can be detected moving throughout the body of Shaolin monks and other martial artists as they guide it while doing forms and the like. The human mind is capable of doing amazing things, and we aren't really sure exactly how much it can do. I think a lot of sources of spiritual energy doesn't come from without like Gods or Devils, but from within ourselves.
Originally Posted by bruce negro

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

I've enjoyed this thread, fantastic!
That said, I am not a believer in religion, but I am not too sure as to what is out there. Being an athlete, I've played on the big stage, in arenas filled with thousands of people. I've felt the energy directed toward my teams, then against my teams, then have always wondered what that was. If any of you have experienced this, it feels like a buzz, electric.

Any ideas, what is that???
Social experience.

Add in the fact that you want to perform so you're super concentrated on everything you do. 
I like what you mean to do, but you're just too skeptical sometimes. In terms of dealing with "energy," we really know so little about it. That kind of energy could be something other than adrenaline, think along the lines of the connected consciousness of those birds that fly in huge flocks that sway every which way without them flying into each other. Something similar could be happening.
I don't believe in religion as most see it, but I do believe that our lack of understanding things such as different types of energies could reveal something interesting, another facet of humans not commonly seen. Take, for instance, Chi energy. Many thought it to be martial arts mystical BS until we figured out that it can actually be measured as heat energy, and this heat energy can be detected moving throughout the body of Shaolin monks and other martial artists as they guide it while doing forms and the like. The human mind is capable of doing amazing things, and we aren't really sure exactly how much it can do. I think a lot of sources of spiritual energy doesn't come from without like Gods or Devils, but from within ourselves.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

I've enjoyed this thread, fantastic!
That said, I am not a believer in religion, but I am not too sure as to what is out there. Being an athlete, I've played on the big stage, in arenas filled with thousands of people. I've felt the energy directed toward my teams, then against my teams, then have always wondered what that was. If any of you have experienced this, it feels like a buzz, electric.

Any ideas, what is that???
Social experience.

Add in the fact that you want to perform so you're super concentrated on everything you do. 
I get the adrenaline part, I used to get that through simply competing and training on my own. But what I do not understand, is how that seems to intensify when groups get together. Now what I am not doing is suggesting a higher power's influence over this, but what I am wondering about is that connection we have with each other. Is it spiritual? How is that energy transferred? 

I understand the social experience part as well, but that buzz I've felt, anticipation of something happening. It is pretty powerful.

Its not "energy" in the electrical sense. Its just the social benefit of group think. Its like why people riot. They riot cause everyone else is rioting. 

Its not spiritual. Its just the feeling of collective groups working together to achieve some task. 

I suggest you try taking some courses in anthropology that look at how the brain perceives certain social situations and how we've evolved to associate positive behavior with social situations. We can study various brain areas that correlate to these functions as well. 

Plus, just try to realize the extent of emotion you're feeling by representing that many people and having them want for you to succeed. 

I think you're dealing with a little confirmation bias. I'm certain you felt something...but I don't agree with your explanation for that thing you experienced. 

I like what you mean to do, but you're just too skeptical sometimes. In terms of dealing with "energy," we really know so little about it. 
Oh really? 

This "energy" you speak of is the result of the perception of events that are associated with nothing more than chemical substrates (as far as we know right now)

That kind of energy could be something other than adrenaline, think along the lines of the connected consciousness of those birds that fly in huge flocks that sway every which way without them flying into each other. Something similar could be happening.

Its called proprioception. Look it up. 

Birds aren't held together in flocks because of spiritual energy. What are you talking about? Birds know their paths because of organs they've developed that interact with magnetic sensitivity. 

Birds also fly in formation like that because they create pockets of air called slip-streams that reduce the overall amount of drag for the flying unit. Its a matter of conserving energy through just a simple understanding of fluids and physics. 

I don't believe in religion as most see it, but I do believe that our lack of understanding things such as different types of energies could reveal something interesting, another facet of humans not commonly seen.

Of course. But you can't assert anything you can't back up.

I admit that I can only see colors from 390 nanometers to 750 nanometers. Thats our visible light spectrum. Other animals see in ranges beyond that spectrum. 

Some animals can hear higher or lower frequencies than we can.

I'm not saying that my extent of perception is all there is...however, for me to assert that i've derived another sense by which I can judge the world, I have to back that notion up...otherwise, its an unsubstantiated claim. 

If i don't back it up, then i'm free to assert anything. I could say that the world is just a bunch of fruit loops trying to reach orange juice...and i could never be wrong because i'm just speculating stuff. 

At a certain point, its pointless to assert that things are outside of our perception...because we can't perceive it unless we can prove it!

I can prove to you xrays exist, but I can't show them to you naturally. I need instruments that detect those things to show you. Do you understand?

Take, for instance, Chi energy.
Doesn't exist.
Many thought it to be martial arts mystical BS until we figured out that it can actually be measured as heat energy, and this heat energy can be detected moving throughout the body of Shaolin monks and other martial artists as they guide it while doing forms and the like.

Heat energy? 

So you just proved/debunked your own thing.

On top of that, the heat of the fight or flight response or the need to act decisively in a stressful situation doesn't imply "energy" its just the result of us trying to make stuff happen to deal with that situation. 

Again, confirmation bias. You felt something so it must be some sort of feeling that you can't explain...and before you know it, you're at the bottom of the psuedoscience rabbit hole. 

The human mind is capable of doing amazing things, and we aren't really sure exactly how much it can do.

I think a lot of sources of spiritual energy doesn't come from without like Gods or Devils, but from within ourselves.

Using nebulous terms doesn't make what you're saying more reasonable. 

There is more understanding of chemical substrates and receptor biology than there is for spiritual experiences. 

Ask yourself this, how come these sorts of experiences seem to differ based on brain chemistry?

Schizophrenics? Alzheimers? Other neurological disorders? 

If there was a spiritual component to existence, how come it differs so much based on how our brains work?

That just goes to show...its all in your head...not the result of some sort of metaphysical external existence. 

Again, WANTING something to be true, doesn't make it true. 

heres the thing

just because we, meaning us niketalkers, arent well versed on a topic

doesnt mean humaity isnt.

"i suggest you research anthropology"


you're asking questions that were answered in 1200 BC


like you're gonna stump somebody

trust me, some guy spent his entire life researching whatever question you're asking..
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Social experience.

Add in the fact that you want to perform so you're super concentrated on everything you do. 
I get the adrenaline part, I used to get that through simply competing and training on my own. But what I do not understand, is how that seems to intensify when groups get together. Now what I am not doing is suggesting a higher power's influence over this, but what I am wondering about is that connection we have with each other. Is it spiritual? How is that energy transferred? 

I understand the social experience part as well, but that buzz I've felt, anticipation of something happening. It is pretty powerful.
Its not "energy" in the electrical sense. Its just the social benefit of group think. Its like why people riot. They riot cause everyone else is rioting. 
Its not spiritual. Its just the feeling of collective groups working together to achieve some task. 

I suggest you try taking some courses in anthropology that look at how the brain perceives certain social situations and how we've evolved to associate positive behavior with social situations. We can study various brain areas that correlate to these functions as well. 

Plus, just try to realize the extent of emotion you're feeling by representing that many people and having them want for you to succeed. 

I think you're dealing with a little confirmation bias. I'm certain you felt something...but I don't agree with your explanation for that thing you experienced. 

I am sure that the study of brain activity would explain what occurs while stimulated by those events, no doubt. 
So you are suggesting that environmental influence plays the largest part in the reaction of people? Your riot analogy was on point. I guess this is also how people can be manipulated into certain faiths and religions. 

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

heres the thing

just because we, meaning us niketalkers, arent well versed on a topic

doesnt mean humaity isnt.

"i suggest you research anthropology"


you're asking questions that were answered in 1200 BC


like you're gonna stump somebody

trust me, some guy spent his entire life researching whatever question you're asking..
You must realize intent. My question was innocent. Some of us have studied, then simply forgotten what we've learned. Once you've experienced certain situations, it can make you question what is supposedly factual evidence.
Many would like to believe in a higher power, as it would be nice if something was looking out for us, all of us. However, proof does suggest that the protection is for only a chosen few, and that is not fair.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

We can do this all day Christianity>>>>>Islam

Anton I genuinely like your posts but this is unproductive and not typical of you.
You claim to be agnostic (right?) yet place one monotheistic religion over another?
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