I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian.

Yeah, the same one you posted a laundry list of out of context verses from in the other thread only to have each and every one refuted. The same one you failed to find any evidence for your lies about beating rape victims. The same one you have never even fully read in its native language.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Right off the top:

By changing words from "beat" to "lightly tap?"


"she earned it!"

Bruh, I looked at EVERYTHING you posted. I'm trying to be honest with you here...you're making amends when there ARE none.

If you really looked at everything, how can you still be arguing about this ? The context was given. The reason it was done was given. The proof that it was done in other instances to confer blessing/ward off evil was given. Hadith from her (which you refuse to accept, yet accept this one... ?) was given....

She got hit in her chest because she followed her husband at night.

There is no REASON behind it.

He. Hit. Her.

End of story.

There are literally thousands of Hadiths.. if she was lying in this case, why are you unable to find any others stating he hit/beat women ?�
I'm not going to take the testimony of a 9-year-old that shes not being abused by a grown man prancing around as the messenger to god.

You go back to 4:34... no one is denying that this exists. The point is it should be done in limited extreme circumstances and following certain guidelines (lightly, not hit face etc) but it would be better if it is never done because the best example (the Prophet) never did it.


So it IS ok to hit your wife

At the end of the day, your position is never hitting a women in any case, ever. The Islamic one is in taking every precaution not to but being allowed to lightly hit them (not face etc) in extreme circumstances... but it's still better to avoid doing so at all.

Nah. Don't hit people at all.

Yet you asked for LITERAL evidence YOU SAID DID NOT EXIST and I granted it to you.

Sure you have Muslims who ignore the guidelines and go to extremes (ie: beating rape victims) which is why these actions would be prosecuted under Islamic law.

I didn't say rape.

Islam DOES allow you to hit your wife using several examples.

Stop lying.

As far as who wrote the Qur'an.. we went over this.

This should be GOOD.
I provided you with a link to a series that goes into details on how it was revealed,memorized and recorded etc. The point is, they are God's literal word.


How do you know?

If I say the words you're reading right now are from god does that make it god's word?


Obviously you don't believe this....

You know me so well.
the question is then how did a illiterate (documented) man 1400 years ago produce such exquisite literature that contained numerous scientific phenomenon

Oh yeah?
(big bang,

Show proof of the big bang being illustrated in the Quran LITERALLY...not through some vague second hand interpretation of the words like you use to excuse hitting women.

The Big Bang was theorized by a Jesuit Priest in the early 20th Century.


earth revolving around sun,
And this mean god exists?

It could also mean that they were scientifically accurate. There were people BEFORE Galileo who even knew this.

moon reflecting suns light (not own light),

So this means there is a god?

Again, revealing stuff doesn't mean there is a god. It just means they were smart enough to know how things worked.

earth not flat,

And? The Greeks knew this.

Heliocentrism is a result of the organized christian church's narcissism to exert their authority on the rest of the world.

iron originating from stars,



Proof homeboy.

The first time this was proven was by experiments in Supernova Nucleosynthesis in the 50s by�E. M. Burbidge, G. R. Burbidge, W. A. Fowler, F. Hoyle, �and their paper:�Synthesis of the Elements in Stars


So forget medical school, lets just all study islam.

We can overlook the fact that they stole most of their information from what the greeks knew.

But of course you won't admit that either.

historical fact unknown at the time etc etc) that contains no contradictions ?
Well science has a way of working like that. Its just true and consistent...Go figure.
His enemies at the time claimed it was witchcraft or collaboration/theft of other texts etc.... what is your explanation ?

His enemies were stupid?

Like those who claim the earth is STILL flat (flat earth society)

And yes, you all DID steal from other texts...i mean isn't this obvious? The fact that you all reference many biblical characters and high-light science facts known WAY before islam is hilarious enough...don't let me start using your own FACTS against you.

Did the Prophet spend time perfecting the number of times "he" used certain words ? (feel free to verify the numbers yourself)

"Day (yawm)" is repeated 365 times in singular form, while its plural and dual forms "days (ayyam and yawmayn)" together are repeated 30 times. The number of repetitions of the word "month" (shahar) is 12.

Sheer coincidence ?

This means that there is a god?

We had the 365 day calendar long before islam.

Jews helped to originate the 7th day off as the sabbath.

Romans had 30 day months based on phases of the moon

The number of times the words "man" and "woman" are repeated in the Qur'an, 23, is at the same time that of the chromosomes from the egg and sperm in the formation of the human embryo. The total number of human chromosomes is 46; 23 each from the mother and father.

Did you know 9/11 also is the code for the American Emergency Hotline?!


The word "land" appears 13 times in the Qur'an and the word "sea" 32 times, giving a total of 45 references. If we divide that number by that of the number of references to the land we arrive at the figure 28.888888888889%. The number of total references to land and sea, 45, divided by the number of references to the sea in the Qur'an, 32, is 71.111111111111%. Extraordinarily, these figures represent the exact proportions of land and sea on the Earth today.238

What type of bunk math is this?

You can't compare the ratio of LAND and SEA to just Sea...AND you just pulled the .238 number from  no where

Is this dude taking numerology to a new level?

Muslims at the writing of the Koran had NO concept of the extent of the rest of the world. On top of that...

the proportions of land to "sea" are wrong

They don't offer a method to decipher HOW MUCH land to HOW MUCH water.

You know what, let me humor you. Ill use wolfram alpha

The total calculated amount of the surface area of all land is:


The total calculated surface area of water is:


Divide the top by the bottom and what do we get?


NOT 0.238

Lets try another one:

51.15 (million sq miles of land) / (51.15+139.4 [million sq miles of water]) = .2684...

139.4 (million sq miles of water) / (51.14 +139.4) = .73156...

The ratio of these two?

.2684(etc) /.7315(etc) = .3669296...


inb4 100 rolling smileys and a page of out of context verses/"contradictions".

How about "inb4 actual freaking evidence for vapid claims"

You're using numerology to make a point here? GET OUT OF HERE.

Does THIS mean christianity is true?

On top of that how does this PROVE a god exists?

There are tons of things like the Fibonacci Sequence we don't completely understand...does that mean that Zeus exists?

Its merely a coincidence.

When you assert that "god" allah or your dog did it, all you're doing is MAKING A GUESS.

You don't know.

You GUESS allah did it.

You have no proof allah did it. You know you don't either...you just WANT TO BELIEVE allah did it.


You're going to need to come a lot harder before you step in here with this nonsense proof of your arguments. Just despicable.
Ah the ol' "taken out of context" excuse. Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists don't seem to think so....seems like it's open to interpretation.
Let's say I believe that the Quran, Bible, etc. WERE written by God,are the direct words of God, etc. Do you really think that over hundreds of years, no one changed anything in their texts to match their agendas at the time? So whether those passages in the Quran are true, translated properly, etc or not, it doesn't matter. I went to a private Catholic (although very liberal) high school, and even my religion professors taught us not to take the Bible at face value because of countless corrupt rulers changing passages to push their own agendas \or even by well-meaning people who wanted to address the issues that affected their society.

Anyways, I'm not religious, but I don't hate the idea of religion. I believe that even if the concept seems silly to me, at their cores, all religions are good and try to influence their followers in a positive way. However, I DETEST religious people who try to convert people of other faiths or use their faith to influence things that should be completely separate (politics, medicine, etc.). Religion should NOT be something that shapes modern society.
Bible is riddled with errors and human changes. There isn't even one Bible. Different sects take certain books as Cannon while others do not.

The Qur'an unlike any other holy book has been memorized by thousands since it was first revealed and there is no evidence it was ever changed in any way. Scholars have known the exact times each word/letter was used for centuries. Show me proof a single word was changed.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Let's say I believe that the Quran, Bible, etc. WERE written by God,are the direct words of God, etc. Do you really think that over hundreds of years, no one changed anything in their texts to match their agendas at the time? So whether those passages in the Quran are true, translated properly, etc or not, it doesn't matter. I went to a private Catholic (although very liberal) high school, and even my religion professors taught us not to take the Bible at face value because of countless corrupt rulers changing passages to push their own agendas \or even by well-meaning people who wanted to address the issues that affected their society.

Anyways, I'm not religious, but I don't hate the idea of religion. I believe that even if the concept seems silly to me, at their cores, all religions are good and try to influence their followers in a positive way. However, I DETEST religious people who try to convert people of other faiths or use their faith to influence things that should be completely separate (politics, medicine, etc.). Religion should NOT be something that shapes modern society.
QFT I think Dr Seuss is poetic in the way tkthafm finds the Koran poetic, but you don't see me turning it into unjust laws that keep women oppressed and promotes violence against other religious beliefs. People need to keep their damn fairy tails out of politics.
That's fine in the West/secular countries, but let's not ignore the 1/5th of humanity which believes religion is what shapes society/law etc in the first place. Even when given democratic elections, the result is the same, the people believe God's law > man-made law. Islam liberated/established/protected women's rights and as I showed you, allowed for religious freedom among Jews/Christians... yet the only criticisms you bring up are "women's oppression" (what do you think the vast majority of Muslim women themselves have to say about this ?) and "violence against other religions" (not according to the non-Muslims allowed to live/worship under Islamic Caliphate rule) - irony ?
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Bible is riddled with errors and human changes. There isn't even one Bible. Different sects take certain books as Cannon while others do not.

The Qur'an unlike any other holy book has been memorized by thousands since it was first revealed and there is no evidence it was ever changed in any way. Scholars have known the exact times each word/letter was used for centuries. Show me proof a single word was changed.

This guy is straight laughs. 

Don't think that because we don't speak Arabic or Urdu or Farsi that we can't figure things out homie.

How about you talk about the diacritical marks that differ in Arabic AND in the Quran itself as it relates to Islam?  http://www.wikiislam.net/...ritical_Marks_of_the_Qur'an 

The quran isn't even in chronological order. Its only in the order in the way verses were revealed in Mecca or Medina or story wise. 

Plus if you can't speak Arabic, chances are that you will NEVER understand the Quran. its THAT hard to translate. Some orthodox scholars say there wont ever be a completely accurate translation because of this. In fact, if you aren't an arabic fluent muslim, you're practically lying to yourself. 

Then add in things like regions having their own influence on other versions like the Saudis...yeah, the Quran is a "unique" book. 

Originally Posted by tkthafm

That's fine in the West/secular countries, but let's not ignore the 1/5th of humanity which believes religion is what shapes society/law etc in the first place. Even when given democratic elections, the result is the same, the people believe God's law > man-made law. Islam liberated/established/protected women's rights and as I showed you, allowed for religious freedom among Jews/Christians... yet the only criticisms you bring up are "women's oppression" (what do you think the vast majority of Muslim women themselves have to say about this ?) and "violence against other religions" (not according to the non-Muslims allowed to live/worship under Islamic Caliphate rule) - irony ?


Some dude created it!

Think how dumb this sounds: "God says that you're not supposed to tax me because god said so" 

You're acting like god ACTUALLY did the stuff you say it did...

Then i debunked ALL your claims on the last page. 


keep talking about the Caliphate like that matters TODAY.

In most islamic countries NOT being a muslim is a legal crime. or if you're not a muslim you MUST be religious in some way. 



Originally Posted by tkthafm

Notice how you carefully "prance" around presented evidence and interject with lies/assumptions/opinion ... 

Yeah, the Earth isn't 71% water.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water


The marks were already discussed in the previous thread, but sure:

5. Diacritical marks were added for non-Arabs

The original manuscript of the Qur’an does not have the signs indicating the vowels in Arabic script. These vowels are known as tashkil, zabar, zair, paish in Urdu and as fatah, damma and qasra in Arabic. The Arabs did not require the vowel signs and diacritical marks for correct pronunciation of the Qur’an since it was their mother tongue. For Muslims of non-Arab origin, however, it was difficult to recite the Qur’an correctly without the vowels. These marks were introduced into the Quranic script during the time of the fifth ‘Umayyad’ Caliph, Malik-ar-Marwan (66-86 Hijri/685-705 C.E.) and during the governorship of Al-Hajaj in Iraq.

Some people argue that the present copy of the Qur’an that we have along with the vowels and the diacritical marks is not the same original Qur’an that was present at the Prophet’s time. But they fail to realize that the word ‘Qur’an’ means a recitation. Therefore, the preservation of the recitation of the Qur’an is important, irrespective of whether the script is different or whether it contains vowels. If the pronunciation and the Arabic is the same, naturally, the meaning remains the same too.

If your only evidence for "corruption"/"changes" in the Qur'an is dialectical marks which do nothing to change the meaning/words and only serve to ENSURE PROPER PRONOUNCIATION.. than thanks for proving my point. The Qur'an is unparalleled. 114 Surah's memorized letter by letter by tens of thousands around the world.

Learning Arabic is important, but understanding the message without knowing Arabic is easy. When it comes to appreciating the linguistic beauty, that's where Arabic comes in.
and as shown, Iron originating from stars was in the Qur'an 1400 years ago. The verse is clear. You can't disprove this. 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

The marks were already discussed in the previous thread, but sure:

5. Diacritical marks were added for non-Arabs

The original manuscript of the Qur’an does not have the signs indicating the vowels in Arabic script. These vowels are known as tashkil, zabar, zair, paish in Urdu and as fatah, damma and qasra in Arabic. The Arabs did not require the vowel signs and diacritical marks for correct pronunciation of the Qur’an since it was their mother tongue. For Muslims of non-Arab origin, however, it was difficult to recite the Qur’an correctly without the vowels. These marks were introduced into the Quranic script during the time of the fifth ‘Umayyad’ Caliph, Malik-ar-Marwan (66-86 Hijri/685-705 C.E.) and during the governorship of Al-Hajaj in Iraq.

Some people argue that the present copy of the Qur’an that we have along with the vowels and the diacritical marks is not the same original Qur’an that was present at the Prophet’s time. But they fail to realize that the word ‘Qur’an’ means a recitation. Therefore, the preservation of the recitation of the Qur’an is important, irrespective of whether the script is different or whether it contains vowels. If the pronunciation and the Arabic is the same, naturally, the meaning remains the same too.

If your only evidence for "corruption"/"changes" in the Qur'an is dialectical marks which do nothing to change the meaning/words and only serve to ENSURE PROPER PRONOUNCIATION.. than thanks for proving my point. The Qur'an is unparalleled. 114 Surah's memorized letter by letter by tens of thousands around the world.

Learning Arabic is important, but understanding the message without knowing Arabic is easy. When it comes to appreciating the linguistic beauty, that's where Arabic comes in.
There are 2 billion christians, does that mean christianity is more true than islam?

Oh and thanks for ignoring my remarks. These CHANGES in the Quran illustrate that the book is not as it originally started...as is the same with early version of the bible written in Greek and Aramaic.

Originally Posted by tkthafm

and as shown, Iron originating from stars was in the Qur'an 1400 years ago. The verse is clear. You can't disprove this.

Hold up... THIS is your explaination for the creation of Iron on earth?


From YOUR Source:

[h3]The�IRON Sura 57 (57 = 19X 3)[/h3]
Sura 57 in the Quran is called "The�Iron"�in Arabic (Al-Hadeed). The word (Al-Hadeed)�in Arabic has a gematrical value�(numerical value for each arabic letter)�of 57, the same as the sura (chapter) number in which it is mentioned.

The gematrical value of the Arabic word "Hadeed"�(iron)�without the "Al"�(the)�is�26. In the�Periodic Table of Elements�the�26th�element is IRON (Fe) meaning the number of protons in the iron nucleus is 26.

The Iron itself in mentioned in verse 25 of this sura. The last word God (ALLAH) mentioned in verse number 57 is the 26th word GOD from the beginning of this sura. 26 is the number of PROTONS in the iron nucleus (hence, Atomic Number 26). Verse 25 in this sura is the 19th verse which contains the word God in Sura 57.

It is interesting to note that Sura 57 is the midway point of the Quran, and Iron is found in the center of the earth.

This is ******ED


Wait a minute...


Lets look at this again...

Well the word ******ED has 8 Letters in it... and Romans used to have 8-day weeks...and everyone knows who the romans were...which means the Roman Gods existed!

They straight said "without adding certain letters" to make their point

You're worse than people saying they could predict Hitler by poking out different numbers in the bible.

This is TKTHAFM's Logic Process:


The Bible is a fundamentally flawed book. There was no emphasis on it's preservation/memorization as with the Qur'an so multiple versions/errors exist today. 
 at calling dialectical marks "changes". The Qur'an was revealed as recitation.. the recitation was never changed. This is fact.

 at you going into numerology yet failing to address the main point: "We sent aforetime Our messengers with clear signs and sent down them the Book and the Balance (of right and wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down iron, in which is (material for) Mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, unseen, Him and His messengers: For Allah is Full of strength, exalted in Might (And able to enforce His Will).  (The Noble Quran, 57:25)"
Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? 21:30


"And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it."
(The Qur'an, 51:47)
Originally Posted by tkthafm


The Bible is a fundamentally flawed book. There was no emphasis on it's preservation/memorization as with the Qur'an so multiple versions/errors exist today. 
 at calling dialectical marks "changes". The Qur'an was revealed as recitation.. the recitation was never changed. This is fact.

 at you going into numerology yet failing to address the main point: "We sent aforetime Our messengers with clear signs and sent down them the Book and the Balance (of right and wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down iron, in which is (material for) Mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, unseen, Him and His messengers: For Allah is Full of strength, exalted in Might (And able to enforce His Will).  (The Noble Quran, 57:25)"

A Muslim thinks the bible is flawed?
Originally Posted by tkthafm


"And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it."
(The Qur'an, 51:47)
Are you just fundamentally dishonest by nature? 

The heavens? 

First of all outerspace isn't heaven. We pretty much figured that out when Yuri Gagarin went up into space first when he said "I dont see god up here"

Second of all expanding "heaven" doesn't mean they knew about the Doppler Effect and the cosmos expanding due to Red-shifting.  You can thank Mr. Hubble for that one. 

Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? 21:30

Also, every living thing isn't created from water either. 

We have found bacterial species that use Arsenic as their main biological molecule in their DNA...NOT carbon. 

Who knows what eons of evolution might do to reveal with those current findings. 

Originally Posted by tkthafm


The Bible is a fundamentally flawed book. There was no emphasis on it's preservation/memorization as with the Qur'an so multiple versions/errors exist today. 
The morality of the Quran is fundamentally flawed as well...with your justifications for hitting women and all. 

So where does that leave you?

If you followed the Quran to a T, you'd be sent to jail within 24 hours for life. 

Both the bible and the quran SUCK...get over it. Modern society has moved on. We have better ways of doing things...not the best...just better. We like all of our citizens to have rights, even the ones we disagree with for example. 

  The Qur'an was revealed as recitation.. the recitation was never changed. This is fact.

Lets say god actually did speak to Muhammad...alone...in a cave...when he happened to have pen and paper...

How do you know it was transcribed properly? How do you REALLY know? 

You don't.

Your entire faith is one huge assumption that Muhammad was telling the truth. 

On top of that, why only tell one person? 

God has this AWESOME secret...but hes only going to tell ONE person. 

And since god knows everything, he knew how hard it would be spreading that message...but no one thinks about this... 

you going into numerology yet failing to address the main point:

 Bruh that was YOUR link...not mine.

You tried to relate the amount of letters in a sura to proof god exists. 

"We sent aforetime Our messengers with clear signs and sent down them the Book and the Balance (of right and wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down iron, in which is (material for) Mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, unseen, Him and His messengers: For Allah is Full of strength, exalted in Might (And able to enforce His Will).  (The Noble Quran, 57:25)"

This makes no damn sense dude. 

Also, "we" doesn't imply who sent anything and WHERE they sent it from. 

The fact that there is iron doesn't mean it was meant to be used as weapons or for cooking. We made it into those things. Trees aren't only for building houses.

And Allah seems like a **** to send iron to only benefit muslims to use in wars that god created and knew the outcome of in the first place. 

Finding a random leaf in nature that gets you high doesn't mean god sent it for you to get high 

Look...you can't use the Quran to prove the Quran dude.  

Its like using a word in the dictionary to define it self. Just because it says its true DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE. Otherwise we'd still be trying to be witch-doctors. 

Lets stay on topic though with some Rick Perry pics!











































sillyputty i got ether for you. i will ether you. you don't want it with my mind

i'm not sent by the government

i'm not sent by 'god' or 'yahweh'

i am sent by the creator.

i wil destroy you, how you want it?

where's your proof that the creator above us as doesn't exist? where's my proof that he doesn't?

well, that evidence is about as evident as yours.

i destroyed you.

bye bye
lolllllllllllllllllll wheres your proof that he doesn't?

where my proof that he does? its the same proof that he doesn't.

its like that rubber bounces off of you joke.....annoying but true.

you NT clown i willl ether all of you

brady, the GOAT

Creator power within all the GOAT

Creator the GOAT

get it?

LMAO you NT funny guise
my past names equals celtixhalfshell and annualplusome

Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by omgitswes

I believe there is a God, but I don't really say I'm a Christian anymore...really I'm not all that religious anymore, more spiritual than religious if that makes any sense.
A lot of these religious leaders make me sick.

I'm supposed to change how I feel because it bothers you?

What benefits do I get for saying that?
Christians aren't the only ones that believe in a higher power....just because I do doesn't mean I agree with everything from Christianity believe in.
I'm not sitting on any fence, and I did pick a side.

You really don't know as much as you think you do
Originally Posted by tkthafm

Just as a side note, if your worried about religious influence on US policy, you should do a little research on the Zionist lobby/string-pulling on pretty much all spheres of government/media. Christianity is more at the forefront obviously because of sheer numbers but the puppet masters behind the scenes are disproportionately Zionist Jews.
Someone gets it
Originally Posted by Iamjusayn

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Just as a side note, if your worried about religious influence on US policy, you should do a little research on the Zionist lobby/string-pulling on pretty much all spheres of government/media. Christianity is more at the forefront obviously because of sheer numbers but the puppet masters behind the scenes are disproportionately Zionist Jews.
Someone gets it

Sounding like a bunch of Nazis.
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