I'M PISSED!! Vol. Horrible Flight Stories

Sounds like you dropped the ball from the moment you booked the seat. The shoot couldn't have been that important if that's how you moved.
Yea if only life was that simple 

are you in middle school? if so, i would understand. OP is of adult age (i think), this isn't the cool kid table vs non cool kid table. i paid the same money as everyone else.
Some people can't take jokes...
I wonder if the sick lady logged on to a internet message board forum dedicated to shoes to complain about some little girl she sat next to on a flight that was very inconsiderate about her life threatening illness.....

P.S. stay in Jersey, We don't want you back over here in Los Angeles. -Sincerely, all 9,818,605 Los Angeleno's
im dead [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Im saying, we JUST had a thread congratulating bruh on getting in the TP movie.

He crossed the line coming at SC doe.

What's funny is that I'm 100% certain none of y'all would wanna sit beside someone that is sick either.

So because he's famous and has money he can't attempt to stay healthy?

I agree also but I don't voice myself anymore on NT

fousey fousey

This is NT I can't even make a thread just giving props to a movie you gonna be in without "they" coming out to post something negative in some way.
Angry Audi strikes again.
A lot of hating going in on that first page, Smdh!

To answer OP's question. I will pick one which consists of a flight where after take off on AA you hear n feel this loud rumbling noise. We all look around like wtf!? We knew it wasn't turbulence because we just took off but the noise was still loud and persisting.

Man after about a few mins the pilot gets on the intercom and tries to calm us down as he states "sorry about that crew but we have to make an emergency landing, so we are now turning around (basically a u turn over water) to land immediately so you will all be delayed and compensated. It appears that several sea gulls struck the inside of both engines!"

[emoji]128563[/emoji] I was like man! Lowkey thought that was it on some survivor steeze, lol [emoji]9995[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128569[/emoji]
One day you're gonna be old, that YouTube money will be dried up and you'll feel like silent era stars who can't find work in the sound era. I hope when that happens and you're coughing your life up on a plane someone next to you has the common decency to smile and help make your final days as meaningful as they can be.
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You typed all that to get reps and laughs from your fellow NTers? damn. At least when I do something that corny for the internet I get paid for it. I ain't even mad. It sucks how you don't want better for yourself and would accept being next to someone with a flu on a plane who's coughing all over you. That's why you probably have an average life style with an average salary stressing over average problems. If you want better, you expect better and don't settle for less. Like being coughed on all flight by someone with a cold.

Dude is joking man. Get out your feelings and take the ribbing.
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Goddamn @ Fousy pulling a Lebron after the Mavs series on sckid earlier itt :rofl: :rofl:
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I am African American and was on a flight last year sitting in the back of a United airlines plane isle seat.

I get seated and two Caucasian males sit next to me all they say is those are our seats I jump up and they get settled in.

One of the males in the middle seat asks me "could you move to the empty seat across so we can have the row to ourselves." :smh:

I reply, "Um, if the seat isn't filled I will move" :rolleyes

A minute later this dude asked the flight attendant if I could move to the seat across :smh:

The flight attendant said "If he wants to move to the seat across that's fine" I didn't say anything just sat there like :smh:

Subsequently the seat across is filled and I'm stuck sitting next to these nice guys. :x
^shouldve told them to go **** themselves as you proceed to lean back, close your eyes and put your headphones on with a smile on your face.
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