In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

Don't forget how close Enron execs and the Bush Family were too...

Good ol' Texas Oil boys...

Don't forget how close Enron execs and the Bush Family were too...

Good ol' Texas Oil boys...

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".

That did it for me. A reporter was talking about the building "collapsed" (past tense) and in the background the building is still standing there. She press released too early. I'm sorry but in order to keep my sanity, I'd rather live ignorant. With that being said, this is the last time I visit this thread.

For what it's worth, I love you all and I'm sorry for everyone who lost family on 9/11. Even as I type this, tears pour down my cheeks. This is too much for me. Say what ya'll want about me but I am not mentally prepared to handle something of this magnitude...

Pull yourself together bruh. Damn.
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".

That did it for me. A reporter was talking about the building "collapsed" (past tense) and in the background the building is still standing there. She press released too early. I'm sorry but in order to keep my sanity, I'd rather live ignorant. With that being said, this is the last time I visit this thread.

For what it's worth, I love you all and I'm sorry for everyone who lost family on 9/11. Even as I type this, tears pour down my cheeks. This is too much for me. Say what ya'll want about me but I am not mentally prepared to handle something of this magnitude...

Pull yourself together bruh. Damn.
Originally Posted by franchise3

So it's one big government cover up.

And Al-Qadea are along for the ride? They said, sure, we'll be a part of your plot, just pin it on us?

As a result of this cover up, the US will eventually engage in two wars, which will result in countless of lives lost, a lot of them US soldiers.

9-11 is one big conspiracy, but what about all of the other terror attacks that have happened since 9-11?

Those other countries are doing their own attacks on their own people, like how the US did on 9-11?

All for what again?

Very good argument. 
My father has a P.h.D in War Strategy and teaches war strategy to the U.S. Army. I've seen him go at it with his own enemies. He use to be a Vice Dean (#2 guy) for colleges, but after working for 3 different colleges he realized that all of the Presidents of these colleges were simply business men who do not give a damn about academics. My father wouldn't stand by that and ofcourse caused turmoil, such as the faculty and my father vs. the presidents and the boards. Story short, my father left these companies and slowly after their lives went to hell. One president was federally indited and is basically homeless, one president is now in a mental institution. Warfare is not fought through weapons anymore. It is fought in the media, in the economy. I saw my father attack these people through news papers and TV. I saw him attack these people through the funding of their academics, hence the federal inditements.

Stop thinking of war as Nation vs. Nation. It is not that anymore. There IS a New World Order that control the economics of this world. They control the food and health departments of this world. They control the media of this world. They are collectively the corporations who lobby in our senate houses, bypassing our votes. They are intelligence agents who black mail leaders of countries. 

You have to be able to think abstractly, and use logic to tie it together. That is how the physics of this Universe works.
Originally Posted by franchise3

So it's one big government cover up.

And Al-Qadea are along for the ride? They said, sure, we'll be a part of your plot, just pin it on us?

As a result of this cover up, the US will eventually engage in two wars, which will result in countless of lives lost, a lot of them US soldiers.

9-11 is one big conspiracy, but what about all of the other terror attacks that have happened since 9-11?

Those other countries are doing their own attacks on their own people, like how the US did on 9-11?

All for what again?

Very good argument. 
My father has a P.h.D in War Strategy and teaches war strategy to the U.S. Army. I've seen him go at it with his own enemies. He use to be a Vice Dean (#2 guy) for colleges, but after working for 3 different colleges he realized that all of the Presidents of these colleges were simply business men who do not give a damn about academics. My father wouldn't stand by that and ofcourse caused turmoil, such as the faculty and my father vs. the presidents and the boards. Story short, my father left these companies and slowly after their lives went to hell. One president was federally indited and is basically homeless, one president is now in a mental institution. Warfare is not fought through weapons anymore. It is fought in the media, in the economy. I saw my father attack these people through news papers and TV. I saw him attack these people through the funding of their academics, hence the federal inditements.

Stop thinking of war as Nation vs. Nation. It is not that anymore. There IS a New World Order that control the economics of this world. They control the food and health departments of this world. They control the media of this world. They are collectively the corporations who lobby in our senate houses, bypassing our votes. They are intelligence agents who black mail leaders of countries. 

You have to be able to think abstractly, and use logic to tie it together. That is how the physics of this Universe works.
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".

That did it for me. A reporter was talking about the building "collapsed" (past tense) and in the background the building is still standing there. She press released too early. I'm sorry but in order to keep my sanity, I'd rather live ignorant. With that being said, this is the last time I visit this thread.

For what it's worth, I love you all and I'm sorry for everyone who lost family on 9/11. Even as I type this, tears pour down my cheeks. This is too much for me. Say what ya'll want about me but I am not mentally prepared to handle something of this magnitude...

All love brother. I hope you find peace of mind.
Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by James Earl Zones

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

So I been sitting here crying for the last hour or so as I cycle through 9/11 clips on YouTube. Something that just caught my eye for the first time is WTC 7. How/Why exactly did this building fall again? It wasn't even hit by a plane or anything...

It was "pulled". Also youtube "tower 7 BBC".

That did it for me. A reporter was talking about the building "collapsed" (past tense) and in the background the building is still standing there. She press released too early. I'm sorry but in order to keep my sanity, I'd rather live ignorant. With that being said, this is the last time I visit this thread.

For what it's worth, I love you all and I'm sorry for everyone who lost family on 9/11. Even as I type this, tears pour down my cheeks. This is too much for me. Say what ya'll want about me but I am not mentally prepared to handle something of this magnitude...

All love brother. I hope you find peace of mind.
The Energy Task Force, officially the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG), was a task force created by then-U.S. President George W. Bush in 2001 during his second week in office. Vice President **** Cheney was named chairman. This group was intended to “develop a national energy policy designed to help the private sector, and, as necessary and appropriate, State and local governments, promote dependable, affordable, and environmentally sound production and distribution of energy for the future."[sup][1][/sup][sup][2][/sup]

The Bush Transition Energy Advisory Team,[sup][3][/sup] shaped the administration’s supply-side energy policy administration and was a precursor to the Energy Task Force.[sup][4][/sup]

On May 16, 2001, the NEPDG released its final report.[sup][5[/sup]

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, said today that documents turned over by the Commerce Department, under court order as a result of Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit concerning the activities of the Cheney Energy Task Force, contain a map of Iraqi oilfields, pipelines, refineries and terminals, as well as 2 charts detailing Iraqi oil and gas projects, and “Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts.â€
The Energy Task Force, officially the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG), was a task force created by then-U.S. President George W. Bush in 2001 during his second week in office. Vice President **** Cheney was named chairman. This group was intended to “develop a national energy policy designed to help the private sector, and, as necessary and appropriate, State and local governments, promote dependable, affordable, and environmentally sound production and distribution of energy for the future."[sup][1][/sup][sup][2][/sup]

The Bush Transition Energy Advisory Team,[sup][3][/sup] shaped the administration’s supply-side energy policy administration and was a precursor to the Energy Task Force.[sup][4][/sup]

On May 16, 2001, the NEPDG released its final report.[sup][5[/sup]

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption and abuse, said today that documents turned over by the Commerce Department, under court order as a result of Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit concerning the activities of the Cheney Energy Task Force, contain a map of Iraqi oilfields, pipelines, refineries and terminals, as well as 2 charts detailing Iraqi oil and gas projects, and “Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts.â€
mind = blown
long vid but watch it pretty dam interesting i didnt believe at first not sure if i still dont but it'll have you thinking
mind = blown
long vid but watch it pretty dam interesting i didnt believe at first not sure if i still dont but it'll have you thinking
Watching it right now


First, he's quoting all these random people with no job titles

The questions he posed make you think...

Some valid points but we will never know truth
Watching it right now


First, he's quoting all these random people with no job titles

The questions he posed make you think...

Some valid points but we will never know truth
Originally Posted by tkthafm


There was no need for that.
All you do is allow/ encourage something to happen that you otherwise could've prevented. You allow it because it is to your benefit. Technically, you're not responsible. 

I don't want to sound like a douche but a lot of you are 1st level thinkers. 
Originally Posted by tkthafm


There was no need for that.
All you do is allow/ encourage something to happen that you otherwise could've prevented. You allow it because it is to your benefit. Technically, you're not responsible. 

I don't want to sound like a douche but a lot of you are 1st level thinkers. 
"allowing" implies they had perfect intel on EXACTLY what/when/where it was going to happen.

0 evidence for this.

Besides, the cartoon was obviously targeting the "we were directly involved/did it ourselves" crowd.
"allowing" implies they had perfect intel on EXACTLY what/when/where it was going to happen.

0 evidence for this.

Besides, the cartoon was obviously targeting the "we were directly involved/did it ourselves" crowd.
Originally Posted by tkthafm

"allowing" implies they had perfect intel on EXACTLY what/when/where it was going to happen.

0 evidence for this.

Besides, the cartoon was obviously targeting the "we were directly involved/did it ourselves" crowd.

Why would they need perfect intel? The less they knew the better for plausible deniability. 
Let's say someone would want a mass killing. He goes and provides weapons to a known serial killer. That's it. He doesn't need to know anymore. When, how,and to whom it'll be done is irrelevant. In fact, the more he knows, the worse it is because not only can your conscience start to wear on you but you can inadvertently say things that you shouldn't or that information can be extracted from you at a later date. 

Personally, I don't think they expected it to be as big as it was and it did get out of hand . That's why flight 93 was shot down by the national guard .

On the other hand, we seem to be fine with "collateral damage" for a greater cause.  The ends justify the means. 
Originally Posted by tkthafm

"allowing" implies they had perfect intel on EXACTLY what/when/where it was going to happen.

0 evidence for this.

Besides, the cartoon was obviously targeting the "we were directly involved/did it ourselves" crowd.

Why would they need perfect intel? The less they knew the better for plausible deniability. 
Let's say someone would want a mass killing. He goes and provides weapons to a known serial killer. That's it. He doesn't need to know anymore. When, how,and to whom it'll be done is irrelevant. In fact, the more he knows, the worse it is because not only can your conscience start to wear on you but you can inadvertently say things that you shouldn't or that information can be extracted from you at a later date. 

Personally, I don't think they expected it to be as big as it was and it did get out of hand . That's why flight 93 was shot down by the national guard .

On the other hand, we seem to be fine with "collateral damage" for a greater cause.  The ends justify the means. 
Originally Posted by SCOTTY PIMPIN

Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

US citizen in me is saying that I don't want to believe in conspiracy theories, but I will watch this, if it is really that convincing.

That's where you're wrong. Quit all that patriotism stuff for a minute and think as a human. Facts are facts. I've already started to believe that 9/11 was all a set up, and not done by some guy sitting back in caves and shacks. This took stratigic planning and "under the table" moves to pull off. I remember watching the news that very day and Guiliani was talking about Al-Qeada and Osama. How would they know so quick?? And how can they say a plane hit the pentagon when it appears to be the size of a missle - not some 747 jet. Idk man. I'm a very open person.
You sir..Hit the nail on the head. The mere fact of the Pentagon destruction would be enough to have anyone
scratching their heads...I really do not understand how anyone can possibly think that a plane struck the pentagon especially

without anything being found of a plane..and the grass looking like Yankee stadium outfield before a game...
Originally Posted by SCOTTY PIMPIN

Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

US citizen in me is saying that I don't want to believe in conspiracy theories, but I will watch this, if it is really that convincing.

That's where you're wrong. Quit all that patriotism stuff for a minute and think as a human. Facts are facts. I've already started to believe that 9/11 was all a set up, and not done by some guy sitting back in caves and shacks. This took stratigic planning and "under the table" moves to pull off. I remember watching the news that very day and Guiliani was talking about Al-Qeada and Osama. How would they know so quick?? And how can they say a plane hit the pentagon when it appears to be the size of a missle - not some 747 jet. Idk man. I'm a very open person.
You sir..Hit the nail on the head. The mere fact of the Pentagon destruction would be enough to have anyone
scratching their heads...I really do not understand how anyone can possibly think that a plane struck the pentagon especially

without anything being found of a plane..and the grass looking like Yankee stadium outfield before a game...
I don't understand what your argument is. I must be a first level thinker, so help me out here.

The president gets reports on hundreds if not thousands of possible "threats". There is 0 evidence they had advanced knowledge that could have prevented 9/11, unless they simply evacuated the towers and pentagon permanently.

Using your analogy, what "weapons" did we give al-Qaeda for this "murder" ? Didn't you claim we "founded" al-Qaeda in the other Osama thread ? lol

Not being able to stop an attack (or taking advantage of it after the fact) =/= being complicit in a conspiracy.
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