In Plane Site 9/11 Wow...just Wow.

Originally Posted by lyricist343

We've all been lied to but the truth always surfaces. It will come out on or before 2012. Hell maybe even judgement day.


"A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building"

Ridiculous. I and my fellow NTers have watched many cartoons and, if there's one thing we know from these cartoons, it's that planes punch out cartoon-like outlines of themselves when they go through walls.

That trained engineer with years of experience is obviously in the government payroll and in on this conspiracy. His assessment based on real experience with real objects crashing through real walls is obviously a cover-up.

We know the truth.
"A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building"

Ridiculous. I and my fellow NTers have watched many cartoons and, if there's one thing we know from these cartoons, it's that planes punch out cartoon-like outlines of themselves when they go through walls.

That trained engineer with years of experience is obviously in the government payroll and in on this conspiracy. His assessment based on real experience with real objects crashing through real walls is obviously a cover-up.

We know the truth.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

But to say that it's an inside job from start to finish? Let's say it is an inside job. How many individuals would need to be involved? What would be their incentive? What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

Compare what people have to gain versus what they have to lose. Someone dedicates their life to blowing up fellow Americans so that some oil company can increase their profit margins?

There either needs to be some sort of brainwashing program, where dozens of young soldiers were convinced they had to take part, or there was heavy blackmailing, where some higher-up coerced people to participate by threatening their families.

Regardless, I just don't see things adding up.

I will leave open the possibility that it was an inside job just because, who knows... But, let's be honest, if this was an inside job, it was kind of stupid. If someone was trying to control the world, you'd think they'd come up with better ideas for controlling people and making money.
If this is an inside job, 9/11 was either allowed to happen and approved in advance or a false flag operation orchestrated by an organization with elements inside the U.S. government.

The motives and incentives? Create a new enemy in the post-Cold war era, create wars to maintain economic, military, and political goals. E.g. Justification of redefining National Security and taking away civil liberties to pry more into people's lives, justifying the occupation and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, geostrategic interests in the Middle East, continuing the expansion of pipelines plans launched in the early 90s by UNOCAL and other oil companies, planting military bases, etc.

Infact, what is the gain in a terrorist cell like Al-Qaeda carrying it out? The U.S. government has gained out of this and profited from it all more than Al-Qaeda or Bin Laden.

Who was responsible? Many theories are plausible. It could be that key individuals within the government had knowledge prior tothe attacks and deliberately ignored the signs or weakened the U.S.'s defense to guarantee the attacks would be a success. Another plausible theory could be that powerful individuals within the government planned the attacks and collaborated with or frame Al-Qaeda in carrying them out.

What is more plausible? Badly trained hijackers that could not pass flying lessons or highly advanced controlled mechanisms within the government carrying out this highly skilled attack?

About the brainwashing you were talking about...Yes, very plausible. Ever heard of sleeper assassins? Double agents? The U.S. government trains and uses them. As for information not leaking. There are elements within the government that have spoken out and claimed it is a conspiracy and the government was involved. But, they are not taken seriously by the mainstream.
For example, National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski testified to the Senate that the war on terror is "a mythical historical narrative" and he claims it was an inside job. 
Governments around the world have pursued false flag operations and killed their own citizens, which were also heavily sponsored by intelligence agencies like the CIA (e.g. Operation Gladio, signing on to Operation Northwoods, etc.), but somehow the U.S. government is immune to doing it to their own citizens.

Ask yourself: Would a government that has lied us into two wars and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran shrink from staging 'terrorist' attacks in order to remove opposition to its agenda?

Looking at the theory of this being an inside job seems very plausible to me.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

But to say that it's an inside job from start to finish? Let's say it is an inside job. How many individuals would need to be involved? What would be their incentive? What are the chances that every single one of them was 100% dedicated and didn't leak any information?

Compare what people have to gain versus what they have to lose. Someone dedicates their life to blowing up fellow Americans so that some oil company can increase their profit margins?

There either needs to be some sort of brainwashing program, where dozens of young soldiers were convinced they had to take part, or there was heavy blackmailing, where some higher-up coerced people to participate by threatening their families.

Regardless, I just don't see things adding up.

I will leave open the possibility that it was an inside job just because, who knows... But, let's be honest, if this was an inside job, it was kind of stupid. If someone was trying to control the world, you'd think they'd come up with better ideas for controlling people and making money.
If this is an inside job, 9/11 was either allowed to happen and approved in advance or a false flag operation orchestrated by an organization with elements inside the U.S. government.

The motives and incentives? Create a new enemy in the post-Cold war era, create wars to maintain economic, military, and political goals. E.g. Justification of redefining National Security and taking away civil liberties to pry more into people's lives, justifying the occupation and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, geostrategic interests in the Middle East, continuing the expansion of pipelines plans launched in the early 90s by UNOCAL and other oil companies, planting military bases, etc.

Infact, what is the gain in a terrorist cell like Al-Qaeda carrying it out? The U.S. government has gained out of this and profited from it all more than Al-Qaeda or Bin Laden.

Who was responsible? Many theories are plausible. It could be that key individuals within the government had knowledge prior tothe attacks and deliberately ignored the signs or weakened the U.S.'s defense to guarantee the attacks would be a success. Another plausible theory could be that powerful individuals within the government planned the attacks and collaborated with or frame Al-Qaeda in carrying them out.

What is more plausible? Badly trained hijackers that could not pass flying lessons or highly advanced controlled mechanisms within the government carrying out this highly skilled attack?

About the brainwashing you were talking about...Yes, very plausible. Ever heard of sleeper assassins? Double agents? The U.S. government trains and uses them. As for information not leaking. There are elements within the government that have spoken out and claimed it is a conspiracy and the government was involved. But, they are not taken seriously by the mainstream.
For example, National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski testified to the Senate that the war on terror is "a mythical historical narrative" and he claims it was an inside job. 
Governments around the world have pursued false flag operations and killed their own citizens, which were also heavily sponsored by intelligence agencies like the CIA (e.g. Operation Gladio, signing on to Operation Northwoods, etc.), but somehow the U.S. government is immune to doing it to their own citizens.

Ask yourself: Would a government that has lied us into two wars and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran shrink from staging 'terrorist' attacks in order to remove opposition to its agenda?

Looking at the theory of this being an inside job seems very plausible to me.
Personally, im not sure exactly what to believe. You would want to think that the American Goverment wouldnt do something like this to its own people but then you see some videos that really make you question what you thought you seen on TV when everything first went down. Its all just really shaky. I only trust 1 man 100% and thats myself, so ....??
Personally, im not sure exactly what to believe. You would want to think that the American Goverment wouldnt do something like this to its own people but then you see some videos that really make you question what you thought you seen on TV when everything first went down. Its all just really shaky. I only trust 1 man 100% and thats myself, so ....??
I'm surprised this thread has lasted this long and with even sided viewpoints. Years ago, a thread like this would be laughed at. I like what I am seeing here.

Does anyone else check out various 911 messageboards like They bring some truly valid points...

-EXIF data of various "victims" with prewritten obituaries dated as of 9/11/2001.
-'Victims' who appear to have fake obit. images. Ie morphed photos... blacked out pupils...

Just some crazy stuff that hasn't hit mainstream yet.
I'm surprised this thread has lasted this long and with even sided viewpoints. Years ago, a thread like this would be laughed at. I like what I am seeing here.

Does anyone else check out various 911 messageboards like They bring some truly valid points...

-EXIF data of various "victims" with prewritten obituaries dated as of 9/11/2001.
-'Victims' who appear to have fake obit. images. Ie morphed photos... blacked out pupils...

Just some crazy stuff that hasn't hit mainstream yet.
I wonder how many of the people that were in the
compound with Osama were flown out by the US
govt. the day the two planes flew out of here with
the Bin Laden family?

How come they were flown out in the first place non theorists?
I wonder how many of the people that were in the
compound with Osama were flown out by the US
govt. the day the two planes flew out of here with
the Bin Laden family?

How come they were flown out in the first place non theorists?
Ive always wondered where the Flight Data and voice recorders are for all the planes that went down. 
Ive always wondered where the Flight Data and voice recorders are for all the planes that went down. 
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