Information Technology (IT)

Just got a verbal offer for this project coordinator position I interviewed for last week, feels good man. Not getting excited until I'm signin the papers to start. Scheduled start date is April 10th. Been a long time coming.
Congrats man you've been working at it for a while , always pays off !

@23kidd  Tech exam forums .
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Just got a verbal offer for this project coordinator position I interviewed for last week, feels good man. Not getting excited until I'm signin the papers to start. Scheduled start date is April 10th. Been a long time coming.
Congrats man. Position is still in Pittsburgh? And no more programming for you lol?
Appreciate it fellas. Def been pluggin away at this for a while and now that I'm finally in a position to gain experience, makes getting the CAPM more important.
Appreciate it fellas. Def been pluggin away at this for a while and now that I'm finally in a position to gain experience, makes getting the CAPM more important. A stepping stone on the path I want to be on so now I gotta go harder, can't let up.

Just got a verbal offer for this project coordinator position I interviewed for last week, feels good man. Not getting excited until I'm signin the papers to start. Scheduled start date is April 10th. Been a long time coming.

Congrats man. Position is still in Pittsburgh? And no more programming for you lol?

Yea, still in Pittsburgh. And not counting out the programming, still some web apps I want to build but put them on the back burner while I finished school.
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Any one know the learning curve of switching from Software Developer to DBA or UX design/research? Programming is becoming a drag for me lol. I've done enough SQL queries while debugging code, but the administrative part I don't know about (setting up DBs for apps, migrations etc). UX I'm still a fan of front end design and even creating and styling pages, but want more knowledge of market research for users.
Any one know the learning curve of switching from Software Developer to DBA or UX design/research? Programming is becoming a drag for me lol. I've done enough SQL queries while debugging code, but the administrative part I don't know about (setting up DBs for apps, migrations etc). UX I'm still a fan of front end design and even creating and styling pages, but want more knowledge of market research for users.

Shouldn't be too hard since you already have the foundation. Were you looking into doing it through Salesforce, SAP, or something else? Setting up a DB for an app has gotten easier since their are platforms for cloud DBs so it's easier to manage them better.

As far as the learning goes, go to Coursera and take a class related to that, there are plenty of free classes when you can learn some of that.
Anyone have in connects with Testout material? Have to purchase a Network+ for class last minute, kinda salty.
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Congrats on the job dathbgboy dathbgboy

Landed a job in cybersecurity w/o knowing much except for basic computer skills last year may and i learned alot about this field.

Yes i got lucky with this job. I have no degree nor any certs, and im starting to realize that i need to make myself valuable before its too late (and the fact that i waited this long :smh: )

Ive decided that im going to do certs rather than attend a 4 year school, anybody know any good sites for me to do research on certs, if there are any?

:wow: what did you start off doing if you don't mind me asking?
How hard is ITIL?

Very easy so I've heard

Easy, just learning terms. It's just boring, haven't gotten through this book i've had for years. I've worked in ITIL environments though, so I know the principles. Good cert to have though to be seen as leadership material that understands the processes.

On my cert list for this year, ITIL foundations, MCSE, PMP, then CCNA and Sec+ if I can squeeze them in. Gotta knock out this BS in IT management first though.
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Whatever happened to that NT'er named SladeWilson or something similar to that NT ID.

Dude use to post in this thread how he would just pass the cert test and not know what the hell was doing in his IT job and then would post pics of 6 figure pay stub from his job :lol:
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Whatever happened to that NT'er named SladeWilson or something similar to that NT ID.

Dude use to post in this thread how he would just pass the cert test and not know what the hell was doing in his IT job and then would post pics of 6 figure pay stub from his job
missed this, but I bet this is common.
Dude didn't say he didn't know what he was doing. Now you're juicing it. Dude did say that he would pay cats to take the test for him and study test dumps.
Whatever happened to that NT'er named SladeWilson or something similar to that NT ID.

Dude use to post in this thread how he would just pass the cert test and not know what the hell was doing in his IT job and then would post pics of 6 figure pay stub from his job
he had that thread going nuts 
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Dude didn't say he didn't know what he was doing. Now you're juicing it. Dude did say that he would pay cats to take the test for him and study test dumps.

He definitely said he didn't know what he was doing and made posts for help on basic ****.
He was always talking about just give $100 to a Punjab at the airport to get any certs you want and get in any job. Then he posted this like 5 figure check he allegedly got every week for some e-discovery software and we was like ***** you in the 1% AFTER taxes taken out. He never added anything else to the threads but the comic relief. Dude is probably somewhere a brain surgeon right now with no training, just some forged cert and good resume.
He was always talking about just give $100 to a Punjab at the airport to get any certs you want and get in any job. Then he posted this like 5 figure check he allegedly got every week for some e-discovery software and we was like ***** you in the 1% AFTER taxes taken out. He never added anything else to the threads but the comic relief. Dude is probably somewhere a brain surgeon right now with no training, just some forged cert and good resume.
This is what I recalled
He was always talking about just give $100 to a Punjab at the airport to get any certs you want and get in any job. Then he posted this like 5 figure check he allegedly got every week for some e-discovery software and we was like ***** you in the 1% AFTER taxes taken out. He never added anything else to the threads but the comic relief. Dude is probably somewhere a brain surgeon right now with no training, just some forged cert and good resume.
I got a job offer yesterday for a ACTR position (IT specialist) in Arlington, VA. Sizeable bump in pay and save a few miles on the commute.

Goes to show how far you can get doing work in a timely manner and being friendly with people. Basically didn't even interview. Just had two guys who referred and went to bat for me to the contractor. :pimp:
Congrats P, that's def how I try to do things. U let your work speak for itself and treat people w/ the respect that you expect in return and hopefully that allows u to succeed which it did in this case.

I filled out all my paperwork and just waiting for the background check to come back. I'm a lil nervous because they say they may check your credit since the contract is w/ a financial institution. Don't have any black marks but student loans got my score on struggle. :lol: If that comes back good I'll be rappin to yall from a new gig in April.

Best way to study for the Net+? Finally time to get my first cert.

Prof Messer youtube vids were solid when I studied before I lost interest. That and getting the proper books online. Good luck.
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