iPad Mini Thread vol. Every Inch an iPad

Agreed. It's something that will fill the need of people who want a small tablet. Why do people buy any tablets then? They're just giant-sized phones? Because we freaking want to and it would be nice to do things on screens that are bigger than a phone screen. It seems apple always gets criticized for this but other brands get a pass.
i bet this thing is gonna cost only like $50 less then the new ipad thats out now

I'm afraid of something like that happening.

There was an article I was reading showing some German price points for it and it was looking like its not too much cheaper than the larger iPad.
apple is so damn smart.

parent will buy this for all their kids

this will sell and will sell more than any other 7 inch tablet. whatever apple makes it sells like hotcakes
Rick Flair *Wooooooo* (If the price is reasonable otherwise I'll just end up getting a Nexus 7 or something) :lol:
i never understand the people who had ipad's & dont use it... "its always sitting" "i always leave it in the boxs" etc... i want a ipad & would use the %^*9 out of it :lol:
Call me crazy, but I don't get the point of making a smaller iPad.  I know they'll sell.....I get that.  But I can't help but ask myself why.
i never understand the people who had ipad's & dont use it... "its always sitting" "i always leave it in the boxs" etc... i want a ipad & would use the %^*9 out of it :lol:

Some just buy it to say they have one even though they don't use it. I have one and use it daily. I use it for social sites, web browsing, magazines, and I'm using it even more now to study for my A+ exam.
i never understand the people who had ipad's & dont use it... "its always sitting" "i always leave it in the boxs" etc... i want a ipad & would use the %^*9 out of it :lol:

Some just buy it to say they have one even though they don't use it. I have one and use it daily. I use it for social sites, web browsing, magazines, and I'm using it even more now to study for my A+ exam.

prbly right... but still i dont have $500-$800 to throw on something that im not getting the value back out of... i guess some people think different....
iPad mini will be 249...

Copped as long as it has better front facing cam than nexus 7

First apple product since the OG nano.
The irony is that there's now a group of sheep who hate on the "sheep" of apple products.

You guys hating just because somebody enjoys a product and would like to buy something with their own money are sheep in yourselves, hating just because other people are. Who cares if there's people who buy every product apple pumps out, even if they don't need it? They ain't spendin your money.. it's like someone calling someone on here a sheep because he buys every colorway of XIs to come out. "You have tons of XIs (the same shoe), just in different colors. sheep.jpg*"

Also, as stated, there's a huge market for small tablets. The large iPad is a tad too big to comfortably carry around all the time. Also a bit too expensive, and to compete better in that market they're going to need to minimize and reduce pricing a bit. =iPad Mini.

Call me crazy, but I don't get the point of making a smaller iPad.  I know they'll sell.....I get that.  But I can't help but ask myself why.
Portability.  Believe it or not, the original iPad size isn't exactly a joy to lug around with you all day.  I actually find it awkward.  Just a touch smaller would be perfect to fit into an inside coat pocket, purse, etc.  At home, the iPad is GREAT for sitting on the couch, browsing the internets at the kitchen table while you eat, checking NT while dropping a deuce.  But take it outside of the home and it really is awkward.  It becomes like carrying around a small laptop, IMO.  

And not to mention that there's a whole 7" tablet class out there that the mini will compete with. 

I already know I'm getting my wife one, as she's always wanting to take my iPad to work with her.  I may cop one too, but only if the specs/price are right.  I'm actually more interested in the iMac refresh---been waiting for a GRIP for an update before I spend any $$ with Apple.  Hopefully they'll come correct.    
prbly right... but still i dont have $500-$800 to throw on something that im not getting the value back out of... i guess some people think different....

I think a lot of people are convinced it's something you have to have and prob convince themselves how great it would be to have it. After they buy it and use it for a while they realize that it really isn't all that useful to have unless you're one of those people who are glued to the computer/internet.
They're going to continue to make billions off of the same technology.
They're going to make MINI and S versions of every product.
They're going to change the sizes of an iPhone/iPad/iPod by a few inches every year and have people going crazy.
They're going to have millions lined up around corners of stores.
They're going to continue to make very minor improvements every year.
And we're going to defend them and give them credit for it along the way.

They are stealing our money, and we won't ever stop them from doing it.
I genuinely give them the ultimate respect, they really did outsmart the whole entire world.
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prbly right... but still i dont have $500-$800 to throw on something that im not getting the value back out of... i guess some people think different....

I think a lot of people are convinced it's something you have to have and prob convince themselves how great it would be to have it. After they buy it and use it for a while they realize that it really isn't all that useful to have unless you're one of those people who are glued to the computer/internet.

very ture.... i know people with ps3's & 360's who dont even have games for it but just HAD TO HAVE one...
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