iPad Mini Thread vol. Every Inch an iPad

already got a ipad 2 , never buying a ipad again

why not?

I want an mini iPad, but it really does nothing for me.

My bro gave me a Sony Tablet S last year, and I love it.

I can watch movies/videos that are in .avi, .mpg, mp4 format as well as read comic books i've downloaded on comic rack

You can't do those things on an apple product without having to jailbreak, can you?

If i'm mistaken, someone gimme some knowledge please....
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They're going to continue to make billions off of the same technology.
They're going to make MINI and S versions of every product.
They're going to change the sizes of an iPhone/iPad/iPod by a few inches every year and have people going crazy.
They're going to have millions lined up around corners of stores.
They're going to continue to make very minor improvements every year.
And we're going to defend them and give them credit for it along the way.

They are stealing our money, and we won't ever stop them from doing it.
I genuinely give them the ultimate respect, they really did outsmart the whole entire world.

It's not stealing if you're willingly giving it to them.
It's not stealing if you're willingly giving it to them.


Nobody is forcing anyone to buy every product they release. I just bought the 5 because I was eligible for an upgrade and I was using a dinosaur of a phone. I don't care what kind of refresh they come out with next year....I'm not gonna go out and buy it for full price because I know that I will be eligible for an upgrade when they do it again in 2 years. As for the mini, there's a market for a smaller tablet so why wouldn't Apple make one? That's like asking why Toyota made a Prius C when there's already a regular size Prius? Cause it fits people's needs!! And yes, there could be more improvements for their products. This bugs me the most but I understand the reasoning. People will buy even if there is only minor improvements so why give consumers everything at once. Giving a little at a time will ensure sales down the road. It's like the cure for AIDS. There's no money to be made in the cure for AIDS, "treating" it is where the money's at.
I should of said LEGALLY stealing. It wasn't meant to be literally (which should of been obvious). They are taking money from us, YES ME INCLUDED, whether we hand it to them or not.

Because you see, if you have ONE Apple product these days, you are helping advertise their product for them for free.
The value of one iPhone or iPad purchase from you goes a long way as far as influencing those around you on buying one for themselves.

You can agree with me or not, but anyone who is in college and went to a lecture hall knows that deep down they were jealous of anyone who had a laptop with a large white-lit APPLE glowing on the outside. You can admit it or not, but it makes you want to buy one just seeing someone else have one.

Yeah the same can be said for many products, but no one is as successful with free marketing as Apple has been.
They are stealing from us because we are helping them much more than we realize. We are not only buying their product, but also SUBSTANTIALLY influencing people around us into buying it as well. We show off our Apple products, we accessorize them, we color them, we fancy them, we recommend them, we have our kids play with them in public, we use them on all public transportation services. We are spreading their revenue more than they could ever do themselves. And with what? The same damn product every year with a couple twitches and minor upgrades. We go and buy the new one, people see us doing it, they join in on the line.

I give them props, I was genuine. They know all of this, and they continue to milk it. It's smart, not dirty. They don't have to spend more than they are accustomed to spending on advertising, we are all working for them doing that job for free.

They are the most genius company I have ever witnessed, and I don't think we'll ever come across another one quite like them ever again.
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So what are you saying?  That they somehow don't deserve the success they've had?  They made/make products that people want. What's the problem.  
I should of said LEGALLY stealing. It wasn't meant to be literally (which should of been obvious). They are taking money from us, YES ME INCLUDED, whether we hand it to them or not.

Because you see, if you have ONE Apple product these days, you are helping advertise their product for them for free.
The value of one iPhone or iPad purchase from you goes a long way as far as influencing those around you on buying one for themselves.

You can agree with me or not, but anyone who is in college and went to a lecture hall knows that deep down they were jealous of anyone who had a laptop with a large white-lit APPLE glowing on the outside. You can admit it or not, but it makes you want to buy one just seeing someone else have one.

Yeah the same can be said for many products, but no one is as successful with free marketing as Apple has been.
They are stealing from us because we are helping them much more than we realize. We are not only buying their product, but also SUBSTANTIALLY influencing people around us into buying it as well. We show off our Apple products, we accessorize them, we color them, we fancy them, we recommend them, we have our kids play with them in public, we use them on all public transportation services. We are spreading their revenue more than they could ever do themselves. And with what? The same damn product every year with a couple twitches and minor upgrades. We go and buy the new one, people see us doing it, they join in on the line.

I give them props, I was genuine. They know all of this, and they continue to milk it. It's smart, not dirty. They don't have to spend more than they are accustomed to spending on advertising, we are all working for them doing that job for free.

They are the most genius company I have ever witnessed, and I don't think we'll ever come across another one quite like them ever again.

just stop it. Legally stealing???? :rofl:

wow, just wow
Are you guys serious?

I'm giving them props.
I have apple products.

I'm not ANTI-APPLE. They are smart, thats the whole point.

You can cross my text out, laugh, say whatever you want...but no company compares to the free advertisement they get like Apple. :smh:

Jordans? I guess so. I mean like i said in my post, you can say that about many products.
But are any of them as powerful as Apple TODAY?
If you wanna believe they that Jordan's stock, net worth, or product satisfaction compares to Apple's today then go right ahead...but the stats dont lie.

What are the majority of people in this country more satisfied with today in their lives? The boxes of Jordans they got stocked up in their closets, or the iPads/iPhones/Macbooks that are being used for hours in the living room/classroom/gym/office? You tell me.

But I guess i'll take the blame, I probably worded some things wrong. My point is simple, but my wording may have been off.
It's a shame that no one seems to feel what I was trying to say. |I
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why not?
I want an mini iPad, but it really does nothing for me.
My bro gave me a Sony Tablet S last year, and I love it.
I can watch movies/videos that are in .avi, .mpg, mp4 format as well as read comic books i've downloaded on comic rack
You can't do those things on an apple product without having to jailbreak, can you?
If i'm mistaken, someone gimme some knowledge please....

there are apps that allow you to watch videos of any format on you ipad. vlc was one of em but has since been removed from the app store i believe but can't be had if you know where to look :nerd: and there's a comic app made for ios. forgot the name of it but can be easily found via google search.

it's honestly all preference though. all these tablets/phones/laptops are capable of the exact same things, it's just a case of how you like to go about it. i personally just enjoy the apple UI more and enjoy syncing all my devices across the same platform. i'd be lying if i didn't say i had too much already invested in apple to switch over but if i were starting from scratch i could careless which platform i went with.
Are you guys serious?
I'm giving them props.
I have apple products.
I'm not ANTI-APPLE. They are smart, thats the whole point.
You can cross my text out, laugh, say whatever you want...but no company compares to the free advertisement they get like Apple. :smh:
Jordans? I guess so. I mean like i said in my post, you can say that about many products.
But are any of them as powerful as Apple TODAY?
If you wanna believe they that Jordan's stock, net worth, or product satisfaction compares to Apple's today then go right ahead...but the stats dont lie.
What are people more satisfied with today in their household? The boxes of Jordans they got stocked up in their closets, or the iPads/iPhones/Macbooks that are being used for hours in the living room? You tell me.
But I guess i'll take the blame, I probably worded some things wrong. My point is simple, but my wording may have been off.
It's a shame that no one seems to feel what I was trying to say. |I

Your free advertisement statement was prob true 5-10 years ago when not everyone had Apple products but now they don't even care anymore. People who don't already own Apple products prob never will. For almost everyone else, (I don't want to use the word brainwashed but I think it might be appropriate) they don't even think about another brand if they need a new phone, computer, mp3 player, or anything electronic. It's not just because of their products either. Opening up Apple Stores was just as crucial. Having the Genius Bar where they service your products right there, the way they will replace your iphone/computers even when they weren't suppose to. It's like they're planting a seed. Just think about a soccer mom for example, Doesn't know much about electronics, gets an iphone for Christmas. Phone breaks and is out of warranty, guy at Genius Bar says he's gonna make an exception and replaces. Soccer mom needs to buy a new computer.....where do you think she's gonna go??
I don't disagree with you, everything that they have done is a factor in their success.
I was not claiming that the free advertising is the only reason they are successful, but it is a huge factor in why they continue to succeed.

The genius bar is a great point, it definitely helps everyone especially the female demographic.
The fact that they hire so many associates to be in the store and to ALWAYS be able to assist you makes your trip to the Apple store that much more satisfying and comfortable.
You dont ever have to wonder around looking for help, its always in front of you.
The fact that they have continued to branch out and open more stores always creates more hype.
Their AppleCare, although kind of pricy, really comes through for you for a solid 3 years. Giving you a stress free, comfortable purchase. The customer service along with the applecare has always been reliable, they do take care of you if you invest.
The accessories? Thats another thing, they do tend to way overprice the software and accessories that they retail themselves, but enough people still buy for them to continue to fill up their shelves.
The simplicity of everything is SO KEY. THey dont have a confusing store, a confusing website, a confusing commercial, a confusing advertisement.
Everything is clear, everything is white, everything is minimalistic. The main image they want to paint in your minds is EASY and CONVENIENT.

Everyone knows that Apple products aren't always first in specs, and applications. Many of the things that they add to their products, android and other tech companies have already done. They get criticized for jockin things, but they do it so smoothly no one really seems to care.

You know why? Because everything is convenient. People want something that is easy to use, something that is beautiful to hold, and something that is convenient. Even if Android products kill Apple products in the spec game, the processors, the screen size, and all that other stuff... customers don't care, because they want what is pretty, popular, and easy to use.

Apple has the simplicity and convenience game on lock, and that takes a lot of thought and hard work.

You think that because apples commercials are short, inexpensive (compared to others), and simple means they are lazy or cheap?
Not at all...it's because they're smart. A lot of thought goes into those simple ads. The whole point is they don't want to tell you more than you WANT to know. It's simple.

One clear image. One clear tagline. One clear message.

Apple delivers.

People love that.
Are you guys serious?

I'm giving them props.
I have apple products.

I'm not ANTI-APPLE. They are smart, thats the whole point.

You can cross my text out, laugh, say whatever you want...but no company compares to the free advertisement they get like Apple. :smh:

Jordans? I guess so. I mean like i said in my post, you can say that about many products.
But are any of them as powerful as Apple TODAY?
If you wanna believe they that Jordan's stock, net worth, or product satisfaction compares to Apple's today then go right ahead...but the stats dont lie.

What are the majority of people in this country more satisfied with today in their lives? The boxes of Jordans they got stocked up in their closets, or the iPads/iPhones/Macbooks that are being used for hours in the living room/classroom/gym/office? You tell me.

But I guess i'll take the blame, I probably worded some things wrong. My point is simple, but my wording may have been off.
It's a shame that no one seems to feel what I was trying to say. |I

I get what you trying to say and you're right.
Yea but Apple themselves has always said what you just said.   It's not some big secret.  They've always said their products are more simple, smooth and user-friendly. Minimalist.  They themselves have said that consumers don't care about specs and more about the "experience".  And having an Apple Store and Genius Bar to make it more convenient for consumers.      This is nothing new.
They're going to continue to make billions off of the same technology.
They're going to make MINI and S versions of every product.
They're going to change the sizes of an iPhone/iPad/iPod by a few inches every year and have people going crazy.
They're going to have millions lined up around corners of stores.
They're going to continue to make very minor improvements every year.
And we're going to defend them and give them credit for it along the way.

They are stealing our money, and we won't ever stop them from doing it.
I genuinely give them the ultimate respect, they really did outsmart the whole entire world.

You say that like every company doesn't have consumers by the balls.

Whatever Apple is doing, Samsung, Dell, HP, Sony, LG, etc etc. is doing as well.
The only difference with Apple is, they're constantly under the spotlight. And, obviously they're just doing it better.

Apple knows the name of the game. They created it. And they play it like the master they are.
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there are cell phones, there are laptops

they're trying to fill in the gaps in between, but honestly... there's no need for it.
there is NO need for bigger phones, no need for tablets (until they meet or exceed laptops)

but no one questions this... at all
now they're making mini tablets somewhere in between the phones we don't need and tablets we sure as hell don't need.

I can't blame a company for selling popular products but why are people buying this?
I know plenty of people with an ipad, they all said it would replace their laptops, they just ended up as toys for their children.

and I'm not an apple hater, I could care less what brand released it.
I don't have many apple products because I won't deal with itunes. I like my media being universally accessible.
it's also kind of annoying that apple is impeding technology with their lawsuits and other protection. if you've ever jailbroke your product or thought about it... then you agree, you're just too stubborn to admit it.
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They're going to continue to make billions off of the same technology.
They're going to make MINI and S versions of every product.
They're going to change the sizes of an iPhone/iPad/iPod by a few inches every year and have people going crazy.
They're going to have millions lined up around corners of stores.
They're going to continue to make very minor improvements every year.
And we're going to defend them and give them credit for it along the way.

They are stealing our money, and we won't ever stop them from doing it.
I genuinely give them the ultimate respect, they really did outsmart the whole entire world.

You say that like every company doesn't have consumers by the balls.

Whatever Apple is doing, Samsung, Dell, HP, Sony, LG, etc etc. is doing as well.
The only difference with Apple is, they're constantly under the spotlight. And, obviously they're just doing it better.

Apple knows the name of the game. They created it. And they play it like the master they are.

I know, that's exactly my point.
Like I said, other companies attempt to do the same thing.
But no one is as powerful at Apple, because they are the smartest company we will ever seen.
there are cell phones, there are laptops

they're trying to fill in the gaps in between, but honestly... there's no need for it.
there is NO need for bigger phones, no need for tablets (until they meet or exceed laptops)

but no one questions this... at all
now they're making mini tablets somewhere in between the phones we don't need and tablets we sure as hell don't need.

I can't blame a company for selling popular products but why are people buying this?
I know plenty of people with an ipad, they all said it would replace their laptops, they just ended up as toys for their children.

and I'm not an apple hater, I could care less what brand released it.
I don't have many apple products because I won't deal with itunes. I like my media being universally accessible.
it's also kind of annoying that apple is impeding technology with their lawsuits and other protection. if you've ever jailbroke your product or thought about it... then you agree, you're just too stubborn to admit it.

I agree. If we only focused on necessities instead of wants, then the world would be in better shape. These companies spend millions to learn how to tap into the human psyche so they can make these buying impulses stronger manipulating people into buying stuff they dont actually need. We need a more pragmatic approach to how we manage our limited resources on this planet. The apple marketing machine is crazy though. Its def. genius, but at the same time its pernicious to the world.
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No one really needs a tablet, it does make a good alternative for people. I hate taking my heavy laptop with a bad battery with me to school. My small tablet has a better battery life and I can still work on assignments and projects on it. I can still check my school accounts and email. I easily registered for my classes next semester while I was sitting in class and ignored what my professor was lecturing about. I have 3 hour breaks in-between classes so I can kill time by watching netflix on it. If people are using it everyday then I consider it a good purchase.

The one thing I do find weird is people buying expensive tablets and giving it to their kids as toys. Kids are spoiled as hell nowadays. I got action figures as a kid.
supposedly the pricing of the ipad mini

if true im gonna pass, $350+ out the door with taxes? can easily find a used ipad 3 for a little bit more if not same price if you know where to look.

I've been lurking this thread and all I want to say is LOL at "reasonable prices."
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The iPad is rumored to get a refresh too, to include the Lightning connector. I don't think it's likely, since Apple usually doesn't put out those incremental upgrades that affect the design, but we'll see.
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