iPhone: Post everything here

Originally Posted by soulize dp

so garageband works for ringtones? 1st gen iphone here...i found a tutorial with all these complicated steps and im like
ill just keep it on old phone / vibrate anyways

What kind of ringtone are you looking for? I might be able to hook you up.
so for example i have a family plan right now

if i jsut wanted to get the iphone

how much would i be paying for unlimited data/text?

i heard it was $50

if so thats cake.
SoLa could you possibly help me out with a ringtine¿ I'm sure it won't be hard to do...
Originally Posted by NCTwin

SoLa could you possibly help me out with a ringtine¿ I'm sure it won't be hard to do...

No doubt. PM me the info (what song, what part of the song you want for the ringtone, any other relevant info)
yo guys i went to apple today to get my iphone fixed/replaced and the conclusion was that i had a "hardware issue" and the guy sent me to at&tsince i didnt but it from the apple store so they couldnt replace it.

i got to the at&t store but they didnt have any in stock but the lady said she would call me back and she wrote my info

so im wondering, ive read on forums that at&t sends you back to apple and then apple sends you back to at&t

is there any chance they are going to f'k me over?
i need my iphone!!!
Wait... why do people want to jailbreak the new iPhone? Cant you just switch the sim and change provider? If not, then what the hell is the point of theproviding a stupid chrome paper clip to take the sim out?
BLACKTOPKING that is weird as hell.....I heard its the other way around...at&t sends you to apple.....and they take care of you. That is reallyinteresting....apple usually gives you a new phone since its THEIR product.
So what Apps does everyone use a lot?
What Apps are a MUST HAVE for you?

I already have like 15-20 Apps but trying to find more good ones

Word, we might need an Official iTunes Application Store thread soon, once everyone is up and running.
^ the dark knight app is pretty cool....the google joint...ypmobile..yelp...ebay....shazam.....boxoffice...apple remote...sportstap
all sick apps
So far here are the Apps that I have....

AOL Radio
Aurora Feint the Beginning..... (tight game
Baseball.... (historical stats)
Box Office
eBay Mobile
MLB At-Bat
Mobile News Network..... (AP news articles)
Moonlight Mahjong Lite
MPG.... (keep track of miles per gallon for gas, $0.99... only 1 I've bought)
Myspace Mobile
Pandora Radio
Weather Bug
WeDict.... (dictionary)
YP Mobile
QUESTION: Are the rumors about the 15% student discount for the monhtly plan on the iphone 3G true?

I've read that it depends if your work/school qualifies for one. Has anyone here on NT gotten the discount? Thanks.
I got my 20% off the talk plan only. Data isn't include with the discount. Matter of fact you can't get any discount of the data plan at all.
If any body needs the directions on how to make a free ringtone using the latest garage band here you go.

With GarageBand 4.1.1 you can export your original song, your original audio recordings, or use Apple Loops and iLife jingles to create a custom ringtone foryour iPhone.

Here's what you need to do it:

GarageBand 4.1.1 or later
iTunes 7.5 or later
iPhone with software version 1.1.2 or later
To create a custom ringtone
Set up a cycle region that covers the area you wish to use in the GarageBand song. Note: This area must be 40 seconds or less in length.
Once the cycle area has been set, choose Share > Send Ringtone to iTunes.
If there are any issues creating or syncing ringtones, here are some suggestions:
If the Share > Send Ringtone to iTunes menu item in GarageBand is dimmed, make sure that you have iTunes 7.5 or later. If you have an earlier version, useSoftware Update to get the latest version.

If you see an error message that indicates your ringtone was not copied when you synced your iPhone, make sure that the iPhone has software version 1.1.2 orlater. Hope this helps you guys...
WHOA!!! I read the discount is on both voice/data, but forreal ATT and Apple need to educate their employees on this cause i'm getting different storieseach time. For those of yall with the discount, which is it off of?
Originally Posted by iwhohavenothing

DA R Ent so how long till u cop the bold?
switchin phones every 2 mnths mofo
ayooo....the box office app is nice. And the twitter. 703 you can ya 3g yet?

My wife will probally cop the Bold. As stated before I'm good with my iPhone 3G

The apps I've installed are:



Zenbe Lists


Box Office

AOL Radio

Yellow Pages

Sports Tap


Puluwai Real Estate

Holy Bible




and some more apps as well.
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