iPhone: Post everything here

I can not get it to work right on my computer... It always says initializing... I'm actually thinking about removing it.
since the new update, when i downloaded it onto my iPhone, everything seemed to be working fine till this morning. the apps that i've downloaded from theapp-store, they don't even work. i click on the icon on my phone, it'll act as if the app is loading, but after 2-3 seconds, it'll go back to thehome screen.

any of you experienced problems with this?
Has anyone with a Jailbroken/Unlocked 1.1.4 OG iphone upgraded to a jailbroken/unlocked 2.1 OG iphone yet?

I'm not sure if I should give in this time and upgrade to 2.1. I held out for 2.0 and I'm glad I did given all the bugs the majority of iphone userswere complaining about.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Option to wipe data after ten failed passcode attempts
I don't get this... can someone elaborate?
I don't like this feature, what if someone is playing around on your phone trying to guess the code and then everything is erased. It's gonna be a bia to reload everything.

My guess is that most of the people that actually have that option enabled will not have people playing around with the phone.

Users with kids, beware.

Users with nosy significant others and secrets to keep, beware.
The wifi on my phone hasn't been working right since I updated. Im in the next room and doesnt find it.

How can I Jailbreak my Iphone with the latest update?
Originally Posted by kingofny04

also I downloaded the customizer app, how do I change the theme as all the sections are empty? Where can I find themes?

go to cydia.. look at the changes.. easiest way to find apps..

winterboard is what you use to change themes, fonts, sliders etc.
customizer is what i use to change strings(messages)

RIPtones is the ringtone creator but i don't think it is working
dTunes is like limewire for the iPhone
Cycorder is the video recorder
Snapture is a better camera app
MIM or Make it Mine is used to put your name in the taskbar
BossPrefs helps with battery.. you can turn wifi, 3g or edge off..

my old springboard...
I just upgraded from 1.1.4 to 2.1 and I'm having wifi problems. Seems a lot of others with 2.1 are having the same problem as well so lets hope somebodyfigures it out because iphone with no wifi ftl.
Not sure if this has been asked before, I'm currently using an unlocked iPhone 2G. If I upgrade to the 2.1 software through iTunes will that relock myphone?
is WinPwn out yet? I have only seen new jailbreaks for QuickPwn and Pwnage

here is my new theme btw.. I cant stop changing it

Originally Posted by just reason

Originally Posted by kingofny04

also I downloaded the customizer app, how do I change the theme as all the sections are empty? Where can I find themes?

go to cydia.. look at the changes.. easiest way to find apps..

winterboard is what you use to change themes, fonts, sliders etc.
customizer is what i use to change strings(messages)

RIPtones is the ringtone creator but i don't think it is working
dTunes is like limewire for the iPhone
Cycorder is the video recorder
Snapture is a better camera app
MIM or Make it Mine is used to put your name in the taskbar
BossPrefs helps with battery.. you can turn wifi, 3g or edge off..

my old springboard...
How do I use a picture I imported as my wall paper? I still dont know how to use winterboard ..and can someone recommend me a good AIM app thatwont log me out every time I exit the app??
I just picked up a 16gig 3G iphone. When you activate 3G, does it have the 3G icon? Mine has the "E" icon.
Originally Posted by thapointguy

I just picked up a 16gig 3G iphone. When you activate 3G, does it have the 3G icon? Mine has the "E" icon.
Is 3G enabled in your settings?

If it is, then it means the area you are at might have low/no 3G signal, so it defaults to EDGE.
Originally Posted by Dam itz Lou

The wifi on my phone hasn't been working right since I updated. Im in the next room and doesnt find it.
I thought I was tripping, I've had the same problem too. 3G improves and Wi-Fi goes down
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Originally Posted by thapointguy

I just picked up a 16gig 3G iphone. When you activate 3G, does it have the 3G icon? Mine has the "E" icon.
Is 3G enabled in your settings?

If it is, then it means the area you are at might have low/no 3G signal, so it defaults to EDGE.
I believe I have it enabled. I'll check other areas for 3g signals. Thnx.
I would like my email to be like my sidekick, where when I delete my email in my iphone, i DONT want it to be actually deleted on the server. Is there asetting for this?
If everything goes according to plan (and usually it never does,
) I should have my iPHONE later today. Picking up one used for 3 months for $150. It'sin great condition. My cousin ex g/f is the one selling it to me.

So ill be in this thread posting now instead of browsing. A lot of good info I've read so far too has me hyped for this phone. I will be using it onTmobile (chea!) and my Razr 2 will be getting a rest for the time being.

Anything I should be aware of iPHONE users before I start my process?
ever since i updated to 2.1 my gmail wont update, apples updates are pretty weak. fix one thing and ruin another.
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