Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

i'm seriously pissed reading twitter trends on this movie with people saying they loved it and it being ******g epic. this movie was trash. and i'm being that harsh because of the potential of what it COULD have been. nothing stands out. nothing gets you guessing. NOTHING catches you by surprise. nothing. i mean to even add a joke on the FINAL battle.. :smh:

too predictable. too childish. it's EXACTLY what you expect to happen. nothing more, nothing less.

i was thoroughly bored.

buttttttttt, it's still going to make them $$$$$$ and that's allll they care about.


oh yeah. and that whole airplane scene was W A C K....and that's without even comparing it to the tdkr airplane scene.


Sure bro, :lol:

Thats the exact opposite of what this movie was.

I can understand the hate but predictable? :smh:
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After watching for a second time and paying attention to details I noticed the mandarin only had 3 or 4 rings. I'm guessing this was just an introduction to his character and we'll be seeing him in future films.

I dont' see how you got that from this film at all. He's just a regular dude with a substance abuse problem that Killian found.
i'm seriously pissed reading twitter trends on this movie with people saying they loved it and it being ******g epic. this movie was trash. and i'm being that harsh because of the potential of what it COULD have been. nothing stands out. nothing gets you guessing. NOTHING catches you by surprise. nothing. i mean to even add a joke on the FINAL battle..

too predictable. too childish. it's EXACTLY what you expect to happen. nothing more, nothing less.

i was thoroughly bored.

buttttttttt, it's still going to make them $$$$$$ and that's allll they care about.


oh yeah. and that whole airplane scene was W A C K....and that's without even comparing it to the tdkr airplane scene.

Sure bro,

Thats the exact opposite of what this movie was.

I can understand the hate but predictable?
to be fair, after the major plot twist (glad to see everyone else also thinks it ruined the movie) i found everything pretty predictable. the part with pepper at the end was super predictable.
there are two MAJOR problems with this movie

the obvious one being the mandarin, with his mannerisms and costume he could have been a legendary comic book movie villain on par with joker/bane/loki (not saying that they are equal) but we just get another guy in a suit for our actual villain. 

the second part is that i felt like they could have done ALOT more with the suits, like rather than rushing to add them all in at the end they could have had small sections for each suit. for example he could have needed something from his house which is now in the ocean so he gets in his water deep sea diving suit and goes to find it, or for the plane/skydiving part he jumps in one of his rescue suits and saves everyone. this would have been a lot better than jsut having all the suits being punched into pieces by random mutants.

im also wondering what they do with pepper after this movie, since we have seen in the movie that people with extremis powers are pretty much unkillable and able to defeat ironman, doesnt this mean that pepper pots is now mroe powerful than tony even when he has his suit on? he had a hard time dealing with the fact that there are gods in other worlds that are more powerful than he is, how is he going to handle having his own wife/girlfriend more powerful than he is? and now that she does have powers, cant she become part of the avengers? capt america is my favorite avenger and i hate that tony starks girlfriend now has better powers than he does. 
to be fair, after the major plot twist (glad to see everyone else also thinks it ruined the movie) i found everything pretty predictable. the part with pepper at the end was super predictable.

there are two MAJOR problems with this movie
the obvious one being the mandarin, with his mannerisms and costume he could have been a legendary comic book movie villain on par with joker/bane/loki (not saying that they are equal) but we just get another guy in a suit for our actual villain. 
the second part is that i felt like they could have done ALOT more with the suits, like rather than rushing to add them all in at the end they could have had small sections for each suit. for example he could have needed something from his house which is now in the ocean so he gets in his water deep sea diving suit and goes to find it, or for the plane/skydiving part he jumps in one of his rescue suits and saves everyone. this would have been a lot better than jsut having all the suits being punched into pieces by random mutants.
im also wondering what they do with pepper after this movie, since we have seen in the movie that people with extremis powers are pretty much unkillable and able to defeat ironman, doesnt this mean that pepper pots is now mroe powerful than tony even when he has his suit on? he had a hard time dealing with the fact that there are gods in other worlds that are more powerful than he is, how is he going to handle having his own wife/girlfriend more powerful than he is? and now that she does have powers, cant she become part of the avengers? capt america is my favorite avenger and i hate that tony starks girlfriend now has better powers than he does. 

I'm pretty sure that tony cured pepper at the end, so she doesn't have those powers anymore
2/5 Saw an early showing yesterday in NYC ..Came out the theater and felt bad for the line I saw wrapped around the block. ON BOTH sides of the street for the midnight showing.
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pissed off is an understatement.....

ruined a great opportunity with that stupid BS twist...

i mean.... really ?!?!?!?.....

that is THE main villian...:smh:

as a mover goer - the movie is good...

as a fan boy - the movie sucked. . :rolleyes
I thought the film was so so (and that's being generous). Nothing really stood out and they made the Mandarin into a flipping joke. The humor in the film kept me amused, but besides that, it was a very average movie. Man of Steel looks like the real deal though.
its iron man 2 with a new villian. movie was avg. saw it for free at midnight..tired as **** tho now :x

movie def was weak. it was funny..and paltrow :pimp:
i'm seriously pissed reading twitter trends on this movie with people saying they loved it and it being ******g epic. this movie was trash. and i'm being that harsh because of the potential of what it COULD have been. nothing stands out. nothing gets you guessing. NOTHING catches you by surprise. nothing. i mean to even add a joke on the FINAL battle.. :smh:

too predictable. too childish. it's EXACTLY what you expect to happen. nothing more, nothing less.

i was thoroughly bored.

buttttttttt, it's still going to make them $$$$$$ and that's allll they care about.


oh yeah. and that whole airplane scene was W A C K....and that's without even comparing it to the tdkr airplane scene.


Sure bro, :lol:

Thats the exact opposite of what this movie was.

I can understand the hate but predictable? :smh:
to be fair, after the major plot twist (glad to see everyone else also thinks it ruined the movie) i found everything pretty predictable. the part with pepper at the end was super predictable.

there are two MAJOR problems with this movie
the obvious one being the mandarin, with his mannerisms and costume he could have been a legendary comic book movie villain on par with joker/bane/loki (not saying that they are equal) but we just get another guy in a suit for our actual villain. 
the second part is that i felt like they could have done ALOT more with the suits, like rather than rushing to add them all in at the end they could have had small sections for each suit. for example he could have needed something from his house which is now in the ocean so he gets in his water deep sea diving suit and goes to find it, or for the plane/skydiving part he jumps in one of his rescue suits and saves everyone. this would have been a lot better than jsut having all the suits being punched into pieces by random mutants.
im also wondering what they do with pepper after this movie, since we have seen in the movie that people with extremis powers are pretty much unkillable and able to defeat ironman, doesnt this mean that pepper pots is now mroe powerful than tony even when he has his suit on? he had a hard time dealing with the fact that there are gods in other worlds that are more powerful than he is, how is he going to handle having his own wife/girlfriend more powerful than he is? and now that she does have powers, cant she become part of the avengers? capt america is my favorite avenger and i hate that tony starks girlfriend now has better powers than he does. 

im sure she got cured of this power, tony implied this that he knew all about it when he was drunk so he can def crack it and remove it from her
I liked it. thought the twist was funny as hell, and it also sets up iron man 4 if shane black and RDJ come back.
I want Kevin Snyder or John Fav to come back to direct 4...and idc pay RDJ 100 mill to return
The movie pissed all over what the comics had built. :smh: So much potential with the source material and so much let down.

I think I was more entertained than 2 but it was still :x
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im a huge fan of the iron man franchise, to be honest i really enjoyed this movie....the purpose for most comic movies is to entertain and watch ur fav super hero come to life!!

the one movie i really somewhat had a problem with was IM2, IDK why this movie gets soooo much hate i totally understand the whole mandarin ordeal i was disappointed on how that ended myself but overall it wasnt a bad movie i have read the iron man comics and watch the iron man cartoon in the 90s so it not like im not going to have high expectation on this movie. but like the cartoons and comics things change all the time different villains different outcomes different origins everyone has their own interpretation, as long as the essence of the characters are there im satisfied!! who knows they still can have the real mandarin in IM4 (if they go that route) and pay a visit to the imposter in jail and kill him and introduce ironman extremis suit!!! this is just my 2 cents to me the movie was really good would i have changed a few things yea of course but i left overall happy and pleased at the end of the credits!
Honestly the whole point of casting an actor like Ben Kingsley was what?...ANYONE could have played his role if that was the direction they were gonna go with....completely went off the grid with that character, destroyed the thought of ever having the Mandarin as a real threat.
im a huge fan of the iron man franchise, to be honest i really enjoyed this movie....the purpose for most comic movies is to entertain and watch ur fav super hero come to life!!

the one movie i really somewhat had a problem with was IM2, IDK why this movie gets soooo much hate i totally understand the whole mandarin ordeal i was disappointed on how that ended myself but overall it wasnt a bad movie i have read the iron man comics and watch the iron man cartoon in the 90s so it not like im not going to have high expectation on this movie. but like the cartoons and comics things change all the time different villains different outcomes different origins everyone has their own interpretation, as long as the essence of the characters are there im satisfied!! who knows they still can have the real mandarin in IM4 (if they go that route) and pay a visit to the imposter in jail and kill him and introduce ironman extremis suit!!! this is just my 2 cents to me the movie was really good would i have changed a few things yea of course but i left overall happy and pleased at the end of the credits!

I don't know, I get what you are saying but this is like casting Topher Grace as Venom and continue to go on with the abomination they created. Hard to recover from that and...

if in the film the Mandarin was already treated as a joke, who else would take him seriously as a real villain in the next film? Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, then F you Marvel!
im a huge fan of the iron man franchise, to be honest i really enjoyed this movie....the purpose for most comic movies is to entertain and watch ur fav super hero come to life!!

the one movie i really somewhat had a problem with was IM2, IDK why this movie gets soooo much hate i totally understand the whole mandarin ordeal i was disappointed on how that ended myself but overall it wasnt a bad movie i have read the iron man comics and watch the iron man cartoon in the 90s so it not like im not going to have high expectation on this movie. but like the cartoons and comics things change all the time different villains different outcomes different origins everyone has their own interpretation, as long as the essence of the characters are there im satisfied!who knows they still can have the real mandarin in IM4 (if they go that route) and pay a visit to the imposter in jail and kill him and introduce ironman extremis suit!!! ! this is just my 2 cents to me the movie was really good would i have changed a few things yea of course but i left overall happy and pleased at the end of the credits!
bruh did u just spoil the movie?????? guess im waiting for redbox/netflix
:lol: Stay away from the thread until you've seen it. Once the movie comes out, all gloves come off and not all will care enough to put them in spoilers.
The sad part is, The Wolverine might just be better than this.
:lol: naw i doubt that. Honestly why do people still put in faith that we will ever get a good wolverine movie the last one sucked. we all know this one is gonna suck but wolverine is such a cool character that we gonna see it anyway.:rolleyes :smh:
movie was solid.  People will always complain that the movies arent the same as the comic, but forreal, you want magic and sorcery, watch thor, i'm sure they tried to keep it as close to humanly possible.  In IM 10 rings was a terrorist organization, and I was okay with that

We get a terrorist, and we're already getting infinity gauntlet (presumed) with GoTG, you want magic rings too?

Also glad the Mandarin is a Liverpool fan 
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