Iron Man 3 (Movie Thread)-05/03/13 - New Trailer pg12 - Suits on Suits on Suits

movie was solid.  People will always complain that the movies arent the same as the comic, but forreal, you want magic and sorcery, watch thor, i'm sure they tried to keep it as close to humanly possible.  In IM 10 rings was a terrorist organization, and I was okay with that

We get a terrorist, and we're already getting infinity gauntlet (presumed) with GoTG, you want magic rings too?

Also glad the Mandarin is a Liverpool fan 

Nah bro, they didn't have to give him magic, but at least make him into a real terrorist, what they did was ODEE and wayyyyyyy offffffff the almost seems as though the director had a personal vendetta against the Mandarin character, the whole purpose of that twist was to ruin, what we all thought was gonna be a hell of a villain, on top of that they cast Kingsley!...they troll'd the **** out of audiences....I swear I had the Jaguarsfan.gif face when Mandarin came out the bathroom sounding like an idiot...
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Because XMen1 and XMen2 were good films, I'd probably put them as one of the best before all these much better once came out but they pretty much kick started the comic book movie genre. Wolverine Origins could have been good with some tweaks, like not putting every fan favorite in the film just to make hype. The opening credit is still one of the best ones I've seen out there.

As for The Wolverine (the sequel), while I do not have high hopes, it feels like they are going in the right direction. Looks like they are stuffing the film with big name heroes/villains and relying on actually storytelling. It also looks darker and more gritty and serious. Aronofsky was meant to direct it and it looks like he had some faith in the script so that is also a good sign. Things change but I believe the producers took the backlash from origins learned from it. Plus they know they have to stand up against much better comic book films now so I do think they know they need to step it up.
movie was solid.  People will always complain that the movies arent the same as the comic, but forreal, you want magic and sorcery, watch thor, i'm sure they tried to keep it as close to humanly possible.  In IM 10 rings was a terrorist organization, and I was okay with that

We get a terrorist, and we're already getting infinity gauntlet (presumed) with GoTG, you want magic rings too?

Also glad the Mandarin is a Liverpool fan 
You don't need magic and sorcery for the Mandarin character. You can make him the leader of the Ten Rings organization and have him taken seriously. It was the Ten Rings that held Tony hostage in the first one. A good story could have been developed with the Mandarin at the helm. You don't do what Shane Black did to Tony's arch nemesis. Besides Iron Monger, they fell flat with the villains in the series and its a shame.
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movie was solid.  People will always complain that the movies arent the same as the comic, but forreal, you want magic and sorcery, watch thor, i'm sure they tried to keep it as close to humanly possible.  In IM 10 rings was a terrorist organization, and I was okay with that

We get a terrorist, and we're already getting infinity gauntlet (presumed) with GoTG, you want magic rings too?

Also glad the Mandarin is a Liverpool fan 


And they have humans regenerating and breathing fire and magic is going to be far fetch? They could have easily left Mandarin the bad *** he was and actually make a plot out of it, he can just be that scary terrorist he portrayed and with Kingsleys performance, it could have been great. Just a villain that was way ahead of Tony and can beat him as a human. He can be that villain even w/o the magic rings and it wouldn't get the same complaints.

The fact is, they crapped all over on of the fan favorite villains and Tony #1 nemesis at that. They made him a joke. I mean I was perfectly fine ignoring the fact that he wasn't Asian to begin with because Kingsley can act but to just completey s**t on the character itself, it is a shame and waste.
i really thought batman was gonna pop out at the end.

i feel like Marvel trolled me outta $8.75

I liked the movie enough to buy on blu ray. but im really easy to please just cuz im just lookin for something to watch that will distract me from real life lol

but yo this was a weird movie.

im kinda wonderin how this got approved.
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Because XMen1 and XMen2 were good films, I'd probably put them as one of the best before all these much better once came out but they pretty much kick started the comic book movie genre. Wolverine Origins could have been good with some tweaks, like not putting every fan favorite in the film just to make hype. The opening credit is still one of the best ones I've seen out there.

As for The Wolverine (the sequel), while I do not have high hopes, it feels like they are going in the right direction. Looks like they are stuffing the film with big name heroes/villains and relying on actually storytelling. It also looks darker and more gritty and serious. Aronofsky was meant to direct it and it looks like he had some faith in the script so that is also a good sign. Things change but I believe the producers took the backlash from origins learned from it. Plus they know they have to stand up against much better comic book films now so I do think they know they need to step it up.

i will give u that the opening credit scene was good. but other than that complete garbage. not to mention those xmen films were entertaing i guess to some degree but they werent any good. should we go back to the toad struck by lightening scene :lol: dialouge just seemed forced and the action was only alright.
okay fine i agree they did Mandarin dirtier than the Jets did Tebow.  But i enjoyed the movie because I didnt get what I expected.  And I'm okay with that

i think bwood said it in an earlier page, movie was good as a movie goer, but as a comic fan it was 

Was that fertilizer or bag of whatever (when Tony was shopping) the Ant man reference? I swear i saw the words Grow and Ant on that bag.

Also they said Tony Stark will return at the end, but they didnt say anything about RDJ. 
Overall the first 2 xmen films were good, again keep in mind this is one of the first attempts. It is far from perfect and being the best but a crappy dialogue here and there doesn't make or break the film. Plot were ok, it made sense, on both films. Performance were good too though balanced out with the bad. These are older films and while I do not ask for it to get pass from simply being one of the first, but watch it with an open mind again and you'll see there is a decent film there. Ian Mckellan owns Magneto and Hugh was pretty good as Wolverine.

Funny enough, I actually read this review pf X2 yesterday from SHH and the good part of the film is something I couldn't agree more. Not perfect but it was overall good.

The truly best thing about this film is its plot. For one of the first huge comic book films, and being a sequel, its story was really well worth the gap between it and its predecessor. What keeps it interesting though are not the mutants, it's Brian Cox as William Stryker. Cox is a phenomenal actor and he gives a stellar performance as the film's primary antagonist. Imagine his take on Hannibal "Lecktor" (from Manhunter) but with a militaristic point of view. I would almost rather the film have been solely about him with the X-Men popping in and out as he interacts with them - he's that interesting and complex.

What's truly remarkable about this movie is how it is constructed. Each sequence keeps you invested in the film and its characters, no matter how stale or wooden they may be. While not every action scene in the movie is a winner, there are some that should really be cited as great comic book sequences on film. Nightcrawler's initial attack on the White House is a grand entrance to the movie. It's suspenseful and exciting and the effects still look great ten years later. Wolverine and Lady Deathstrike's fight at the climax is also superb. Two characters that are equals duking it out in a fashion you would expect makes for a great viewing experience, especially after years of seeing them not moving on the page.

Beyond the action pieces, there are even better character moments. Mystique and Nightcrawler's scene in the woods is the best example. If you watch any part of this movie again, make it that one. It encapsulates all the themes of the movie in two sentences. There are also a few other sequences where Singer's eye really captures a striking image, the best of which is Magneto's escape. While flying on a flat metal disc, two smaller metal balls orbit him. This may not seem like a significant piece to some but what it appears to represent are the patterns of electrons circling the nucleus of an atom, showing a visual interpretation of the term “Children of the Atom” (a term often used in descriptions of the X-Men).

At its core X2 is an ensemble film, even if all the pieces don't exactly pull their weight. The clear front runners for the best actors in the film (beyond Cox) are Ian McKellen and Alan Cumming. These two actors don't get nearly enough screen time in the sequel, but with what little material they have, they steal the scenes. As much as we all love Fassbender in “First Class,” McKellen IS Magneto. He owns the room every time he speaks, he has the delivery down even if it is a terribly scripted line. Cumming, on the other hand, brings an approach to a beloved character that presents him in a new light that makes him even more appealing beyond his mutant abilities. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Hugh Jackman as well, he gives a good performance as the uber-popular Logan. Side-note: this movie total negated any need for X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Go back and watch it, I'll wait.
okay fine i agree they did Mandarin dirtier than the Jets did Tebow.  But i enjoyed the movie because I didnt get what I expected.  And I'm okay with that

i think bwood said it in an earlier page, movie was good as a movie goer, but as a comic fan it was 

Was that fertilizer or bag of whatever (when Tony was shopping) the Ant man reference? I swear i saw the words Grow and Ant on that bag.

Also they said Tony Stark will return at the end, but they didnt say anything about RDJ. 

At the end, most in the posters in this thread does know Mandarin in one way or the other so yeah there will be plenty of hate and bias. He is Tonys nemesis, yin to his yang. You know Superman has Luthor, Batman has Joker and Stark has Mandarin so they had to do right by him.
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i think the twist coulda been effective. it was just executed kinda poorly. 
example: some people think the boston bombing wasnt done by those dudes who the media says did it. that they were framed. or that bin laden wasnt really behind 911, that he was framed or had an alternative  hand in it

kingsley stil coulda been a fraud character, but no so silly.

what gets me is, RDJ was complaining about how Iron Man 2 had issues, but then its cool to have a fake silly mandarin and lava goons.
also when they played the song IM BLUE, at the very beginning, i thought that was so :pimp:
Thank god i'm not the only one who feels this way about the movie. I'm not hard to pleased because i enjoyed IM2 and Wolverine but this is the first marvel movie that i felt so dissapointed while in the middle of watching it.
The movie did feel like a joke after the twist......

Best thing about it was the incredible CGI.....visually movie was a 10/10
I just saw it not too long ago...

The only good thing I can say about this flick is that it was funny.

This movie could have REALLY been epic especially with the "house party protocol".

The twist was okay... on second thought... no... the twist was stupid and it pretty much killed the movie for me.

:smh: @ What Tony did at the end too.
I do think that Tony had a modified extremis to his body on the down low that will be revealed in the next film or Avengers 2.

I mean that should pretty much solve/heal that big hole on his chest after removing the reactor.

Still, a Tony Stark w/o a glowing chest is kind of :smh:-worthy.
the movie straight up trolled me...started off strong ended pretty weak...:rolleyes even after credit scene was weak.

man, with all the talk of extremis in the movie, i was amped. thought they were gonna show the extremis armor even if it would be just a glimpse of it i woulda been okay with that. and the mandarin...:smh:
The extremis stuff sucked compared to what's there in the source material. Thankfully Joss Wheedon will be able to salvage this in Avengers 2.

I think that in Avengers 2 they're going to go the real extremis route and say Tony perfected extremis. Then he will have the alloy in his bones and complete neuro control of the suits and his network
So do mandarin have his powers in this movie??? I read on wiki and it said that he was just a British actor
Also anyone noticed how poor the chemistry between Paltrow and RDJ was...I had to keep reminding myself they were together, at times it seems so childish, the only time I caught a glimpse of chemistry was when she was talking to the and it really showed how bad it was when homie dropped her, looked like he was amped and pissed and 2 minutes later he's joking around again when the MK42 fell to pieces son, the love of your life just "died"

Also Rhodes sucked balls....and were they chopping it up all nonchalant at an Applebee's?....son...

The more I think about it....lulz
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