IRONY at its BEST.. vol. blacks and gay marraige. + digg!

if i see a gay person i treat them with respect, i have no problem with them as a person, im just uncomfortable with some of the stuff they do as is alot ofpeople in society.

i have a close friend i've known since we were little kids who's gay and hes still my friend. we hang out and go places and everything because he'sa real dude.

i clown him and call him fruit and the word that rhymes with romo all the time but he knows im playing around with him when i say it but thats me and him jokinaround like i do with all my friends. i wouldn't say that type of stuff to any gay person walkin down the street because i don't know them like thatand some might get understandebly hurt by that.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

people again taking what they learn in religion and treating it as the absolute truth...

Here comes the religion bashers.
Nobody bought up religion until you did.

Its doesnt take religion to see that a pp is designed to go in a jayjay and create a baybay.

anything else we do is not natural its mans desires. Also I have no prob with gay people. Everyone should
have the right to do which they like...but with that said whats stopping people from marrying animals?
^^ sorry dude but you are just wrong in every aspect of this argument. If you got a problem with your son seeing 2 dudes kiss, why don't you just teach himabout homosexuality and what it means? Why do you have to teach him to assume it is wrong, and why do you assume it is wrong yourself? Some people areunbelievable man, I really just always have a hard time believing that people like you still exist. Sorry to be harsh though but its truth.
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

people again taking what they learn in religion and treating it as the absolute truth...

Here comes the religion bashers.
Nobody bought up religion until you did.

Its doesnt take religion to see that a pp is designed to go in a jayjay and create a baybay.

anything else we do is not natural its mans desires. Also I have no prob with gay people. Everyone should
have the right to do which they like...but with that said whats stopping people from marrying animals?
do you believe that sex is only natural when used to create babies?
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

^^ sorry dude but you are just wrong in every aspect of this argument. If you got a problem with your son seeing 2 dudes kiss, why don't you just teach him about homosexuality and what it means? Why do you have to teach him to assume it is wrong, and why do you assume it is wrong yourself? Some people are unbelievable man, I really just always have a hard time believing that people like you still exist. Sorry to be harsh though but its truth.
He's not talking to me hes talking to the person ABOVE me.
Originally Posted by phobguy

The gay community even call themselves +###%. Just as they have a right to say what they want so do I.

thats like saying someone who isn't black can call black folk the n word because they call themselves it.. %@*% outta here
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

people again taking what they learn in religion and treating it as the absolute truth...

Here comes the religion bashers.
Nobody bought up religion until you did.

Its doesnt take religion to see that a pp is designed to go in a jayjay and create a baybay.

anything else we do is not natural its mans desires. Also I have no prob with gay people. Everyone should
have the right to do which they like...but with that said whats stopping people from marrying animals?
do you believe that sex is only natural when used to create babies?

Im saying sex is designed to be between woman and man.
Anything else is mans desires.
........Listen to yourself:
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

if i see a black person i treat them with respect, i have no problem with them as a person, im just uncomfortable with some of the stuff they do as is alot of people in society.

i have a close friend i've known since we were little kids who's black and hes still my friend. we hang out and go places and everything because he's a real dude.

i clown him and call him jigaboo and the word that rhymes with Jigga all the time but he knows im playing around with him when i say it but thats me and him jokin around like i do with all my friends. i wouldn't say that type of stuff to any black person walkin down the street because i don't know them like that and some might get understandebly hurt by that.

......and i have no problem with people like you.....what i do have a problem with are the BS justifications. why cant people like you be just as comfortablecalling yourself a bigot as you are in your bigotry?

- yall be killing me with the "uh uh not around me", "keep that stuff over there" attitude, but them claim to have no problem with it
and yall actually believe that nonsense too....
What exactly is so shocking about what Cedric is saying, its REAL. Respect his opinion.

I could personally care less, and I don't care for seeing all the homosexual PDA, to me its morally wrong but I'm not going to disrespect the person inany way (I have a few gay/bi friends, its not a big deal to me).
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.

Yes, you are born gay.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.

I don't think a child is born gay either...a child don't know nothing but feed me and change me when its first born
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

people again taking what they learn in religion and treating it as the absolute truth...

Here comes the religion bashers.
Nobody bought up religion until you did.

Its doesnt take religion to see that a pp is designed to go in a jayjay and create a baybay.

anything else we do is not natural its mans desires. Also I have no prob with gay people. Everyone should
have the right to do which they like...but with that said whats stopping people from marrying animals?
do you believe that sex is only natural when used to create babies?

Im saying sex is designed to be between woman and man.
Anything else is mans desires.
ahh i see. what about anal sex? OK if it's with a woman? or is that immoral and unnatural?

regardless, my point is, and maybe it's more applicable to past threads, being homosexual isn't a choice. it's gotta be like an instinct orsomething. choosing to act upon those instincts is a choice. so say you have a homosexual man who chooses to sleep with women, to avoid public ridicule andwhatnot. is this man actually homosexual? or is he straight? instincts lead him to be attracted to men, but his actions would lead you to believe he'sstraight. so the point being that since instinct isn't a choice, doesn't that make it natural?

let me put it another YOU choose to be attracted to women? or are you just attracted to them? for me personally, i dont recall being like, "hmmmi choose to be attracted to females". it just happens. when megan fox is leaning over the engine of a camaro half naked, my lil dude just moves. ididn't choose for that happen.

i know that was wordy or whatever...but try and see the point im trying to make.

thank you

like i said earlier that stuff makes me uncomfortable but at the end of the day you are who you are as a person.

if i had a choice to hang out with one of two people a straight guy whos a complete tool and is a fake friend or a gay guy whos a real dude and is a goodfriend i would pick the gay guy. sure our opinions on stuff would be different but thats life, i disagree with my close friends about stuff all the time whocares though not everyone thinks the same way.
How the hell is this comparison valid ?

One is a looked down upon sin in all 3 major religions and looked at as disgusting amongst the majority of the world.... the other is denying humans basicrights.

These gays are looking for anything to appear as a valid... whether linking their "struggle" (
) to blacks or slavery ... just stop
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.

- and thats your disconnect. yo still see being gay as a choice.

- while i will admit today you do have some people who do it just to be doing something, but i cant ignore the kids i grew up with that have been gay since wewere kids.

- your close friend was he gay then? or was it something he decided to be when yall got older?

- from my personal experiences ive seen dudes act straight feminine growing up and guess what??? now they're gay (as we all knew anyway)....
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.

I don't think a child is born gay either...a child don't know nothing but feed me and change me when its first born

wait people still think gay people aren't born that way?
Nobody is born gay. That's the most ******ed thing I've ever heard. Save yourself the time and don't post "brain scans" either.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.

I don't think a child is born gay either...a child don't know nothing but feed me and change me when its first born

wait people still think gay people aren't born that way
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.

I don't think a child is born gay either...a child don't know nothing but feed me and change me when its first born

So when did you choose to be straight?
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.

I don't think a child is born gay either...a child don't know nothing but feed me and change me when its first born

So when did you choose to be straight?

the same age you chose to be gay
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

really though comparing the being black to being gay thing is so silly.

your born black your not born gay.
Were you born straight or did you choose to be straight?
I disagree with prop 8.

This is kinda hypocritical of black people because it still promotes segregation... which we are still battling today.

No, the struggles of being gay do not equivocate to the struggles of slavery/being black... but the essence of segregation is still there.

If two men/women want to endure the trials and tribulations of marriage, so be it. Marriage isn't a perfect institution anyway.
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