Is anybody Else's Girlfriend Living in a Fantasy World?

LOL i wouldn't even be mad if the deal went through and she dumped me. I've never said anything to her about her father because thats there business i just try to tell her that some of these things aren't feasible especially straight out of college. Don't get me wrong i hope the deal goes through for them and i expect nothing if it does, but until then be reasonable
Originally Posted by DtownsFinest

Im 25 and so is she. As far as credit goes hers is shot to $%@! from credit cards and medical bills! Shes not dumb just naive to how things work in the real world. Like i said its her dad's fault 100%

I could understand 18 or 19 but 25? Come on son. She's living in a fantasy word bruh
I try to tell her life isn't all about money and material things but she doesn't understand it. She's always stressing over money, or bills because she has to help her mom pay rent and bills in their apartment while her dad sits around all day on his phone like he's making deal. This man hasn't had a job in 7 years, while his wife and two daughters are providing for the family smh
Although buying a house in cash is not a bad idea if you got the money, your girlfriend is crazy.

I dated a girl that claimed she was going to be a multi-millionaire once she got a settlement for an accident she was in. She wasn't even hurt that bad, just some minor neck pain and headaches.

Kicked it with her for 2 years, no dough. Not saying that was the only reason I dated her, but c'mon, all that talk led to nothing.

You guys are obviously not on the same page.

Bad Credit + Air Head = Marriage + 2 kids = Divorce - Child support = alimony for all her debt + and paying her new boyfriend car note

Throw the dueces before all is lost
Originally Posted by purehoopa1

You guys are obviously not on the same page.

Bad Credit + Air Head = Marriage + 2 kids = Divorce - Child support = alimony for all her debt + and paying her new boyfriend car note

Throw the dueces before all is lost
her dad is getting her and her mom hyped about buying stuff before he even has the cash
i get that he's probably excited about a 15 million dollar deal, but i learned early in my career that if you tell people something like this and it falls though you look like a fool, in her dad's case his wife and daughter will be disappointed, and when he tells them he cant get them all this crap he's gonna look like an %^&, nothing you can really do just sit back and see what happens.
That's the thing i've been thinking about lately! We aren't on the same page, our goals are different in life, and we just see things differently. I know they say opposites attract but i don't know if this would work out. We've been together for 4 years now and i just don't wanna give up but it seems like its inevitable!
Too many women think that it's extremely realistic to earn 6 figure salaries/ a @#$% load of money these days.
I've encountered so many damn gold diggers... I'm not even 22 years old yet. How the @#$% am I failure for not having a 75K- 6 figure salary at this age

I blame Wiz Khalifa/Drake/Big Sean with their never ending songs about getting money
I mean other rappers have done that too but girls love these 3 dudes and live by their words
PureHooper hit the nail on the head. That's a recipe for disaster

That's why I asked if she has an understanding of credit because that's a HUGE indicator of her ability to manage debt. Medical bills ok...but credit card bills are OD?
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