Is everyone you know on drugs? (serious topic)

There is definitely a "roxy" epidemic with A LOT of people I know. Kids eat, snort, even shoot these things up.

I've never even swallowed a pill because I know how dangerous they are, and these dudes using them as nose candy multiple times daily.

F'n Junkies
I'd say 85% of the people I know/knew in High School are into the whole raving popping pill trend.

I'd say 85% of the people I know/knew in High School are into the whole raving popping pill trend.

i feel like a old hippie

went out this past weekend to a house party and a club and almost everyone was sniffing coke

i have always been users and dealers but i dont remember anyone doing more blow in a night then what i saw this weekend [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

alot of nice looking chicks doing coke 

i was the only one smoking weed

just about everyone was drinking and snorting
BTW who ever thinks weed is not a drug is only fooling them self

i never did anything harder then acid

never wanted to try anything else
i feel like a old hippie

went out this past weekend to a house party and a club and almost everyone was sniffing coke

i have always been around users and dealers but i dont remember anyone doing more blow in a night then what i saw this weekend 
alot of nice looking chicks doing coke 

i was the only one smoking weed 

that was good for me since no one really asked me for any 

But just about everyone was drinking and snorting
BTW who ever thinks weed is not a drug is only fooling them self

i never did anything harder then acid

never wanted to try anything else
i feel like a old hippie

went out this past weekend to a house party and a club and almost everyone was sniffing coke

i have always been users and dealers but i dont remember anyone doing more blow in a night then what i saw this weekend [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

alot of nice looking chicks doing coke 

i was the only one smoking weed

just about everyone was drinking and snorting
BTW who ever thinks weed is not a drug is only fooling them self

i never did anything harder then acid

never wanted to try anything else
i feel like a old hippie

went out this past weekend to a house party and a club and almost everyone was sniffing coke

i have always been around users and dealers but i dont remember anyone doing more blow in a night then what i saw this weekend 
alot of nice looking chicks doing coke 

i was the only one smoking weed 

that was good for me since no one really asked me for any 

But just about everyone was drinking and snorting
BTW who ever thinks weed is not a drug is only fooling them self

i never did anything harder then acid

never wanted to try anything else
Originally Posted by Yoda

Alcohol included, I'd say 95% of the people I know use drugs.

I burn. Nothing too crazy, probably a half gram over the course of a regular day, obviously more when I go out..I'd say this is true for alot of my smoker friends.

Being that I burn usually after midnight, I use it partially as a sleep aid..when I dont have it, I toss and turn in my sleep..When I do smoke, I'll sleep 7-8 hours uninterrupted.
* prepare to cue the "boo this maaan" clip but...

do you think this shows some physical dependency/addiction to buds?

i have an almost identical situation as you do.  I burn about 5 days a week on avg.  I would probably smoke everyday but it irks the wife, and I aint about to waste 2 hours of my day arguing with her about my weed habit.  I don't go crazy with it at all.  As I'm getting older, my tolerance has actually dropped quite a bit.  Furthermore, I just don't feel the need to get totally "faded" on a random Tuesday night (if its Sat night and I'm hanging with the boys, its a different story).  I smoke just enough to take the edge off to help relax.  I'm talkin a bowl, maybe 2 per day, and usually later in the evenings after I get home from the office.  I also use it partially as a sleep aid.  The days I smoke before bed, I knock out and wake up feeling refreshed.  The 1-2 days I dont smoke, I have trouble sleeping and wake up extra groggy and tired from tossing and turning all night.

So when I mentioned to my wife the other day that I have trouble sleeping when I dont smoke, she said its cause developing an addiction to it.  I immediately shot her the  
.  I mean c'mon.  I been smoking buds consistently for bout 14 years now, and when my daily consumption is at an all time low, she thinks that I am "addicted"?  Laughable.  But then it got me thinking.  That while I may not have addictive cravings for it, my body definitely does react differently when I don't have it, as evidenced by my lack of sleep.  Kinda made me think twice that maybe I need to take a few months off of the smoke so I can let my body re-adjust.
Originally Posted by Yoda

Alcohol included, I'd say 95% of the people I know use drugs.

I burn. Nothing too crazy, probably a half gram over the course of a regular day, obviously more when I go out..I'd say this is true for alot of my smoker friends.

Being that I burn usually after midnight, I use it partially as a sleep aid..when I dont have it, I toss and turn in my sleep..When I do smoke, I'll sleep 7-8 hours uninterrupted.
* prepare to cue the "boo this maaan" clip but...

do you think this shows some physical dependency/addiction to buds?

i have an almost identical situation as you do.  I burn about 5 days a week on avg.  I would probably smoke everyday but it irks the wife, and I aint about to waste 2 hours of my day arguing with her about my weed habit.  I don't go crazy with it at all.  As I'm getting older, my tolerance has actually dropped quite a bit.  Furthermore, I just don't feel the need to get totally "faded" on a random Tuesday night (if its Sat night and I'm hanging with the boys, its a different story).  I smoke just enough to take the edge off to help relax.  I'm talkin a bowl, maybe 2 per day, and usually later in the evenings after I get home from the office.  I also use it partially as a sleep aid.  The days I smoke before bed, I knock out and wake up feeling refreshed.  The 1-2 days I dont smoke, I have trouble sleeping and wake up extra groggy and tired from tossing and turning all night.

So when I mentioned to my wife the other day that I have trouble sleeping when I dont smoke, she said its cause developing an addiction to it.  I immediately shot her the  
.  I mean c'mon.  I been smoking buds consistently for bout 14 years now, and when my daily consumption is at an all time low, she thinks that I am "addicted"?  Laughable.  But then it got me thinking.  That while I may not have addictive cravings for it, my body definitely does react differently when I don't have it, as evidenced by my lack of sleep.  Kinda made me think twice that maybe I need to take a few months off of the smoke so I can let my body re-adjust.
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

i feel like a old hippie

went out this past weekend to a house party and a club and almost everyone was sniffing coke

i have always been users and dealers but i dont remember anyone doing more blow in a night then what i saw this weekend [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

alot of nice looking chicks doing coke 

i was the only one smoking weed

just about everyone was drinking and snorting
BTW who ever thinks weed is not a drug is only fooling them self

i never did anything harder then acid

never wanted to try anything else
hahahaha you have an interesting scale for what constitutes a hard drug (not that i disagree).  I know a ton of people who smoke, sniff the white, drop pills, but they won't touch the L cause its too "hardcore" for them.  Hell, I know people who will eat fungus, but refuse to touch acid.  I think the name just has such a bad social stigma to it, cause people refer it to "frying".  Its as if some of these idiots actually believe that their brain is being "fried" (as if the other drugs aren't having a negative impact on their bodies/brains).

fwiw, I personally believe that every intelligent responsible adult needs to try acid atleast once in their life.  Not only is it highly entertaining, but it really changed the way I view things in life, and I wholeheartedly believe that it made me a better person.  Of all the drugs I have ever come across in my life, acid definitely ranks as #1a.  Only reason its a tie is because Nitrous is hands down, no competition, undisputed, undefeated, heavyweight champion of the world, when it comes to "most fun" drugs.  If not for afteraffects, it would probably overtake acid as sole #1 in my book.

Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

i feel like a old hippie

went out this past weekend to a house party and a club and almost everyone was sniffing coke

i have always been users and dealers but i dont remember anyone doing more blow in a night then what i saw this weekend [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

alot of nice looking chicks doing coke 

i was the only one smoking weed

just about everyone was drinking and snorting
BTW who ever thinks weed is not a drug is only fooling them self

i never did anything harder then acid

never wanted to try anything else
hahahaha you have an interesting scale for what constitutes a hard drug (not that i disagree).  I know a ton of people who smoke, sniff the white, drop pills, but they won't touch the L cause its too "hardcore" for them.  Hell, I know people who will eat fungus, but refuse to touch acid.  I think the name just has such a bad social stigma to it, cause people refer it to "frying".  Its as if some of these idiots actually believe that their brain is being "fried" (as if the other drugs aren't having a negative impact on their bodies/brains).

fwiw, I personally believe that every intelligent responsible adult needs to try acid atleast once in their life.  Not only is it highly entertaining, but it really changed the way I view things in life, and I wholeheartedly believe that it made me a better person.  Of all the drugs I have ever come across in my life, acid definitely ranks as #1a.  Only reason its a tie is because Nitrous is hands down, no competition, undisputed, undefeated, heavyweight champion of the world, when it comes to "most fun" drugs.  If not for afteraffects, it would probably overtake acid as sole #1 in my book.

if you include alcohol then id say about 90% of my friends are on drugs. without... then yeah about 75%. personally i've quit alcohol and weed, try my best to stay away from all caffeine, dont even take medicine anymore
if you include alcohol then id say about 90% of my friends are on drugs. without... then yeah about 75%. personally i've quit alcohol and weed, try my best to stay away from all caffeine, dont even take medicine anymore
Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

i just stick to weed... i hardly drink but i smoke just about every day.
pretty much. except now that classes started today, i'm gonna have to cut back
Originally Posted by MilitaryIV

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

i just stick to weed... i hardly drink but i smoke just about every day.
pretty much. except now that classes started today, i'm gonna have to cut back
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