Is everyone you know on drugs? (serious topic)

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Yea bro it's 2010, who wants to die and lived a boring life
So no drug usage =  boring life? Nice way to justify it.
^ i gotta disagree with the weed thing you said Nick. I know people who may not be physically addicted to weed, but their actions are in line with that of other addicts.

A friend of mine would forego EATING so he could buy an 8th of buds which would last him maybe a day or two. Its not like dude cared about getting skinny, or being in shape. It honestly came down to him only having enough money for one or the other. Dude lost about 30-40 lbs in less than 6 months. He would get by on 1 meal a day, which usually consisted of 99 cent Jumbo Jacks or fill in the blank for any other 99 cent fast food burger. It came to a point where not only could he not afford to eat on a regular basis, but he couldnt afford to smoke and make rent so he moved back into his parents house.

To anyone who says that alcohol is as bad IF NOT WORSE than any other drug including METH.... that is pure unadulterated dymentia right there. You cant be serious. Do you know any methheads? Or have you atleast watched Intervention on A&E? I've said it before and I'll say it again. METH is the work of the DEVIL. Maybe I say that only because I've never really had any experience with Heroin addicts, but damn man, if Meth aint 1st, it has to be a close 2nd. It is the most vile, disgusting, yet overwhelmingly addictive drug I have ever seen. I've seen Meth ruin relationships, lives, teeth, etc... to people who were close to me. I used to be use on/off for bout 2-3 years and I count myself lucky that I got away from it. It's been around 10 years since I last touched it, and I would be lying if I told you that I dont still crave the euphoria that comes with a big hit/epic fogger. If meth were legal and widely distributed as alcohol was, it would cripple our society moreso than it already does.
^ i gotta disagree with the weed thing you said Nick. I know people who may not be physically addicted to weed, but their actions are in line with that of other addicts.

A friend of mine would forego EATING so he could buy an 8th of buds which would last him maybe a day or two. Its not like dude cared about getting skinny, or being in shape. It honestly came down to him only having enough money for one or the other. Dude lost about 30-40 lbs in less than 6 months. He would get by on 1 meal a day, which usually consisted of 99 cent Jumbo Jacks or fill in the blank for any other 99 cent fast food burger. It came to a point where not only could he not afford to eat on a regular basis, but he couldnt afford to smoke and make rent so he moved back into his parents house.

To anyone who says that alcohol is as bad IF NOT WORSE than any other drug including METH.... that is pure unadulterated dymentia right there. You cant be serious. Do you know any methheads? Or have you atleast watched Intervention on A&E? I've said it before and I'll say it again. METH is the work of the DEVIL. Maybe I say that only because I've never really had any experience with Heroin addicts, but damn man, if Meth aint 1st, it has to be a close 2nd. It is the most vile, disgusting, yet overwhelmingly addictive drug I have ever seen. I've seen Meth ruin relationships, lives, teeth, etc... to people who were close to me. I used to be use on/off for bout 2-3 years and I count myself lucky that I got away from it. It's been around 10 years since I last touched it, and I would be lying if I told you that I dont still crave the euphoria that comes with a big hit/epic fogger. If meth were legal and widely distributed as alcohol was, it would cripple our society moreso than it already does.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by MDterps4

There is definitely a "roxy" epidemic with A LOT of people I know. Kids eat, snort, even shoot these things up.

I've never even swallowed a pill because I know how dangerous they are, and these dudes using them as nose candy multiple times daily.

F'n Junkies
Sippin on candy, playing with my nose
Sippin on candy, playing with my nose

sorry, I had to be done.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by MDterps4

There is definitely a "roxy" epidemic with A LOT of people I know. Kids eat, snort, even shoot these things up.

I've never even swallowed a pill because I know how dangerous they are, and these dudes using them as nose candy multiple times daily.

F'n Junkies
Sippin on candy, playing with my nose
Sippin on candy, playing with my nose

sorry, I had to be done.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

So when I mentioned to my wife the other day that I have trouble sleeping when I dont smoke, she said its cause developing an addiction to it.  I immediately shot her the  
.  I mean c'mon.  I been smoking buds consistently for bout 14 years now, and when my daily consumption is at an all time low, she thinks that I am "addicted"?  Laughable.  But then it got me thinking.  That while I may not have addictive cravings for it, my body definitely does react differently when I don't have it, as evidenced by my lack of sleep.  Kinda made me think twice that maybe I need to take a few months off of the smoke so I can let my body re-adjust.
You do something for such a long time you body becomes dependent on it. 14 years, long time there man. Even though your daily consumption is low, you still smoke it.

So you don't believe dependency is a form of addiction? If you can't get a good night's sleep without hitting a J, you don't think your wife might be on to something? JUst because you aren't shaking, and foaming at the mouth when you don't have something doesn't mean you aren't addicted. What you described is an addiction. People can be addicted to ANYTHING. Then it becomes a drug (if it isn't already).
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

So when I mentioned to my wife the other day that I have trouble sleeping when I dont smoke, she said its cause developing an addiction to it.  I immediately shot her the  
.  I mean c'mon.  I been smoking buds consistently for bout 14 years now, and when my daily consumption is at an all time low, she thinks that I am "addicted"?  Laughable.  But then it got me thinking.  That while I may not have addictive cravings for it, my body definitely does react differently when I don't have it, as evidenced by my lack of sleep.  Kinda made me think twice that maybe I need to take a few months off of the smoke so I can let my body re-adjust.
You do something for such a long time you body becomes dependent on it. 14 years, long time there man. Even though your daily consumption is low, you still smoke it.

So you don't believe dependency is a form of addiction? If you can't get a good night's sleep without hitting a J, you don't think your wife might be on to something? JUst because you aren't shaking, and foaming at the mouth when you don't have something doesn't mean you aren't addicted. What you described is an addiction. People can be addicted to ANYTHING. Then it becomes a drug (if it isn't already).
Yeah perscription pills are CRAZY where I live.

I'd say at least 50% of my town is on em and i'm not just talking young people.

Got people doing some crazy #!@$ round this %*@%%.
Yeah perscription pills are CRAZY where I live.

I'd say at least 50% of my town is on em and i'm not just talking young people.

Got people doing some crazy #!@$ round this %*@%%.
80-85% of the ppl my folks grew up with are all on it...they still come around to visit some of my family members, which would mean i would be around when they came to visit.

so many crack heads..........sooo many....the 80's really wasn't no joke, it's 2010 and some of these old jokers are still on it.
80-85% of the ppl my folks grew up with are all on it...they still come around to visit some of my family members, which would mean i would be around when they came to visit.

so many crack heads..........sooo many....the 80's really wasn't no joke, it's 2010 and some of these old jokers are still on it.
80-85% of the ppl my folks grew up with are all on it...they still come around to visit some of my family members, which would mean i would be around when they came to visit.

so many crack heads..........sooo many....the 80's really wasn't no joke, it's 2010 and some of these old jokers are still on it.
80-85% of the ppl my folks grew up with are all on it...they still come around to visit some of my family members, which would mean i would be around when they came to visit.

so many crack heads..........sooo many....the 80's really wasn't no joke, it's 2010 and some of these old jokers are still on it.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

So when I mentioned to my wife the other day that I have trouble sleeping when I dont smoke, she said its cause developing an addiction to it.  I immediately shot her the  
.  I mean c'mon.  I been smoking buds consistently for bout 14 years now, and when my daily consumption is at an all time low, she thinks that I am "addicted"?  Laughable.  But then it got me thinking.  That while I may not have addictive cravings for it, my body definitely does react differently when I don't have it, as evidenced by my lack of sleep.  Kinda made me think twice that maybe I need to take a few months off of the smoke so I can let my body re-adjust.
You do something for such a long time you body becomes dependent on it. 14 years, long time there man. Even though your daily consumption is low, you still smoke it.

So you don't believe dependency is a form of addiction? If you can't get a good night's sleep without hitting a J, you don't think your wife might be on to something? JUst because you aren't shaking, and foaming at the mouth when you don't have something doesn't mean you aren't addicted. What you described is an addiction. People can be addicted to ANYTHING. Then it becomes a drug (if it isn't already).

I mean... i've gone the full spectrum in terms of my "beliefs" on the subject matter.

When I was a younger dude, I believed the same way as some of these posters.  Weed is not a drug, its natural, its from the Earth, etc... etc... 

I hate to play the role of grumpy old guy, but I have come to change my tune over the last few years.  If anything, I have learned to just become more honest with myself.  I readily admit that weed is a drug.  I readily admit that weed is a gateway drug (atleast it was for me).  Prior to smokin my first joint in HS, I never thought I would be getting into anything harder.  Even today, I realize that I use drugs (weed) to "escape" reality.  Sure, I use euphemisms when I say things like "I smoke a bowl to take the edge off", but at the end of the day it is what it is.  "Taking the edge off" is when my body is nice and relaxed, I can sink into my couch, turn on the PS3 and just lose myself in a couple games of Madden.  During that hour or two, I don't think about my work deadlines, financial situation, family drama, etc... etc...  I can just relax and zone out, and that honestly helps rejuvenate my mind so I can take on those same stress inducing tasks the next day with full effort.

As far as the sleep problems, I also realize that is an issue and I need to take steps to nip it in the bud before it gets worse.  While I may not want to hear it, I think my wife was onto something and I really need to take her words into consideration.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

So when I mentioned to my wife the other day that I have trouble sleeping when I dont smoke, she said its cause developing an addiction to it.  I immediately shot her the  
.  I mean c'mon.  I been smoking buds consistently for bout 14 years now, and when my daily consumption is at an all time low, she thinks that I am "addicted"?  Laughable.  But then it got me thinking.  That while I may not have addictive cravings for it, my body definitely does react differently when I don't have it, as evidenced by my lack of sleep.  Kinda made me think twice that maybe I need to take a few months off of the smoke so I can let my body re-adjust.
You do something for such a long time you body becomes dependent on it. 14 years, long time there man. Even though your daily consumption is low, you still smoke it.

So you don't believe dependency is a form of addiction? If you can't get a good night's sleep without hitting a J, you don't think your wife might be on to something? JUst because you aren't shaking, and foaming at the mouth when you don't have something doesn't mean you aren't addicted. What you described is an addiction. People can be addicted to ANYTHING. Then it becomes a drug (if it isn't already).

I mean... i've gone the full spectrum in terms of my "beliefs" on the subject matter.

When I was a younger dude, I believed the same way as some of these posters.  Weed is not a drug, its natural, its from the Earth, etc... etc... 

I hate to play the role of grumpy old guy, but I have come to change my tune over the last few years.  If anything, I have learned to just become more honest with myself.  I readily admit that weed is a drug.  I readily admit that weed is a gateway drug (atleast it was for me).  Prior to smokin my first joint in HS, I never thought I would be getting into anything harder.  Even today, I realize that I use drugs (weed) to "escape" reality.  Sure, I use euphemisms when I say things like "I smoke a bowl to take the edge off", but at the end of the day it is what it is.  "Taking the edge off" is when my body is nice and relaxed, I can sink into my couch, turn on the PS3 and just lose myself in a couple games of Madden.  During that hour or two, I don't think about my work deadlines, financial situation, family drama, etc... etc...  I can just relax and zone out, and that honestly helps rejuvenate my mind so I can take on those same stress inducing tasks the next day with full effort.

As far as the sleep problems, I also realize that is an issue and I need to take steps to nip it in the bud before it gets worse.  While I may not want to hear it, I think my wife was onto something and I really need to take her words into consideration.
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