Is hip-hop to blame for the youth acting out? bunB and Lupe speak to teacher

Originally Posted by Im Not You

One would have to be EXTREMELY naive to believe that Hip Hop doesn't have an effect on our youth. Kids are extremely impressionable. Especially ones that lack guidance.

that was key. the ones that lack guidance. and who does that fall back on? the parents. i've listened to rap all my life. i like all my cuss words and want to hear the nastiest and baddest thing i can hear. lol. but i had parents that taught me right from wrong and that actually parented me, so i grew up to be a well rounded and successful young lady. that's like saying movies or the news is to blame for kids' bad behavior. everybody has choices and it's not cool to blame the artist. nobody blames artists from other genres, only rap. that's something to think about.........
The overall problem with urban youth is the lack of positive role models outside of the world of entertainment.

And its not just a black thing when immigrants came to this country(Italians, Irish, etc.) it was the same problem. Kids looked up to the mobsters, gangsters. So without the proper upbringing they aspire to be them because there was no other road to success in there eyes. Of course that changed in its changing in the black community but in someways Hip Hop is slowing down the process.

To the guy saying Jay Z is part of the problem couldn't be anymore wrong. If anything Jay Z has influenced younger people to strive for the corporate world. No rap star was dressing in three piece suits on the cover of Forbes and GQ. A lot of these young dudes never considered being an executive until they saw the evolution Jay went through.

This whole "Illuminati" conspiracy did nothing but hinder what positive impact hip hop could have had. It tricked young people in to thinking the only way for you to "make it" is if you sell your soul and that bull !#@% set us back another 10 years maybe a whole generation bravo to whoever was behind that campaign.

End of the day we need successful people from these communities to come back. we need record execs, we need guys who really pull the strings behind the scenes to show that the real money is in the business and if you stay in school and even educate yourself outside of school the world is literally yours.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Inadequate parenting is the single most destructive thing our youth are faced with today. Nothing else even compares in terms of effect.

Yup...I listened to Dr. Dre, Snoop, etc as a kid and even though I loved that music, not even once did I want to shoot up anyone, join a gang, etc. I don't get why hip-hop is being singled out when TV/Movies are far worse since kids are actually SEEING ignorant/immoral @#$% and then copying it, but overall it's the parents' job to teach the kids to distinguish between ENTERTAINMENT and reality
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Inadequate parenting is the single most destructive thing our youth are faced with today. Nothing else even compares in terms of effect.

Yup...I listened to Dr. Dre, Snoop, etc as a kid and even though I loved that music, not even once did I want to shoot up anyone, join a gang, etc. I don't get why hip-hop is being singled out when TV/Movies are far worse since kids are actually SEEING ignorant/immoral @#$% and then copying it, but overall it's the parents' job to teach the kids to distinguish between ENTERTAINMENT and reality
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.
pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. France...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
I get what you're saying. But I just personally believe that stuff doesn't matter anymore.  And if you disagree, PLEASE explain to me the relevance of the Roman Republic as well as the Greek civilizations.  I think we should appreciate what the societies accomplished (for example: their artwork, their true version of democracy) but only to a certain extent.  That stuff doesn't matter in the world today. Well, in America at least. 
I go to Seton Hall in NJ. Started as a finance major, switched to Public Relations with a minor in Sociology. 
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by CHRISblazinNJ

He may or may not know. But I know that my generation knows.  I'm 19 years old, sophomore in college.  What good is trigonometry going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about the French revolution going to do me in life?  What good is knowing about Shakespeare or knowing classic books going to do me?  
I can understand why it's taught but it really doesn't matter in my opinion.  It's ancient.  Ancient texts, history, etc do not always translate well into a contemporary culture.

The way education is, I don't go to school to learn.  I don't go to school to care about what I'm studying.  I go to school to know the info being taught to me so that I can pass a test when tested on it.  After that it's dropped from my mind. plain and simple.
pretty much

So...pretty much we should all stop going to school after 5th grade...when we have a basic understanding of how the world works. Then from there...we all just go to trade schools. On top of that, none of us will know anything about history that's not considered "contemporary"(define this) since it's useless. France...had a revolution? Wait whose Shakespeare? Rome and Greece were once powerhouses? 
Why are you even in college? What is your major? 
I get what you're saying. But I just personally believe that stuff doesn't matter anymore.  And if you disagree, PLEASE explain to me the relevance of the Roman Republic as well as the Greek civilizations.  I think we should appreciate what the societies accomplished (for example: their artwork, their true version of democracy) but only to a certain extent.  That stuff doesn't matter in the world today. Well, in America at least. 
I go to Seton Hall in NJ. Started as a finance major, switched to Public Relations with a minor in Sociology. 
Originally Posted by Wr

Because a black man talking about growing plants automatically means he's talking about growing weed...
Exactly. Like I said, when he said plants, I don't think anyone initially thought about FOOD. I think they just thought about pretty plants. Even then, I don't see the issue in learning cultivation even if it isn't for food purposes. I don't think gardening/earth manipulation is a pointless skill at all.

Originally Posted by Wr

Make your own music you like to hear and support indie artist. There's so much better sounding music that we never hear about from mainstream media outlets. I have no problem just listening to instrumentals whether they be hip-hop, jazz, rock, funk, neo-soul, new age whatever I like.  
You have any suggestions for inde artists?
Originally Posted by Wr

Because a black man talking about growing plants automatically means he's talking about growing weed...
Exactly. Like I said, when he said plants, I don't think anyone initially thought about FOOD. I think they just thought about pretty plants. Even then, I don't see the issue in learning cultivation even if it isn't for food purposes. I don't think gardening/earth manipulation is a pointless skill at all.

Originally Posted by Wr

Make your own music you like to hear and support indie artist. There's so much better sounding music that we never hear about from mainstream media outlets. I have no problem just listening to instrumentals whether they be hip-hop, jazz, rock, funk, neo-soul, new age whatever I like.  
You have any suggestions for inde artists?
Originally Posted by cartune

The overall problem with urban youth is the lack of positive role models outside of the world of entertainment.

And its not just a black thing when immigrants came to this country(Italians, Irish, etc.) it was the same problem. Kids looked up to the mobsters, gangsters. So without the proper upbringing they aspire to be them because there was no other road to success in there eyes. Of course that changed in its changing in the black community but in someways Hip Hop is slowing down the process.

To the guy saying Jay Z is part of the problem couldn't be anymore wrong. If anything Jay Z has influenced younger people to strive for the corporate world. No rap star was dressing in three piece suits on the cover of Forbes and GQ. A lot of these young dudes never considered being an executive until they saw the evolution Jay went through.

This whole "Illuminati" conspiracy did nothing but hinder what positive impact hip hop could have had. It tricked young people in to thinking the only way for you to "make it" is if you sell your soul and that bull !#@% set us back another 10 years maybe a whole generation bravo to whoever was behind that campaign.

End of the day we need successful people from these communities to come back. we need record execs, we need guys who really pull the strings behind the scenes to show that the real money is in the business and if you stay in school and even educate yourself outside of school the world is literally yours.

I dont think that is neccesarily true, no offense to the young gens out there and on this board, but my assesment is that current gen 20 something and younger are just str8 up oversensitive punk, ussy and itches. I mean we got kids who cry kill themselves cause they cant afford to wear jordans, dudes wearing chic jeans the list goes on. i grew up in the 70's and guess what james brown didnt give speeches in the hood, i never saw the likes of a magic johnson in my community giving back. And isaac hayes etc were flamboyant in the same likes of a rick ross gucci mane. Wilt Chamberlain was always in interviews bragging about his jewels, his caddy etc tons of women he been with aka like a too short. We didnt all go out and say hey wilt makes sleeping with 20,000 women cool, lets go do it. We didnt go out jacking folks gang banging etc. Difference is lack of parent child relationship. Its now a be a friend buddy relationship. Lack of fathers being involved and allowed to be involved in kids life. Parents replacing values morals ethics etc with wordly possesions. A single mother is quick to not attend a kids bball game and replace that void with a pair of jordans. A parent is quick to instead of talking with kids go out get them a new cellphone video game etc.

I understand ok your single may have to work two three jobs and go to school. But most of the time these ppl arent doing this to pay make rent, its to afford all these extras unneeded things to replace time and raising of the kid. I oh so often see a child who has $1000's of dollars worth of shoes clothes and zero for a college fund. even these so called poor urban kids yea they may not have running water all the time, but they got 6 pair of air force ones, moms hair and nails always did, and since more then likely is still young still doing childiesh things like clubbing/party instead of raising there kids. then they so call make it right/make up for it buy materialistic things.

i think thats how hip hop etc may tie into this. kid sees these things as value, and the parent reinforces it by not teaching them true values, working 6 jobs and making up for time lost by giving said deprived kid these materialistic things, thus they get social acceptance. Also we cant blame rappers for calling girls hoze, be out in the club bopping, etc a bad influence, when they are talking about these women who are truely out in the club doing this and neglecting there kids. They are just putting what ppl are already doing and putting it to a beat. If ppl didnt do all these things then these so called ignorant rappers have no material.

Gucci cant make a hit song and ppl relate to it about a woman 23 with 4 kids all with diff daddies spending child support on hair and nails and always out and about in the club,  if it didnt exist. A video with jeezy displaying a kid neglected at home with no lights but happy as hell cause he got the new jordans, unless there was actually kids who lived this way. Hip-hop is and was founded on regurgitating whats going on the real world andd the hoods environments. So in essense blamming hip-hop is blaming yourselves. You for living this life, making these decisions etc, instilling these values of materialistic things are number 1.
They both had valid points. And the community plays a bigger impact on shaping the lives of the youth today. Schools are never going to get better until the teacher's union is dismantled and schools are allowed to get rid of the of lemons who are just there for a check knowing they can't get fired. The professionals need to go to these neighborhoods and show these kids that shakin ya $!*, slanging crack rocks or bein good w/ a ball aint the only way out.

I'm know I'm all over the place but I wanted get my thoughts out before I went to
They both had valid points. And the community plays a bigger impact on shaping the lives of the youth today. Schools are never going to get better until the teacher's union is dismantled and schools are allowed to get rid of the of lemons who are just there for a check knowing they can't get fired. The professionals need to go to these neighborhoods and show these kids that shakin ya $!*, slanging crack rocks or bein good w/ a ball aint the only way out.

I'm know I'm all over the place but I wanted get my thoughts out before I went to
Originally Posted by cartune

The overall problem with urban youth is the lack of positive role models outside of the world of entertainment.

And its not just a black thing when immigrants came to this country(Italians, Irish, etc.) it was the same problem. Kids looked up to the mobsters, gangsters. So without the proper upbringing they aspire to be them because there was no other road to success in there eyes. Of course that changed in its changing in the black community but in someways Hip Hop is slowing down the process.

To the guy saying Jay Z is part of the problem couldn't be anymore wrong. If anything Jay Z has influenced younger people to strive for the corporate world. No rap star was dressing in three piece suits on the cover of Forbes and GQ. A lot of these young dudes never considered being an executive until they saw the evolution Jay went through.

This whole "Illuminati" conspiracy did nothing but hinder what positive impact hip hop could have had. It tricked young people in to thinking the only way for you to "make it" is if you sell your soul and that bull !#@% set us back another 10 years maybe a whole generation bravo to whoever was behind that campaign.

End of the day we need successful people from these communities to come back. we need record execs, we need guys who really pull the strings behind the scenes to show that the real money is in the business and if you stay in school and even educate yourself outside of school the world is literally yours.

I dont think that is neccesarily true, no offense to the young gens out there and on this board, but my assesment is that current gen 20 something and younger are just str8 up oversensitive punk, ussy and itches. I mean we got kids who cry kill themselves cause they cant afford to wear jordans, dudes wearing chic jeans the list goes on. i grew up in the 70's and guess what james brown didnt give speeches in the hood, i never saw the likes of a magic johnson in my community giving back. And isaac hayes etc were flamboyant in the same likes of a rick ross gucci mane. Wilt Chamberlain was always in interviews bragging about his jewels, his caddy etc tons of women he been with aka like a too short. We didnt all go out and say hey wilt makes sleeping with 20,000 women cool, lets go do it. We didnt go out jacking folks gang banging etc. Difference is lack of parent child relationship. Its now a be a friend buddy relationship. Lack of fathers being involved and allowed to be involved in kids life. Parents replacing values morals ethics etc with wordly possesions. A single mother is quick to not attend a kids bball game and replace that void with a pair of jordans. A parent is quick to instead of talking with kids go out get them a new cellphone video game etc.

I understand ok your single may have to work two three jobs and go to school. But most of the time these ppl arent doing this to pay make rent, its to afford all these extras unneeded things to replace time and raising of the kid. I oh so often see a child who has $1000's of dollars worth of shoes clothes and zero for a college fund. even these so called poor urban kids yea they may not have running water all the time, but they got 6 pair of air force ones, moms hair and nails always did, and since more then likely is still young still doing childiesh things like clubbing/party instead of raising there kids. then they so call make it right/make up for it buy materialistic things.

i think thats how hip hop etc may tie into this. kid sees these things as value, and the parent reinforces it by not teaching them true values, working 6 jobs and making up for time lost by giving said deprived kid these materialistic things, thus they get social acceptance. Also we cant blame rappers for calling girls hoze, be out in the club bopping, etc a bad influence, when they are talking about these women who are truely out in the club doing this and neglecting there kids. They are just putting what ppl are already doing and putting it to a beat. If ppl didnt do all these things then these so called ignorant rappers have no material.

Gucci cant make a hit song and ppl relate to it about a woman 23 with 4 kids all with diff daddies spending child support on hair and nails and always out and about in the club,  if it didnt exist. A video with jeezy displaying a kid neglected at home with no lights but happy as hell cause he got the new jordans, unless there was actually kids who lived this way. Hip-hop is and was founded on regurgitating whats going on the real world andd the hoods environments. So in essense blamming hip-hop is blaming yourselves. You for living this life, making these decisions etc, instilling these values of materialistic things are number 1.
LDJ, well said man.

I offer a question to you and my other NT Brothers.

Can it honestly get any better? Or are we too deep into the "plan" for us to make a MASSIVE 180 as a community?
LDJ, well said man.

I offer a question to you and my other NT Brothers.

Can it honestly get any better? Or are we too deep into the "plan" for us to make a MASSIVE 180 as a community?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

LDJ, well said man.

I offer a question to you and my other NT Brothers.

Can it honestly get any better? Or are we too deep into the "plan" for us to make a MASSIVE 180 as a community?
In all honesty, for this society to work some people have to be poor just so that a few can stay rich. The rich don't plan on sharing anything anytime soon. Trickle down theory economics is complete b/s. The way things are run would have to completely change. People would need to be allowed to live free and sustainable lives instead forced to participate in non sense 
As for you other post about indie artist, I'm really more into instrumentals. I look up the producers of my favorite tracks and listen to their work. 

Stanley Clarke 

Steven Halpern

Herbie Hancock

Weather Report

Jaco Pastorius

Bob James

Pat Meheny

Chick Corea 

Dr. Dre

Just Blaze

Shawty Redd

Victor Wooten

I could go on a lot more and I'm sure I would still miss people. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

LDJ, well said man.

I offer a question to you and my other NT Brothers.

Can it honestly get any better? Or are we too deep into the "plan" for us to make a MASSIVE 180 as a community?
In all honesty, for this society to work some people have to be poor just so that a few can stay rich. The rich don't plan on sharing anything anytime soon. Trickle down theory economics is complete b/s. The way things are run would have to completely change. People would need to be allowed to live free and sustainable lives instead forced to participate in non sense 
As for you other post about indie artist, I'm really more into instrumentals. I look up the producers of my favorite tracks and listen to their work. 

Stanley Clarke 

Steven Halpern

Herbie Hancock

Weather Report

Jaco Pastorius

Bob James

Pat Meheny

Chick Corea 

Dr. Dre

Just Blaze

Shawty Redd

Victor Wooten

I could go on a lot more and I'm sure I would still miss people. 
Originally Posted by skylerof209

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Bun spit some real#$%$

Lupe was high and or drunk.

"teach em to grow plants" $%^ &outta here breh.
lmaooooooooo im in tears

I read this comment first then watched Lupe part and I was like wow, this niga stupid for that one, maybe not a complete idiot but  there u go Lupe click this link if you readin this out there...


im dead over here after watching that video.
Originally Posted by skylerof209

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel

Bun spit some real#$%$

Lupe was high and or drunk.

"teach em to grow plants" $%^ &outta here breh.
lmaooooooooo im in tears

I read this comment first then watched Lupe part and I was like wow, this niga stupid for that one, maybe not a complete idiot but  there u go Lupe click this link if you readin this out there...


im dead over here after watching that video.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by cartune

The overall problem with urban youth is the lack of positive role models outside of the world of entertainment.

And its not just a black thing when immigrants came to this country(Italians, Irish, etc.) it was the same problem. Kids looked up to the mobsters, gangsters. So without the proper upbringing they aspire to be them because there was no other road to success in there eyes. Of course that changed in its changing in the black community but in someways Hip Hop is slowing down the process.

To the guy saying Jay Z is part of the problem couldn't be anymore wrong. If anything Jay Z has influenced younger people to strive for the corporate world. No rap star was dressing in three piece suits on the cover of Forbes and GQ. A lot of these young dudes never considered being an executive until they saw the evolution Jay went through.

This whole "Illuminati" conspiracy did nothing but hinder what positive impact hip hop could have had. It tricked young people in to thinking the only way for you to "make it" is if you sell your soul and that bull !#@% set us back another 10 years maybe a whole generation bravo to whoever was behind that campaign.

End of the day we need successful people from these communities to come back. we need record execs, we need guys who really pull the strings behind the scenes to show that the real money is in the business and if you stay in school and even educate yourself outside of school the world is literally yours.

I dont think that is neccesarily true, no offense to the young gens out there and on this board, but my assesment is that current gen 20 something and younger are just str8 up oversensitive punk, ussy and itches. I mean we got kids who cry kill themselves cause they cant afford to wear jordans, dudes wearing chic jeans the list goes on. i grew up in the 70's and guess what james brown didnt give speeches in the hood, i never saw the likes of a magic johnson in my community giving back. And isaac hayes etc were flamboyant in the same likes of a rick ross gucci mane. Wilt Chamberlain was always in interviews bragging about his jewels, his caddy etc tons of women he been with aka like a too short. We didnt all go out and say hey wilt makes sleeping with 20,000 women cool, lets go do it. We didnt go out jacking folks gang banging etc. Difference is lack of parent child relationship. Its now a be a friend buddy relationship. Lack of fathers being involved and allowed to be involved in kids life. Parents replacing values morals ethics etc with wordly possesions. A single mother is quick to not attend a kids bball game and replace that void with a pair of jordans. A parent is quick to instead of talking with kids go out get them a new cellphone video game etc.

I understand ok your single may have to work two three jobs and go to school. But most of the time these ppl arent doing this to pay make rent, its to afford all these extras unneeded things to replace time and raising of the kid. I oh so often see a child who has $1000's of dollars worth of shoes clothes and zero for a college fund. even these so called poor urban kids yea they may not have running water all the time, but they got 6 pair of air force ones, moms hair and nails always did, and since more then likely is still young still doing childiesh things like clubbing/party instead of raising there kids. then they so call make it right/make up for it buy materialistic things.

i think thats how hip hop etc may tie into this. kid sees these things as value, and the parent reinforces it by not teaching them true values, working 6 jobs and making up for time lost by giving said deprived kid these materialistic things, thus they get social acceptance. Also we cant blame rappers for calling girls hoze, be out in the club bopping, etc a bad influence, when they are talking about these women who are truely out in the club doing this and neglecting there kids. They are just putting what ppl are already doing and putting it to a beat. If ppl didnt do all these things then these so called ignorant rappers have no material.

Gucci cant make a hit song and ppl relate to it about a woman 23 with 4 kids all with diff daddies spending child support on hair and nails and always out and about in the club,  if it didnt exist. A video with jeezy displaying a kid neglected at home with no lights but happy as hell cause he got the new jordans, unless there was actually kids who lived this way. Hip-hop is and was founded on regurgitating whats going on the real world andd the hoods environments. So in essense blamming hip-hop is blaming yourselves. You for living this life, making these decisions etc, instilling these values of materialistic things are number 1.

i agree 100%
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by cartune

The overall problem with urban youth is the lack of positive role models outside of the world of entertainment.

And its not just a black thing when immigrants came to this country(Italians, Irish, etc.) it was the same problem. Kids looked up to the mobsters, gangsters. So without the proper upbringing they aspire to be them because there was no other road to success in there eyes. Of course that changed in its changing in the black community but in someways Hip Hop is slowing down the process.

To the guy saying Jay Z is part of the problem couldn't be anymore wrong. If anything Jay Z has influenced younger people to strive for the corporate world. No rap star was dressing in three piece suits on the cover of Forbes and GQ. A lot of these young dudes never considered being an executive until they saw the evolution Jay went through.

This whole "Illuminati" conspiracy did nothing but hinder what positive impact hip hop could have had. It tricked young people in to thinking the only way for you to "make it" is if you sell your soul and that bull !#@% set us back another 10 years maybe a whole generation bravo to whoever was behind that campaign.

End of the day we need successful people from these communities to come back. we need record execs, we need guys who really pull the strings behind the scenes to show that the real money is in the business and if you stay in school and even educate yourself outside of school the world is literally yours.

I dont think that is neccesarily true, no offense to the young gens out there and on this board, but my assesment is that current gen 20 something and younger are just str8 up oversensitive punk, ussy and itches. I mean we got kids who cry kill themselves cause they cant afford to wear jordans, dudes wearing chic jeans the list goes on. i grew up in the 70's and guess what james brown didnt give speeches in the hood, i never saw the likes of a magic johnson in my community giving back. And isaac hayes etc were flamboyant in the same likes of a rick ross gucci mane. Wilt Chamberlain was always in interviews bragging about his jewels, his caddy etc tons of women he been with aka like a too short. We didnt all go out and say hey wilt makes sleeping with 20,000 women cool, lets go do it. We didnt go out jacking folks gang banging etc. Difference is lack of parent child relationship. Its now a be a friend buddy relationship. Lack of fathers being involved and allowed to be involved in kids life. Parents replacing values morals ethics etc with wordly possesions. A single mother is quick to not attend a kids bball game and replace that void with a pair of jordans. A parent is quick to instead of talking with kids go out get them a new cellphone video game etc.

I understand ok your single may have to work two three jobs and go to school. But most of the time these ppl arent doing this to pay make rent, its to afford all these extras unneeded things to replace time and raising of the kid. I oh so often see a child who has $1000's of dollars worth of shoes clothes and zero for a college fund. even these so called poor urban kids yea they may not have running water all the time, but they got 6 pair of air force ones, moms hair and nails always did, and since more then likely is still young still doing childiesh things like clubbing/party instead of raising there kids. then they so call make it right/make up for it buy materialistic things.

i think thats how hip hop etc may tie into this. kid sees these things as value, and the parent reinforces it by not teaching them true values, working 6 jobs and making up for time lost by giving said deprived kid these materialistic things, thus they get social acceptance. Also we cant blame rappers for calling girls hoze, be out in the club bopping, etc a bad influence, when they are talking about these women who are truely out in the club doing this and neglecting there kids. They are just putting what ppl are already doing and putting it to a beat. If ppl didnt do all these things then these so called ignorant rappers have no material.

Gucci cant make a hit song and ppl relate to it about a woman 23 with 4 kids all with diff daddies spending child support on hair and nails and always out and about in the club,  if it didnt exist. A video with jeezy displaying a kid neglected at home with no lights but happy as hell cause he got the new jordans, unless there was actually kids who lived this way. Hip-hop is and was founded on regurgitating whats going on the real world andd the hoods environments. So in essense blamming hip-hop is blaming yourselves. You for living this life, making these decisions etc, instilling these values of materialistic things are number 1.

i agree 100%
Blah theres people that actually try and make a difference and not just talk about stuff like my friend lupe, (who recently made some statements that has me upset)
Rhymefest tried to become the alderman in arguably the most dangerous neighborhood in america, and lost because politicians tried to portray him as a Gangster rapper.
I mean if someone with honest intentions cant even be given a shot, then who can. I agree with him on the its teachers fault part, but thats also fault on the government for not paying
them enough.
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