Is it safe to say Breaking Bad > The Wire?

I actually watched as the wire aired, and I remember just completely ignoring season 2 like wtf was this? I wanted Avon and you give me this longshoreman?!

After revisiting it’s my favorite season.
i got the wire and the sopranos tied up for GOAT

bb doesn't even come close especially now that it's been finished for a few years. this thread was made near the pinnacle of bb hype. better call saul is closing in on bb IMO.
I actually watched as the wire aired, and I remember just completely ignoring season 2 like wtf was this? I wanted Avon and you give me this longshoreman?!

After revisiting it’s my favorite season.

Yeah, I think I need a re-watch. I may have been too young and naive :lol:
I have to shamefully admit I haven’t watched The Sopranos. I went through a period last fall when I was traveling like crazy so between flights/Ubers/Restless nights, I was crushing like a new series per week :wow: :lol: I don’t know why but I’ve always had a hard time starting The Sopranos. Maybe because I feel I’ll have to be laser focused and I don’t want to do it any injustice
Got some time off work the rest of this month...about to binge The Wire for the first time.
S2 of the Wire was definitely more appreciated upon rewatch than when originally aired.

Like plansb plansb said, Sopranos and Wire are top 2 for me. Except in no order.
i used to have them in no order, however, i just finished my 7th or 8th rewatch of sopranos and after i was convinced it is the greatest tv show i have ever watched.
Soprano's was kinda trash after season 4... which is sad because I really like Steve Buscemi but I don't feel like he added much to season 5.
I am intrigued to hear your non-sports takes. Did you watch BB or Sopranos and/or what did you think of them?

Breaking Bad is the greatest show I’ve ever watched. Watched every episode three times over.

Only watched a couple episodes of The Sopranos. Need to watch that as well.
I have to shamefully admit I haven’t watched The Sopranos. I went through a period last fall when I was traveling like crazy so between flights/Ubers/Restless nights, I was crushing like a new series per week :wow: :lol: I don’t know why but I’ve always had a hard time starting The Sopranos. Maybe because I feel I’ll have to be laser focused and I don’t want to do it any injustice
to be fair the first episode is a stark contrast to the rest of the series, it was filmed almost 2 years before the rest of season 1 and it feels like damn a near a whole different show.
Breaking Bad is the greatest show I’ve ever watched. Watched every episode three times over.

Only watched a couple episodes of The Sopranos. Need to watch that as well.

Very curious to see how you stack The Wire up against Breaking Bad.
You are making a mockery of The Wire right now. Did you even watch the show? Say what you want about Proposition Joe’s character development and aside from being one of the only characters in all five seasons, he was very clearly the glue man in the drug community. He always kept the peace and negotiated with or on behalf of as well as manipulated the other factions (see: New Day Co-Op) and Omar. He was a very important supporting character but aight dog, talk to me about Shauna or Babs.

Watched every season even that awful season 2. Here is my problem with the wire . You phase out what could have been an epic finale. Imagine if Avon still would have been in play not to mention wee-bay character as well. No what did the writers do they took out some of the strongest characters and made room for prop joe and snoop non acting a22. Wire had a chance to be top dog. Omar was the only one on that whole show that had the bravado as Ari Gold . Then that lazy half a22 writing to end the show. Omar got snuffed in a store by a kid:rolleyes (a seasoned stick up man)and snoop last corny line how my hair look Michael :rolleyes The writers was looking for a quick way out and it showed. Say what you want but Entourage delt with Hollywood box office money. Not to mention Look @ all the cameos Entourage had T I ,Jerry Jones ,Kanye West, James Cameron, Mark Cuban, Scarlett Johansson you think any of the mentioned names associate with anything?The wire only had one that preacher who was a real Herion king back in 70s .
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Watched every season even that awful season 2. Here is my problem with the wire . You phase out what could have been an epic finale. Imagine if Avon still would have been in play not to mention wee-bay character as well. No what did the writers do they took out some of the strongest characters and made room for prop joe and snoop non acting a22. Wire had a chance to be top dog. Omar was the only one on that whole show that had the bravado as Ari Gold . Then that lazy half a22 writing to end the show. Omar got snuffed in a store by a kid:rolleyes (a seasoned stick up man)and snoop last corny line how my hair look Michael :rolleyes The writers was looking for a quick way out and it showed.

1. Its been documented that the reason Season 5 turned out the way that it did was because they thought it might cancelled so they rushed it. McNulty storyline was trash but still better than 99% of TV.

2. I might entertain this if it was in competition against BB or Sopranos but Entourage? Really? You are using Ari Gold’s one liners as a reason as to why Entourage is tied with BB and The Wire?

3. You gotta be 25 or so, right? Born in 1994 or so meaning during Entourages run you were about 10 - 17 years old when it aired so you thought all the guest cameos, partying, sex and music made this a GOAT level show. Meanwhile, you were too young to understand and appreciate the depth and nuance of a show like The Wire. Vince making a trash movie is more interesting than an cinematic deep dive into the socioeconomic factors and politics of cities like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit etc to a young bol like yourself.

No full-fledged adult would put Entourage in the realm of The Wire. Not eem Barstool MAGA folks. You gotta do better and see more of the world, man.
1. Its been documented that the reason Season 5 turned out the way that it did was because they thought it might cancelled so they rushed it. McNulty storyline was trash but still better than 99% of TV.

2. I might entertain this if it was in competition against BB or Sopranos but Entourage? Really? You are using Ari Gold’s one liners as a reason as to why Entourage is tied with BB and The Wire?

3. You gotta be 25 or so, right? Born in 1994 or so meaning during Entourages run you were about 10 - 17 years old when it aired so you thought all the guest cameos, partying, sex and music made this a GOAT level show. Meanwhile, you were too young to understand and appreciate the depth and nuance of a show like The Wire. Vince making a trash movie is more interesting than an cinematic deep dive into the socioeconomic factors and politics of cities like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit etc to a young bol like yourself.

No full-fledged adult would put Entourage in the realm of The Wire. Not eem Barstool MAGA folks. You gotta do better and see more of the world, man.

Have no clue what Maga has to do with tv shows . I’m from Ga and live overseas right now I have seen the entire world except Australia. I was born when eastbay did COD ( cash on delivery). Was in Houston when the Orlando Magic played the rockets in the finals so I think I know a thing or 2 about good quality and seeing the world. If you want social economic lessons I came from that why I need awful script writing to remind me where I came from LOL. Like I said name one just one Cameo the wire had besides that preacher, you better not fix your mouth to say Method Man either:rofl:

And one more Lol at young bol I haven’t been called that in 15yrs

Last but not least let me give you something you can relate to

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I’m not even sure why half hour comedy shows are being discussed along with hour long dramas. :lol:

I’m saying, man.

Have no clue what Maga has to do with tv shows . I’m from Ga and live overseas right now I have seen the entire world except Australia. I was born when eastbay did COD ( cash on delivery). Was in Houston when the Orlando Magic played the rockets in the finals so I think I know a thing or 2 about good quality and seeing the world. If you want social economic lessons I came from that why I need awful script writing to remind me where I came from LOL. Like I said name one just one Cameo the wire had besides that preacher, you better not fix your mouth to say Method Man either:rofl:

And one more Lol at young bol I haven’t been called that in 15yrs

Last but not least let me give you something you can relate to


Why do cameos matter? The fact that you are even using that as criteria for what makes Entourage great speaks volumes about your disgusting taste in television. If you’re not trolling and in your heart of hearts believe Entourage is on par with The Wire and Sopranos then you need to go take a long hot shower, dry yourself off and just lay in silence for the rest of the night and reevaluate your opinions and purpose.
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