Is he overrated yes and no. Kobe is about Kobe he does not make anyone else better that's why when it's all said and done history will judge Lebron to be better than Kobe.
[quote name="cartune"]If Kobe plays the way he's been playing the last few games the rest of the season nobody could say anything bad about him.

If he played this way most of his career he would have multiple MVPs. Shame it took this many games to turn on the switch. If anything it should be frustrating for Lakers fans

This is the way Kobe should have always been playing.[/quote] Absolutely.

Thing is, I know you're not a Lakers fan, but I am, and this is absolutely not the first time Kobe has played like this. Been the first time in a couple years that I can remember, which is part of my frustration with him: I know he has it in him.
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^ thoguht you were talking about the 02-03 season, my fault.

But usually, the NBA uses the guideline of best player on team with the best record. I dont agree with that but thats how it works.
No it isn't.  Coincidentally if you have the best player in the league on your team you're typically one of the 3 best teams in the league.

but best player on the best team? naw. not a guideline.

Lebron, Duncan, Kobe, Nash, KG... all players who won mvp without having the best team in the league (in some instances not even one of the best two.)  and that's just in the last 10 seasons.

it's not a guideline at all.
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A few bad games? You do understand for those of us who don't like Kobe's style, we see him as having bad games almost all the time, right?
And we still show up and still say the same things whether he had a 40 point night on 31 shots (what is fans would consider an excellent night even though it's absolutely not) or a 17 point night on 22 shots (what even his fans would agree is a bad night... well, some of his fans, and that's exactly the point).
40 points on 31 shots is a bad night?

that means he was probably shooting 50-60% at a high volume...

what's a good night then?
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^ "team with the best record" usually, not the best team is what i said.

They discuss this every week on inside the NBA. If the Thunder end up with the best record this season, Durant will get it. If its the Heat, James will get it.

Thats why Dirk and Nash won their MVPs. They were the best player on the team with the best records at the time.
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^ "team with the best record" usually, not the best team is what i said.

They discuss this every week on inside the NBA. If the Thunder end up with the best record this season, Durant will get it. If its the Heat, James will get it.

Thats why Dirk and Nash won their MVPs. They were the best player on the team with the best records at the time.
and I just gave you 5 examples out of the last 10-11 seasons where the MVP was not on the team with the best record (or like said best 2 records).

they can discuss whatever they want, but it's not the guideline.
If what youre sayin is accurate, then I guess I was wrong. Dont really pay attention to MVPs team records but I recall Nash (2) and Dirk winning theirs cause their team had the best record. Same reason why Rose beat out Lebron a couple seasons ago.
Nash shouldn't have any MVP's
That's gospel. The award lost crediabilty when he kept winning. It never been a be all end all heck MJ should have won about 7 MVPs Karl Malone should never have won MVP. It's all relative he not the best player (def top 5 though) in the NBA currently but he is the best all-time player that is playing now.
If what youre sayin is accurate, then I guess I was wrong. Dont really pay attention to MVPs team records but I recall Nash (2) and Dirk winning theirs cause their team had the best record. Same reason why Rose beat out Lebron a couple seasons ago.
Dirk's team had the best record (67 wins) but Dirk was also playing out of his mind (though you coulda easily argued that statistically Kobe deserved it that year.)

The Suns had the 3rd best record Nash's 2nd mvp year.  Pistons had 64 wins, Spurs had 63, Suns had 54.

Lebron won the MVP last year with the 2nd best record in the East, 4th best in the league.

Best record isn't a standard.
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If Kobe plays the way he's been playing the last few games the rest of the season nobody could say anything bad about him.

If he played this way most of his career he would have multiple MVPs. Shame it took this many games to turn on the switch. If anything it should be frustrating for Lakers fans

This is the way Kobe should have always been playing.
True and that might have changed the way that other shooting guards (that emulate him) would approach the game.
Back to back 14 assist games... Playmaking Kobe is gonna get the Lakers further if he keeps this up. They still have a lot of issues going on, but atleast when Kobe is playing like this they're headed in the right direction.
It's about time Kobe was finally able to get his act together these last 2 games.  He should have been playing like this all season.  Kobe had the Lakers go on a long losing streak earlier, let's see if he's able to have them go on a long winning streak from here on out.
If Kobe plays the way he's been playing the last few games the rest of the season nobody could say anything bad about him.

If he played this way most of his career he would have multiple MVPs. Shame it took this many games to turn on the switch. If anything it should be frustrating for Lakers fans

This is the way Kobe should have always been playing.
True and that might have changed the way that other shooting guards (that emulate him) would approach the game.
Kobe's really good, but I wouldn't put him in the top ten of all time. I think he'd end up like Iverson or McGrady if he would have stayed on the Hornets. 
Back to back 14 assist games... Playmaking Kobe is gonna get the Lakers further if he keeps this up. They still have a lot of issues going on, but atleast when Kobe is playing like this they're headed in the right direction.

Teams will adjust and stop this within the next couple of games.  I think all playing like this does is free up Nash.  He won't be ABLE to keep it up though. Not because he won't want, but because other teams won't let him play out the rest of the season like this.

The Lakers as a whole though realized that they're NOT fast and they're not gonna out run teams so they need to slow it down, limit possessions, send the ball in to Pau, take the pressure off Dwight and let him get his baskets off putbacks and easy dunks, and let Kobe shoot when teams sag off him instead of forcing it over doubleteams.
what I meant by that was maybe be ringless, or just get 2 if he gets traded to another team. I didn't mean that would have effected how good of a player he is. He's like them even with the rings. Kobe is still one of my favorite players, but I think people will put him between 8-13 of all time after 10 years. I still think Magic was the best Laker too. 
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what I meant by that was maybe be ringless, or just get 2 if he gets traded to another team. I didn't mean that would have effected how good of a player he is. He's like them even with the rings. Kobe is still one of my favorite players, but I think people will put him between 8-13 of all time after 10 years. I still think Magic was the best Laker too. 

no difference in folks that say Jay wouldnt be this or that if Big was still alive.

if's and maybe's are hypothetical.
^Stop, you don't understand what I was talking about. also, there is a difference because this isn't a debate about whether or not he's the greatest of all time
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Kobe's really good, but I wouldn't put him in the top ten of all time. I think he'd end up like Iverson or McGrady if he would have stayed on the Hornets. 

^Stop, you don't understand what I was talking about. also, there is a difference because this isn't a debate about whether or not he's the greatest of all time

your argument is top 10 all time...
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