and if the only thing you have to say is to question whether or not the thread should be here, that shows even further that you have nothing valuable to contribute to the thread but really want to be a part of it.

contribute, or leave it alone. Simple.
= "I really want to say something, but have nothing intelligent or valuable to say."

if you pay attention, most of the players brought in the discussion are brought in by Kobe supporters. "Well what about Mike? he shot a lot. What about Magic? he played with other talent, and lost in the finals, too. Shaq was out of shape. Kobe bailed him out."

Go look. other names are mostly brought in by Kobe supporters.

just based off the first page ALONE

Iverson and Bron lead worse teams to the Finals and people are still quick to point out every flaw in their game and downplay those achievements.

Yet Kobe gets a pass.

I dont feel as Kobe is an over rated player, just a bad team mate, that's my biggest grip on dude. Kobe will go down as the second vbest gurad after Jordan, no matter if he goes on to win 2 more. Because unlike Michael, Kobe doenst make his team mates better, as well as he lost two championship series.

Is Kobe better than Hakeem to y'all?

Don't get me wrong, he's one of the most talented perimeter players in league history but the MJ comparisons and the way he's ranked ahead of other greats like Magic and even Shaq....I don't see it.

What makes him individually, that much greater than say....Paul Pierce?

People crucify players like Iverson and Carmelo when they pretty much have the same impact on the game and flaws as Kobe.

you were saying?
and if the only thing you have to say is to question whether or not the thread should be here, that shows even further that you have nothing valuable to contribute to the thread but really want to be a part of it.

contribute, or leave it alone. Simple.

yea nice rebuttle. i think ill do that. leave it alone.

good day sir
What I was saying is that the entire discussion in totality includes far more Kobe fans bringing in other people than Kobe critics. Taking one segment of an entire discussion and trying to make a point that applies to the entire discussion is short-sighted.

Did you have any more thoughts on whether or not Kobe is overrated, or were you just bored and looking for an argument?

*Edit: many thanks. :smile:
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I dunno why ya'll get frustrated fussin with Ska, at least he makes points, listens to your points, and tries to examine the angles with you.

Lot other folks in this thread are garbage and can only argue one way without making any damn sense. Ska is not one of them, hence why I talk things with him without getting too bothered by it.

Til he tries to sneak Kobe not being good at defense past me. Then I bark. :lol:

Good analogy on the "like saying who your favorite kid is"

Looking at the 2 they both have different paths to where they went. Magic was not allowed to finish his career. Something that haunts me to this day. Magic could have ended any argument had he been given his final 5 years. He would have cemented GLOAT, he would probably be the second best player to ever play after Mike, and maybe even had a chance to argue against Mike. (big ton of what ifs)

Kobe is the opposite of that. Kobe has gotten every, single, second, out of his career. If he even adds a year or two after next year, he's going to finish with ABSURD numbers. ABSURD. But no way to know for sure how long he will want to go, especially when he isn't "Kobe" anymore. I don't know if he wants to play his Reggie, Karl, Payton, Kidd years. He may want to go out when he was still a top 5-7 player in the league, I don't know.

I think a big problem people have is separating what we're talkin here. Talent does not just = accomplishments, and accomplishments does not just trump talent. For instance, those stupid moronic people that say Horry > MJ because 7 > 6 don't get that you have to take the entirety of their stories together. Resume, talent, skill, length of "elite" play, everything, all of it, all packaged in a nice little bundle. MJ had the resume, the skill, the talent, AND the accomplishments, Horry had the accomplishments. Horry's skill, talents were nowhere near MJ.
On the flip side, Rasheed Wallace had the skill/talent to be a top 5 all time NBA player, a HISTORICAL figure, if he wanted it, if he cared, if he tried, but he didn't. And to prove that point, his resume is severly lacking.

Some of you may think I am crazy right now. Sheed was 6-11, could jump, had amazing footwork, post moves, back to the basket, face the basket, could rebound, defend anywhere from 2-5 on the court, with length, played the angles, could use the glass, and to top all that off, he had range from 30 feet, with an effortless stroke. He shot the same from 10 feet, that he did from 30. He had fundamentals like anyone else that played the game as evidenced by the way he always kept theball high with both hands so it wouldn't get stripped. He could finish going left, or right on the block. He was also a skilled passer. Rasheed Wallace could do ANYTHING on the court, but didn't have the drive that MJ, or Kobe did. Sheed could have been a legend, but chose not to be.

So, is Sheed a top 5 player all time? He had the talent to be, but not the accomplishments. No right? You have to have all of it.

Round about way to my point. Ska you mentioned triple doubles, and the way Magic did everything, and Kobe is just a scorer. Here's the thing, Kobe CAN pass, defend, rebound, and such. It's in his game. We all know it. When needed, he CAN do it. But that may not be his job. If you think back, Phil once asked Kobe to be the scorer as Shaq got healthier in season. The result? Kobe went for 35 for 13 straight games. Just like that. Hit the switch, went on a tear. Shaq got stronger, Phil said ok now you can ease off the throttle. Kobe did both, as needed. It was in his game, he had that skill, that ability.
Ska I ask you, think Magic could go get you 35 a night for a month? Gotta have it, have to, could Magic bury a bunch of 3's, hit a bunch of 20 footers when the paint is packed, hit the tough fadeaways against a tough defender?

No, he couldn't. Here's your example. 91 Finals. Lakers steal game 1 in Chicago from the young Bulls. Laker veteran savy vs the Young inexperienced Bulls. Lakers now have HC, Magic could get his 6th, stall Mike a little longer, etc etc. Phil is Phil, he adjusts. He puts Scottie Pippen's 6-7 *** with quick feet and long arms on Magic, Magic can't move the offense anymore. The offense sputters, and the Bulls win the next 4 games. Know what the Lakers did to help fix that the next year? They added Sedale Threatt so he could run the point the next time they faced the Bulls, because they knew Magic would not be able to break down Scottie.
Magic still got numbers, I think he got a triple double in the final game, but it wasn't the same. Lebron got a triple double against the Celtics in the final game of the 2010 playoffs, but he wasn't the same as usual, right? Same here.

Magic was a walking matchup nightmare. God he was so good. 6-9 PG in the John Stockton, Isiah Thomas era of PG's. Just unreal mismatch. Soon as someone figured to put a Scottie like guy on him, he didn't have a jumper to help him, a 3 ball, a crossover stepback, a fadeaway, it wasn't in his game.

So how does one decide who's better? Magic had a glaring hole, but he made up for it in other areas. He has a great resume, but is missing 4-5 years worth of production. And just as people knock Kobe for playing with other HOFers, Magic never played a single game without 1, and suually 2 on his team. He played 2 years with Worthy only, hardly something to be upset about.

As for Greatest Laker, I dunno. Magic, Kobe, Kobe, Magic. I'm fine either way. They were both amazing and I am lucky to have seen them, even if I didn't quite understand Magic as much as a little guy. I have several of his games on DVD now and they are a joy to watch. He was Rondo before Rondo but taller.

As for this thread. Kobe is the #2 SG all time. He is mentioned with Magic, and Kareem for greatest Laker of all time. You could list him anywhere from 5, to 6, to 7, 8-9-10 in terms of greatest player ever. He has skill, talent, and resume to match up, he's even adding longevity with his accolades and yet, overrated? If someone opened a thread on Hakeem being overrated, or Bird, or Wilt, or Shaq, or Russell it would get locked by page 2. Kobe is in that same list, in whatever order and some writer writes an article saying he's overrated then 10 months later writes another article calling Kobe the greatest player of his generation (same guy, look at the start of this thread) and this thread is allowed to FLOURISH.

I already pointed out, the absolute biggest Kobe hater on planet Earth is Bill Simmons, and 2 years ago he had Kobe at #7 or 8 all time, while Kobe is still playing and putting in work. A Celtics fan, who HATES Kobe, despises him, and yet rates him in his 1,500 page book in the top 8 all time. The rest of the world sees it, media, coaches, other player.....

But to NT, he's overrated. :smh:
Wrong. Kobe is arguably the best Laker of all time. I'm not even a fan of Kobe. I've said it on many of occasion, I do think Kobe is a high volume guy who's had the fortune of playing with prime time big men along with the greatest coach of all time.

However, facts are facts.

17 seasons and counting with the franchise
15 asg appearances
5 rings
2 scoring titles
over 30k points
1 mvp
Countless all NBA selections

No other Laker can bounce with that. MAYBE Kareem, and even his resume when thoroughly analyzed with Kobe's doesn't hold up. He's definitely the greatest LAKER of all time.

He's only overrated when people say he's the best of all time. That, definitely is wrong. He is in the top 10 though.

See that's where people differ. It seems like some people are basing Kobe as the best Laker because he stuck with the same team for 17 years (even though he demanded to be traded to the Clippers a few years ago)

Im basing the best Laker off of who was the best player to where the Lakers uniform period

I have Magic, Kareem, Shaq then Kobe. Some OG Lakers fans have Wilt, West & even Elgin ahead of Kobe.

I don't see how Magic who LED his team to 5 world championships is not considered a better Laker than Kobe. Just because he played 5 years less?

How is Kareem not better than Kobe?

How is Shaq who dominated and was the main piece in the 3peat not ahead of Kobe?

If you're going just off tenure and individual accolades that come with sticking with one team for almost 2 decades then yes Kobe is the best Laker. And that would make Paul Pierce the best Celtic. :\

But me I going off actual individual impact player made to the organization
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Kobe demanded to be traded to the Clippers......................................................... :rofl:
Kobe demanded to be traded to the Clippers......................................................... :rofl:

O wow you are new to this

The story lines that have engulfed the Los Angeles Lakers in the last week hit a crescendo Wednesday when Kobe Bryant said he would welcome a trade.

"I would like to be traded, yeah," Bryant said on 1050 ESPN Radio in New York. "Tough as it is to come to that conclusion there's no other alternative, you know?"

Bryant, interviewed by Stephen A. Smith, was asked if there was anything the Lakers could do to change his mind?

"No," Bryant said. "I just want them to do the right thing."

(You can listen to the whole thing. He leaves little doubt. He says he wants to be traded both because he has been lied to and because he isn't confident in their ability to surround him with appropriate talent.)

At the end of the show, Stephen A. Smith asks: "Is there ANYTHING the Los Angeles Lakers can do to get you to remain with the organization?"

And Bryant responds: "No, bro."

The Bulls & Clippers were on his short list of trade demands or do we just forget this?
Kobe demanded to be traded to the Clippers.........................................................
I mean, yeah the wording is a little off, but... and of course I'm putting this in relationship terms... you're not going to pretend that he has only had eyes for the Lakers, are you? Flirting with the Clippers and Bulls, that never happened?

If you take issue specifically w/ the 'demanded' word, I hear you.
Here's the thing, Kobe CAN pass, defend, rebound, and such. It's in his game. We all know it. When needed, he CAN do it. But that may not be his job.
Or it may be that he hasn't ever wanted to do otherwise. EVERYONE wants to just show up on a court and think "Yeah, I'm gunning."

And we all hate that dude, make fun of him needing to ice his elbow, complain about our own missed shots because we haven't touched the ball in an eternity, etc.
If you take issue specifically w/ the 'demanded' word, I hear you.

There it is.

Cartunes doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

The closest Kobe ever got to the Clippers was as a free agent, in 2004. So much so that Nike had gear ready to be mailed to him, to the Staples Center in care of Kobe Bryant, LA Clippers.

I live in Oregon, I used to work at Nike, and have made several friends that work there, and work there still. Nike was ready just in case it happened, but in the end, the Lakers told Kobe what he wanted to hear, they would compete for titles, etc etc. Kobe stayed.

3 years later, the process was slow going, and Kobe was pissed off about it. That's when the trade demand happened. Cartunes should know, and understand, Ska and myself were here for that day, and we went thru it all. By the end of that very same day, Phil made a call, and Kobe had backed off his demand. He showed up for training camp, played every single game starting with game #1, never missed even a practice. 4 months after the season started, the Lakers did make a trade, and Kobe got what he asked for all along, to compete for titles, not regular season wins, as a Laker.

So if you translate all that to "Kobe demanded to be traded to the Clippers" you either can't read, or are making stuff up to sound smart, but really all you're doing is making yourself sound stupid, because the ones that went thru all that, and read on it every single day, know better.

I'm sure you can figure out which of those I am. :wink:
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I remember the Bulls and Suns being in trade rumors for Kobe in 2007,but not the Clippers.

PRIME's jimmies are in 'Fully Rustled' status. :lol: :lol:

Alright, alright, alright... I'm about to do something that nobody ever does on NT: revise what I said and agree with something said by folks on the other side. :wow: [quote name="CP"]Do you only remember Kobe's career this year and last or something? Honest question.

Kobe wasn't a top notch defender from 99 to 2009? That didn't happen? Hell, what was his role in the 08 Olympics? That's towards the end of his career man, you forgot what he was doin in 00, 01, 02, 03 etc?
Fair enough.[quote name="hometownhero"]That's why he has been given the assignment to guard the point as of late and has done a pretty damn good job at it. Kobe's D was great at one point. No one expected it to be the same all this time later. The man is getting older. Father time has never lost a battle and never will. Age catches up to everyone. [/quote]True story.[quote name="Nako XL"]And Ska, you know damn well Magic wasn't a great man up defender.  He used to get cooked regularly.  A.I. led the league in steals 3 years in a row.  Was he a great defender?[/quote]Y'all, right; Kobe's definitely the better defender.

Funny how everyone jumped on the paragraph I felt the least confident about, though. CP, I get where you're coming from in not even wanting to engage in the discussion because we're talking about 2 of your favorites; for you, it's like arguing who your favorite child is.

But if you other 2 are trying to paint Kobe better than Magic, what happened to everything else I said?
9 Finals > 7 Finals
3 Finals MVPs > 2 FMVPs
3 MVPs > 1 MVP
all time rank at what they did best: #4 (in 13 years) > #5 (in 17 years)
best at what he did for 4 seasons > best at what he did for 2 seasons
triple doubles: 138 > 17

Jumped all over my defense paragraph, though. :lol:

*waits for PRIME to quote me and point out how numbers don't lie and people don't want to see the truth and there's no point in shining light in a thread like this*

*dies waiting*


So you're going to stand here and say Kobe is overrated?

I'm saying, look at the mans accomplishments. Just because he doesn't have more MVP's that means he's overrated?

Just because he's had help, that means his individual accomplishments are overrated?

So just because we can put this > that, it means the man is overrated?

Did I say Magic wasn't better than Kobe?

Was this thread about Magics career or Kobe being "overrated"? :lol: This **** has nothing to do with Magic Johnson.

Is Steve Nash overrated? Are Dirk, Duncan, KG, and Ray Allen all overrated? Because the last time I checked

5 rings > 4 rings
5 rings > 1 ring
5 rings > no rings

Hell, if we're playing the math game Shaq must be overrated as well because he doesn't have 5 either right?

EVERYONE is overrated because Bill Russel has 11 ******g rings :lol:

Thats why this entire discussion is stupid and its clear that its just a bunch of hate. Name any single player that you would take over Kobe Bryant between 2006-2010 that would bench him or take his spot on your team all together?

MVP season, 2 rings, 2 finals MVP's, 3 gold medals in a 6 year span and he's overrated?


Yeah, your opinion isn't driven by some sort of hatred AT ALL..

OH, but Magic Johnson has more MVP's and has gone to the finals more times so by those standards Kobe MUST be overrated because his stats aren't greater than another players from ANOTHER era.

Your logic makes no type of sense, which is why I even said anything in the first place. Just because someone hasn't done as much as the next person, that makes them overrated? By your logic, Magic earned all of his and Kobe hasn't? Just because he has more?
Demanded...flirted whatever man. :lol: That wasnt even the point of my wall of text. The only reason I brought it up was to point out Kobe almost wasnt a lifer. And at one point demanded to leave the Lakers and "flirted" or considered being a Clipper.

The point I was making was just because Kobe played with the Lakers longer doesnt put him ahead of the other greats who contributed more (IMO) to the organization in a shorter period of time.
PRIME's jimmies are in 'Fully Rustled' status.

Alright, alright, alright... I'm about to do something that nobody ever does on NT: revise what I said and agree with something said by folks on the other side.
Originally Posted by CP  
Do you only remember Kobe's career this year and last or something? Honest question.

Kobe wasn't a top notch defender from 99 to 2009? That didn't happen? Hell, what was his role in the 08 Olympics? That's towards the end of his career man, you forgot what he was doin in 00, 01, 02, 03 etc?
Fair enough.
Originally Posted by hometownhero  
That's why he has been given the assignment to guard the point as of late and has done a pretty damn good job at it. Kobe's D was great at one point. No one expected it to be the same all this time later. The man is getting older. Father time has never lost a battle and never will. Age catches up to everyone.
True story.
Originally Posted by Nako XL  
And Ska, you know damn well Magic wasn't a great man up defender.  He used to get cooked regularly.  A.I. led the league in steals 3 years in a row.  Was he a great defender?
Y'all, right; Kobe's definitely the better defender.

Funny how everyone jumped on the paragraph I felt the least confident about, though. CP, I get where you're coming from in not even wanting to engage in the discussion because we're talking about 2 of your favorites; for you, it's like arguing who your favorite child is.

But if you other 2 are trying to paint Kobe better than Magic, what happened to everything else I said?
9 Finals > 7 Finals
3 Finals MVPs > 2 FMVPs
3 MVPs > 1 MVP
all time rank at what they did best: #4 (in 13 years) > #5 (in 17 years)
best at what he did for 4 seasons > best at what he did for 2 seasons
triple doubles: 138 > 17

Jumped all over my defense paragraph, though.

*waits for PRIME to quote me and point out how numbers don't lie and people don't want to see the truth and there's no point in shining light in a thread like this*

*dies waiting*

Not one to go look at stats like triple doubles and ish so what I can tell you from knowledge: 15 all star games (I'm sure Magic didn't have that many. And let's be honest, we can write it in stone that he'll be there next year). More points than Magic. Scratch that, all time leading scorer in Laker history. 1st team all defense for like a decade straight. Likely more all NBA 1st teams than Magic too. (Too lazy to look.) Magic was a 6'9 point guard. Knowing basketball who would you think would have more td's. It's obviously Magic. Finals Wins 5 and 5. Hell, I'm sure it's not hard to find the clip where Magic said Kobe was the best Laker. Say the word and I'll find it for you.

*laughs while waiting*
Here's the thing, Kobe CAN pass, defend, rebound, and such. It's in his game. We all know it. When needed, he CAN do it. But that may not be his job.
Or it may be that he hasn't ever wanted to do otherwise. EVERYONE wants to just show up on a court and think "Yeah, I'm gunning."

And we all hate that dude, make fun of him needing to ice his elbow, complain about our own missed shots because we haven't touched the ball in an eternity, etc.
Kobe has done all that. He averages 5 dimes and 5 boards over a 17 year career. He's a 2 guard. 5 boards and 5 assists will be taken by a 2 anyday, especially if that 2 gives you 25 + a game.
PRIME's jimmies are in 'Fully Rustled' status.

Alright, alright, alright... I'm about to do something that nobody ever does on NT: revise what I said and agree with something said by folks on the other side.
Originally Posted by CP  
Do you only remember Kobe's career this year and last or something? Honest question.

Kobe wasn't a top notch defender from 99 to 2009? That didn't happen? Hell, what was his role in the 08 Olympics? That's towards the end of his career man, you forgot what he was doin in 00, 01, 02, 03 etc?
Fair enough.
Originally Posted by hometownhero  
That's why he has been given the assignment to guard the point as of late and has done a pretty damn good job at it. Kobe's D was great at one point. No one expected it to be the same all this time later. The man is getting older. Father time has never lost a battle and never will. Age catches up to everyone.
True story.
Originally Posted by Nako XL  
And Ska, you know damn well Magic wasn't a great man up defender.  He used to get cooked regularly.  A.I. led the league in steals 3 years in a row.  Was he a great defender?
Y'all, right; Kobe's definitely the better defender.

Funny how everyone jumped on the paragraph I felt the least confident about, though. CP, I get where you're coming from in not even wanting to engage in the discussion because we're talking about 2 of your favorites; for you, it's like arguing who your favorite child is.

But if you other 2 are trying to paint Kobe better than Magic, what happened to everything else I said?
9 Finals > 7 Finals
3 Finals MVPs > 2 FMVPs
3 MVPs > 1 MVP
all time rank at what they did best: #4 (in 13 years) > #5 (in 17 years)
best at what he did for 4 seasons > best at what he did for 2 seasons
triple doubles: 138 > 17

Jumped all over my defense paragraph, though.

*waits for PRIME to quote me and point out how numbers don't lie and people don't want to see the truth and there's no point in shining light in a thread like this*

*dies waiting*

So you're going to stand here and say Kobe is overrated?

I'm saying, look at the mans accomplishments. Just because he doesn't have more MVP's that means he's overrated?

Just because he's had help, that means his individual accomplishments are overrated?

So just because we can put this > that, it means the man is overrated?

Did I say Magic wasn't better than Kobe?

Was this thread about Magics career or Kobe being "overrated"?
This **** has nothing to do with Magic Johnson.

Is Steve Nash overrated? Are Dirk, Duncan, KG, and Ray Allen all overrated? Because the last time I checked

5 rings > 4 rings
5 rings > 1 ring
5 rings > no rings

Hell, if we're playing the math game Shaq must be overrated as well because he doesn't have 5 either right?

EVERYONE is overrated because Bill Russel has 11 ******g rings

Thats why this entire discussion is stupid and its clear that its just a bunch of hate. Name any single player that you would take over Kobe Bryant between 2006-2010 that would bench him or take his spot on your team all together?

MVP season, 2 rings, 2 finals MVP's, 3 gold medals in a 6 year span and he's overrated?


Yeah, your opinion isn't driven by some sort of hatred AT ALL..

OH, but Magic Johnson has more MVP's and has gone to the finals more times so by those standards Kobe MUST be overrated because his stats aren't greater than another players from ANOTHER era.

Your logic makes no type of sense, which is why I even said anything in the first place. Just because someone hasn't done as much as the next person, that makes them overrated? By your logic, Magic earned all of his and Kobe hasn't? Just because he has more?
You asked a lot of questions, the answer to most of which are no, which means that if it were a real conversation, there would have been no need for you to continue.

For example, "You're going to sit here and say Kobe is overrated?"


"Just because he had help he's overrated?"


"Did I say Magic was better?"

No. Maybe. I don't know, but someone mentioned Magic, so I responded. Keep up.

"Russell has 11, so is everyone overrated?"


Why are you in here again? You're clearly just skimming through so you can find little tidbits of the conversation to laugh at.

We're trying to talk. Pay attention or go back to the cartoons. Don't have to really pay any attention to those.
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I'm sure it's not hard to find the clip where Magic said Kobe was the best Laker. Say the word and I'll find it for you.

*laughs while waiting*
Stuff like this kills me.

Imagine building a resume of career accomplishments... well, we've already done that in here several times w/ different players... and one of the things on the list is "_______ said he's the best."

You would die laughing.

It matters NONE what these dudes say. There's so much PR crap that goes on. I just sat and watched John Harbaugh say his little brother Jim is the best coach in the league... AFTER JOHN JUST WON THE COTDAMN SUPERBOWL.
Dude JUST WON THE BIG GAME, and he said... WORD FOR WORD... "Jim is the best coach in the league. What he has done in San Fransisco is amazing."

Find the clip, and watch me not care.

Back to the numbers and rings and All Star games and things that can be presented in different ways, but can NOT be refuted.

"Magic said so."


Oh, well... there ya go. Everyone else shut up.
Already covered this. Last page.

Of course Kobe has more points; he's a scorer. If it's not fair to judge a 2 on assists, then it's not fair to judge a 1 on his scoring.

- Magic is known for passing; he's 4th on the all time assist list.

- Kobe is known for scoring; he's 5th all time

4 is higher than 5

- Magic lead the league in dimes (what he does best) 4 times

- Kobe lead the league in scoring (what he does best) 2 times

4 > 2

I already mentioned that Kobe is clearly the better defender.
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