Is my brother in the wrong for what he did?

i honestly dont think he was in the wrong. i personally believe if you are gonna hit a man they should be able to defend themselves and hit back.
i dont think he was in the wrong. i think that as a women if you step to a man and hit him the man should be able to hit back
i dont think he was in the wrong. i think that as a women if you step to a man and hit him the man should be able to hit back
no he's not I remember gettin pushed up against the wall by a chick from the baby d clan
some of these broads is stronger than they look
So my sister seen this girl at a party she doesn't like because she talks hella head.
My sister goes outside, and i knew she was going to fight her so i came outside too.
They argued for a little while then my sister started to fight her and the other girl's girlfriend hit my sister in her face, so i broke it up , then theyfought again like 3 minutes later after arguing again and i stopped it again because they were going to try to jump her.

WE go back inside the hotel and i tell everyone what happened and told them that they tried to jump her, so my brother gets mad.
the girls that tried/ kind of jumped my sister come back inside, and everyone starts arguing.
they try to get in my sisters face and my brother comes up and pushes all the girls out of the way because they were all arguing with my sister.

so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face, and broke his nose, my brother got mad and punched her in her face and she fell to the ground.
Everyone starts fighting again and i pull my brother back before he woops her a!@.
his girlfriend started getting jumped so he comes in there flying and starts just beating up another butch lesbian that was jumping his girlfriend.
securtiy broke it up and we left right after all that happened.

we come back home and my brothers nose is crooked.
my brother was kind of drunk.
and every girl that was fighting was basically a butch lesbian.

is my brother wrong for what he did? [\quote]
To me, its not the fact that she just straight up hit him, its the fact that she broke dude's nose, which can result in a trip to the hospital, which (ifnot insured) can result to a nice little hospital taking these things into consideration, he undoubtably did the right thing.
I usually say there's no excuse, but your brother was lookin out for fam, and if a wannabe dude is tryin to fight you like a dude, she better have a toughjaw
Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

So my sister seen this girl at a party she doesn't like because she talks hella head.
My sister goes outside, and i knew she was going to fight her so i came outside too.
They argued for a little while then my sister started to fight her and the other girl's girlfriend hit my sister in her face, so i broke it up , then they fought again like 3 minutes later after arguing again and i stopped it again because they were going to try to jump her.

WE go back inside the hotel and i tell everyone what happened and told them that they tried to jump her, so my brother gets mad.
the girls that tried/ kind of jumped my sister come back inside, and everyone starts arguing.
they try to get in my sisters face and my brother comes up and pushes all the girls out of the way because they were all arguing with my sister.

so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face, and broke his nose, my brother got mad and punched her in her face and she fell to the ground.
Everyone starts fighting again and i pull my brother back before he woops her a!@.
his girlfriend started getting jumped so he comes in there flying and starts just beating up another butch lesbian that was jumping his girlfriend.
securtiy broke it up and we left right after all that happened.

we come back home and my brothers nose is crooked.
my brother was kind of drunk.
and every girl that was fighting was basically a butch lesbian.

is my brother wrong for what he did?

you're the only wrong one here.. you a lame in my book. kinda like charmin that cost $10 a roll thats how lame you are.
I would have done the same thing. This is the principle me and my partnaz live by. If you step to me like a man, you get dealt with like a man. You'recomplaining about equal rights and fair treatment, well hands don't discriminate.

I take a slap from a female and dont strike her back, but closed fist assault is another story.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

not at all. your avy made that a very difficult read, btw.
so when you read stuff like this on NT, what do you think, is his brother wrong? or do you think when it comes to laying hands on a woman, a man should never do that? I'm asking cause I know women got smart mouths. Yall know how to push the buttons.

having a vagina is not a get out of jail free card. she needs to take responsibility for her actions; if she breaks dudes nose she needs to expect a reaction.and
at females who want to act like dudes and hit like a man and don't expect to get hit like one.
how do you people figure this lesbian/butch stepped to him like a 'man'?

like a straight girl couldn't do the same exact thing?

who cares how she dresses she's a FEMALE

you shouldn't hit a girl period, the most is a shake or choke
I believe that you should protect your family whether they are right or wrong when it comes to fights. Its about my family pride.

Like someone else said, just because youre a girl, does not mean you wont get hit. You throw a punch, expect it back from the male/female you hit. She startedit, so she should be able to handle what she dishes out.
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