Is my brother in the wrong for what he did?

Oct 7, 2007
So my sister seen this girl at a party she doesn't like because she talks hella head.
My sister goes outside, and i knew she was going to fight her so i came outside too.
They argued for a little while then my sister started to fight her and the other girl's girlfriend hit my sister in her face, so i broke it up , then theyfought again like 3 minutes later after arguing again and i stopped it again because they were going to try to jump her.

WE go back inside the hotel and i tell everyone what happened and told them that they tried to jump her, so my brother gets mad.
the girls that tried/ kind of jumped my sister come back inside, and everyone starts arguing.
they try to get in my sisters face and my brother comes up and pushes all the girls out of the way because they were all arguing with my sister.

so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face, and broke his nose, my brother got mad and punched her in her face and she fell to the ground.
Everyone starts fighting again and i pull my brother back before he woops her a!@.
his girlfriend started getting jumped so he comes in there flying and starts just beating up another butch lesbian that was jumping his girlfriend.
securtiy broke it up and we left right after all that happened.

we come back home and my brothers nose is crooked.
my brother was kind of drunk.
and every girl that was fighting was basically a butch lesbian.

is my brother wrong for what he did?
Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

So my sister seen this girl at a party she doesn't like because she talks hella head.

Must be a Bay Area thing.
yeah your brother is wrong, and this is coming from a dude that karate kick a female in her chest. It's between females. If your sister got whooped thenshe got whooped. If anything, I would have separated your sister and then kick the girls that she was fighting off my property.

edit: this a hotel that this happen at, so I would break up the fight between ur siter and shake, cause when I'm fighting or know someone close to me isfighting??? The party mood is definitely over.
yea man whenever you put hands on a female you did the wrong thing...he could pushed or choked her but dam sleeping her is a no-no
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

yeah your brother is wrong, and this is coming from a dude that karate kick a female in her chest. It's between females. If your sister got whooped then she got whooped. If anything, I would have separated your sister and then kick the girls that she was fighting off my property.

she was beating th other girl up, then the other girl's girlfriend hit her in her face.
and we were at a hotel party.
Originally Posted by CertifiedFlyBoi23

yea man whenever you put hands on a female you did the wrong thing...he could pushed or choked her but dam sleeping her is a no-no
he didn't sleep her, she just fell to the ground and got back up and tried stopping everything.
Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

yeah your brother is wrong, and this is coming from a dude that karate kick a female in her chest. It's between females. If your sister got whooped then she got whooped. If anything, I would have separated your sister and then kick the girls that she was fighting off my property.

she was beating th other girl up, then the other girl's girlfriend hit her in her face.
and we were at a hotel party.
don't matter it's still a girlfight, if anything break up the fight. I'm not the moral police cause I've fought girls before andit's fun. It feels like 5th graders tapping your chin. But the only reason I fought was homegirl insult my mom, so I proceed to knock her out.

edit, but I've seen my my close folks that are females get into fights, and I never jump in. Because it was not a personal attack. BTW, my female cousinsfought females at the club for some unknown reason, and I don't interfere.
She brokeded his nose.. (from longest yard).

i understand why he did that. but morally, wasnt smart. and i feel guilty taking a shot like that to a girl.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

yeah your brother is wrong, and this is coming from a dude that karate kick a female in her chest. It's between females. If your sister got whooped then she got whooped. If anything, I would have separated your sister and then kick the girls that she was fighting off my property.

she was beating th other girl up, then the other girl's girlfriend hit her in her face.
and we were at a hotel party.
don't m,atter it's still a girlfight, if anything break up the fight. I'm not the moral police cause I've fought girls before and it's fun. It feels like 5th graders tapping your chin. But the only reason I fought was homegirl insult my mom, so I proceed to knock her out.
Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

Originally Posted by CertifiedFlyBoi23

yea man whenever you put hands on a female you did the wrong thing...he could pushed or choked her but dam sleeping her is a no-no
he didn't sleep her, she just fell to the ground and got back up and tried stopping everything.


So she punched your brother in the face, then see's your bro is serious bout it and she gets laid out, then tries to play peace maker?
Originally Posted by we gettin kufi

Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

Originally Posted by CertifiedFlyBoi23

yea man whenever you put hands on a female you did the wrong thing...he could pushed or choked her but dam sleeping her is a no-no
he didn't sleep her, she just fell to the ground and got back up and tried stopping everything.


So she punched your brother in the face, then see's your bro is serious bout it and she gets laid out, then tries to play peace maker?
basically, and the same girl is friend with my sister.
Originally Posted by joshyy1834

Originally Posted by firenflames

Nope, if a girl is going to step to you like a man, you treat her like a man.

nah , that's a femaile , chill . he was wrong for it .

In this particular case he wasn't. These people impersonate men, and wish they were born as males.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

not at all. your avy made that a very difficult read, btw.
so when you read stuff like this on NT, what do you think, is his brother wrong? or do you think when it comes to laying hands on a woman, a manshould never do that? I'm asking cause I know women got smart mouths. Yall know how to push the buttons.
Originally Posted by CertifiedFlyBoi23

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

don't m,atter it's still a girlfight, if anything break up the fight. I'm not the moral police cause I've fought girls before and it's fun. It feels like 5th graders tapping your chin. But the only reason I fought was homegirl insult my mom, so I proceed to knock her out.

Tha hell.
Originally Posted by Hella Fresh007

So my sister seen this girl at a party she doesn't like because she talks hella head.
My sister goes outside, and i knew she was going to fight her so i came outside too.
They argued for a little while then my sister started to fight her and the other girl's girlfriend hit my sister in her face, so i broke it up , then they fought again like 3 minutes later after arguing again and i stopped it again because they were going to try to jump her.

WE go back inside the hotel and i tell everyone what happened and told them that they tried to jump her, so my brother gets mad. the girls that tried/ kind of jumped my sister come back inside, and everyone starts arguing.
they try to get in my sisters face and my brother comes up and pushes all the girls out of the way because they were all arguing with my sister.

so one of the butch lesbian girls punch my brother in his face, and broke his nose, my brother got mad and punched her in her face and she fell to the ground.
Everyone starts fighting again and i pull my brother back before he woops her a!@.
his girlfriend started getting jumped so he comes in there flying and starts just beating up another butch lesbian that was jumping his girlfriend.
securtiy broke it up and we left right after all that happened.

we come back home and my brothers nose is crooked.
my brother was kind of drunk.
and every girl that was fighting was basically a butch lesbian.

is my brother wrong for what he did?
see, your brother never should have gotten in that fight from the get go, cause that was a girl fight. He got his nose cracked, so the obviousreaction is for him was to knock her out.
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