Is Social Media Destroying Society? Former Facebook Exec Says 'Yes'

I never understood most people who have their notification sounds up tbh.
We're constantly on our phones... You not missing anything brah
Right. My sixteen year old son is always on his phone, but still has notifications enabled for a ton of stuff. He even complains sometimes about how is phone is basically always chiming about something. I suggest that he turn them off, but he never does. Don’t get it. LOL.
I wonder if this is what they hoped for: millions of people distracted, looking down at their device.
Also makes me wonder what big tobacco visualizes as ultimate success... Every adult smoking 2 packs a day? Kids counting down to the day they can buy cigs legally and smoke a pack with the fam?
I wonder if this is what they hoped for: millions of people distracted, looking down at their device.
Also makes me wonder what big tobacco visualizes as ultimate success... Every adult smoking 2 packs a day? Kids counting down to the day they can buy cigs legally and smoke a pack with the fam?

Big tobacco rebranding itself into vapes and reaping havoc on a whole new generation was a sight to see.

I don't even know where to start,

1) you have to be a different world of sicko to want to try & sexually assault someone virtually
2) how exactly does one get sexually assaulted in the metavers??? I didn't even know avatars could "touch" eachother
3) AM i really be insensitive to question how someone has real life anxiety from the encounter described? this is like me saying i have PTSD because random people in a GTA lobby shot me
People have always been foul social media is just exposing it, which I am completely fine with.

Saying social media is ruining society is like saying cameras cause more racism.
it's def not that simple but i get your point. does more than just exposing sickos. social media has been used as a vessel by a lot of them.

I don't even know where to start,

1) you have to be a different world of sicko to want to try & sexually assault someone virtually
2) how exactly does one get sexually assaulted in the metavers??? I didn't even know avatars could "touch" eachother
3) AM i really be insensitive to question how someone has real life anxiety from the encounter described? this is like me saying i have PTSD because random people in a GTA lobby shot me

I read the article, and I have the same questions.

I’m not hip to Meta, or any of this AR stuff tbh, but how does this even take place?

Also, is she for real? Has she never been in a chat room before.

Someone said on here that we’ve entered the timeline when you can’t tell you if trolling is taking place or not.

LOL @ Zuck and his peeps allowing you to get "raped" in the Metaverse.

Somebody needs to end this dude already.
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